Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger/Characters

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Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger character sheet.

The Akibarangers

Nobuo Akagi/Akiba Red | Live Actor: Masato Wada

Mitsuki Aoyagi/Akiba Blue | Live Actress: Kyoko Hinami

Yumeria Moegi Real Name: Yuuko Yamada/Akiba Yellow | Live Actress: Karin Ogino

  • Animal-Eared Headband
  • Catgirl: Most of the time.
  • Chekhov's Skill: her drawing, usually saved for her yaoi doujinshi, comes in handy in #7 for drawing out the delusions and leads to Hakase recognising Marushina from someplace.
  • The Chick
  • Confusion Fu: Her fighting style is comical but effective, like Gokai Green's
  • Cosplay Otaku Girl
    • Her main costume is the yellow haired Catgirl
    • In #3, she is a blue haired elementary school boy.
    • At the end of three and in the intro, she is The Mad Hatter.
    • #4 has multiple due to the cosplay shop scene:
      • Her cosplay after the intro is a slightly different take on the school boy outfit from the previous episode. She now sports a dark blue wig, glasses, and a bowtie.
      • When she tries different cosplays in the shop she starts with a Nun wielding a machine gun.
      • Next is a Native American.
      • Third is Little Red Riding Hood.
      • And finally is Mele. When she transforms, she even retains the Mele character!
    • #5 she spends the entire episode as a Silver-Haired Alien.
    • In #6, she's a Elegant Gothic Lolita that carries around a talking mannequin head.
    • For the first 5 minutes of #7 she retains her Gothic Loli cosplay, then she dresses as Satomi from Z-Cune Aoi. At the end of #7, she's dressed as a Samurai (in particular with Date Masamune's crescent helm, but none of his eyepatch)
    • #9 has her dressed up as a bee girl and later a bunny girl.
    • Of special note, we see her as herself briefly in #7 and #9.
  • Deceased Parents Are the Best: In Episode 5, we meet her mother, who taught her everything about cosplay. She even gets to transform into Akiba Yellow herself! When the fight is over, however, she is no where to be found. Yumeria then reveals to the team that she had been dead for several years.
  • Improbable Weapon User: The Akiba pylon, anyone?
  • The McCoy
  • Meaningful Name: Moegi is an obvious one. As for Yumeria, it is a combination of the Japanese word for dream (yume) and the western name Amelia. It's just an alias, however.
  • Office Lady: Her day job.
  • Older Than They Look: Reveals herself to be 23, but as of #5, she's 24. Averted in real life, as her actress is actually only 16.
  • Plain Name: Lampshaded: her real name is noted to be very common.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly Girl to Mizuki's Tomboy.
  • Verbal Tic: Depending on the costume - adding "nya"s to her dialogue as a catgirl, ending all her sentences with a combination of "pi", "pe", and "po" as an alien in #5, and so on.
    • In #7, as a part of her Satomi cosplay, she usually starts sentences with "[insert adverb here] speaking" (ex. Tactically, Philosophically, Unofficially etc. speaking). Then they are all dropped when we see her as herself in #9.
  • Vocal Dissonance: She dropped her Animal-Eared Headband in #2. Her voice changed. Drastically.
  • Yaoi Fangirl: As demonstrated in #3 when she sees Akiba Red and the Monster of the Week being a tad too close. This actually caused them trouble as her Yaoi Fangirl delusions conflicted with Akiba Red's heroic delusions.


Hiroyo Hakase /Shuri Toyozuki| Live Actress: Maaya Uchida

Kozkoz Mita | Live Actress: Kozue Aikawa

  • Cosplay Otaku Girl
  • The Pollyanna: When Marushina invades the cafe, Kozkoz takes up arms against her and gets beat down for all her troubles... yet some time later, she's right back to dancing for her customers with a smile on her face as if nothing happened.

Sayaka Honiden | Live Actress: Miiko Morita

Aoi | Voice Actress: Maaya Uchida

Blatantly Evil Guerrilla Marketing Firm B

Doctor Z Real Name: Takehiro Tsuzuki | Live Actor: Kazuki Yao

Maruseena | Live Actress: Honoka

Chief Clerks

  • Monster of the Week
  • Overly Long Name: However did Nobuo got the first monster's name right?
  • Theme Naming: Just as the Akibarangers are named after Akihabara, the Chief Clerks are named after other districts of Tokyo, such as Shibuya and Kabukicho.
