Super Robot Wars A

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Template:Quote box The first Super Robot Wars title for the Nintendo Game Boy Advance. Difficult in the same vein of old-school SRWs, it borrows a lot of designs from Super Robot Wars 64. The story revolves around the warmongering organization Shadow-Mirror, who sends out one of its members to spy on another universe: either their ace Axel Almer or the newly created android Lamia Loveless. Unfortunately for them, due to a mess up in the jump to another universe, they receive a certain misfortune (Easy Amnesia for Axel, Speech Impediment for Lamia) and actually ally themselves with the heroes, thereby betraying the Shadow-Mirror. The game can't skip battle scenes, which doesn't sit quite too well for many fans.

Later on, an Updated Rerelease for Advance is made for the Sony Play Station Portable, titled Super Robot Wars A Portable (not Advance Portable, since it's no longer on the GBA), boasting Super Robot Wars Original Generations graphics, voice acting, selectable pilot skills, skippable battle scenes and many other improvements. Yet, the difficulty is taken Up to Eleven, thus fans are divided whether A Portable was a good remake or not.

This game includes the following series (new series in bold):

Tropes associated to this game:


 Axel: "LISTEN TO MY SONG SCREAM!! - now's not the time to be saying that!"

Axel: "Rocket Soul Punch! Or something!"