Flaming Hair

Revision as of 17:29, 19 March 2018 by Looney Toons (talk | contribs) (added example)

Most characters have hair. But some (usually of a supernatural ilk) have hair that is either composed of flames, or simply takes the form of a fire on the individual's head. Usually an indicator of villainy. This is a form of Elemental Hair for characters who are literal Fiery Redheads.

You Gotta Have Blue Hair flare.

See also Hot Wings. Often a part of Burning with Anger. If extended to the entire body it becomes Wreathed in Flames.

Examples of Flaming Hair include:

Anime and Manga

  • Lordgenome, who is normally bald and goatee'd, sprouts a fine head of flame during his fight with Simon in Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
    • To elaborate, his Spiral Power's Battle Aura is red, and he's got such tremendous amounts of it that the Flaming Hair effect appears whenever he gets serious. He isn't the only one who can do this, but he's the only one whose Battle Aura focus is on his (former) hair.
    • Played Up to Eleven at the movie, where he gets serious enough to do interstelar travel on foot, and so he gets the Godiva Hair effect WITH HIS FLAMING PUBIC HAIR.
  • In TTGL Spiritual Predecessor Diebuster, physics-breaking Exotic Manuever normally manifests as bright blue light from the forehead, but when Lal'C gets really, teleport-a-gas-giant's-core-and-smash-it-into-your-face level serious it goes beyond that and her hair turns into a blue-white flames. Similar effect is constantly in effect for Buster Machine #7 in active form. Dix-Nieuf, after consuming the degeneration engine, manifests the flames through his cloak.
  • In Shakugan no Shana, Shana's hair, while normal in shape, is colored like a blazing flame with ember-like sparks flying off. It's even part of her title. The same applies to Mathilde Saint-Omer, the previous Flame-Haired Blazing-Eyed Hunter.
  • Burner the Fire Demon from Yaiba. His colleague Rain sports what can be called "Watering" Hair.

Comic Books

  • DC Comics has Firestorm.
    • Firestorm's fiery hair is an illusion- it's not hot. It CAN be snuffed out though.
  • Marvel Comics has Frankie Raye.
    • And then of course there's Jean Grey who sometimes has flaming hair when she's all Phoenix-y.
  • DC's aptly named Fire has hair ON green fire. Her DC Animated Universe counterpart had hair OF green fire when powered on.
  • Marvel's Magma, when fully lit, has hair of fire.
  • Not sure if Ghost Rider counts...
  • Firelord, and Nikki from the original Guardians of the Galaxy.
    • According to The Handbook Of The Marvel Universe, Nikki's hair only looks like flame. Though some artists didn't seem to realize that. Following a sequence in the comic where she was swimming and clearly shown as bald, the letters page said the Handbook was in error.
  • An obscure Aquaman foe, Karla Fire-Hair, had this as her power, which conveniently worked underwater.
  • Doctor Strange villain Dormammu has a head entirely cased in flame. It seems to be the 'crown' worn by the rulers of the Dark Dimension; when Clea was empress she had a flame over her hair.
  • DC Comics' Waverider from Armageddon: 2001, who also shows up in Zero Hour: Crisis In Time.


  • Hades from |Hercules has blue hair, which switches to red when he gets angry. Lampshaded when Pegasus blows it out.

- Hades: Whoa, is my hair out?



  • Fire Witches in the Enchanted Forest Chronicles have this trait when they're using their powers, or when they get annoyed.
  • In the Ravirn series, the Fury Tisiphone has flaming hair.


  • Pink's wife in The Wall has this, during the Trial Sequence.

Religion and Mythology

Tabletop Games

Video Games

Web Comics

Web Original

  • The Global Guardians PBEM Universe had Heatwave, a Playboy Centerfold (she was Miss March, 1992) who was also a mutant with control over fire. During her photo-shoot for the magazine, she kept her hair... including her pubic hair... "aflame" as part of a disguise.
  • Gaia Online has many examples.
  • In RWBY, when Yang Xiao Long really gets worked up, her blonde mane becomes yellow-white fire.

Western Animation

  • Danny Phantom:
    • Dark Danny has fiery white hair. Which actually came back to bite him when it blew up the gas tanker Danny threw him into.
    • Ember McLain.
  • Batman the Brave And The Bold had flame-haired Firestorm's origin story as an episode.
  • Static Shock has Hotstreak, whose hair looks even more like it might light on fire in the updated version of the intro theme - it's a common joke amongst the fandom to explain his newer hairstyle by Hotstreak now using flammable hair spray.
  • Mandie from Fairly Oddparents can light her hair on fire.
  • Aku in Samurai Jack sports flaming eyebrows and matching beard.
  • Flame Princess from Adventure Time, except when it's wet.