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For the anime:

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: Spectra making a reappearance in Mechtanium Surge. Better yet, he becomes the Sixth Ranger!
    • Mechtanium Surge in general, due to making everyone important again and the sheer amount of Continuity Porn involved. They've pretty much been fixing everything the fans were complaining about.
    • Three words. Runo is back!
  • Big In America: Was quite the flop in Japan, while a huge hit in America and is the current go-to boy thing in South Africa.
    • Very popular in Hungary of all places.
  • Cliché Storm: Bakugan is a series about monsters who are used in combat as part of a game. This game involves monsters attacking other monsters along with using cards to change the tide of the game. The plot of the anime is about how the Bakugans' homeworld is in jeopardy after Naga takes over the Infinity Core. Then the main characters have to use their Bakugan to save both worlds.
  • Complete Monster: All the Big Bads have been this. Thankfully they all get their karmic payback in the end (so far)
    • Naga's entire scheme resolved around murdering his own sister to gain power and his actions result in the pointless deaths and/or Fate Worse Than Death of a great many Bakugan. He also brainwashed at least two people to be his Dragons. He never once shows remorse. His thirst for power did him in when Drago and the other Guardian Bakugan feed him more power than he can absorb, causing him to explode.
    • Zenoheld's plan started out as enslaving an entire race for entertainment, then moved on to genocide, and finally to becoming an Omnicidal Maniac trying to destroy the entire universe. Not to mention he treats his son like a soldier who doesn't amount to anything else. His own ultimate weapon explodes with him still onboard, his son deciding to go with him to make sure the madman goes down with his ship.
    • Barodius started a war against a peaceful race simply for power and has no problem killing off or brainwashing his henchman at the drop of a hat. His Guardian Bakugan shares his personality. Ultimately manages to get what he wanted, but they can't handle the power and both get banished to another dimmension by Code Eve. He then becomes Mag Mel, see below.
    • Mag Mel hasn't even got the chance to show what he can really do but is already shaping up to be this. The reason he's Sealed Evil in a Can? Genocide. And now it's been revealed that his goal is to destroy the Earth. Not to mention the Mind Rape he's been putting Dan and Drago through. Does he need to Mind Rape them to siphon off their energy? No, he wants to and is enjoying every second of it. Later on, he criples a boy with total fear surrounded by his Chaos Bakugan so he can feed off his fear, knowing this leaves the Brawlesr with two, equally as horrific options. Either delete the area to destroy his Chaos Bakugan, killing an innocent person in the process, or let the Chaos Bakugan continue their rampage. Thank goodness Spectra pulled a Big Damn Heroes moment to stop it. Worse, Mag Mel laughs at this, throughly enjoying what he's doing. And when he was finally let out of his can, his first act was to attack Gundalia and try to burn it to the ground! Mag Mel is by far the most evil Bakugan villain to date due to his sheer sadism.
      • And then there's how he kills Mistress Sellon in an extremely cruel manner while she's begging him to spare her life. He does the exact same thing to Anubius one episode later, but for him it's even worse because it robs him the honor of dying in battle with Dan.
    • Coredegon, the evil Mechtogan who replaced Meg Mel. He and his allies evolved beyond needing their Bakugan creators. So what do they decide to do? Why destroy all Bakugan just because they can! They also have absolutely no qualms about obliterating scores of humans in the process and would've openned fire on the humans at the stadium if they hadn't been stopped.
      • Coredegon and his pals one up themselves by leveling Bakugan city. While only the Bakugan death count is mentioned, it's clear the act killed a massive amount of both Bakugan and humans. He then goes to New Vestoria and begins obliterating everyone in his path, including pretty much all the previous hero Bakugan. Thankfully, all this is undone via time travel, but still, the fact he's WILLING to do this is more than enough to qualify him!
  • Creator's Pet: Keith.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Maxus Dragonoid vs Maxus Helios.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: 'Bang Bang Bakugan!', 'Buchirin Generation', 'Number One Battle Brawlers' and 'Air Drive'.
  • Ending Fatigue: The New Vestroia arc. Okay, so the brawlers had to free the Bakugan from the Vexos. Oh wait! Now they have to stop the Vexos from destroying all the Bakugan! Oh wait! Now they have to stop the Vexos from destroying the whole universe!

Mira: First you wanted to enslave the Bakugan, then you wanted to destroy the Bakugan and now you want to destroy the universe.


For the real card game:

  • Adaptation Displacement: There’s an actual Card Game?
  • Game Breaker: The "H-Bomb". The card "Haos 2" (where you steal one of your opponents won gate cards by having a lower printed power) makes the "H", a "Lowest Power Wins" gate card is the fuse, and a low-power Haos bakugan is the bomb. You win two points in a single round. This is getting increasingly broken as the G-power cap rises and will probably never go out of fashion. The only limit is that you can have only one of each card in your deck.
  • "Stop Having Fun!" Guys: Who are on opposing sides about rolling.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: Harpus is male… not even the shows staff got this.