What's Up, Doc?

The 1972 film What's Up, Doc? is Peter Bogdanovich's affectionate homage to the Screwball Comedy.
Manic Pixie Dream Girl Judy, played by Barbra Streisand, relentlessly pursues Howard (Ryan O'Neal), a repressed academic, throughout San Francisco, despite the "havoc and chaos" (in Howard's apt phrase) that follow Judy everywhere she goes. Meanwhile, the Satchel Switcheroo has happened to four identical red-plaid suitcases: Judy's personal items, Howard's valuable (to him) musical minerals, an eccentric rich lady's jewel collection, and some unspecified "Top Secret Government Documents." Hilarity Ensues.
An unofficial remake of Howard Hawks' 1938 movie Bringing Up Baby.
- Chase Scene: One of the best and most memorable in all of Hollywood history.
- The Chew Toy: Poor, poor Eunice...
- Gambit Pileup
- Grande Dame: Mrs. Van Hoskins.
- Hollywood Homely: There are a few implications that Eunice is unappealing and homely ("That's...unbelievable"). Eunice is played by Madeline Kahn. Yeah, right.
- One of these references is also a Hilarious in Hindsight moment. When Judy and Howard are talking about her:
Judy: You don't wanna marry someone who's gonna get all wrinkled, lined and flabby! |
- Kahn barely aged for most of her life, and let's just say Babs doesn't exactly look young anymore.
- Hooked Up Afterwards: Eunice and Mr. Larrabee.
- Just Eat Gilligan: They could presumably just open the bags to see what's actually inside, but then it wouldn't be nearly as hilarious.
- Arguably justified in regards to the seekers of the documents and the jewels. They could've arguably gotten caught at any moment as they stole.
- Judy and Howard did try to just grab all four handbags and look through them to figure out which ones were their own. Unfortunately, they only figured out to do this during the climax, when they had to partake in one of the best chase scenes ever, and got arrested immediately after.
- Lovers Ledge
- Manic Pixie Dream Girl: Judy, although her actions border on sociopathic in ways that most MPDGs don't.
- My Name Is Not Durwood: Judy keeps calling Howard "Steve".
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Fritz's upside-down mustache.
- Recycled Soundtrack
- San Francisco[context?]
- Satchel Switcheroo
- Screwball Comedy
- Shell Game
- Stupidest Thing I've Ever Heard: See Actor Allusion in the Trivia section.
- Title Drop: Several, including ending the film with a clip from Robert McKimson's 1950 Looney Tunes short of the same name.
- We Gotta Stop Meeting Like This: Those very words are used.
Judy: What's up, doc? |
Howard: "There was this trouble between me and Hugh." |