Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S4/E19 New Moon Rising

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Oz returns, completely in control of his werewolf nature and ready to get back together with Willow. Adam approaches Spike with an interesting proposition.

 Riley: Buffy, if I leave now I can't ever come back. (Buffy gives him a "Well, duh?" look) I just wanted to hear that out loud.

  • Colonel Badass: Colonel McNamara
  • Coming Out Story: Although there's a Fantastic Aesop twist in that many of the standard plot points are applied to Oz (as a werewolf) rather than Willow (as a "coming out" lesbian).
  • Chekhov's Gunman: One of the hairy hell-hound-like demons that appear during this episode will show up again in "Primeval".
  • Double Aesop: Buffy doesn't understand Riley's alarm at the idea of Willow dating someone who turns into a monster at the full moon. Then she gets thrown by the idea of Willow dating another girl.

 Buffy: You realized that Willow was in a... less than conventional relationship, and it gave you momentary wiggins... it happens.

  • Dramatic Stutter: Tara does this a lot as she faces the prospect of losing her girlfriend. It becomes a problem when Riley darts Oz and Tara can't coherently explain who he is before they drag him away.
  • Dressing As the Enemy: Buffy gets back into her white lab coat and Spike dresses up like "an evil olive" (army greens).
  • Enemy Mine

 Adam: Come. You're going to help me with my problem.

Spike: Why?

Adam: Because I am going to help you with yours.

 Buffy: Stay back or I'll do a William Burroughs on your leader here! (everyone looks blank)

Xander: You'll...bore him to death with free prose?

 McNamara: You're a dead man.

Riley: No sir, I'm an anarchist.

  • Layman's Terms / Rule of Three: Willow translating Scooby Speak for Tara. When Buffy says her "kill-count is way down", that means that there's less bad-guy activity. When that happens, it means something extra evil is brewing. And when Riley says the Initiative has demons coming out of their ears, that's a metaphor.

 Tara: I got that, thanks.

Willow: I'm overhelping, aren't I?

 Tara: No, I-I understand. You have to be with the person you l-love.

Willow: (smiles) I am.

 Spike: So you help me and you get this chip out of my head?

Adam: Scout's honor.

Spike: You were a boy scout?

Adam: Parts of me.

 Riley: How'd you get in?

Buffy: Talk later. Stealthy escape now.

 Buffy: Well, there you go, I mean, you know, you have to - you have to follow your heart, Will. And that's what's important, Will.

Willow: Why do you keep saying my name like that?

Buffy: (with false cheer) Like what, Will?

Willow: Are you freaked?

 I feel like some part of me will always be waiting for you. Like if I'm old and blue-haired, and I turn the corner in Istanbul and there you are, I won't be surprised. Because... you're with me, you know?

  • Strapped to An Operating Table: Oz being experimented on by the Initiative scientists.
  • Shamgri La: Oz learned to control his wolf side in Tibet.
  • Super Senses: Oz still has his wolf nose, mistaking Tara for Willow when she walks up behind him because she has Willow's scent on her.
  • Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: The Scoobies are referred to as "anarchists" and "a band of freaks" by McNamara.
  • Walking the Earth: Oz seeking his inner cool.
  • We Need a Distraction: Buffy drops a stake when walking past a guard, then knees him when he bends down to pick it up for her.
  • Your Door Was Open: Played straight when Spike enters Giles' house, and subverted when he pretends the door to the Initiative base is unlocked (actually Adam has opened it electronically).

 For a nasty town like Sunnydale, nobody seems to mind their locks.