Frozen (Disney film)

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My power flurries through the air into the ground
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast:
I’m never going back, the past is in the past!

Frozen is Disney's 53rd entry in its animated canon line-up, based on Hans Christian Andersen's longest Fairy Tale "The Snow Queen". It's animated in 3D using computer-generated imagery.

The movie has gotten a lot of attention as the source of the song "Let It Go", sung by Idina Menzel. The song made such an impact that, in the words of Co-Director Jennifer Lee, "the minute we heard the song the first time, I knew that I had to rewrite the whole movie."

Released on November 27th, 2013, Frozen quickly became the highest grossing animated film yet made.

A series of children's books entitled Anna & Elsa was spun off from the movie and began being released in early 2015.

Not to be confused with the 2010 drama/thriller film of the same name.

Tropes used in Frozen (Disney film) include:

{{Hans: Finishing each other's... Anna: Sandwiches! Hans: I was going to say that!}}

  • Flung Clothing: Anna in a deleted scene.
  • Freudian Excuse: Hans. Maybe. Even though it's implied that his older brothers are good men at the end of the film, it sounds like at least some of them took brotherly teasing and pranks a bit too far:

Hans: I have twelve brothers, and three of them literally pretended I was invisible for two years.

  • Gender Flip: Kristoff is based on The Robber Girl.
  • God Save Us From the Queen: While The Snow Queen is built around playing this trope straight, this story is a definite subversion.
  • Hate Sink: since this story almost is a case of No Antagonist, the Duke of Weselton provides a handy dose of ineffective annoyance.
  • An Ice Person: Elsa, of course, as the Snow Queen of this tale.
  • Incredibly Lame Pun: Hans Kristof Anna Sven.
    • Olaf, with his body reassembled in the wrong order: "Man, am I out of shape."
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: Applied to the young Anna by the rock trolls, making her forget Elsa's accidental attack on her.
  • Last-Second Word Swap: In Olaf's song, to avoid the implication of melting in the summer.
  • Massive-Numbered Siblings: Hans is the youngest of thirteen brothers. Which puts him so far from the throne that he's willing to lie and kill to become a king anywhere.
  • The Matchmaker: Every last rock troll. They get an entire production number about Shipping Anna and Kristof.
  • Meaningful Name: Olaf, the Comic Relief: "Oh, laugh".
  • Meet Cute: Princess Anna meeting Prince Hans as she trips past him into a rowboat.
  • The Mole: Prince Hans.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Almost word-for-word Elsa's reaction when she finally sees what's happened to Arendelle from close up.
  • Named After Somebody Famous: Hans Kristof Anna Sven.
  • Nearly-Normal Animal: Kristof's reindeer Sven appears to be a Mostly-Normal Animal, but he shows signs of having human or near-human intelligence.
  • Non-Human Sidekick:
    • Sven the reindeer to Kristof.
    • Olaf to both Kristof and Anna.
  • Outnumbered Sibling: Hans. Not in gender, but in morality -- it's implied that all twelve of his brothers are good men and will not take his plotting in Arendelle very well.
  • Power Incontinence: Take it easy on the Ice-9 there, Elsa. This trope is the prime mover for the whole plot.
    • Also occurs in the sequel novels to a lesser extent, during a picnic with her friends Anna realizes Elsa (who was busy helping her subjects) needs her when it suddenly starts snowing.
  • Prince Charming: From the moment we first see him, Prince Hans is the classic embodiment of this type as traditionally presented by Disney, right down to a typical Meet Cute moment with Anna. However, he actually turns out to be a charming Manipulative Bastard initially planning to seduce Elsa into marrying him so he can then kill her and take her throne. He switches to Anna when Elsa turns herself in a convenient monster from his point of view.
  • Raised by Rock Trolls: Kristof.
  • Running Gag: "Weaseltown".
  • Shout-Outs:
    • "Marshmallow", the giant snowman created by Elsa to defend herself, is a reference to the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man.
    • Olaf's dance with the seagulls is a shout-out to Bert's dance with the penguins in Mary Poppins.
    • The first "sand man" he passes in the same number is clearly inspired by the classic "Coppertone" girl ads.
    • The map that falls out of the book in which the King looks for the location of the trolls is clearly inspired by the map of the Lonely Mountain found in The Hobbit.
    • There is a Merida doll in Anna's bedroom.
  • Snowlems: Olaf is clearly Type I. Marshmallow is hard to categorize; created by Elsa to defend herself, it clearly has Type III aspects. But it doesn't seem to be inherently evil -- just protective of its creator.
  • Spoonerism: Half asleep on the big morning, Anna ends up pronouncing "coronation" as "conoration".
  • Subverted Trope: This movie is filled with subversions of the "expected" features of Disney films, which is probably one reason why the Moral Guardians who seem to think that Disney is theirs freaked out over it.
  • True Love's Kiss: Invoked and averted six ways to Sunday. Everyone assumes that to reverse her curse, Anna will need a kiss from her Meet Cute Prince Hans. Not only does her prince not care for her, but he locks her in a cold room to freeze to death. And then the audience is supposed to assume it's that other nice boy Kristof. But she never kisses him -- at least not at the climax of the film. Her "act of true love" comes from inside her own heart, as she make a Heroic Sacrifice to save her sister.
  • Villain Song: Averted by "Let It Go", which makes it very clear the apparent villain is just as much a victim as anyone else.
  • Wacky Wayside Tribe: The rock trolls. And the merchant on the mountainside.
  • Wakeup Makeup: Utterly averted by Anna the morning of Elsa's coronation; she wakes up drooling with a truly epic case of bedhead.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: During the climax, Elsa's power erupts to such an extent that the ice in the bay all but destroys several ships as Kristof races past them. But as soon as things thaw, these damaged ships disappear, and none of the foreign dignitaries seem to be lacking for transport at the end.
  • Winter Royal Lady: Elsa.
  • You Fail Biology Forever: The trolls dismissing head injuries as trivial and easy to fix compared to damage to the heart. Then again, this is a fairy tale, and this may be as much a metaphorical moral as a literal diagnosis.
  • Youngest Child Wins: Subverted by Hans, who is the youngest of thirteen brothers, and a charming but ruthless villain out to seize the throne of Arendelle for himself. Fortunately, he doesn't succeed and is returned to his brothers for punishment.