Naruto Veangance Revelaitons/YMMV

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.
Revision as of 21:12, 21 August 2014 by NoxiousSludge (talk | contribs) (Alright, took a while but I think I've fixed all the formatting errors.)

  • Acceptable Targets: Religious people, male homosexuals fans of modern music, fans of western animation, and most of all, critics. No one agrees, though.
  • Alternative Character Interpretation: Is the Council a group of one-dimensionally evil strawmen who represent everything the author hates, or are they fighting for the rights of those the author hates, only to tragically succumb to their own biases and persecute those they disagree with?
  • And the Fandom Rejoiced:
    • Perhaps the only well-received development in this fic was the announcement that the author was wrapping it up.
    • Then Benji released his ending, and readers enjoyed seeing Ronan get his comeuppance.
  • Anticlimax Boss: The Council. When Ronan reaches them, they start begging for their lives.
  • Arc Fatigue: You know the whole thing about Ronan destroying the world? Yeah, well, it's first mentioned he'll do this in Chapter 16. He doesn't actually do it until Chapter 65. While in a well written story, this would be a nice case of Foreshadowing and the author having planned things out, in this fic, you could cut out most of the chapters in between those two and you wouldn't lose much.
  • Ass Pull: Repeatedly, especially Ronan being godson of the Shinobi King when he moved to Konoha from elsewhere.
    • The Shinobi King himself might count as an ass pull, fanfic or not, since it seems like the author decided to rip off a concept from Bleach.
  • Author's Saving Throw: Ronan's first decrees as King of the Shinobi include everyone who likes modern music being put to death "in less they r hot chicks", and outlaws homosexuality and religion. In the next chapter, he changes the sentence to life imprisonment for modern music fans (but keeps the death penalty for every modern musician except himself and Sakura), and allows gay people to have sex in their homes but not so much as kiss in public, in response to reviewer complaints about him being intolerant. The chapter after that, Ronan changes the sentence to life imprisonment for modern musicians, and while he orders churches to be bulldozed, says that people can pray in their homes.
  • Badass Decay: Everyone from canon. The Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist go from legendary warriors to Mooks.
  • Big Lipped Alligator Moment: The beach episode, which may or may not be a dream and is a BLAM by the author's admission.

Author's Note: dis chsptr might b a bit weord i cudnt tink ofmuc so it dusnt ha much 2 d wot skura mdra sasuke da coincil nd utff!

  • Canon Defilement: Taken to My Immortal extremes. There are around six characters from canon who appear more than once, all horribly out of character, compared to over a dozen recurring original characters. Early on, none of the canon settings were referred to by name, and in Chapter 6, the rest of Team 7 was killed off (although they eventually came back) and Orochimaru was forgotten about. Chapters in the middle of the fic, including when Ronan travels looking for a cure for Sakura aren't quite as bad as the early story, but are still decidedly In Name Only.
  • Character Rerailment:
    • To some extent, Sasuke becoming evil for the sake of Revenge like in canon, although he also becomes a fundamentalist Christian in the process.
    • In Benji's ending, all the characters are returned to their normal selves and kill Ronan.
  • Cliché Storm: Oh lord.... just look at it. However, [[Poe's Law in the case that]] it's intentional, it falls under Troperrific instead.
  • Creator's Pet: Ronan is described as a great character, and hardlyanyone criticizes him. Naruto's anger toward him is indicated as being because he believes Ronan is better than he is, as he constantly reminds us. [[Alternate Character Interpretation Most of the readers think otherwise.]]
  • Critical Research Failure:
    • As part of his claim to know Japanese history, Jake says that Japan had nukes dropped on it in World War I.
    • The author describes Sakura as having "double L cup" breasts. Even disregarding the fact that Sakura is flat-chested in canon, bra sizes do not go that high, and double letters indicate smaller breasts (as AA is smaller than A).
  • Designated Hero: Ronan. Dear GOD, RONAN.
  • Designated Villain:
    • Orochiblahblah and Magora are this, despite not doing anything nearly as horrible as Ronan does.
    • The author wants readers to consider Edfred a jerk, although he comes off as reasonable in comparison to Ronan.
  • Die for Our Ship:
    • This happens to Naruto.... twice. Though it's more like "Die For Our Lemon". Sasuke and Kakashi also get this treatment.
    • Sasuke also gets treated this way, especially considering that it takes Sakura getting brainwashed for him to get together with her
  • Dude, Not Funny:
    • The treatment of anyone Jake doesn't like when portrayed as funny.
    • The biggest example of this trope, however, is probably chapter 11. In it, Ronan is having sex with his harem in public when a gay man comes up and comments on his large penis. Ronan freaks out and kills him just for admiring it. While it could be just barely justified as Paedo Hunt under Jake's bizarre logic, it mainly just comes off as monstrous.
  • Ending Aversion: Inverted. Benji's ending is widely seen as the only good part of the story.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse / Crowning Moment of Awesome: Edfred, one of the few people who not only opposes Ronan, but calls him out for being a jerk.
  • Esoteric Happy Ending: The (arguably more) evil Council has been defeated, but Ronan has destroyed the rest of the world in the process and charged Ekaj and Atni with repopulating the world with people like him; one Ronan was already bad enough.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Zig-zagged with Taliana. She's described as sexy both when she's on Ronan's side and when she's on Madara's, but around the time the author broke up with his girlfriend, leading to Taliana's death, Taliana is described as "ugly".
  • Fetish Retardant: Even if you had any of the fetishes featured in this fic, they're so poorly written and described there's no way the scenes featuring them could ever turn you on.
  • Generic Doomsday Villain: Orochimaru has no real plan except for kidnapping Ronan's friends repeatedly. At least Madara was working for the Council and had some side ventures.
  • Les Yay: Between the two females of the Council, and between the German female and brainwashed Sakura.
  • Misaimed Fandom: According to the author, we are not supposed to like Edfred, and he is supposed to come off as a Jerkass. However...
  • Moral Event Horizon: Ronan does several things that would be considered unforgivable, but the author doesn't consider them as such. However, the President of the Kibusi Corporation offers an arguably straight example when he kills most of the Land of Earth for not being suitable for doing business in.
    • The Council cements their status as being evil by planning on killing all homosexuals. Even Ronan finds this appalling.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • From the authors descriptions we can deduce the character's appearance. Ronan has a six inch body, twenty eight foot biceps, blue hair and a penis that can go from two to forty five feet in length. Imagine this giant phallus chasing you down with giant arms waving over it's tiny patch of blue hair, the whole time yelling badly spelled gibberish and obscenities.
    • Giant shapeshifting phallus.
      • Alternatively may count as a Crowning Moment of Funny when one is watching this thing chasing someone, though the one being chased might not see the humor...or they might die from busting a gut.
    • The sex scenes. Dear, sweet merciful GOD, the fucking sex scenes!
  • Ron the Death Eater: This was what appeared to be happening to Naruto, before he was killed off (the second time). But then, he somehow came back again, and was on the side of the bad guys... before being killed off. AGAIN.
    • Sasuke is not only completely evil, but is also portrayed without the faintest hint of sympathy or redeeming characteristics, and is said to be fat and ugly.
  • Selective Squick: Girl on girl, milking breasts, watersports, farting, barfing, scat, and genital mutilation? "fuking hot". Two guys even kissing? "EW WTF NO IM NUT A FAG DATS SO GROSA!!1!!!!11!" On a lesser scale, the author and Ronan also disapprove of necrophilia.
  • Shocking Swerve: Numerous, always feeling like ass pulls, and usually leading to Fridge Logic, Fridge Horror, and major Squick.
  • So Bad It's Good: For some. But others who are Squicked by the sex scenes or offended by the author (and thus Ronan's) ideology disagree.
  • The Scrappy: While none of the characters except Edfred are very well liked, Ronan stands out in how widely he is hated for his repulsive personality and Marty Stu nature.
  • Straw Man Has a Point: Edfred comes off as completely reasonable in disliking Ronan.
  • Thirty-Sue Pileup:
    • Jerk Sue: AND HOW!
    • Tsundere Sue: Is supposed to be seen as a loving boyfriend who is often justifiably irritated or angry, but comes off as an abusive jerk.
    • Black Hole Sue: The entire story revolves around him and his actions.
    • God Mode Sue: Ronan is more powerful than all of Team 7 combined. While it's unclear at what point in the story this takes place, his being able to defeat Orochimaru and Madara with little effort easily qualifies him as one.
    • Mary Tzu
    • Relationship Sue: It's more about the sex, though.
    • Mary Sue Classic
    • Lemon Stu: Ronan is in love with this trope. Ronan fits the Lemon Stu trope so well in fact, you could easily retitle "Lemon Stu" as "The Ronan".
    • To give one an idea of just how much of a Stu Ronan is, let's take his score on [The Universal Mary Sue Litmus Test], which was administered by Benji himself (the person who probably knows the most about Ronan besides Jake). If your character scores 50+, it's recommended you just scrap them. Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way's score was 195. Ronan's? 314.
  • One True Threesome: First Ronan with Sakura, Mandy and Taliana, then after Mandy is killed and Taliana turns evil, it's Ronan, Sakura and da cooger, then after da cooger's death, she is replaced by Etni/Atni.
  • Take That Scrappy: Ronan's death in Benji's ending.
  • Villain Decay: Both compared to canon and in-story for Madara and Orochimaru. Their attempts to defeat Ronan routinely fail and cause them to lose all credibility as threats.
  • Wangst: Naruto from his return to the story until his death, (but unlike many fanfics, he repeatedly gets called out for it and is meant to be unsympathetic). Jake is also prone to doing this during his Author's Notes, and on his twitter account.
  • The Woobie: Sakura. She gets raped countless times, by Ronan and her enemies, often gets physical and emotional abuse from Ronan, and is treated like property in and out of bed. One could argue that she brings much of it on herself by sticking around Ronan, but this is disproven when in Benji's ending, it is revealed that she had been placed under a genjutsu all along. Said ending also implies she has some permanent psychological scars from her experience.