MAG-ISA is a webcomic drawn and written by Chris Lim who goes under the handle kyupol and is hosted in Comicfury. It was named "MAG ISA" because that is the Tagalog (Filipino) word that means "to be alone".
This comic is known for directly or indirectly touching on various political and spiritual issues, possibly at the cost of reading like an Author Tract.
Tropes used in MAG-ISA include:
- Action Girl: Claudita is an action girl. Though she's nice at the same time and won't kick ass unless its absolutely necessary.
- Ancient Conspiracy: In this comic, we have a group of baddies whose faces aren't even known... plotting with demons and /or extra terrestrials.
- Asexuality: Claudita is obsessed with Eman but not in a sexual way...
- Author Tract: Anyone who doesn't believe Roman Catholicism is right and Science Is Bad is a Strawman Political.
- Ax Crazy: Kyle is the epitome of AX... I mean... GUN CRAZY.
- Badass Grandpa: Fr. Jose fits this trope. He can beatup a guy half his age.
- Badass Longcoat: This garment seems to be standard fare among the bad guys in this comic. Eman is the exception though because he stopped being bad.
- Badass Preacher: Fr. Jose is highly skilled in martial arts. They come in handy when fighting demons.
- Battle Aura: Claudita loves her battle aura.
- Bare Your Midriff -- Lucia's costume.
- The Beautiful Elite: Eman, Claudita, Lucia, Alice
- Black Shirt: The cult members wear black
- Blade on a Stick: Chu's Weapon
- Broken Hero: Eman Cruz was abused by his parents and by bullies.
- The Brute: Kyle. He just wanna go UUUAAARRRGGGH!!!!
- Bullet Catch: Lucia catches a bullet that she fired from her own gun... then eats it just to show how badass she is.
- Bullet Time: During Eman's entire fight with Kyle.
- Canada, Eh? -- In this comic, a school shooting occurs in an unnamed school in Toronto.
- The Chessmaster: We have an unnamed reptoid (or demon) villain who seems to be calm even though the mind-control experiment has seemingly failed. Is it because... he's got another plan and its all a diversion?
- The Chosen One: In this comic, it gets parodied.
- Conspicuous Trenchcoat: We got four people with guns and trenchcoats enter a school. It seems nobody even noticed them. Otherwise, don't you think the cops should be called to stop them before they do a shooting rampage?
- Cult: The antagonists are part of a fictional cult known as The Order. Their belief system is a mixture of Christianity and New Age beliefs.
- Dark Action Girl: Lucia fits this trope.
- Deadly Gas: Fr. Jose gets poison gas sprayed at him by a demon in the confessional.
- Demonic Possession: Demonic possession is standard in this comic:
- American soldier in prologue gets possessed.
- Priest exorcises a demon who attacks him.
- Angel battles demon-possessed kid.
- Dodge the Bullet: Eman Cruz did it during his gunfight with Kyle.
- Death Is Dramatic: Eman Cruz loves to question the meaning of life in the TWO TIMES he's "died".
- The Drifter: Claudita seems to be just drifting around trying to figure out Eman Cruz and drift wherever he goes.
- Driven to Villainy: Kyle, Alice, and Chu were pretty much forced by their tragic childhoods to join the cult known as "The Order".
- Dying Alone: Eman Cruz seems to have accepted that dying alone is a FACT for him.
- Eating Lunch Alone: Eman Cruz eats lunch alone cuz he’s not like everyone else.
- Emotion Eater: The demons in this comic feed off of negative emotions. That is why they like to cause pain and suffering.
- Erotic Dream -- Eman dreams about having sex with his "friend" Liana.
- Erotic Eating -- Lucia eats the bullet. That could be a cherry or a gummy bear...
- Evil Laugh: The bad guy always likes to do the evil laugh for some reason... (1) (2) (3)
- Fallen Angel: Lucia gets mistaken for Lucifer a lot. Maybe she is, maybe she isnt. Who knows?
- Femme Fatale: Lucia uses sex to get into Eman's mind.
- Fiery Redhead: (subversion) Claudita is a red-head but violence is always her last resort.
- First Law of Resurrection: Eman Cruz gets resurrected after he's got filled up with bullets enough to kill the average person.
- Flaming Sword: Kyle uses a flaming sword... with purple flame
- Flash Step: Lucia demonstrating to Eman just how badass she is.
- Claudita avoiding the plant. Only to reappear behind the demon.
- Used a couple times during Eman and Kyle's fight. (1) (2)
- Friendless Background: Eman Cruz has no friends. And if he gets one, they either leave him or die.
- Government Conspiracy: we have a bunch of guys sitting around the table who seem to have control of the police forces of the nation... and other things that can be used for more evil against the people...
- Gun Fu: Eman vs Kyle
- Heroes Prefer Swords: Eman and Claudita are the protagonists and they prefer these weapons.
- Hidden Villain: Look at these guys with darkened faces sitting around a table planning nefarious schemes for you and me...
- His Story Repeats Itself: the entire comic is all about the recurring theme of being alone. Both among the protagonists and antagonists.
- Hollywood Healing: Eman gets beaten, has entire clips of ammo emptied on him... and survives it all as if nothing's happened. Also, Claudita gets chomped by demon plants... and gets healed and looks good like nothing's happened.
- Homeless Hero: Claudita doesn't have a home. Poor girl.
- Hot-Blooded: Kyle has a passion about changing this totally * bleep* ed up world.
- Hot Chick with a Sword: Claudita... the redhead angel with a sword...
- Hypocritical Humor: In early chapters it was common for characters to calling anime lame, dumb or silly...while having Animesque facial expressions.
- Hulking Out -- Kyle turns into this chunk of muscle after injecting himself with green roids
- Implausible Fencing Powers - Eman uses his implausible fencing powers to deflect bullets.
- Inner Monologue: Everytime Eman goes to the point of near death, there's always an inner monologue.
- It Sucks to Be the Chosen One -- Eman is the chosen one. Sucks to be him.
- Ki Attacks -- Used by Claudita in this comic.
- Killer Yoyo: Alice uses a weapon like this.
- Kill Him Already: At one point during their fight, Eman has got a gun pointed at Kyle's head. He's a good guy and good guys cannot kill bad guys just like that.
- Claudita at one point, had her sword right at the neck of the demon-possessed child. She couldn't kill him because angels don't kill humans.
- Fr. Jose gets the mount on the demon-possessed young girl. He couldn't beat her cuz he's a good guy.
- Light Is Not Good: Lucia says she is the light. But is she really good? Just read the comic and see for yourself.
- Loners Are Freaks: This trope applies to a lot of the characters in the webcomic.
- Kyle, Alice, and Chu were loners in school. That is why they joined some crazy cult and shoot up a school.
- Eman Cruz of MAG ISA is probably the loneliest character that exists in all of webcomics. No friends. And everytime he’s got a friend, they either die, leave him, break his heart or just plain deceive him.
- Love Hurts: Like Neon Genesis Evangelion, the message is, "Love hurts...but you need it."
- Manipulative Bastard: Love is an easy emotion to manipulate... how sad.
- Martial Pacifist: Though she can kill you, killing is always the last resort for Claudita. And if ever she needs to kill you, she tries to think of the least painful way for you to die.
- Misery Builds Character: This is the whole point of this comic. Eman, the main hero goes through a lot of misery that the average person would probably end up just killing himself/herself.
- More Than Mind Control: Lucia convinces Eman to join The Order using sex and philosophy
- Ms. Fanservice -- Lucia and Claudita.
- My God, What Have I Done?: Eman's Dad regrets killing his wife. Then... he hangs himself later.
- Non-Action Guy: Eman Cruz didn't start off as someone capable of fighting. Later on in the comic though, we see him capable of major ass-kicking.
- Oh Crap: The demon gets an OH CRAP moment after realizing that he'll soon get his ass kicked after being driven out from the boy.
- The Omniscient Council of Vagueness: They appear in almost every intro chapter of MAG-ISA. Their faces aren't seen. But they're the one pulling the strings. Big Bad is probably among them lurking in the shadows. They cannot be seen but they see all that is happening.
- The Sociopath: All the villains of MAG-ISA are pretty much that personality type. The higher up the ladder you go, the more evil you are. (1) (2)
- Philippines: This comic has a Filipino main character as well as other characters who are Filipino. In one chapter, there is a scene that talks about the communist and islamic insurgency in the Philippines. And don't forget that the name of this comic is Tagalog for "to be alone".
- Playing to The Fetishes: Some scenes in this comic allude to femdom (1) (2) and vore (eating fetish)
- Power Glows: Kyle glows after he Hulks out.
- Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: In Eman's fight with Fr. Jose
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Claudita is a lot older than she looks.
- Religion of Evil: In this comic, the cult known as The Order is the religion of evil.
- Satan: While Satan isn't shown at all in this comic, the bad guys are admittedly in the service of Satan. They masquerade as "good" though. Since Satan masquerades as an angel of light. (2 Corinthians 11:14)
- Science Is Bad: Apparently every scientist is straight out of a Chick Tract, right down to being manipulated by demons.
- Spin to Deflect Stuff: How will Eman get out of this attack from all sides?
- Start of Darkness: The villains in this comic pretty much had miserable lives before they became villains.
- Sword and Gun: Kyle has a gun on the left hand and a sword on the right hand.
- Take Over the World: The main antagonists in this comic are demons. Their agenda is to bring hell on earth and turn planet earth into a giant prison... all for the lulz.
- The Tease: Lucia teases Eman in order to get what she wants. (WARNING: NSFW)
- Throw-Away Guns: Eman and Kyle both ran out of ammo as they engaged in a firefight. When they did, they just threw out those guns (at least Eman did) and proceeded to knife fight.
- Throwing Your Sword Always Works: Claudita throws her sword to finish off a demon.
- Took a Level in Badass: Eman Cruz started off as a real wimp:
- 1st level: After being trained by the Catholic Priest.
- 2nd level: After getting a chip implanted in his head, he suddenly can kick ass better. In fact, he's suddenly capable of dodging bullets
- 3rd level: After Claudita possesses him (with his full consent and full knowledge).
- Villain Opening Scene: In the prologue of this comic, we get to see how the demons manipulate people.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: The school shooters in this comic are well-intentioned extremists. They honestly believe that by shooting up a school, they help create a world of love and peace.
- Why Don't Ya Just Shoot Him: Demon gets Claudita temporarily paralyzed by some sort of invisible spore thingies. He insists on lecturing her about how evil their agenda is and how she's got no chance of winning or something like that.
- Eman was shot multiple times... but Kyle didn't even think of shooting Eman in the head.
- Younger Than They Look: Kyle looks old for a 23 year old. Must be all those damn steroids...