Generic Ethnic Crime Gang

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"The only native American criminal class is politicians."

In fiction, gangs tend to share a few common traits:

The second and fourth points are commonly played for drama, as combined they easily spark conflict. A common convention is to have gangs of different ethnicities compete with each other, such as The Irish Mob vs. The Mafia.

See Ruthless Foreign Gangsters. In terms of Alike and Antithetical Adversaries, these guys fall on the "homogenous" side of the scale.

Examples of Generic Ethnic Crime Gang include:

The most common types of gangs are:

Other ethnic gangs are:

Black Gangsters

The classier, more organized version of Gang-Bangers (who frequently despair at the latter and wish they'd Stop Being Stereotypical). Compare with The Yardies, who are British/West Indian.


East Asian and Southeast Asian gangsters


Live-Action TV

  • Various versions of this appear in Magnum, P.I.; there are Chinese ones, Japanese ones, and Southeast Asian ones. Not inappropriate as Hawaii has long had a large Asian population and Honolulu is a port for illegal as well as legal goods and services.

Video Games

  • Grand Theft Auto has the Da Nang Boys (Vietnamese gangsters), and Korean mobs, in addition to the Triad.
  • Kiryu Kazuma fights Korean gangsters in Yakuza 2.

Eastern European Gangsters

These gangs take advantage of the instability in the Balkans and flourished after the fall of communism. Stereotypically linked to people-smuggling, heroin, and forced prostitution.

Comic Books

  • In The Punisher comic "The Slavers", the eponymous white slavers are these.


  • The British film Layer Cake includes a Serbian mafia.
  • In Taken, members of the Albanian mafia are responsible for the kidnapping of the protagonist's daughter.
  • "The Chechen" from The Dark Knight
  • Chechen gangsters appear in Eastern Promises
  • Bad Boys 2 features some of these in a gang war with the South American variety.


  • The bad guys in the Robert Crais novel The First Rule are part of the Serbian Mob.

Live-Action TV

Video Games

Greek Gangsters

Greek Gangs seem to be the go-to Ethnic Crime Gang for antiquities smuggling and gun-running; illegal (non-casino) gambling is another favorite.


Cousin Nick: (in a very cheerful tone) Hey Ian, we're gonna kill ya! Opa!


Live-Action TV

  • An arc in Season Five of CSI New York has Stella Bonasera investigating a Greek antiquities smuggling gang.
  • Soap Opera Days of Our Lives. In the Backstory, Victor Kiriakis was originally a member of a Sicilian Mafia-style Greek crime family in his home town of Nafplion, Greece.
  • The Untouchables episode "Jack 'Legs' Diamond", The title criminal made a deal with a Greek crime family to buy $5 million worth of narcotics.
  • In the second season of The Wire, the primary antagonist is only known as "The Greek". He's actually Turkish (but of Greek heritage), and his gang is multinational, with Israelis, Russians, and at least one genuine Greek as The Dragon.

Real Life

Jewish Gangsters

These guys are usually involved with the Italian Mafia and based on Bugsy Siegel or Meyer Lansky. More modern ones will typically be Israelis—sometimes presented as Ruthless Foreign Gangsters—and always portrayed as some form of terrifying badass and involved in some way with the Mossad. Historically, the Jewish Mob was a dominant force in the brief period between when White America started seeing Irishmen as "white" and the rise of the more numerous Italian Mob. During that period, they were involved in the regularization and "professionalization" of organized crime in the US, with the establishment of The Commission (the Italian-American Mafia's coordination/dispute-resolution body) and Murder, Inc. (organized, professional hitmen) being the brainchildren of Jewish mobsters (the Commission and Murder, Inc.'s parent organization, the National Crime Syndicate were specifically Lansky's ideas).

Comic Books



Live-Action TV

  • In The West Wing, Toby's father was a former hitman for the real Murder Incorporated, a Jewish crime syndicate from the 20's to the 40's that (as noted) did a lot of contract work for the Italian Mafia.
  • Herman "Hesh" Rabkin in The Sopranos, who was strongly based on the real Jewish Gangster and record-label owner Morris Levy.
  • Icepick in Magnum, P.I. is a semi-retired gangster whose real name is Francis Hofsteader.

Video Games

Western Animation

Latin American Gangsters

Some can overlap with The Cartel, but The Cartel tends to be strictly based on drugs and has a physical base in South America.


Video Games

Gangsters with obscure ethnicities

Live-Action TV

  • The Indigenous Australian (Torres Strait Islanders) crime syndicate in The Straits smuggles drugs in one of the most naturally beautiful parts of the world (North Australia and Papua New Guinea). They also deal with Asian and Papua New Guinean criminal franchises. In this case, one of the co-founders of the indigenous crime gang is of Maltese ethnicity, however.

Video Games

  • The Tsoo from City of Heroes are ethnically Hmong -- a Southeast Asian people who live mainly in Southern China, Vietnam and Laos.

Gangsters with fictional ethnicities


Live-Action TV

  • The Tauron Ha'la'tha from Caprica fits all four points (family-oriented with an old patriarch—the Guatrau—honor and loyalty, very organized, and all Taurons), despite including some elements of The Cartel (tattoos and rap, plus Taurons are Space Mexicans).
    • The stoicism, use of tattoos to indicate rank and status, strong family ties, and preference toward edged/bladed weapons looks a lot like the Japanese yakuza. The ha'la'tha look like an amalgamation of every stereotype about organized crime ever invoked in the media.
    • The Ha'la'tha's transition from freedom-fighting organization to organized crime is reminiscent of the Irish mob's roots in "defense societies" in the old country.
  • The Orion Syndicate in Star Trek. While they have many operatives of various races, the whole thing is run by the Orions.

Video Games

  • In Mass Effect, Ethnic Crime Gang seems to be the hat of the Vorcha. Pretty much all you ever get to meet seem to belong to street gangs.
    • Though they usually have multi-species organizations, the Blue Skinned Space Babe race of the Asari seems to run almost all major crime in the galaxy. The asari planet Illium is officially a "special economic zone", but in reality that means it's a primary hub for everything that is illegal to sell elsewhere.

Garrus: "Don't be fooled. Illium is just like Omega, only with more expensive shoes."


  • The Breccia in Discworld are the Troll Mob. The name is something of a Genius Bonus, as breccia is a kind of rock made from fragments of smaller rocks cemented together.
  • Erewhon in Honor Harrington is run by the descendants of gangsters. More specifically they used a planet as a money laundering center and it evolved into a fairly ordinary nation. Traces of its origin still remain but the old gangsters are more like a fairly informal but more or less civilized aristocracy; about as civilized as any other at least. One trace remaining is that in interstellar Realpolitik they are more likely to use traditional gangster methods (such as bribery, subversion, and manipulation) to outright Gunboat Diplomacy.
    • It is implied,in Crown of Slaves that the theoretical potential of blood feud is still a thing among the most distinguished families of Erewhon, but that in practice the main effect is not to take politics to far lest one's own be the underdog in the future. The result is that internal politics is a stylized contest of shifting factions who always maintain certain limitations
    • The Scrags are descendant from a Slavic-Supremist warrior cult of eugenic "superbeings". They always have as leader the fiercest and strongest among them. Effectively they are human space orcs.
  • In Vorkosigan Saga Jackson's Hole is a planet inhabited by gangsters. These vary from the "not nice but not exactly evil" variety (like Ivan Vorpatril's in-laws) to the positively perverted (like people who raise slaves to remove their brains to sell their bodies to rich offworlders who want immortality, and one who collects torture victims as a "hobby").

Tabletop Games

  • In Traveller, the planet Granicus is run by gangsters. There are three main syndicates, two of which consider it just business and have no particular ethnic associations. The third, however, is a Solomani-supremist cult.
  • The Assassin's and the Thief's guilds in Tredroy in Banestorm. They control the crime in town within their respective categories. They are given an ambiguous recognition by the town authorities: after a thief is captured and flogged(or whatever) he is dumped in the Thief's Guild's turf at night. If he was a dues-paying member they will bring him back to his own associates. If not they will deal with matters appropriately.
    • At one time long gone by when the town of Tredroy was under siege the Assassins made an alliance with the government and well, began assassinating people.