The Adventures of Dr. McNinja/WMG
...are not "Adventures" so much as schizophrenic delusions
In one strip, a cooked turkey that's walking and talking suggests that it's a hallucination. In another, Dr. McNinja's soul splits into a doctor and a ninja after death. Given that people recognize him even when he's in disguise, and that he can walk a raptor in a dog park without getting odd looks, among other oddities, it may in fact be that all this is a product of the man's own deranged mind.
- As far as McNinja's disguise, he never takes off that face mask, and he's Cumberland's most high-profile ninja. He'd be less recognizable if he took that mask off.
- To be fair, the Doc's father states that the mask is used so that should things get really rough, a McNinja can discard the mask and become nobody. That said, attempting to impersonate those without ninja masks -- while wearing a ninja mask -- is more than a little insane.
- And he didn't walk a raptor in a dog park, he was looking for an escaped raptor hiding in a dog park. The woman who saw Yoshi was too busy screaming to give any odd looks.
Gordito will eventually become King Radical
Present Day!Radical's plan is to use the special nuclear warhead to erase all of Cumberland to recreate the Radical Land. After defeating Mcninja, (or at least crippling him/breaking his spirit a la Bane), he will raise Gordito as his own. Years later, Mcninja will regain his bravery after defeating Hans Rainer, who has tracked him down, and will confront Radical. After defeating Radical, the King will reveal that his true identity is Gordito, the Doctor's sidekick.
- Nope -- the warhead was actually going to be used to blow up an orphanage, just not with the kids inside... and only because Radical wanted to build a new one on the old location. The special warhead does not have radioactive fallout, making it suitable but over-kill for the job.
Gordito's mustache could be trimmed to look like Radical's, and Gordito has already shown his distain for Mcninja's ways. Gordito will become fed up with the doctor's bad treatment of him, and go Jason Todd on him (possible foreshadowing in the Alt Text of this page). Sparklelord will appear, freed from the time loop through sheer force of will, and will try to stop Radical. Mcninja and Gordito!Radical will team up to save Cumberland and banish Sparklelord, but Chuck Goodrich will throw himself and Radical into the purple time rift, sacrificing himself to save Cumberland.
The two will arrive in the past, and Radical will kill Goodrich. Through sheer force of will, the same force which grew his mustache, Radical will live for thousands of years, becoming the most radical man in the radical land. Eventually, he will meet Martin, and try to manipulate him to find the location of Mcninja before the doctor can become a threat. Radical will take Mcninja into the past/future to see how the doctor's recklessness will get the better of him (towards the end of Doc Gets Rad, Young!Doctor appears in the cave), and will try to convince him to renounce the ninja way. Mcninja will refuse, and jump back into the time rift, "waking up" in the future right after he had left.
The comic will end with the Doctor renouncing the ninja way and removing his mask.
Dan McNinja's explanation of the mask is clearly a Chekhov's Gun (or rather, Chekhov's BFG). And it's clear that the Doctor's dual nature as both a killer and a healer is causing him to become psychologically unbalanced. He will eventually find peace by renouncing the way of violence and devoting himself to medicine.
- ...But the awesome! Where will the awesome go?
- When will people realize that it is not the ability to take life that is truly awesome, but the ability to give life. Animals can take life. God first gave life. n doctors are more awesome than n^3 ninjas.
- Of course, giving life by using ninja violence is more awesome still so, yeah.
- Though that isn't saying much...
- When will people realize that it is not the ability to take life that is truly awesome, but the ability to give life. Animals can take life. God first gave life. n doctors are more awesome than n^3 ninjas.
- Hm, more likely to fall under Forbidden Chekhov's Gun. Dr. McNinja will probably reach the level of desperation that will require him to take off his mask, but I think he will find a way around the whole FOREVER thing. I say this because webcomics hardly ever have a foreseeable end.
- Franz Rayner know's Doctor McNinja's face, so when he does remove his mask to become a doctor he will still need his ninja skills to ward off Franz Rayner's attacks. Unless of course he has a white mask and black labcoat to become someone completely different.
Count Dracula was behind everything. Everything.
Drac arranged for the creation of the McNinja Burger so the events of "There's a Raptor in My Office" could occur. Drac told Captain O'Shay where and when to find the Doctor so that the events of "So What Is a McNinja?" could occur and the Doc could be reconciled with his family. Drac suggested the complicated viewership-raising scheme to Newscorp so Doc would get Gordito as a sidekick. Drac gave Frans Rayner the ninja drug so that Frans' attempt to draw Dan McNinja out by killing Doc would result in Ben Franklin II's death. Drac specifically formulated the Headless Horsemen potion so it would cause a Zombie Apocalypse, so that Doc, in order to study the zombies alone, would send Gordito off to visit his (recently reconciled) family, so Gordito would ultimately accompany them on their fight with the Ghost Wizard, and so Drac could threaten Gordito to blackmail the Doctor.
- The scary part? This all makes sense, considering that this is Doctor McNinja.
- Just as Planned.
- The thing he appears not to have accounted for? Gordito, the badass kid. And, to a lesser degree, Bruce Lee.
- On the other hand, nobody expects Bruce Lee.
- Don't you mean... THE SPANISH INQUISITION !?!?
- And, um, King Radical is Dracula's alter ego, and the events of Monster Mart were engineered to get the Doc close to someone more controllable than Gordito (of course Drac can counteract that transformation), should Dracula ever need a lever on McNinja again - clearly, the Badass Kid is too dangerous to make a good hostage.
Haruhi is behind everything
... and its not the one you're thinking of.
The guy from "Ask a Ninja" secretly wrote "Dr. McNinja"
Or the good Doctor fact checks the ask a Ninja scripts.
- Alternately, "Ask A Ninja" is what Dr. McNinja does for fun.
- He comes across more like Sean.
King Radical is, in fact The King.
He got "Scuttletruck" to work for him by telling the poor guy that "you ain't nothing but a hound dog, cryin' all the time."
King Radical is actually The King from Burger King.
His arch nemesis is Ronald McDonald, and the next story arc will involve the Doc (along with all of Cumberland) getting stuck in the middle.
- Jossed; The character is now "Donald McBonald", and King Radical is very upset at him for mistaking him for the Burger King.
The Mayor of Cumberland is a retired vampire hunter.
He once tangled with Dracula, hence his morbid fear of the undead and wide-reaching connections.
- This is more likely than it seems, since he used to be an astronaut.
- Find somebody who has never read this comic, and have them read those last two lines. Tell me how they act :)
- Even better: He is a time traveler from a world filled with either zombies or tyrannical (and slightly philosophical) dinosaurs, who traveled to the past to stop a motorcycle riding criminal/monarch from stopping an EVEN BIGGER catastrophe.
- You know your favorite webcomic is good when it turns out the truth is only slightly crazier than the WMG.
- Even better: He is a time traveler from a world filled with either zombies or tyrannical (and slightly philosophical) dinosaurs, who traveled to the past to stop a motorcycle riding criminal/monarch from stopping an EVEN BIGGER catastrophe.
- Find somebody who has never read this comic, and have them read those last two lines. Tell me how they act :)
Agent Bearclaw is a former ninja.
He took off his mask during the '80s so that Rayner wouldn't kill him. Who else but a ninja or former ninja could be so homicidal and badass that the Doctor would prefer to stay out of arms reach? Sure, he could have taken Rayner today, but back then he would have been just a kid.
- Eh. For being such a badass, the Doc's a bit of a coward. Just a tiny bit, but he fears guys he can take in a fight all the time. Death, Dracula, Radical...
The lung on his keychain is a real lung.
He used either his doctor powers or his ninja powers to pull it out of the chest of an evil leprechaun. Alternately, it's the lung of a dearly departed friend.
When Hortense says her employer is "anonymous", she means it.
Some Anon(s) realized that 4chan is not their personal army, so they hired one. Stopping the world from not blowing up is the ultimate troll. As is Hortense's methodology: unnecessarily shooting the pilot, and then waiting until the Doctor was through everything and shooting the man he came to save? Hell of a troll. The "birdosaurus" was also hired by Anonymous.
- Oddly enough, it makes a lot of sense and fits the comic.
- Jossed, she was hired by Radical.
- But we don't necessarily know that Radical isn't secretly Anonymous.
Hello. My name is Gordito Delgado. You Killed My Father. Prepare to Die.
I mean come on! He's got the debriefing file: as far as clues and leads go, they don't get much better than that. I would assume that the only reason that he hasn't taken his revenge already is because PETA kept the assassin's identity out of the file.
- Taken one step further: the tiny spy in the Doc's office was not planted by the government, but by PETA. Soon, one side or the other will make their move...
Carl the weatherman is King Radical.
Nobody that diabolical would be content to pull a single Kansas City Shuffle, and then settle back down into his quiet lifestyle as a meteorologist.
Gary will become an Ascended Extra.
Ninja hair trimming would usually fall under "Ninja Tricks", due to their masks covering their scalps. However, as an MD, Doctor McNinja might get free haircuts. The Doctor could never say no to free haircuts, and as such, Gary is the only person to have ever seen him without his mask. Hence the speed dial: if the Doctor's identity were ever in jeopardy, Gary would be the only man he could trust.
- It should be noted that Gary's Real Life identity is known: it's Gary Tyrrell, webcomics journalist, blogger, and beard master.
King Radical is Doctor McNinja from the future.
This is why he can anticipate the Doc's every move so well, and why he only plays with him rather than trying to kill him - he is trying to force his past self to give up the convoluted Ninja/Doctor ways, and become the most radical man in the radical land.
- We know that time travel is possible, and that King Radical is capable of it.
- Radical knows that Sparklelord will try to crush the will of his past self - it is for just such a crime that Sparklelord was banished.
- Thus, Radical Land is the Earth in the future, once Dr. McNinja's awesomeness has transformed it to its true potential.
The motorcycle actually does belong to Lisa Frank
- What better way to combat the Xtreme Hardcore nature of King Radical than with rainbows and unicorns?
- Surreally confirmed... partially, at least.
Doctor McNinja has a white mask under his black mask.
It's there so that if he ever needs to unmask himself, he can become his complete opposite?he will don a black labcoat, working at a general hospital and constantly working with the police. Naturally, underneath that white mask is another black mask, so that after he is no longer in danger he can return as the true Dr. McNinja.
Both the motorcycle and King Radical are fairies.
C'mon. King Radical is capricious and vain, apparently immortal, from a plane of existence that is clearly not this universe... you get the idea. Similarly, the motorcycle, whose true form is a unicorn, appears to drive whoever rides it to madness. This smacks of typical fairy meddling. It is therefore my learned conclusion that the Radical Land is, in fact, Fairyland, and that the arc will end with the Doctor refusing to believe in the motorcycle and King Radical, and the two fairies fading away, Charles and Marianne-style.
== King Radical is a Physical God and the Anthropomorphic Personification of The Rule of Cool ==Just look at him. The "Radical Land" is more or less the "Plane Of Cool" with Radical as its ruler. Therefore, King Radical is capable of some seriously insane stunts.
The Doctor will need to provide medical attention to a space monster at some point in the future.
The McNinja family are immigrants from Radical Land.
They all have a natural level of genetic radicalness.
== King Radical is a cunning villain, and Sparkelord really is one of his previous victims, albeit a somewhat conniving and vengeful one. == You're right! You're freaking spot on!! The latest page!!! King Radical says so himself! (unless of course he's just messing with Dr.Mcninja)
Sparklelord is Bad Horse.
YES. Just yes.
Doc kills both Sparklelord and Radical.
The Mayor of Cumberland is from the Radical Land.
There's an astronaut wielding a bo staff in one of Radical's flashbacks about the Radical Land, who came to our world sometime after Radical. Sparklelord's evil army must have included undead of some kind, which would explain his fear and hatred of zombies.
Doc's college vigilante club teammate Mary/Christina will be important later on
Doc says "When Mary's house came under attack, a tornado picked it up and flung it somewhere. I haven't heard from her since, but I'm sure she's okay." Tempting Fate or not, that sounds like a hook to bring her back into the story at some point.
- This troper thought she was just shipped off to Oz. Maybe she'll require assistance in kicking Wicked Witches' ass?
The person from the future in a space suit...
Is either Dr. McNinja or his clone, coming back in time from the present to stop the clones from being recombined.
- Actually, it's Chuck Goodrich, Chrononaut attempting to prevent the Ninja Zombie Apocalypse.
Both King Radical and Sparklelord were telling the truth.
Sparklelord truly was an Evil Overlord, and Radical defeated him just so he could build something for orphans.
All of the above are true.
Chris probably reads this page for ideas.
Doc's snarky inner voice ("you're not a dark and troubled soul, you're a doctor who wants to be Batman") is actually a remnant of the mind of one of his clones.
Probably one of the two McNinjas who was making fun of his pre-mission speech.
All of the rumors about Chuck Goodrick shown on this page are true.
Since it's been revealed that Chuck is actually from the future, making at least the first rumor seem true.
Gordito is an alternate universe Gunslinger
Maybe not since he is shown to be blatantly copying The Dark Tower books. Then again, infinite universes. But come on, dual wielded revolvers.
- Which have been common in Westerns since Westerns were called "Hey guess what happened outside my house yesterday."
Mongo is now under the control of Donald McBonald.
The alt text of D.A.R.E. To Resist Ninja Drugs And Ninja Violence (Part 2) states that the "treats" which keep Mongo reigned in are Happy Meal toys. This would give Ronald the ability to control Mongo just as well as the midget did.
Vlad (the man who flew the helicopter for Rayner) will show back up in the service of Radical.
King Radical favors powerful servants with a connection to Dr McNinja (Hortense and Martin), and Vlad appears to fit the bill. Plus, Radical needs new blood to rebuild his organization after Sparklelord's attack, and Vlad is one of the very few named villains McNinja has faced whose final fates remain unknown (the others being Dracula and Radical).
The Ninja Zombie Apocalypse is still going to happen.
Raise your hand if you think the McNinja-clone that didn't show up until the experiment was ruined is somehow infected with a dormant form of the zombie "virus" that will cause him to rise up as a zombie the day he dies.
- Wouldn't matter; Doc made a vaccine for it.
Franz Rayner in the Army of One arc is being used by King Radical
Franz Rayner is going to invoke the inverse ninja law
This is why he made so many clones of Dr. Mcninja that aren't interested in killing their non-cloned self.
- Considering how easily he is tearing through them, I would say confirmed.
- Totally Confirmed.
Franz will lose this fight but survive.
And he, along with King Radical, Dracula, Hortense and Robster will do a Villain Team-Up at some point in the future.
- He survives, thanks to Mongo and Dr. Knickerbockers.
The Doctor will defeat Franz by....
Cloning him. Once the Inverse Ninja Law applies to Franz, Doc will be able to match him one-on-one and defeat Frans again.
- Jossed. It seems that he will defeat Franz by teaming up with him against the other Mc Ninjas, thereby applying the Inverse Ninja Law to him that way.
The Doctor will defeat Franz by
killing the clones, thereby negating the effects of the Inverse Ninja Law. Considering the last panel of the last strip as of this edit is him saying "I'm... going to feel terrible about this for the rest of my life," I'd say there's at least a chance...
- Confirmed, to a point. He becomes Bash Brothers with Franz in order apply the effects to himself.
The future zombies are still Doc's clones
Chuck thought he had found the source when he found Doc being uncloned. Franz has tried cloning Doc for revenge. Someone will clone Doc in the future and zombie apocalypse will happen.
Eventually a Chuck Goodrich will come to stop the future from being overrun by Chuck Goodiches.
Logically, if versions of him from different timelines keep coming, eventually the planet will be filled with more of him then there are of anyone else, thereby using up all of the world's resources and causing the apocalypse. Of course, yet another one will come from the future to try and stop this.
The Adventures of Dr. McNinja is going to end soon
The Doc has 4 things to do on his list before he dies. 1, Jump of a tall building and improvise way into safe landing. 2, Go to Mars and find the cure for cancer. 3, Find true love aaaaaawww. 4, Punch out a dinosaur. He has done numbers 1 and 4. He has had the possibility of number two confirmed to him by Dracula AND he personally knows one, now several, astronauts (or still just one?). SO number two looks to be done soon. Number three has also been hinted at with the introduction of Hortense. Who, if not Mcninja's love interest, at least serves to cue the reader in on Mcninja's personal life. At the rate Mcninja is going through his goals he's gonna run out, and so have nothing left except to die. Although there is his current obsession over King Radical, so the comic is unlikely to end without suitable closure there as well.
This boy will become a Big Bad in his effort to get revenge on McNinja.
Presumably, he will go 10 to 15ish years into the past to arrive into the comic now.
- Most likely jossed. He's one of the Lumberjacks who Doc recruits to attack the dinosaur fortress.
King Radical is behind the apocalypses that Chuck Goodrich keeps traveling back in time to stop.
- Each time a Chuck has gone back in time, he has been forced to explain the future he is trying to stop to the same person.
- Logically, this must mean that every time a new Goodrich shows up, he changes plans. His ultimate goal may or may not be the "Chuck Goodrich overflow" apocalypse mentioned above.
The doctor is a Time Lo-THONK!!!
We apologize for the previous WMG, the troper responible has been restrained and sedated.
McNinja gets betrayed by Gordito
- Because King Radical is Gordito in the Future as well as the Burger King and he has to fight his nemesis Donald McBonald who has been a piece of Sparklelord's spirit that he split off of himself to break out of the stable time loop. Both of the fast food giants however soon have to face off against PETA which was really being ruled by Dracula who Punched Death in the face and escaped the afterlife, except Bee Man is Starscream. And I guess Franz Rayner teams up with the Mc Ninjas and pirates at some point.
The Doctor's "inner voice" is actually the "lost in time" version of his mind.
It will pop back to every time the Doc talked to himself, comment on it, be heard by himself, and be whisked away again. He finds nothing odd about this because it's been happening to him since he was a young child.
Dracula is king radical's Dragon
Because King radical can go to the past, he could have meeted him when Dracula was Young.
The pirates showed aren't real pirates
Because, besides dan's logic, the fact that a man with truly pirate blood can fight equally against a ninja is still real. King radical is the king of the pirates. Hortense has pirate blood too, just by the fact that if she and mcninja have a baby, it will be a Pirate doctor Ninja.
- Doctor-ness does not appear to be genetic in this setting, since none of our hero's relatives are in medicine.
Doctor will travel to the past to be trained by the ninja who create the Mc Ninja's clan
that or he is that ninja.
There will be a Doctor McNinja and Deadpool crossover
Maybeish. Chris has been chosen to write the new Deadpool comics so maybe....
== The setting of Doctor McNinja is in the far future of Girl Genius ==. Behold: the good Doctor has an office in the Mechanicsburg hospital. Obviously, Doc traveled back in time to Europa, and while stuck in the past, he established an office in the only city as mad as he is. All the weirdness of the modern world is a direct result of Sparks' creations in the distant past.
The Doctor is Yor.
Who else would kill a dinosaur and then turn its corpse into a kite?
Ninja tricks and other techniques that ninjas use to defy the laws of physics are fueled with the residual power of a dead eldritch god.
We already know that there are horrible eldritch abominations in the Dr. Mcninja universe, so this WMG is feasible. Alternatively, the dark, ancient god-thing may just be sleeping.
Future!Dark Smoke Puncher is working with King Radical
This is based entirely on the fact that Doc had chased King Radical into George Washington's abandoned tunnels, and now that's where DSP's anti-dinosaur resistance is apparently based.
The Dinosaur/Human alliance is legit; this iteration of Chuck Goodrich is a terrorist
Future!DSP and Future!Gordito have been manipulated into being public enemies No. 1 and 2 by Chuck, and don't realize the truth.
Dr. McNinja's first name is John.
- Given the Doctor's (and Hastings') love of The Eighties pop culture and his Action Hero status, this is pretty much a given.
The Ultimate Diplomat is Barney or a Barney ripoff.
- He's been said to get people to feel empathy and create compromise. What other dinosaur could do that as well as Barney?
The Ultimate Diplomat is Yoshi.
- C'mon, I can't be the only one thinking it.
- Jossed. Yoshi is a member of Raptor Force. The Diplomat is a Half Dinosaur, Half-Human Hybrid.
King Radical and the Temporally Radness
The Dinosaur Future arc is throwing it in our faces, but let's consider just how temporally all over the place King Radical has been.
- He has a time portal in his cave system. King Radical claims this same portal took, implying pulled, him from Radical Land. It is similar, but admittedly not identical, to the one that they banished Sparklelord into. So this opens up the possibility that Radical Land is not a where, but a "when".
- The timeline mechanic revelation also helps explain Sparklelord. In timeline Prime he gets sent back, transformed into a motorcycle. He gets unearthed. Kind Radical rebanishes him into the past into Timeline 2. Sparklelord just has a crazily long lifespan and keeps falling for the same mistake over and over and over. Sparklelord wasn't sent from, but back in time initially. Depending on "when" Radical land forms due to the timeline mechanics any citizen of Radical Land could hypothetically travel back in time to "now".
- "... a more radical world...", Radical trying to create a Radical Land?
- King Radical was in a position of power with the Tennis Inocktek, but we already knew they had time traveler assistance. Goodrich just revealed who.
- Bearclaw and his associates believed the unattended device would destroy the world. A Goodrich appeared there to stop it. Did Radical hire Hortense? Also, rainbow. Tied in some way to Sparklelord or the start of Radical Land's creation?
- Note, a world changing event to remake earth into what we saw as Radical Land may very well have been drastic enough to cause a Goodrich to head back to prevent. This may be why Radical is watching the Goodrich's. If, when, all other threats are neutralized eventually the most likely to succeed is Radical Land.
- King Radical goes back to try to stop the dinosaurs himself. He doesn't say how far back. Dr. McNinja may have two Radicals to deal with once he returns to a present.
McNinja's "front line"
- The people that McNinja assembles to assault the dino-president's fortress are all former patients of his...who were diagnosed with Paul Bunyan's disease. Take note. The vial he gives them all? Maple syrup. Dr. McNinja is going to assault the dinosaur fortress with an army of giant lumberjacks.
- Confirmed
The Nasaghasts are Apollo 1 expies
- (Notice I said expies. Based on what we're told, they died decades after that, and that would be rather nasty to consider, anyway.) There's three of them (as opposed to a typical seven for a 1990s space shuttle crew, which is what we were told the ghasts were), the statue shows them on the moon in Apollo suits, and they trail black smoke.
the space ghost followed them to the future
that's the real reason why Sean do the "test" thing, he was trying to protect his brother.
- Confirmedish: the NASAGhast was following Chuck.
- Though it didn't need to follow them, The Slow Path will do just fine.
Yoshi has become a Mole for Radical
The rocket cheetah will play a pivotal role in the dinosaur war.
That scene seemed a bit overly dramatic for something so unnecesary. The rocket cheetah will be a Chekhov'sGun.
The Horrorsaurus is actually Yoshi
- The mention of "They took Yoshi" is bound to play a plot point soon. Dr. Kaplanko called the Horrorsaurus "Geneo Two", presumably the second Horrorsaurus, with Geneo One being the original Horrorsaurus that Dan and Mitzi blew up. This might be indicative of how they create Horrorsauruses, genetically modifying a Dinosaur into that monstrosity. And since the President mentioned that Dinosaur's biggest difference between themselves and humans is the not killing each other business, they presumably have some sort of respect for each other. Noting that Yoshi is not a super-intelligent Dinosaur, they might have at first tried to uplift him into sentience, or found out that he is rather misbehaving, brainwashed him and then turned him into the new Horrorsaurus to replace the old one. Of course, this will be the Dinosaur's downfall once the Horrorsaurus sees Gordito...
- Even more so now that the NASA Ghast says that it is not a threat, meaning it does not intend to kill/injure Chuck.
- Jossed. Yoshi is still Yoshi.
Dr. McNinja now has the Nasaghast's protection
He has officially been up in a NASA shuttle, with a NASA spacesuit, along with another astronaut. As far as the Nasaghasts are concerned, he is an astronaut. That may even be how he escapes the dinosaurs eating him for not having learned computers.
Doctor McNinja's ninja name is "Doctor"
We know that Doc thinks that ninja names are stupid, so it would make sense that his parents would insist on using his ninja name, to embarrass him, especially since he apparently refuses to go by his first name (cause, you know...the wizard). Why don't they? Well, since he thinks ninja names are dumb, it's possible he chose something they would absolutely refuse to use, out of spite. And what better name than the title that he plans to put in front of his last name anyway, and the occupation that his parents are so ashamed of him pursuing?
Doctor McNinja is Calvin.
Remember Calvin's Tyrannosaurs in F-14s? If that's not from Doctor McNinja, then I don't know what is. I propose that the good doctor is one of Calvin's fantasies à la Spaceman Spiff, possibly from his unshown teenage years. The comic definitely fits Calvin's imagination, and from what we can see of McNinja's face, he even looks a bit like Calvin (fair skinned, fair haired).
King Radical is this guy in the second panel.
The facial hair matches -- and wouldn't you be inspired to become the most radical in all the land after seeing that?
Brother Papadopoulos is actually Dr McNinja (or Dark Smoke Puncher)
He shows up at the exact right moment with exactly the right obscure information to save Gordito's mustache, while on his way to teach his first class (so he's new). He slips Gordito a copy of "Chaucer for the Terrible and Incompetent". Since Doc is missing, it could be him, but the sister said they hardly know DSP is there. Who would notice if he disguised himself as a teacher and started teaching classes? Being a ninja, he could probably manage being a student and a teacher at the same time.
- Seconding this so hard.
- Okay, it's almost certainly not DSP, or he'd have said something when Gordito mentioned him. But it looks promising... so promising, in fact, I'm starting to think we're expected to think it's Doc and it's going to be Jossed.
Doctor McLuchador isn't Dr. McNinja
Look, I admit he most likely is, but this comic is so weird that it is perfectly consistent that he isn't. McLuchador either was a rival or colleague of McNinja now moving into the territory to fill the void left behind.
- Mostly proven, though he could be trying to throw us off the trail.
- Proven. Unless he's Old McNinja...
- Jossed, McLuchador is Doc. Unless there's more than one McLuchador.
The Samurai Demon Guy is actually disguised as the guy serving lunch
- The Gym teacher is too obvious.
- Papadopoulos is too cool to be anyone other than one of the McNinja brothers in disguise (See above WMG, "Brother Papadopoulos is actually Dr McNinja (Or Dark Smoke Puncher)").
- He called off his search for Chuck because he noticed it was lunch time.
- Gordito's list of faculty members doesn't include that position.
- Actually, he calls off the search because he notices lunch time is over.
- Jossed; it was Brother Morris, the math teacher.
Brother Stouder is actually Dr McNinja
The kid he made clean the crawlspace was trying to set a pick against Gordito, and in Gordito's detention, he tries to help with his homework. Also, they both have blue eyes.
- Apparently Jossed; Doc was McLuchador. Though he may have multiple disguises...
It's a two-man con. Brother Stouder is the Samurai Demon. Brother Papademos is the dragon.
Did anyone notice the etching on the case? It's not exactly a Red Herring, simply because it could be a personal logo or something. Why else would he have the power to create auroras with his saxophone?
- Also, Papademos sounds like a really exotic false name to have. For one, it's the name of Greek Prime Minister, something you could just pick up and move along with. Second, if one were to spell it out in Greek, the first part of the name, papade, or Παπαδε, means "clergy." Just something to thing about.
- Jossed, at least partially; The Samurai Demon was Brother Morris, the math teacher.
Gordito has Synesthesia
And that's why Papadapoulos' awesome saxophone playing appeared to produce an aurora.
They don't need to save Mitzi's dust
Doc will wonder why they went to so much trouble when it's obviously not necessary.
The Doc who showed up at the hospital and chased off McLuchador was a fake
Because... c'mon. Why would he risk blowing his cover at that moment? If he was worried about his patient, he could have arranged for the normal doctors to find the cure, being a ninja. And if Doc really needed to drive off McLuchador, wouldn't he have used a disguise, given the circumstances? As for who it really was, it may have been Old McNinja, or Hortense.
- Almost certainly confirmed, as McLuchador turned out to be the real Doc. Unless that Doc's a fake...
- Old McNinja would make the most sense, as it'd require the least amount of work (he is a clone of Doc, after all), and Doc probably wanted to make sure "McNinja" was spotted by King Radical at the hospital alongside "Mc Luchador" so as to keep up the charade for the King's benefit. As for the visible parts of the face on Mc Luchador's mask... maybe that's part of the mask too?
The Demon's plot will be foiled by the fact that there are far more than one Chuck Goodrich
Chuck Goodrich disguised himself as Dr. McLuchador
When you run someone out of town, wouldn't the people who want their victim to stay out of town?
- Jossed, McLuchador is Doc.
- I'm not sure what's going on exactly, but McLuchador turned out to be Doc, right? Then how come the eye colors are different between the two?
- It's the mask, apparently.
- I'm not sure what's going on exactly, but McLuchador turned out to be Doc, right? Then how come the eye colors are different between the two?
Dr. Mcluchador is not dead
Instead, he faked his death to fool Dr. McNinja. But now he'll return to pay retribution on whoever is using his name and image.
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