Adventure Quest/Characters
Main Character
The Hero of AdventureQuest
The player character.
Associated tropes:
- Idiot Hero:
- Obfuscating Stupidity: She/He pretends to be dumb to fool everyone else.
- Sick Episode: In one of Yuglar's quests.
- With This Herring:
Party Members
Artix von Krieger
Associated tropes:
- An Axe to Grind: The Blinding Light of Destiny
- Bishonen
- Knight Templar: Sometimes.
- Meaningful Name: Krieger means 'Warrior' in German
- Gender Bender: In Adventure Quest's 2010 April Fools' Day event.
Eselgee The Berserker:
Associated tropes:
- Crazy Awesome: He tosses a Zard on a chain around and tosses them everywhere!
- Hulk Speak: Me no understand! ME RAGE!
- The Cameo: He might be Rolith from Dragon Fable
Robina the Hood
Associated tropes:
Valencia Surehunter
- Action Girl
- Awesome McCoolname
- Bare Your Midriff
- Bi the Way: Probably. She'll flirt with The Hero regardless of their gender (in both DragonFable and AdventureQuest).
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: She has purple hair, which she seems to have inherited from her father.
- Animal Motifs: The Dragon.
- The Faceless
- Fantastic Racism: Toward dragons.
- Amazing Technicolour Population
- It's All My Fault: Blames herself for what her brother does to Lolosia.
- Pointy Ears: Well, yeah. She is an elf.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: It's sort of greenish-blue.
Associated tropes:
Mysterious Necromancers
Mysterious Stranger/Epsilon/Seth Cay Dhows/Shadowscythe/Tholeon Webb/St. Mohrred/Erebus
Associated tropes:
- Big Bad
- God Is Evil
- I Have Many Names
- Light Is Not Good/Dark Is Evil/Yin-Yang Bomb: He is a shadow the combination of Light and Dark.
- Meaningful Name A forum contest was held to give him a name, it was eventually decided that Erebus fitted the character best and it is also need for him to be defeated.
Associated tropes:
The Network
The'Galin (a.k.a. the Devourer)
Associated tropes:
- Big Bad: Of the Devourer saga.
- Demonic Possession: Who does he possess but one of his agents, Ryuusei Cartwright!
- Dark Is Not Evil: He's actually a pretty ok guy just doing the job his wife gave him. It's the people working for him that are truly evil.
- Humanity on Trial: This is how he goes about deciding what worlds to uncreate
- Obviously Evil: As evidenced by the devilish face on his main moon-like form.
- Subverted actully, As a Deity he is actually not evil its the fact that he can remove things from existence, and that he takes some Obviously Evil Aliens into the network to serve him that people believe he is this
- Omnicidal Maniac
- That's No Moon
Agent Smith
Associated tropes:
- Expy/Name's the Same: He is based on Agent Smith from The Matrix he even has the same name
The Sinister 7
Drakath the Darkness Dragon
Associated tropes:
- Back From the Dead: Too many times to count.
- Dark Is Evil
- Dracolich/The Undead: As Drakath the Undead Dragon.
- Green Eyes
- Our Dragons Are Different
Associated tropes:
Associated tropes:
- In the Blood: What is with this family and becoming evil elemental mages?
- Long-Lost Relative: Assumed to have died when Arkiloth burned down his village. If his brother knew, it might have prevented his Face Heel Turn.
- Psycho Electro
Zard Master
Associated tropes:
Sub Race
Associated tropes:
- A Pupil of Mine Until He Turned to Evil: He was Wolfwing's son and refers to him as teacher.
- All There in the Manual: In order to understand most of the Draco Pyre Legacy, it's necessary to first go through the Devourer Saga.
- The Dreaded: Even Safiria doesn't want to fight him.
- Offing the Offspring: Tried to kill his son so he could regain the avatar of death.
- Redemption Equals Death
- This Was His True Form
Associated tropes:
- Dark Is Not Evil: What she hopes to establish for Darkovia.
- Locked Out of the Loop: Discovering what the truth about her family is a large part of the Dracopyre chain.
Associated tropes:
- Dude Looks Like a Lady
- Sibling Rivalry: With his sister Gracefang.
- Turn Out Like His Father: Despite not being Balius' son, they share several similarities like their desire to be the strongest predator and wanting to conquer all of Darkovia. He resembles a young Nightbane before his redemption
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Associated tropes:
- Badass Boast: Gives one to your character before he offers to turn you into a werepyre.
- My Greatest Failure: Giving Nightbane more power than other of his children.
- His killing his own daughter can't be a proud moment either.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: The only leader of a sub race willing to give diplomacy a try. Also, he tries to reduce the damage caused by his son.
Associated tropes:
- Known Only By Their Nickname: He's called The Werewolf King constantly up until his real name is finally revealed during part of the Draco Pyre Legacy.
- Red Oni: In comparison to Safiria, he's much more hot-blooded and willing to fight.
Associated tropes:
- Blue Oni: She's much calmer and more willing to negotiate if she thinks her foes will beat her.
- The Vamp: But of course.
- Vampire Monarch