Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game

The Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, or MMORPG is, as the name suggests, a roleplaying game with hundreds, thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of players all connected through the Internet. Most of these games are "pay-for-play", with gamers registering an account with their copy of the game and buying play time in monthly increments.
The MMORPG has its roots in text-based Multi-User Dungeons (MUDs) and Multi-User Shared Hallucinations (MUSHes) originating in the mists of time. Eventually, sprite-based graphics were introduced in 1991 with Don Daglow's Neverwinter Nights (not to be confused with the traditional computer RPG of the same name by Bioware). While games like Meridian 59 and Ultima Online kept the genre alive throughout the 90s, it wasn't until 1999 that EverQuest put the entire genre on the map by introducing a gigantic and deeply fleshed-out fully 3D world for players to explore from a first person or third person perspective. EverQuest would pave the way for which a great majority of the games listed below owe their conceptual existence to, though elements of the MMORPG are Older Than They Think, since they can be traced back to Dungeons & Dragons.
Mumorpugers add a social and collaborative element to standard gaming, which obviously alters the experience. It creates the possibility of team-based gameplay elements; as anyone can tell you, playing a soccer video game by yourself, with only the AI as company, is not nearly as fun, spontaneous or challenging as having friends over. Now imagine 40-a-side soccer, 'cuz MMOs can do that. MMORPGs provide quests or dungeons which can take dozens of allied adventurers at once (and bosses that require them), or "Player vs. Player" zones where duels or team matches can take place. The competition between "Guilds" (player-organized adventuring parties) can get heated (just a little), and there's always one more boss to kill or piece of loot to collect. Innumerable friendships, both online and in Real Life, have started or been maintained via MMO games. There's even a bit of an industry grown up around it, where people pay real money for in-game objects, currency or even characters; some companies discourage this, while others facilitate it or even make it part of their own economic model by selling such things themselves.
Having said that, you're paying a monthly fee, anywhere from $10 to $15, for this game. The math does line up; if you bought (say) Tales of Symphonia at $50 when it came out and then played it for 50 hours, all you need to do is play your MMO at least 15 hours a month to keep up the same monetary efficiency. And some people find 16 hours a week to be a slow pace. Nonetheless, the whole ongoing-fee thing does rankle gamers who are just getting into the genre for the first time. While free-to-play MMOs do exist, they often contain reduced content, or restrict certain features to people who are willing to pay. Furthermore, because an MMO company's livelihood is in those monthly subscriptions, it's in their best interests to make the game as draggingly slow, nitpicky, indirect or tedious as possible. Of course, get too un-fun and people stop playing, so MMOs are constantly figuring out ways to give you little achievements that keep you interested (to the point of allegedly employing "Skinner Box" operant conditioning techniques to keep you playing). Gotta Catch Em All is a big part of the genre's addictiveness: there's often a wide variety of Side Quests the player can choose to achieve, and pursuing them will often bring the player's character all the way up to maximum level. Finally, the team-based aspect of the game can make victory a dicey proposition; depending on the game and the situation, just a single Leeroy Jenkins can result in death for all forty of his teammates. In other words, you can lose even if you play perfectly, because someone else screwed up.
Note that not all massively multi-player games are Role Playing Games; for instance, PlanetSide is a Massively Multiplayer First-Person Shooter, Auto Assault was a Driving Game with RPG Elements, Drift City is what you get when The Fast and the Furious is turned into an MMOG, Second Life is a social environment, Shattered Galaxy is a Real Time Strategy with RPG elements, and Magic: The Gathering Online is a straight port of the Collectible Card Game where the only "Massive Multiplayer Online" part is the lobby where you connect with other players. Massively Multiplayer RPGs are the most common, so common in fact, most people actually don't realize that the first three letters of the term "MMORPG" refer to "Massively Multiplayer Online" and that there can very easily be such a thing as an MMOG that is NOT an RPG. Nowadays, if you refer to a game as an MMOG, the first thing people will think about is this.
For tropes related to MMORPGs, see: An Adventurer Is You, Allegedly Free Game, Perpetually Static, Alt-Itis, Fake Longevity, Fake Difficulty, Fake Balance, Fetch Quest (and subtrope Twenty Bear Asses), and the ubiquitous Level Grinding.
Note: As this is an index, make sure any added series don't have italics and are immediately after the asterisks. Don't link to any pages that don't exist. If you want a link, make the page first.
Main list (unsorted):
- Achaea
- Ace Online (Also known as Air Rivals)
- Adventure Quest Worlds (free to play)
- Aetolia
- Age of Conan
- Age of Time
- All Points Bulletin
- Alpha Outpost Blues
- Alteil
- Anarchy Online
- Asheron's Call
- Auto Assault (cancelled in 2007)
- Battle Stations
- Billy vs. SNAKEMAN (free to play)
- Cabal Online
- Cantr II
- Champions Online (free to play)
- City of Heroes (shut down in 2012, revived in 2019 as free to play)
- Club Penguin
- Dark Age of Camelot
- Darkeden
- DC Universe Online (used to be pay, free to play)
- Dead Frontier
- Dealt in Lead
- Digimon Battle
- Dofus
- Dragon Ball Online
- Dragonica a.k.a. Dragon Saga (free to play)
- Dragonvale
- Drakensang Online
- Dream of Mirror Online
- Dungeons and Dragons Online (used to be pay, now free to play)
- Dungeon Blitz
- Earth and Beyond (Defunct)
- Earth Eternal (free to play)
- Eden Eternal (free to play)
- Elsword (3-D side-scrolling, free to play)
- The Endless Forest (free to play also, art game about deer)
- Epic Duel
- eRepublik
- Eternal Lands
- EverQuest (the Trope Codifier)
- EverQuest II
- EVE Online
- Evony
- Faery Tale Online
- Fallen Earth
- Fantasy Earth Zero
- Fantasy Online
- FarmVille (Shut down in 2020)
- Final Fantasy:
- Firefly Universe Online
- Forum Warz
- Free Realms
- The Pioneer Trail
- Furcadia
- Fusion Fall
- Gaia Online
- Galaxy Legion (free to play)
- Glitch
- Ghost X Ultimate
- Global Agenda
- Granado Espada AKA Sword of the New World
- Grand Chase
- Harry Potter Into the Fire
- Holy Beast Online (free to play)
- Hero Smash (free to play)
- Imperium Nova
- Improbable Island
- The Inquisition Legacy
- Infinity the Quest For Earth
- Istaria
- Jade Dynasty
- Kingdom of Loathing
- Lego Universe
- Lunia
- The Lord of the Rings Online (used to be pay, now free to play)
- The Mana World (free, open source, on GPL)
- The Matrix Online (cancelled in 2009)
- Mabinogi (free to play)
- Meridian 59
- Navy Field
- Neverwinter (in development)
- Neverwinter Nights (no, not the better-known 3D RPG, the original one)
- Nexus War (cancelled in 2009)
- Neo Steam
- OtherSpace
- PangYa/Albatross18
- Pardus
- Perfect World (free to play)
- Plane Shift
- PlanetSide
- PlanetSide 2 (will be free to play upon release)
- Pockie Ninja (free to play)
- Puzzle Pirates
- Ragnarok Online (used to be pay, now free to play)
- Requiem
- Retro Mud
- Remnants of Skystone (free to play, subscribe for better abilities and ...stuff.)
- RF Online
- Rift
- Rohan Online (free to play)
- Rusty Hearts (free to play)
- RuneScape (free to play)
- Runes of Magic (free to play)
- Ryzom
- Second Life
- Shintolin
- Skyrates
- Spiral Knights
- Stargate Worlds
- Star Pirates
- Star Trek Online (used to be pay, now free to play)
- Star Wars Combine
- Sword Girls
- Star Wars Galaxies
- Star Wars the Old Republic
- Tabula Rasa (defunct as of March 2009)
- The Island of Kesmai
- The Secret World
- Tibia
- Tokimeki Memorial Online (Taken down in 2007).
- Toontown Online (Shut down in 2013, but was revived/remade by a fan community as Toontown Rewritten).
- Trickster Online
- Ultima Online
- Urban Dead
- Urban Rivals
- Vindictus (free to play)
- Virtual Family Kingdom
- Warhammer Online
- Wizard 101
- Wonder King
- World of Warcraft (the second Trope Codifier)
- World of Tanks
- World War II Online (Widely regarded as the first true MMOFPS)
- Yogurting
Store-bought games by providers:
- Games by Square Enix:
- Games by Sega:
- Phantasy Star Online and one of the first to be a console MMORPG
- Phantasy Star Online 2
- Phantasy Star Universe
- Phantasy Star Zero
- Games by Sony (Under Sony Online Entertainment)
- EverQuest Online Adventures
Online Games by providers/publishers:
- Games provided by Aeria Games:
- Dream of Mirror Online (social MMORPG)
- Fragoria (browser-based MMORPG)
- Grand Fantasia (fantasy MMORPG)
- Hello Kitty Online (casual MMORPG)
- As of February 2011, Hello Kitty Online is no longer run by Aeria Games, but is back under the control of Sanrio Digital.
- Kingdom Heroes (history MMORPG)
- Last Chaos (fantasy MMORPG)
- La Tale in Europe (MMORPG)
- Poker Heroes (Facebook MMORPG... yes, really)
- Project Torque (racing MMORPG)
- Shaiya (fantasy MMORPG)
- Shin Megami Tensei Imagine (MMORPG)
- Turf Battles (fantasy MMORPG)
- Twelve Sky (martial arts MMORPG)
- Twelve Sky 2 (martial arts MMORPG)
- Wolf Team (MMOFPS)
- Games provided by G Potato:
- Games provided by Kru Interactive:
- Games published by NCSoft:
- Aion: The Tower of Eternity
- City of Heroes and its counterpart City Of Villains (used to be pay, free to play)
- Guild Wars
- Guild Wars 2
- Lineage 2 (used to be pay, now free to play)
- Games provided by Nexon:
- Atlantica Online
- Combat Arms (MMOFPS)
- Dragon Nest (Hack and Slash Action RPG)
- Dungeon Fighter Online (MMO 2D Fantasy Beat'Em Up)
- Mabinogi
- Maple Story
- Maple Story ITCG (discontinued)
- Games provided by OG Planet:
- They used to provide CABAL Online, but not anymore (MMORPG)
- They provide La Tale to North America (MMORPG)
- The upcoming Hockey Dash (MMO? hockey game)
- Lost Saga (MMO fighting game)
- They provide Rumble Fighter to North America and Europe (MMO fighting game)
- Games provided by Cyber Step
Anime and Manga
- "The World" from the .hack anime, manga, and games.
- Defictionalized at one point in Japan (under the name Fragment, the name of The World's beta version), but it flopped hard and wasn't released anywhere else.
- Fragment (The real world one) wasn't a as much an MMO as it was the first four games repackaged with an online mode. You could choose one of the pre-existing charcter models or a recolor and that was the extent of costomzation outside class choice. The dungeons had to be made by players and were stored on their PC. There was an offline mode which was mostly the first four games with your "Custom" character replacing Kite and Rena and Shugo added as extras.
- A version appears in the Lucky Star OVA. And it looks awesome! (This very page current shows off an image from the OVA.)
- One episode of Chobits involves the main cast enjoying their time with a free trial of an MMO. They come across a boss that is said to be impossible to beat, but Chi hacks the game and makes it possible to beat it. None of them are aware of how this happened, and Hideki decides that playing MMOs wouldn't be healthy for him or his budget anyway.
Comic Books
- Knights of the Dinner Table has "World of Hackcraft", the MMORPG spin off of the "Hackmaster" Tabletop RPG.
Fan Works
- "Mythic Quest" in obscure doujinshi series Mythic Quest.
- The Piers Anthony novel Killobyte is about just such a game, in Cyberspace.
- The Metaverse from the Neal Stephenson novel Snow Crash.
- Halting State by Charles Stross is about a bank robbery in a MMORPG.
- Half Prince Has Second Life as a fantasy MMORPG, a shooter that appears in one chapter, and others mentioned.
- Otherland describes a future Internet that is composed of interactive virtual reality environments, so the entire thing is essentially an MMO writ large. More specifically, the "Middle Kingdom" is an extremely popular VR fantasy MMORPG, and several of the environments of the titular Otherland network are designed to mimic game or fantasy worlds, with visitors directly inhabiting the avatars of characters in the simulation.
- T'Rain in Reamde
Live-Action TV
- Noob has Horizon, in which most of the action happens.
- Yureka has Lost Saga and mentions of two "earlier" game.
Newspaper Comics
- FoxTrot has a MMORPG called World of Warquest.
- One Foxtrot comic featured a rare and powerful World of Warquest weapon named "Doomulus Prime." An actual quest reward mace named Doomulus Prime was later added to the real World of Warcraft game.
Video Games
- In Star Ocean 3, the plot twist is the universe is an MMORPG for higher dimensional beings.
- Mega Man Star Force has the ever popular Burger Quest.
Visual Novels
- RE: Alistair begins in the fictional MMO Rivenwell Online, and the story begins due to an in-game incident. All three dateable boys play the same MMO.
Web Comics
- Elf Only Inn is an example of a webcomic set inside an MMORPG. Though it was formerly set in a chat room, it moved its entire cast into a new MMORPG, and while they do have outside lives, we don't hear about them too often.
- In the webcomic BitmapWorld, the teenage characters from the strip play an MMORPG called Cosmic Dungeon. The Cosmic Dungeon strips are almost a comic-within-a-comic.
- The Sluggy Freelance story arc "Years of Yarncraft" is all about spoofing MMORPGs (though the strip calls them MMORGYPOOs: Massively Multiplayer Organized Roleplaying Game Yarn Providing Outward Obnoxiousness). Most of it focuses on a World of Warcraft style game, but a bass fishing MMORGYPOO is briefly featured as well.
- "Clichequest" from the webcomic The Noob which satirizes MMORPGs.
- Megatokyo features Endgames, a Medieval European Fantasy MMORPG that Piro, Largo and Miho all played at one point. The game, along with standard statistics like "Strength", "Magic" and so forth, had hidden "Emotional Statistics" built into the player characters to add depth. Miho cheated by manipulating the Emotional Statistics of a vast number of other player characters, bringing them under her control via statistical More Than Mind Control. Piro was too in-tune with his character's Emotional Statistics for her to be able to manipulate them, and Largo's character ignored them completely.
- Sarab has the nelPLAY, a fantasy MMORPG.
Web Original
- The entire series The Guild is about a group of MMO gamers playing an unnamed World of Warcraft clone. Except they're never shown playing it...
- The Onion parodied World of Warcraft in a video about an MMORPG that lets the gamer play a gamer playing World of Warcraft.
Western Animation
- The Kim Possible episode "Virt-U-Ron" revolved around a fictional MMORPG called "Everlot" (the title likely being a mish-mash of Everquest and Dark Ages of Camelot).
- World of Warcraft was the focus of the South Park episode "Make Love, Not Warcraft", as the boys tried to deal with an overpowered "griefer" who kept killing everyone else's characters and threatened to bring about the end of the world... of Warcraft. Cites "Hello Kitty Island Adventure" as a major rival to WoW.
- American Dad: Steve and his friends were fans of an MMORPG named Dragonscuffle in "Dungeons and Wagons". Hayley, wanting to talk to Jeff after dumping him, used her account to bring Steve's recently-killed character back to life. He wanted to be her boyfriend again, but she'd already found someone while playing the game.
- Danny Phantom had "Doomed", which was so addictive that Danny was able to play it from evening until morning without realizing it.
- Bart dominated Earthland Realms on The Simpsons, which was basically a bloodthirsty (bloodthirstier?) Medieval Fantasy version of Springfield. At one point, Marge, being the loving mother she was, bought him some items in the form of a Hello Kitty expansion pack.
- ↑ MOD: There Is No Such Thing as Notability on All The Tropes. Please fix this.