Ponies One Half

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"Ponies One Half" is a My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic crossover with Ranma ½ by Emma Iveli, and only the second ever Ranma/My Little Pony Friendship is Magic crossover.

The premise is simple: Twilight screws up a teleportation spell, and ends up teleporting her and the rest of the Mane Six right ABOVE the Drowned Girl spring; cue them falling in. Ranma and Genma arrive the same day, and get cursed as per canon. They soon meet the Mane Six, and Twilight agrees to help them cure the curse in exchange for helping them adjust to this new world.

Hilarity Ensues.

The fic's original cut in Fanfiction.net is here, and the FIMFiction.Net "director's cut" is here.

Needs More Love.

Tropes used in Ponies One Half include:
  • Actor Allusion: As expected, chapter 66 has a gag about Inuyasha and Ranma having the same voice. The gag is also done involving Rainbow and Applejack, whom also share a VA.
  • All Just a Dream: See Fake-Out Opening below.
  • Beam-O-War: How Hikaru and Tsukiko finish their duel.
  • Big Breasts, Big Deal: Momo'd be a solid type 5.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Shampoo durring the Loofah Arc.
    • Also Ranma, Akane, Shampoo (Again), Ukyo and Ryoga by Discord
  • Bring My Brown Pants: Invoked during chapter 58 by an anime club member.
  • Butt Monkey: Genma gets MANY well-deserved beatings.
    • Spike is worse off, he has only appeared in two chapters, but both times, he's been hurt badly: the first was getting crushed by a wheel barrel full of hammers (twice) and then in his second appearance, mauled by Opal.
  • Bilingual Bonus: Mahoukaze, it can translate to Magic Wind.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: In chapter 30, Luna mentions Celestia's previous student Magic Wind. It turns out that he's the founder of the Mahoukaze Clan.
  • The Cloud Cuckoolander Was Right: Pinkie/Momo, if she comes up with a strange theory, most of the time it right.
  • Combat Commentator: Happens a lot. Momo's usually one of them. Pity her fellow commentator.
  • Continuity Nod: PLENTY.
    • When Rainbow's bragging about breaking track records, the Mare Do Well incident is mentioned.
    • Twlight's Sanity Slippage from "Lesson Zero" is mentioned, as she still has tardiness problems.
    • When Akane's bad cooking comes up, the "Baked bads" incident is mentioned.
    • The big race in "Fall Weather Friends" is mentioned by Momo during ch.12.
    • Pinkie's skating skill is why she helps Ranma fight the Golden Pair.
    • During the anime club's entry exams, Twilight's bad dancing is shown again.
    • The Stare is the basis of Chiyo's fighting style.
    • Durring the anything goes Take Out Race, Momo "assaults" Azusa with cake.
    • Discord's first sign of arriving is the chocolate rain.
    • In chapter 64, the CMC get stuck in tree sap YET AGAIN.
    • Chapter 65 has an obiglatory Doctor Whooves gag.
  • Cooldown Hug: Ryoga gives one to Momo during the skating match during her freak out about injuring Ranma.
  • Curb Stomp Battle: Invoked when Ran and Hikaru beat their clones.
    • Also the first fight between Ranma and Mousse, Mousse didn't stand a chance.
  • Dating Sim: Shou wants to make one involving the Mane Six and Shampoo. He soon realizes he needs a Tsundere and a hero. When Kuno shows up mentioning the engagement, he thanks the gods of dating sims.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Seito is added to the director's cut in chapter 10.
    • During the Martial Arts Marathon, Lum, Tataru, Inuyasha, and Kagome cameo. The UY and Inuyasha casts eventually get their own chapters.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Discord may be the Spirit of Disharmony, but even he finds Mami's death scene in Puella Magi Madoka Magica disturbing.
  • Expy: Hikaru's rival Tsukiko is apparently based on Twilight's Shadow Archetype Trixie. Pinkie even lampshades.
  • Fake-Out Opening: Chapter 30 opens with Shampoo distraught over killing Ranma while Brainwashed, turns out it was All Just a Dream
  • For Want of a Nail: The Mane Six's presence changes plenty of things; see Tenchi Solution for one example.
    • Loofah is a direct result of this, she went after Ranma because Shampoo didn't give him the kiss of death.
  • Fourth Wall Observer: Pinkie Pie, as usual.
  • Involuntary Shapeshifting: Pretty much every Jusenkyo curse.
  • I Owe You My Life: Ranma has this for Twilight saving him from the Kiss of Death.
  • It's All About Me: Tsukiko's basic schtick.
  • Lampshade Hanging: Plenty. One good example is Pinkie trying to use old anime training methods to help Ran, who mentions that she reads too much manga.
  • Lethal Chef: Akane and Sweetie Belle. The former is more of her needing to check the labels. Pinkie sings a song about that.
  • Like Brother and Sister: Pinkie and Ranma's relationship.
  • Love At First Sight: Apparently the case with Chiyo/Fluttershy and Ryoga.
  • Meaningful Name: The ponies' human names are all meaningful:
    • Hikaru Hakumei/Twilight Sparkle: One of Hikaru's meanings is "sparkle", and Hakumei means "twilight".
    • Ran Issanni/Rainbow Dash: A pun on the word "ran", and Issanni means "at top speed".
    • Momo Mochi/Pinkie Pie: Momo is derived from momoiro, which means "pink", and Mochi is a Japanese sweet.
    • Chiyo/Fluttershy: Chiyo means "butterfly", and Onbin means "gentle".
    • Belle Perle/Rarity: Belle is based on Rarity's Fanon last name, and Perle is French for "jewel".
    • Alex Jackson/Applejack: Speaks for itself.
    • Princess Luna/Diana: Diana is the name of one of the Goddesses of the Moon. As for Tsukino, it's a Sailor Moon allusion.
    • Apple Bloom/Blossom Jackson: A Powerpuff Girls Stealth Pun on her ribbon.
    • Sweetie Belle/Suzette Perle: Suzette is a French name.
    • Scootaloo/Haruka Gentsuki: Gentsuki means "scooter".
  • Memetic Sex God: In-Universe, Ranma has become famous for having his curse, being allowed to marry more than one girl, being just friends with several more and for a brief period of time having a quartet of amazons acting as his bodyguards (even if two of them were pre-teens).
  • Moe: Chiyo is called this more than once.
  • Mythology Gag: During chapter 45, Momo has come to believe that the vice principal knows about the Spring of Drowned Man and wants to use it for evil purposes. This is a nod to the recent live action Ranma movie, where the villain is the vice principal.
  • Naked First Impression: Akane is again the one on the receiving end, but instead of Ranma-kun, it's Ryoga and Fluttershy she sees in the tub.
  • No Sense of Direction: Ryoga, (of course) however thanks this being in the present, he's now an internet celebrity because of it.
  • Otaku: Shou and Emi. Also, Pinkie becomes one too.
  • Painful Transformation: Tsukiko's slow transformation into a unicorn.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Belle delivers one to Kuno early on, unfortunately since it's Kuno he doesn't listen to it.
  • The Rival: Azusa and Kodachi become these to Momo and Belle, respectively. Original characters are Ran, Hikaru, and Alex's rivals.
  • Rouge Angles of Satin: The fic has these, but they do not detract from the fic's enjoyability. The Recut gets rid of many of the grammar errors.
  • Rabbit Season Duck Season: Haruka pulls this on the bully.
  • Running Gag: Pinkie breaking the fourth wall, Ranma being hailed as a god among men, Genma getting his ass kicked...plenty to go around.
  • Send in the Clones; Discord creates these on the Mane Six as his first trick. He didn't know the Mane Six took some badass levels, though.
    • Done again in Chapter 63, only they're Opposite Sex Clones. They have free will, though, and rebel.
  • Shared Universe: Both the cast of Urusei Yatsura and Inuyasha have appeared meaning that it's more of a Rumiko Takashi-verse rather than a pure Ranma-Verse.
  • The Stations of the Canon: Some of Ranma 1/2's stations are there, but what happens is different. The intros of Shampoo and Ryoga don't occur as per canon, since they follow Ranma and co. from the beginning. And as Naked First Impression shows, no P-chan disguise for Ryoga this time.
  • Take a Third Option: When writing Chapter 43, Emma was wanting to write an ending where Akane and Sweetie Belle working together can make something eatable but she also really wanted to write a scene where they create an Eldritch Abomination which Luna would go to fight... She decided to do both, with the fight being a story Pinkie was telling.
    • In universe example: Emi wasn't sure if she should dress up like Human!Yuki or Otaku!Yuki from Haruhi Suzumiya, but then she remembered that in the Haruhi-chan manga there was a chapter featuring Human-Otaku!Yuki so that's what she dressed up like.
  • Talking with Signs: Genma, as per canon. Ryoga also gets into it.
  • Tenchi Solution: Thanks to an ancient Amazon law called The Heaven and Earth Solution, Ranma has this. Doesn't mean he still doesn't have problems.
  • Tempting Fate: Momo says "It's not like Discord's here"....And he appears.
    • Same thing happens eariler on, when Belle says she doesn't think Kodachi'd attack her...And cue Kodachi.
  • Those Two Guys: Emi and Shou, the two Otakus, are this, usually deadpan snarking.
  • Too Spicy for Yog-Sothoth: Tomobiki is too chaotic for Discord
  • Translation Convention: Equestria's language allows instant translation.
  • Took a Level In Badass: All of the Mane 6 (Rainbow Dash happened to take several levels at once).
  • Took a Level In Kindness: Thanks to Fluttershy, Ryoga has forgiven Ranma, and is his best friend.
  • Troll: Lampshaded; Shou and Emi play trolls during chapter 44 in the grand tradition of Statler and Waldorf. They're even in a balcony.