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There is an ambitious project, started in September 2011, at [ Ryan's Pretty Cure Fanseries Emporium Wiki], to write over 70 fanfics based on ''[[Pretty Cure]]''. As of October 2022, eleven of those stories had been developed to the point of beinghaving some (or all) chapters posted. ''SOS Pretty Cure'' is the only one of the "Pre Cure Like Fan Fics" in that number.

Latest revision as of 18:53, 30 October 2022

SOS Pretty Cure is a "Pre Cure Like Fan Fic" - a Pretty Cure fanfic loosely based on another work. In this case, the other work is Haruhi Suzumiya.

There have been 14 chapters posted of an announced 16 chapters. Chapter 14 was posted in April 2013.

There is an ambitious project, started in September 2011, at Ryan's Pretty Cure Fanseries Emporium Wiki, to write over 70 fanfics based on Pretty Cure. As of October 2022, eleven of those stories had been developed to the point of having some (or all) chapters posted. SOS Pretty Cure is the only one of the "Pre Cure Like Fan Fics" in that number.

Tropes used in SOS Pretty Cure include:

Haruhi: So let me get this straight, you sneering bastard: you sent two of your goons to spy on us from a hidden area in the Literature Clubroom, used some of your mumbo jumbo to catapult the SOS Brigade nearly a quarter century back in time to early 1979, planted us inside the warehouse where the tapes due to be destroyed were located, sent those same two goons at us disguised as impoundment officers sent to arrest us for theft of government property after we lifted five of those tapes, and shot time traveling capsules disguised as tranq darts to put us back in our own time with the tapes we lifted?
Fujiwara: To make a long story short, yes.
Haruhi: We are not amused. However, it was pretty brilliant, how you planned all that.

  • Ascended Fangirl: In Evo's words: "Not just like a Magical Girl series, girly. You're in one."
  • Big Bad: Fujiwara.
  • Celebrity Voice Actor: In this case, the Japanese version features an Anglophone celebrity, Emma Watson, as the voice of Haruhi. Also, the English dub features Bonnie Wright as the voice of Sasaki.[please verify]
  • Chekhov's Skill: Those clubs Haruhi joined for one day each in the first episode? Most, if not all, had valuable skills Haruhi would need to apply at various points in the series.
  • Cluster F-Bomb: Haruhi lets loose a whole flurry of swears during a panic attack when confronted by a Laser Hallway (spoken in Gratuitous English in the Japanese version, except for "merda", which is always rendered as "kuso"). This is actually more PG-13 compared to other profanity-laced tirades (or all-out nonstop strings of profanity, for that matter).

Haruhi: Oh, shit. Lasers! AH! DAMMIT, THEY MOVE! SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT! CRAP! CRAP! CRAP! CRAP! Merda-merda-merda-merda-merda-merda-merda-DAMMIT! ASS ASS ASS ASS ASS ASS ASS ASS ASS... and tits.

  • The Dragon: Kuyo.
  • Evil Laugh: Haruhi pulls this off a couple of times during the getaway part of the second Media warehouse raid. The first time is jarring enough as she does it while her would-be arresting officer is entombed temporarily under a trapdoor just so she and her crew could lose him. The second time is EVEN MORE MANIACAL. To wit: someone finally does succeed in putting the cuffs on her, and he's parading her past an electric trap--all while she's gleefully smiling, mind you, she's quite Genre Savvy with the Trap Door Fail--then it goes off, he gets zapped--wait, wasn't there only one of those things? Then why is HARUHI taking the voltage as well? In any case, she's cackling LIKE A MAD HATTER as the current travels through her body, and she's exhausted by the time the electrocution is through.
  • Fan Girl: Haruhi serves as one to Ronnie James Dio, who is still alive at the time this story is set (2003). She even does the "metal horns" gesture more than a few times in each episode!
  • Fangirl Japanese: "Around The Beatles", John Lennon Live, Magical Mystery Tour, The Beatles Live at Shea Stadium, Sextette, and The Beatles Live in Tokyo are always, without exception, spoken using their Japanese titles (and if one doesn't exist already, it's a no-brainer as to what the author will come up with as to translations).
  • Glasses Pull: Done by Haruhi with Cool Shades in one episode.
  • Go Among Mad People: The impoundment officers who try to arrest Haruhi and her crew for theft of government property in Los Angeles 1979 in episode 18 wind up spending a few years each in the funny farm after telling their account of the mysterious circumstances behind the theft of five VHS tapes of The Rolling Stones Live in Hyde Park that were supposed to be impounded to the judge that had signed the writ of seizure. The judge thought they had lost their minds and ordered them put away at the local mental hospital for a few years. Afterwards, they're picked up by Fujiwara, having played their part in his latest mind game with the SOS Brigade.
  • Good All Along: Sasaki.
  • Good Cop, Bad Cop: Haruhi and Kyon fill this dynamic in a later episode when they question Adult!Mikuru over how her younger self was treated. Later, when they find the younger Mikuru in Kyoko's hands, the two play Bad Cop/Worse Cop on her.

Kyon: First Haruhi, then Mikuru's older self, now you!? You picked the wrong girl to kidnap!

Kyon: You got electrocuted, for Christ's sake! That wasn't funny!
Haruhi: Of course it wasn't funny! I just got tickled a little bit, that's all.

  • Heel Face Revolving Door: Ryoko has been watching Kyon this whole time, but the fact that Haruhi took too long to warp reality causes her to snap and try to kill Kyon "and see how Ms. Suzumiya reacts". Cures Dio and Extraterrestre show up to save Kyon and fight Ryoko, and following her Disney Death she returns later on as a Type V Anti-Hero, Cure Daga.
  • Heel Face Turn: Kyoko finally rebels against Fujiwara when he tries to kill Cure Dio.
  • Here We Go Again: The Rolling Stones Live in Hyde Park isn't the only program Haruhi lifted from that warehouse; a later episode had the SOS Brigade going back in time to that warehouse on the eve of April 8, 1980, to pick up 6 similarly doomed Beatles programs. Unfortunately, since the initial theft Charles Band has put higher security in place at the warehouse. This time, the entire group accompanies Haruhi as she picks up the tapes, and they manage to clear every obstacle, including a moisture alarm. Unfortunately, Haruhi didn't count on that audio alarm...
  • Hijacked by Ganon: Some time in the series, it seems as though Sasaki is The Man Behind the Man and the real Big Bad. Then Sasaki is revealed to have been Good All Along and she was the Unwitting Pawn to Fujiwara (instead of the other way around).
  • Hot Chick in a Badass Suit: Haruhi's formal-wear, complete with Cool Shades. While she's the only girl in the SOS Brigade to do this, she's none too pleased to see Kyon wearing something similar, only with a brown tie instead of a red one:

Haruhi: Seriously, if everyone else in my club shows up in a suit, someone's going to mistake the SOS Brigade for a bunch of bodyguards or something, you know?

  • Hypocritical Humor: Haruhi tells the other Brigadiers not to speak lest they trip an alarm by mistake, and yet she's the one that slips up after all 30 tapes have been nabbed (and she nabs the 30th VHS tape, The Beatles Live in Tokyo).

Haruhi: We did it.
[Alarm sounds]
Haruhi: Aw, fuck! I was right! I should've listened to my instincts, there was an audio alarm after all!

Kyon: No time to fret, let's grab our bags full of tapes and get the hell out of here!

Haruhi: Normally I don't take orders from subordinates. But given the URGENCY of this situation, I'll make an exception since we have to get our asses out of the plant anyway before we get caught!

  • Indy Hat Roll: Done with a Beatles tape: Haruhi drops one tape as she goes through a vertically closing door and reaches back in there, pulling the tape over to her side in the nick of time.
  • Iron Butt Monkey: As the team leader, Haruhi seems to be the one to get the most injuries out of the Cures (unless you count Ryoko, who was freaky D'td!). In fact, she takes several life-threatening hits, most notably in episode 7 when a terrorbyte is shown to have stomped all over her, crushing her bones in some areas and getting lacerated in a few others, including her head. Fortunately, she can always count on Yuki to be The Medic (Yuki heals her secretly after sedating her entire body in earlier incidents), but when she dies after taking heavy torture from Kuyo and her boss, Fujiwara, all bets are off... until Kyon goes Kiss of Life on her. Of course, even Yuki misses a spot or two sometimes; following the episode 7 incident Haruhi (who is understandably irritated with Kyon for not showing up for the fight on time) walks on a visible limp until she and Yuki have to deal with a homicidal Ryoko.
  • Laser Hallway: Appears during the second trip through the Media Home Entertainment warehouse (to collect doomed Beatles tapes). This is where Haruhi's prior modern dance training with the North High dance club comes into play.

Haruhi: Oh, shit. Lasers! AH! DAMMIT, THEY MOVE!

  • Memetic Outfit: Part of it becomes regular here: after episode 2 (when she first converses with Kyon while wearing her hair in Odango style with blue scrunchies), Haruhi is never seen without her trademark yellow hair ribbon; while her school uniform is retained, Modesty Shorts become more obvious, and she rarely wears it outside of school unless she hadn't come home first by the time any out-of-school scene takes place.
  • Moral Event Horizon: As with the source material, during the shoot for her movie Haruhi puts her toe on it, does a full 180, and dashes very far away from it as fast as possible.
  • Mythology Gag: All five Cures call themselves emissaries of light during their In the Name of the Moon speeches; also, such speeches begin with intros reminiscient of those from Fresh Pretty Cure.
  • Name's the Same: Alluded to when Gin and Haruhi first meet. Haruhi asks, "Do I Know You?" in what becomes an Actor Allusion when you realize who else was voiced by Gin's seiyuu.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Haruhi finally figures out who sent the SOS Brigade a quarter century back in time and planted them in Los Angeles inside the Media Home Entertainment plant just as unsold tapes of The Rolling Stones Live in Hyde Park are due for impoundment. It was Fujiwara, who actually went that far to see if Haruhi and company had what it took to pull off such a caper as that if they were put in such a situation and then makes the mistake of trying to get the SOS Brigade to join him. Haruhi is not amused, though she does commend how Fujiwara managed to plan all that. She's soon inspired to write a Science Fiction story involving time travel for the anthology mandated by the Student Council to keep her club open. And then she unwittingly invents time travel as Gin later reads the story and invents the TPDD based on Haruhi's description of such a device in the story.
  • The Other Darrin: Now that Aya Hirano has switched voice acting agencies, Haruhi is now voiced in Japanese by Emma Watson--yes, that one.
  • Our Hero Is Dead: Happens to Cure Dio.
  • Precision F-Strike: Yuki lets her feelings about actually seeing a storeroom of Media tapes before her eyes known like this:

Yuki: Holy shit.
Haruhi: Nice mouth, Yuki. Anyway, we shouldn't talk until after we finish this operation. We might set off an alarm by mistake. These devices are a counter as to how many tapes we have. We must've found them when whoever catapulted us back in time left these gadgets here. Ready... 1-2-3-go.

  • Proper Tights with a Skirt: Worn by Mikuru quite a bit; oddly enough, this doesn't feature in her Cure Tempo outfit.
  • Quicksand Sucks: An accurate depiction in the quicksand pit Haruhi falls into during the SOS Brigade's second Media warehouse raid. Except, of course, where she stumbled into quicksand in the first place. In fact, Kyon drops a three-foot-long ruler into Haruhi's hands, and when she pushes the ruler into the quicksand lengthwise there's still a foot visible.

Haruhi: Mark third!

  • Shout Outs Abound:
  • Slow Doors: Charles Band put numerous in his warehouse since the theft Haruhi perpetrated; the second time she raids the warehouse, she has to deal with these, among others.
  • Speak of the Devil: "That's why... I'm going to kill you and see how Ms. Suzumiya reacts." One minute later, Cure Dio, joined by Cure Extraterrestre, starts fighting Ryoko to save Kyon from a pretty gruesome end.
  • Surprisingly Good Japanese: The only reason why Haruhi counts as this is because of her seiyuu.
  • Tights Under Shorts: Part of Haruhi's casualwear during the colder months; otherwise, she just wears the jean shorts.
  • Title Drop
  • Trap Door: Haruhi falls into one while at the Media warehouse a second time. She lands in quicksand and sinks just one foot before figuring out she just needs to relax to avoid digging herself deeper.
    • Trap Door Fail: There's several trapdoors, in fact. They just:
      • Open to the right of Haruhi
      • Release a burst of air that sends Haruhi flying toward the ceiling
      • Are covered by a super-transparent glass
    • For the getaway, the traps:
      • Open behind Haruhi and under her would-be arresting officer, who has the trapdoor shut over him immediately
      • Close on one arresting officer and bisect him vertically, something not even Haruhi wants to look at
      • Electrocute another arresting officer after he places the cuffs on a smiling Haruhi... as well as Haruhi herself (turns out, there were two electric traps fired by the security system she was being paraded past; Haruhi just got hit by the one with the more Harmless Electrocution)
  • Who's Laughing Now?: Haruhi certainly never thought there'd be two electric traps.
  • Who Wears Short Shorts?: Part of Haruhi's casualwear and her Cure Dio costume.
  • X-Ray Sparks: Haruhi's skeleton flashes five times as she's zapped for 10 seconds.
  • You Look Familiar: From episode 18:

Officer: You're under arrest!
Haruhi: And I suppose Fujiwara sent you over to bring us to him?
Officer: No, you thieving slut! We have been sent by the District Court to seize tapes here, and those tapes you five are holding are now stolen government property!

  • Zettai Ryouiki: Haruhi wears this with her school uniform (at least in the colder months) and as Cure Dio.