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** In ''[[Kamen Rider 555]],'' Orphenochs are supposedly the next evolution of mankind, and the evil organization forces them to attack normal humans (in hopes of siring more Orphenochs. However, about one in a hundred can be transformed; most just ''turn to dust.'') Some just go nuts on their own. However, there's a trio of renegade Orphenochs living together ''[[Being Human (UK)]]-''style. The Rider suits were created by the bad guys, but are not themselves part of the transformation, though for the main Rider, {{spoiler|it turns out there's a very good reason he can use a [[Transformation Trinket]] that isn't supposed to work for humans.}}
== [[Tabletop RPGGames]] ==
* MasterBook RPG ''The World of Species'', based on the film ''[[Species]]''. Humans are injected with some of Sil's DNA, causing them to gain some of her abilities. This allows them to hunt down and destroy Sil's progeny, but they must constantly fight against the alien thoughts and personality traits generated by the DNA in their systems.
* ''[[Dungeons & Dragons]]'' supplement ''Knight of the Living Dead''. A lich brings a paladin of Torm back from death as an undead creature. The lich orders him to gather magic items to help the lich conquer the city of Waterdeep, but instead he decides to fight against the lich's forces and protect the inhabitants of the city.