Michael Myers


AKA The Shape


The main villain of the Halloween film series, he killed his sister when he was young and was sent to a psychical hospital for the reminder of his natural born life. Years later, he escapes, looking to finish off his sister. Also known as The Shape in the scripts, as he is only a shape in the darkness.

Played by: Tony Moran, Will Sandin, Nick Castle (first film), Dick Warlock, Adam Gunn (II), George P. Wilbur (4 and The Curse), Erik Preston (4), Don Shanks (5), Chris Durand (H20), Brad Loree (Resurrection), Tyler Mane, Draeg Faerch (The remake), Chase Wright Vanek (H2)

Doctor Samuel Loomis


Michael's psychiatrist, Dr. Loomis is forced multiple times to track Michael down in an attempt to stop him from killing people. And he's pretty Badass at doing it.

Played by: Donald Pleasence (I-II and 4-6), Tom Kane (H20) and Malcolm McDowell (The remake and its sequel)

  • Badass: You wouldn't know it from looking at him, but Loomis is pretty damn awesome.
  • Bald of Awesome
  • Cassandra Truth: His entire career in regards to Michael is this. No one ever listens to his warnings about the danger Michael poses to society until it's too late.
    • Though this is actually not as bad as in most cases. In both the first two movies and the fourth movie, the cops at least heed his warnings and take some action. Unfortunately, it isn't enough.
  • Cool Old Guy
  • Determinator
  • Genre Savvy: He usually anticipates Michael's actions.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Tries to pull this off in Halloween 2 to kill himself and Michael, but fails and survives.
  • Ignored Expert
  • Jerkass: Both in the original series and especially in the remakes series though in the latter's case, he took Took a Level in Jerkass following his near death brush with Michael.
  • Killed Off for Real: Died before H20 since Donald Pleasence passed away.
  • Papa Wolf: Though he never has children of his own he was willing to protect 17 year old Laurie at the cost of his own life and young Jamie afterwards.
  • Properly Paranoid: Others viewed a young Michael as a disturbed boy. Loomis viewed him as a monster just waiting to strike. Guess who was right.
  • Supporting Leader: He spends most of the original hunting Michael down and gets top billing, but he isn't the lead character.
  • Take Me Instead!: In the fourth movie, after encountering Michael at the diner, Loomis is perfectly willing to try this. Unsurprisingly, Michael doesn't take this offer.

"Don't go to Haddonfield. If you want another victim, take me. But leave those people in peace. Please, Michael?"

  • What the Hell, Hero?: Loomis seems to get this at least once a movie - usually because of what Michael has done. Not fair in those cases, though, cause Loomis did everything possible to keep Michael locked up.

Laurie Strode


AKA Cynthia Myers (orginal series)/Angel "Boo" Myers (Zombieverse)


Laurie Strode is the Final Girl and main heroine of the series. Originally just a target that he tries to kill, it is later learnt that she is actually Michael's younger sister and Laurie actively tries to stop him.

Played by: Jamie Lee Curtis (original series) and Scout Taylor-Compton (Zombieverse)

Jamie Lloyd

Nine-year old orphan daughter of Laurie Strode, who is Michael's main target throughout Halloween 4 and 5.

Played by: Danielle Harris (4 and 5) and J.C. Brandy (The Curse)

The Man in Black (Dr. Terrence Wynn)

Mysterious man who is seen throughout the fifth film and in the end busts Michael out of jail. He is later revealed to be the leader of the cult of Thorn, which turned Michael to killer he is now in order to sacrifice his entire family[1]. His real identity is that of Dr. Terrence Wynn, ex-coworker of Dr. Loomis at Smith's Grove.

Played by: Robert Phalen (first film), Don Shanks (5) and Mitch Ryan (The Curse)

  1. The reason for the sacrifice is left unclear due to H20 ignoring past sequels. It's probably for world peace or something