Supernatural (Anime)/Trivia

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  • Hey, It's That Guy!:
  • Shout-Out: Usually Dean and usually a classic horror film, like The Shining. Most of their aliases are also shout outs to various rock musicians. In "The Usual Suspects", Sam has a hotel room booked under the name Jim Rockford. Dean also finds him in the Season 4 premiere by looking for "Wedge Antilles."
    • One episode has them use the fake names of Mr. Campbell and Mr. Raimi. The monster of the week eats souls. So, he'll swallow your soul!
      • And Mary's maiden name is Campbell.
    • The episode "Scarecrow" has a character calmly inform her niece that "The good of the many outweighs the good of the one", a phrase any fan of Star Trek would instantly recognize.
    • Fresh Blood gives us a vampire played by Mercedes McNab, who's best known role is a Vampire. Seriously, it had to be intentional. Although, she manages to be the exact opposite of Harmony and you actually feel bad when she dies (not a spoiler, she's dead less than 10 minutes after she pops up). In fact, she's the second person from Buffy to play a vampire (but the first one who was a vampire on both), the other was Amber Benson (Tara). So, Supernatural writers or casters, who's the fans?
      • Also, one of her victims describes her strength as "super PCP strength". Gangs on PCP was the standard Sunnydale excuse for vampires. Looks like that's one point for the writers.
    • Also, more Star Wars goodiness includes Dean introducing himself as "agent Ford", while naming Sam "agent Hamill". Supposedly, he thinks Han Solo is so much more macho than Luke.
      • Even worse, in the very same episode, there's a kid named Lucas.
    • There's a ton for the fans too, with the immortal "Playthings" line "You're bossy. And short." and "No Rest For The Wicked" being filled with them, from the boys being called pretty to somebody falling on pie.
      • Explanation for the non-obsessed: Falling on pie became a common fan term for death around the end of Season 2, a form of He's Just Hiding. For example: "Sam didn't die, he just fell on pie!" In the final episode of Season 3, Lilith kills a kindly old guy who promptly falls face first into some delicious pie. Yum.
    • In the German version of the episode "Malleus Maleficarum," the voice actors for the three witches were the same voice actors who dubbed Piper, Page and Phoebe in Charmed.
    • The tiny child shouting "Kneel before Todd!" in "Wishful Thinking" was amazing.
    • In "Something Wicked," Sam intones with complete seriousness that the Monster of the Week has struck before - in Ogdenville, Brockway and North Haverbrook. Sadly, dozens of dead children did not put any of them on the map.
    • In "Death Takes a Holiday", Sam and Dean tell a ghost (a boy, about 12 years old) that he's dead. The ghost quips "Thanks, Haley Joel. I know I'm dead."
    • In "The End", Cas's harem setup seems remarkably similar to Gaius Baltar's.
      • That whole episode is one giant Shout-Out to 28 Days Later: Present Dean is Jim, Future Dean is Major Henry West, Castiel was Naomie Harris's character (though at first he seemed like Brendan Gleeson's), which must make Chuck the Prophet Hannah.
    • In "Abandon All Hope", we meet the demon Crowley. While there is a noticeable lack of shades, he is a) British, b) awesome, c) Affably Evil, and d) doesn't want the Apocalypse to happen.
    • In "The Song Remains the Same", rogue angel Anna travels back to the 1970s to kill John and Mary Winchester. In one scene she kills John's boss and impersonates his voice on the phone to get John alone, much like another movie about an assassin sent back through time.
    • 'Oh, that's ridiculous. Plants could never kill a zombie.'
    • Word of God: Castiel doesn't just happen to dress like John Constantine, he was supposed to be John Constantine. Unfortunately adding him into the show's Verse was too complicated.
    • There are numerous shout-outs to Back to The Future in several episodes involving time travel. From "In The Beginning", a season four episode: Dean asks Castiel if angels have DeLoreans, and Dean and John both turn when someone calls "Hey, Winchester!". There were also some more subtle references, such as Azazel posing as a doctor named Brown.
      • "The Song Remains the Same", from season five, was originally supposed to be called "Back to the Future II." It seems to have been changed because they had issues acquiring the rights to use the title. This didn't stop Dean from saying Castiel was like a DeLorean without any plutonium.
      • Finally, in "Frontierland", from season six (noticing a pattern?), is loaded with Back to The Future references, as you'd expect in an episode where Sam and Dean travel back in time to the Wild West. Their aliases are "Walker" and "Eastwood". The episode ends with a Write Back to the Future.
    • "The French Mistake" is a Blazing Saddles reference - specifically, for a scene where Mel Brooks tears the fourth wall down, and the big fight spills off of Blazing Saddles' set, onto the studio lot, and into another movie that's filming.
    • An epic reference to a classic song by Lucifer in "Swan Song":

Lucifer: Come on, Sammy. I've got a fiddle of gold against your soul that says I'm better than you.

    • "The Girl Next Door" there's two: 'My Bloody Valentine' is playing on the TV while Dean is sleeping. And the monster of the week goes by the name "Amy Pond". She’s not a red-head though.
      • Three, actually. The second time the convience store worker is shown, he is wearing a 'Under the Red Hood' T-shirt. Jensen Ackles plays Jason Todd in that movie.
    • There's one to Buffy in "The Mentalists": A magic shop owner calls a MacGuffin an Orb of Thesulah.
    • In "Folsom Prison Blues", when posing for mug shots, one of Dean's poses is Blue Steel.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • In a Real Life example, Jensen Ackles was considered to play Leon Kennedy in the fourth Resident Evil film, but delays due to rewrites prevented it.
    • Jason Voorhees (and not a Captain Ersatz) was originally going to appear in "Dream a Little Dream of Me".
    • Kripke's original idea for the show was more like equal parts X-Files and Scooby Doo. It was originally an anthology series about two tabloid reporters who travel around in a van fighting demons. Then, after the show got reworked into what we now know and love, it was originally "Sal and Dean Harrison" travelling around in a '65 Mustang. The names were changed for legal reasons (as was their father's, which was originally Jack) and the car was changed because a friend suggested an Impala is a rougher, more aggressive looking car (and because it's easy to fit a body in the trunk.)
  • The Wiki Rule: Several, most notably Supernatural Wiki and Supernatural Wikia.