Star Wars: The Old Republic/YMMV

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  • Alternative Character Interpretation: Is the Light Side Sith Warrior a good, noble warrior fighting for peace? Or are they a cold, calculating Magnificent Bastard, Befriending powerful opponents in order to advance their own position within the Empire? Characters accuse you of both, and there's no real evidence to support either one over the other.
    • Alternatively lightsiders (from all classes) are either insane thrillseeker, who let dangerous people go, hoping that they will cause trouble again or eccentric sadists, who let their opponents live, after they destroyed their plans, so said opponents can revel in their fail (which they couldn't if they were dead).
    • A Light Side Sith Warrior who uses Rage to channel his force attacks can be interpreted as a Hot-Blooded character since rage and passion are common staples in Hot-Blooded protagonists, yet it does not seem to make them evil.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: While Watcher One is a Chessmaster, his unwavering patriotism and Honor Before Reason mentality - including his desire to fulfill his end of the bargain with you rather than a last-second double-cross, makes his suicide if you try to take him into custody kind of a conflicting moment.
    • Not really. You probably wanted to arrest him. Picking this decission will get him killed. If you let him go, you are not simply letting him go. You make clear that Angral (who ordered him to break a honourbound agreement with you before) will not tolerate failure and you convince him to join the Republic, which he does (like Lord Praven later)
  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: The first trailer. Holy. Crap. Evil just went from "cool" to "utterly freaking awesome."
  • Broken Base: Some KOTOR fans object to the very idea of a KOTOR MMO for a variety of reasons, be it the need for a subscription or disliking MMOs in general. Within the community, the base is broken still further, over a variety of issues including the inclusion of the traditional Tank-DPS-Healer trinity, the decision to reduce space combat to a single-player mini-game, or complaints of the fact that only Humanoid Aliens are available for play. And of course, it wouldn't be an MMORPG without people complaining about PvP, game balance, and all the tradional complaints. Even when the game wasn't out yet.
    • Other minor complaints include the lack of a day/night cycle and the lack of swimming.
    • There was also quite a bit of moaning that the early access would be five days at most. Needless to say this irked a few fans. Though this has since been put up to a full week beforehand, based on when you filed the preorder confirmation - now the big one is that it's being released so close to Christmas that players will have to take a full day off of gaming to spend time with others.
    • One that's taken root in the forums is the fact that, prior to patch 1.01, doing a particular Dark-side [Flirt] option with Kira for the Jedi Knight would lock up all dialogue for her. Cue massive amounts of hate, cries of "Obvious Beta!", and Ruined FOREVER on the Jedi Knight forums.
    • And now with 1.1's numerous bugs, the base is almost completely broken. The fact that a supposed bug in the website made the "unsubscribe" button vanish did not help Bioware's popularity, and the game has been given the derisive nickname of "Tortanic" due to the increasing effects of Hype Backlash by disgruntled former fans.
  • Canon Defilement: Some players are not happy about the depiction and retcons of Revan, the Exile, and the general plot of KOTOR II.
  • Canon Sue: Satele Shan has more than a few Sue-ish traits, being an absurdly powerful descendant of previously-existing fan-favourite characters with a number of rare or heretofore unheard-of Force powers, Custom Uniform of Sexy and a Beauty Is Never Tarnished shield where her Sith opposite number, Darth Malgus, keeps adding to his numerous collection of battle-scars.
    • All this being said, Imperial players are given a couple of chances to knock her down a peg or two in various ways... and even Republic players occasionally get a chance to get their snark on with her if they so choose.
  • Complete Monster:
    • The Emperor is a really, really bad man. For starters, he disintegrated T3-M4, murdered his own parents, drained the energy from a planet, forced Revan and the Exile into his mind, telepathically tortures Exal and engineered four consecutive wars (Mandalorian Wars, Jedi Civil War, Sith Civil War and First Jedi Purge). It's one thing when the entire Dark Council plotted to overthrow him. It's another when the ancient Sith Lords preferred Exar Kun over this guy. And that's not even getting into what Kira endured thanks to him. She fled the Sith because of his evil and during the Jedi Knight's battle with Angral, he possesses Kira purely to do away with her friend. Why? Because he saw visions that her friend might be the one who will defeat him and being Dangerously Genre Savvy he's decided to take the hero out now while he or she is still weak.
    • Darth Angral, for constructing a weapon far worse than the Death Star - the Desolator.
    • There's a quest on Nar Shaddaa in which Republic players have to stop an Imperial agent from running a genocide program. And the agent enjoys every single moment of it, calling aliens a blight on the galaxy, among other things.
    • Darth Jadus. At first he appears to be just an arrogant and enigmatic Sith Lord. Then you learn more about him. He treats his daughter as a disposable pawn and may order the Agent to kill her. He more-or-less kidnapped a hundred civillians and began killing some at random so their terror would turn them into insane servants of his. His goal is to perform the same experiment on the entire Empire, uniting it in a new epoch of fear.
  • Crazy Awesome: Meet Blizz, the Jawa with a rocket launcher!
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: In addition to all the classic John Williams music and themes from Knights of the Old Republic present in the game, there's a bunch of new music as well that's simply epic.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Nico Okarr, despite having less screen time in "Return" than anyone else except the trooper, was definitely the star of the show.
    • Blizz, rocket-launching Jawa, has been this for developer Daniel Erickson, an appreciation that spread to the rest of the playerbase. He even dons the logo of Torhead and won a popularity poll on IGN.
    • Darth Vowrawn: an Affably Evil Dark Lord of the Sith. Member of the Dark Council for decades, he is funny, charming, show a large degree of care for his soldiers and body guards, and also is the main supporter of the Sith Warrior during Act 3. Many Sith Warrior players show a great degree of liking him, and possess a degree of popularity equal to Darth Marr amidst the Dark Council
  • Evil Is Cool: When the Sith Assassins lurking inside the crashed starship ignited their blades, it was one of the coolest moments of the entire trailer. Thats not even mentioning how badass Malgus is in all the trailers.
    • This trope also led to the amount of Imperial players to far outweigh Republic players.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Malgus certainly has quite the attractive posse when he invades the Jedi Temple. A hot Twi'lek sidekick (his lover Eleena Daru) and a very attractive redheaded bounty hunter (Shae Vizla).
    • Several of the Sith-aligned players' potential companions also fit this trope, such as Kaliyo Djannis for the Imperial Agent.
  • Fan Dumb: Already taking root on some of the official forums, although since this is an MMO, it's somewhat expected.
  • Foe Yay: Hunter's taunting of the male Imperial Agent often comes across as flirting. Subverted when Hunter is revealed to be female. Even then, its played straight with a female agent.
  • Good Bad Bugs: Characters will occasionally appear downright Lilliputian in cutscenes, for no reason. Hilariously, the other characters will actually look down at them, and when the camera focuses on them it will actually do so. It seems to work so seamlessly within the engine that the first assumption is that you're dealing with a tiny alien race before it becomes obvious that it's a bug.
  • Ho Yay & Les Yay:
    • Mako gets plenty of it with a female Bounty Hunter. Likely a sign she will become a Gay Option post-release.
    • Watcher Two also gets some of this with the female Agent.
      • For male Agents, this is subverted with Hunter.
    • During the initial questline for Sith Inquistors, you are given tasks by one Overseer Harkun. He compares you, very unfavorably, to another acolyte named Ffon, a Sith Pureblood. While this could be an example of Fantastic Racism, the fact that he does it it nearly every cutscene makes a few players wonder...
  • Memetic Mutation: Please keep the dancing in the designated dancing zones.
  • Memetic Sex Goddess: Within four (4!) days of the game's launch, players were asking whether one can marry Lord Zash.
  • Moral Event Horizon:
    • If you didn't read the Revan novel what the Emperor did to Kira Carsen qualifies.
    • Tarro Blood crosses this in the Bounty Hunter class quest after he kills Braden and Jory.
  • Most Annoying Sound: Companion character chatter could be rather excessive at times during earlier beta builds. Several characters, particularly Vette, Corso Riggs, and Mako have a small hatedom already because of this, predominantly in people who are not actually playing that class. Happily, this was tuned downward significantly in the final beta build; the jury remains out on what the launch game will be like.
    • As of the launch, they no longer broadcast they're voice to every single player, only the person they're actually attached to, and only do so at specifics points in battle (beginning, low health, and end).
    • The Taris Spaceport has a holorecording of the planet's governor giving a speech welcoming new arrivals and talking about how together the people of the Republic can overcome anything and will succeed in their efforts to make Taris habitable again. The problem is that the recording plays every single friggin' time you enter or leave the spaceport, and you have to listen to it over and over and over and over and over...
  • Nintendo Hard: While quite a bit of the non-instanced content is fairly easy for a single player and their companion to go through, the final boss of Hammer Station and the entirety of Athiss (~level 20) flash-points serve as a Wake Up Call Boss in terms of how tough the instances can get. To clarify...
    • The final boss of Hammer Station summons in regular enemies periodically, and also lays down Area of Effect proximity mines that knock players back when they explode. Near the end of the fight, he sends out enough mines that it's fairly common to go bouncing from one to another until you die.
    • The second boss on Athiss also has a knockback and deals out a lot of damage, as well as summoning a swarm of adds periodically. The final boss, however, is the worst - he can't be stunned or interrupted, and he casts a Damage Over Time ability that can nearly wipe out the health pools of lower level players. Combine the fact that the healer might be low health and having fireballs chasing after them, preventing them from healing, and you have a recipe for many, many wipes.
      • Rather hilariously though, doing these at ludicriously overleveled... levels (which you may end up doing if they grow too frustrating at the normal level or you just forgot about them), ends up making them laughable, as many times the enemies will simply be unable to even hit you.
    • The Emperor boss fight is definitely one of this and Scrappy Level. The game force you to use T7(whom you might abandon him after Coruscant). The boss itself will also spawn FIVE ELITE clone of himself to fight you as well.
  • Rooting for The Empire: Unsurprisingly, many players prefer the Empire because of the Evil Is Cool and Evil Is Sexy aspects. The Pet the Dog moments Imperial characters receive probably don't help.
  • The Scrappy: 2V-R8 and C2-N2, the factotum droids who clean, cook, and maintain the imperial and republic player's ships, respectively, are positively loathed. Then again, they are direct Expies of C-3PO, so that's not entirely surprising. C2-N2 gets slightly more hate than 2V-R8, mainly because R8 knows that his continued operation depends on not displeasing the player, and will at least beg for his life if he screws up a crew skill mission.
    • And of course players have different views of the carious companions. Some hate Vette (see below) some love seeing Mission all grown up and kicking ass. Some unfavorably compare Corso to Carth and Atton, some find his simple farmboy nature endearing. Everyone loves Blizz though.
  • Scrappy Level: Taris is loathed, particularly by the republic players.
  • Shilling the Wesley: The writers have commented on how Vette is their favorite NPC in the game and how they're sure that everyone will love her. Not everyone agrees, but it has some unfortunate implications when combined with the fact that you can't do her quests unless you remove her shock collar.
    • Made worse in patch 1.2; now completing the quest chains and conversations for each character gives the player statistical bonuses. Want the bonuses from Vette? Then you have to take her collar off.
  • Tear Jerker: Again, broken down by class for convenience.
    • Jedi Knight: Seeing the destruction of Uphora - whose atmosphere had been lit on fire by a super-weapon. You then learn that the captain of the only ship close enough to aid survivors is reluctant to help, as it would be a one-way trip and he has a family he needs to think about.
    • The Foundry: Especially for the lightside players, but seeing how far Revan has fallen, to his monstrous plan to kill most of the Sith Empire... an awful lot of lines are desperate attempts to persuade him that he's been corrupted, all to no avail. And then his final words.
  • The Woobie: Vette.
    • Mako, to an extent. Pretty much everybody she knows (BH and crew excluded) seems to get killed. She's emotionally strong enough to avert Break the Cutie, however.