Bomb Queen

"Well shit is different here Barbie. I run the show in New Port City. I run it my way. The villain, got it!? Murderers, rapists, pedophiles and drug dealers don't wait for some asshole superhero or dial up Invincible when shit gets fucked up. Heroes aren't welcome in this town. People here want some one who represents them. That's me... The Queen!"
—Bomb Queen
Bomb Queen is an American comic book character, created by Jimmie Robinson. She first appeared in Image Comics' Bomb Queen Vol. 1, #1, and has subsequently appeared in various limited series and single-issue specials, and a Crossover in Savage Dragon #134.
The Queen is a villainess who has eliminated and subsequently banned all superheroes from the fictional city of New Port City. She rules the city as a benevolent dictator; the limitations she has placed over the city's criminals have made her a popular leader.
Famous for being Worse Than It Sounds, yet still apparently being popular enough to have six miniseries.
- Bomb Queen: Royal Flush (2006)
- Bomb Queen II: Queen of Hearts (2006)
- Bomb Queen III: The Good, The Bad and The Lovely (2007)
- Bomb Queen IV: Suicide Bomber (2007)
- Bomb Queen V: The Divine Comedy (2009)
- Bomb Queen VI: Oh-BOMB-Ah! (2011)
- Bomb Queen VII: The End Of Hope (2011-2012)
- Bomb Queen VIII: Trump Card (2020)
- Bomb Queen vs. Blacklight: Cat Fight
- Bomb Queen Presents: All-Girl Comics #1
- Bomb Queen Versus Hack/Slash Valentines Day Special
- Bomb Queen Presents: All-Girl Special
Tropes used in Bomb Queen include:
- Anything That Moves: Bomb Queen enjoys "all genders, ages, and preferences both legal and illegal."
- Author Filibuster/Tract: Bomb Queen usually gives a spectacularly Anvilicious one of these, either before getting away scot-free or to flabbergast some Straw Loser with her sage wisdom (usually ending in Straw Man Has a Point). Her latest[when?] one was about how she's no worse than people who protested against George W. Bush, and how her city stands for justice.
- Ax Crazy: Bomb Queen is an aversion, believe it or not, as she's shown to have much bigger plans in the works besides destruction and hedonism, though she doesn't do much to dispel the notion she is batshit insane.
- Exact Words: She's asked not to harm a hostage by someone who wants them free after doing something for Bomb Queen. She keeps her word that she won't do anything... but the hostage later winds up raped and dead anyway, though not by her hands.
- Evil Versus Evil: Bomb Queen has to deal with a few of her former villain buddies who decided to backstab her in the second issue. Admittedly, she did it first, but they are such Jerkasses it's really hard to feel sympathy when Bomb Queen retaliates.
- Follow the Leader: Prior to Bomb Queen, Jimmie Robinson made some comic books, mostly in genres that don't sell well these days. Some feel it was the poor sales of these titles that led him to go in the opposite direction, and copy writers like Garth Ennis and Mark Millar, dialing the Gorn Up to Eleven.
- Fun with Acronyms: The Tactical Information Turret Bomb Queen constructs at one point, or "TIT" for short.
- Good Is Dumb: It is when it faces off against Bomb Queen.
- Hypocritical Humor: In promotional material for the sixth Bomb Queen miniseries, a background character notes how unoriginal Image Comics are in putting out a comic book with Barack Obama on the cover.
- I'm a Humanitarian: In one issue, it's heavily implied that Bomb Queen is having children made into food for her hungry townspeople.
- Karma Houdini: Bomb Queen never gets her comeuppance. Ever.
- Mad Bomber: Bomb Queen, but she often combines explosives with other plans.
- More Dakka
- Plot Induced Stupidity: Usually given to any character from the Image Universe who stands up to Bomb Queen.
- Refuge in Audacity/Vulgarity: Both the main character and the series itself is very much guilty of this.
- Right-Hand-Cat: Ashe, though he turns out to be a hate demon.
- Schedule Slip: Bomb Queen VI #2 took fourteen months to come out.
- Sinister Shades: Technically more of a visor... thing.
- Stripperific
- Villain Protagonist: Bomb Queen herself, a fact she revels in.
- Villain with Good Publicity: Quite literally, in-universe; Bomb Queen delivers the aforementioned Anvilicious Author Filibuster on Da Vue.
- Wretched Hive: New Port City by design.