Blatant Lies/Video Games

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Examples of Blatant Lies in Video Games? It's A Lie, Just Like The Cake

  • Neverwinter Nights 2; in one evil questline, the PC has the option to burn down a building using a torch. They will almost certainly be stopped by a guard for questioning. While still holding the torch and possibly having come right from lighting the building in full view of the guard, they can attempt to bluff "I don't even have a torch".
  • In all GTA games: "Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental."
  • In Psychonauts, the G-Men use this to hilarious effect.
  • Nearly all of GLaDOS's dialog in Portal, which makes sense, as she's a lying liar who lies about lying.
    • One of the promotional videos (about 4 seconds in) for Portal 2 shows that the phrase "Asbestos is harmless!" is a trademark of Aperture Science.
  • If you believe the Talking Pet in Star Control when it says it says its race is peaceful, or anything else it says for that matter, you're prob- I WANT TO TALK ABOUT FLOWERS AND HOW MUCH THE DNYARRI LIKE TO FROLIC THROUGH THEM WHILE HUGGING PUPPIES. OR AT LEAST RIDING ON THEM AS THE CASE MIGHT BE.
  • Mass Effect gives us the following exchange: "Hey, Commander, I heard there were some interesting noises coming from the Synthetic Insights office. Would you happen to know anything about it?" "Who, me? I'm entirely innocent."
    • The Council's adamant refusal to acknowledge the existence of the Reapers.

"Ah yes, "Reapers". We have already dismissed that claim."
"Can it wait? I'm in the middle of some calibrations."

  • Marisa is the most honest person in all of Gensokyo!

Shiki: Yes, you are a little too comfortable with lying.
Marisa: That isn't true. I haven't told a single lie since I was born.

    • She steals nearly everything that might interest her, but claims that she is only "borrowing" because she will return everything when she dies, as being a normal human most of them will outlive her. She is also working on an elixer of immortality. Yeah...
    • Kazami Yuuka spends the entirety of Phantasmagoria of Flower View telling absolutely pointless lies, even incriminating herself in crimes she had nothing to do with.
  • Kreia in Knights of the Old Republic 2. Lampshaded by Kreia herself who warns you frequently not to trust her.
  • RuneScape has a quest called "One Small Favor." How bad could it be? *Snerk*
  • Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World and Emil's Mystic Arte. "This... is the final strike !" (slash !). And then he strikes the enemy again...
    • Not counting Ain Soph Aur. What a liar...
    • In the first game, Regal is asked what his relationship is to Presea. He says simply "There is none", but his tone makes it more than obvious that he's lying. The party members don't push him on it, though, apparently assuming his reasons are his own business.
    • Also in the first game, subverted with Lloyd's calling Noishe a dog. This is very clearly untrue: although Noishe is basically canine in shape, he's several times too large, not to mention possessed of green fur and giant rodent ears. It's not a case of Call a Smeerp a Rabbit, either, because there are perfectly ordinary dogs in the game, not to mention a pair of villagers lampshading it early on in the game. One might expect it to be this trope as a way of pretending that nothing is unusual about Lloyd and his family, but no, Lloyd genuinely seems to believe that his pet is a dog...
  • The NPCs in Castlevania II: Simon's Quest. Often Misblamed on the English translation, but the characters were blatant liars in the Japanese original as well.
  • Just about everyone at Ted E. Bear's mafia-free playland and casino, in The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police; Season 1, Episode 3. There is no confusing the place for anything but a mafia hideout with a lot of bear-head masks on the thugs, and yet, its workers will deny this every chance they get; often without even being asked, with dialogue such as "You'd never make it in the mafia... not that there's any mafia around here."
  • The already-legendary (despite only being in beta[when?]) "The Day Deathwing Came" questline in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. Three NPCs tell their stories of how Deathwing flew over the Badlands and got curb stomped by the NPC in question. Face-punching, world-shrinking, and a Casanova orc with a flying motorbike ensue.
    • Not to mention the presence of 'Safe' and 'Ultrasafe' engineering devices. The safest thing they can do is explode.
  • Hazama from BlazBlue says he isn't that good at fighting. It's not like he's lying or something... However, this is also subverted that if the situation demands (as in, not to reveal his grand plan), he'd lie anyway, as seen at trying to kill Makoto because she knows too much, but stated it as a 'disciplinary action' for not obeying orders.
  • The ending of Trio the Punch informs you that "YOU FIGURED IT OUT". In fact, you'll be just as confused, if not moreso, as when you started the game.
  • Tales of the Abyss: Jade Curtiss is a master of this.
  • Then there's this interrogation from Splinter Cell: Double Agent:

Sam: What can you tell me about the meeting on the roof?
Guard: Nothing!
Sam: That has to be the worst lie I've ever heard.

    • Pandora Tomorrow also contains this gem in the first mission:

Sam Fisher: Tell me what you know about your friends on the inside.
Indonesian terrorist: I... I don't speak English.
Sam Fisher: I'd bet your neck you do.
Indonesian terrorist: Well... maybe I speak a little English.
Indonesian terrorist: They're escorting a... Um, nothing.
Sam Fisher: What? Escorting who?
Indonesian terrorist: Nothing, I... I made a mistake!

  • In Yo-Jin-Bo, this is a prominent feature of Yo and Sayori's confrontations with Nobumasa, who believes every word even when they're claiming that Sayori is Yo's mother or that they're escaping from a witch who lives in a Gingerbread House. Other couples lie as well, but their lies are at least believable.
  • Lesteena claims that her father was a man of peace and that she will continue his ideals in Eien no Aselia. What did the man just do? Enslaved a couple children and used them to conquer the four neighboring empires overnight. For no apparent reason.
  • Mother 3: Don't look, now! Wess isn't going to stick his butt out or anything, though.
  • In the 1st Degree has some moments of this occurring. A notable one is when you get Ruby to admit that she saw a gun in pre-trial interview, and then at the trial, she turns around and says that it wasn't a gun, but a pair of pliers. Don't panic. Just get her to read a love letter Zack wrote to her, and she will tearfully admit to lying and tell the truth about the gun.
  • The Quake III incarnation of the series' iconic Quad Damage powerup. It's called Quad Damage in the manual, the Arena Announcer calls it Quad Damage, the HUD displays the words 'Quad Damage', yet the item itself only allows the bearer to do triple damage (as even described in the manual)! I guess 'Tri-Damage' just isn't as catchy.
  • In Dark Souls, Patches the Hyena feeds you a lot of blatant lies over his hilariously transparent attempt to kill you and take your stuff.
  • Star Citizen:
    • We'll release it in 2014!
    • We'll release the beta in 2020!
    • We'll release it someday!

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