Open Season
Sony's first animated film, released in 2006. Boog, a tame, 900-pound grizzly bear kept by Ranger Beth as part of the educational program, becomes too much for her to handle. Through a series of unfortunate events, Boog is released in the wild with no survival skills. Luckily he is accompanied by the deer who got him into the mess--a clumsy, asocial buck named Elliot. The two are pursued through the woodlands by a psychotic hunter, Shaw, who wants revenge on Boog and Elliot for wrecking his truck. While Boog just wants to get home, Elliot just wants to get Beth.
Notable for being the only feature film co-written by Mike Feiss, who created Cow and Chicken. Received two Direct to Video sequels that managed to make this light and soft movie even Lighter and Softer.
Entries in the series include:
- Open Season 2 in 2008.
- Open Season 3 in 2010.
- Open Season: Scared Silly in 2015.
- Adorkable: Alistair the llama from the 3rd movie. So very much.
- The Atoner: Fifi becomes this in the threequel after trying to fry Boog, Elliot, and their friends with shock collars in the first sequel, and acts like a Zen dog throughout the film. However, it could also count as a Heel Face Brainwashing, since it came as a result of being fixed.
- All CGI Cartoon
- Bros Before Does
- Babies Ever After: Elliot and Giselle marry at the end of the first sequel and by the second sequel, they now have three children: Gisela, Giselita, and Elvis.
- Balloon Belly: This happens to Elliot after accidentally inhaling a helium balloon.
- Butt Monkey: The rabbits are used by the other animals as projectiles, towels, gas masks, etc.
- Boog also counts as one in the first movie.
- As well as the poodle Fifi, the main antagonist in the sequel.
- Camp Straight: Alistair the llama from the 3rd movie. Dear god, Alistair.
- Completely Different Title: The Spanish-language dub is called Amigos Salvajes (Wild Friends).
- Dark Reprise / Ironic Echo: "If you go out in the woods today, you're sure of a big surprise."
- Direct to Video: The sequels.
- Disney Death: Elliot
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: Boog and Elliot's party in the convenience store looks a lot like a drunken bender, complete with Boog coming home "drunk" on sugar, getting into a fight with his teddy bear, and vomiting on the window of the garage.
- Egomaniac Hunter: Shaw.
- Everythings Nuttier With Squirrels
- Fartillery: the skunks
- Fly At the Camera Ending: Ends with a rabbit thrown at the camera.
- Furry Confusion: During the battle against the hunters, Elliot rides Ian like a steed. They both find it more than a little awkward. McSquizzy the squirrel was also riding Mr. Weenie like a horse.
- Funny Animal: Elliot doesn't wear any clothes like most funny animals, but unlike his herd, he's always seen walking on his hind feet and demonstrates amazing dexterity with his front hooves like they were hands. In the third sequel, Elliot and Giselle's kids Gisela, Giselita, and Elvis also walk on their hind feet like their father.
- Gory Discretion Shot: Played with in the beginning when Elliot and Boog have a fight behind a curtain. Boog splatters paint against the curtain, pull streamers from a box, and shouts/roars at Elliot. Naturally, the audience sees the shadows and assumes the worst.
- Gratuitous Japanese: The fish.
- Helium Speech
- Ho Yay: Boog and Elliot. Lampshaded by Ian and McSquizzy and the Furry Tail Clan.
- There's also some between Ian and Elliot later on.
Ian: (With Elliot sitting on his back) "This is awkward, isn't it?" |
- I Call It "Vera": Shaw named his gun "Lorraine".
- I Choose to Stay: Boog deciding to stay in the woods.
- Ink Suit Actor: Martin Lawrence as Boog and Debra Messing as Ranger Beth. To a lesser extent, Ashton Kutcher as Elliot, Billy Connolly as McSquizzy, and Gordon Tootoosis as Sheriff Gordy.
- Ironic Nursery Tune: Shaw's Dark Reprise of "Teddy Bear Picnic." See above.
- Jerk Jock: It's clear that Ian, Manliest of Mule Deer Stags, is supposed to be one of these. While he clearly is a pretty tough guy and does deserve to be leading the herd, he is a serious jerk.
- Large Ham: Gary Sinise as Shaw at his best.
- Living Doorstop: The rabbits and their many uses.
- Memento MacGuffin: Dinkleman.
- Mismatched Eyes: Roger the skinny cat from the two sequels.
- Noodle Incident: It's never made clear why Elliot was originally thrown out of the herd.
- Playing Against Type: This is the first (and probably last) time that Gary Sinise pass from a dramatic role like Det. Mac Taylor into a Laughably Evil hunter like Shaw.
- Refuge in Audacity: Elliot defecates onscreen at one point. Nobody draws any attention to it.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: Buddy the porcupine, also the Ensemble Darkhorse.
- Thundering Herd: The deer like to pull this off, and they do it very well.
- Screams Like a Little Girl: In the first movie, Ian is galloping gracefully with his herd across the river when the floodwater comes down. He turns to look at it mid-leap and screams like a girl just as it hits.
- Shell-Shocked Veteran: The ducks have shades of this.
- Shout-Out: A few Braveheart references, courtesy of Billy Connolly and the squirrels.
- Boog watches Wheel of Fortune (also owned by Sony).
- Small Annoying Creature:Elliot
- Smelly Skunk: Stand your ground… unless it's a skunk *fwoosh*
- Spicy Latina: Rosie and Maria have urban Hispanic American accents.
- Sudden Musical Ending: The sequel ends like this.
- Violent Glaswegian: Again, the squirrels.