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Anaconda 1

Notes On a side note - it's rather easy to miss this, but there are in fact two anacondas in the first film, not one. The first is killed by a shot to the head that blows its brains out, but many viewers assume this to be the same one encountered in the factory later on because it sank into the water prior to dying and isn't seen afterwards. The second doesn't have any facial injuries, is a different color, and is clearly bigger, presumably a female.

Main Series Page

The film series, Anaconda (aka Anacondas) are a B-horror movie franchise, made by Hans Bauer, Jim Cash, and Jack Epps Jr., produced and distributed by Sony. All five films revolved around giant man-eating anacondas, people trying to "not get eaten" and achieve their goals, whether its to hunt down and kill the snakes, find cures, or catch and study them.

Anaconda 1

Anaconda was a film directed by Luis Llosa and the screenplay was written by Hans Bauer, which came out during 1997, and spawn four sequels.

Monster movie with an All-Star Cast ranging from Owen Wilson to Jon Voight to Jennifer Lopez to Ice Cube on the hunt (in their own various ways) for the eponymous giant snake. Largely notable for Jon Voight as Paul Sarone, chewing up scenery with a far greater appetite than any serpent could muster.

The first film follows, Terri Flores, and her friends to the Amazon rainforest to shoot her first Discovery Channel documentary. There they found and rescued Paul Serone, who was stranded in a boat during raining season. Unbeknownest, Serone has an ulterior motive.

Anaconda (1997) provides examples of:
  • All-Star Cast: Jennifer Lopez, Jon Voight, Ice Cube, Eric Stoltz, Owen Wilson, and Kari Wuhrer. Yeesh.
  • Artistic License: Biology: Oh so very much, all in the name of the Rule of Scary. Among other things:
    • Anacondas don't grow that damn big.
    • They don't move at the speed of a cheetah in chase.
    • They don't predominantly prey on humans, especially after encountering life-threatening resistance each time.
    • They don't eat multiple preys the size of a human being one after the other. After consuming a meal like that (which can take hours), the snake will find a secure location where it will remain immobile for months to digest its food.
    • They hiss, but they don't squeal/roar.
    • And they certainly don't regurgitate their prey just so they can hunt again out of sheer sadism. They sometimes do this for safety purposes, such as when they're threatened by a predator and they can't afford to be lethargic by having such a big meal in their stomach.
    • They're constricters, they don't just grab their prey and swallow it. Even when they find a dead animal, they'll usually constrict it first just to be safe.
  • The Amazon
  • Badass Spaniard: Sarone.
  • Better to Die Than Be Killed: Danny Trejo's nameless poacher.
  • Big Bad: The anacondas, Paul Sarone.
  • Determinator: Sarone.
  • Dwindling Party
  • Hazardous Water
  • Honey Trap: Jennifer Lopez tries one of these to get the crew out of their predicament. Works, if only as a temporary distraction.
  • Impending Doom POV: Played with, as the looming creature coming after Owen Wilson and Kari Wuhrer turns out to be a wild boar, not the snake. She'd turn up later.
  • Hazardous Water
  • Instant Drama, Just Add Tracheotomy
  • Kill It with Fire: "Hold on, I think I can blow it up!"
  • Large Ham: Jon Voight. Oh, god, Jon Voight. Let's just say, he's the main reason to watch this movie. By far.
  • Licensed Game: As a promotion, Sony released a mod for Quake to promote the upcoming 1997 film...Complete with snakes and an anaconda boss.
  • MacGuffin: The native tribe.
  • More Deadly Than the Male: The larger anaconda is female, yet she's larger than the male that appeared in the early arcs.
  • Mouth Cam: Sarone eventually meets his end to one of these.
  • Murderous Thighs: Sarone provides one of the rare MALE examples of this trope.
  • The Mutiny: The crew eventually figures out what Sarone's up to. Unfortunately, he swiftly gets out of it via being a Magnificent Bastard.
  • Not So Different: Sarone gives Kari Wuhrer's character some friendly advice on murder. And then he promptly breaks her neck.
  • The Director's Cut: Hans Bauer's "Anaconda: The Writer's Cut" novel, which was published in 2014.
  • Reptiles Are Abhorrent: "You brought that snake... you brought the devil!"
  • River of Insanity: The search for the Amazonian tribe doesn't go quite as planned....
  • There Is Another: The audience didn't know that there's actually two anacondas terrorizing the documentary crew, the viewers assumed that the same snake survived getting its brains shot out and attacked the humans in the factory. Unbeknownst, the first one was killed and the second one, doesn't have injuries and has different color markings.
  • Smug Snake: Sarone, full stop.
  • Super-Persistent Predator: The eponymous snakes. And Sarone.
  • Up to Eleven: After having managed to kill the first one, the second anaconda they encounter (at the abondoned factory) is even bigger than the already enormous first snake.
  • We Can Rule Together: Owen Wilson's character bites on this. And gets bitten for his troubles.
  • With My Hands Tied: The crew should have tied Sarone's feet as well. His old man legs are killer.
  • Your Mom: Said by Ice Cube to the British guy.

Category:Work, Film, Animal Title Index, Films of the 1990s, Columbia Pictures, Horror Films, Pages with Working Wikipedia Tabs

Assassin's Creed 3

(Self-note: This is mainly for tropes that are found whilst playing)

  • Parent-Child Team: Matthew trusts his daughter, Eleanor Mallow, with highly sensitive Templar assignments.

Character Pages


Connor Kenway


Haythem Kenway

Charles Lee

George Washington

Multiplayer Character Pages

Self note: There's 19 Animus Avatars, so 19 characters for the Character Subpage.

Red Coat (aka Eleanor Mallow)

Eleanor was the daughter of the Templar Commander Matthew Davenport.

Coyote Man

The Coyote Man was thought of one of the most deadly assassin hunters during the 18th century.

Governor (aka Bernardo de Gáivez)

Bernado was a Spanish military leader, who served as Governor of Louisiana. He also help the mostly Assassin filled Continental Army, which made him a prime target.

  • Badass Mustache
  • Non-Idle Rich: Bernardo juggles between, being governor of Louisiana, aiding the Continental Army, and being a member of the Assassin Brotherhood.
    • Eventually, he became a Viceroy of New Spain.
  • Royal Rapier

Highlander (aka Duncan McGill)

The Scottish highlander, Duncan McGill, was exiled. So he arrived in the US with just the clothes on his back and his trusty sword.

Victor Wolcott (aka Mountebank)

Victor is an doctor who uses both science and magic to acquire answers of the unknown.

Joe (aka Night Stalker)

Joe's a mysterious yet a psycho mercenary.

Emily Burke (aka Emily Burke)

Just your avarage Frontieer's gal, who's out for revenge against the Templars.

Father Federico Perez (aka The Preacher)

Father Perez is an 18th century Spanish pastor for the Templar Order.

Caleb Garret (aka The Sharpshooter)

After when his friends were executed alive by Templars, Caleb joined the Assassin Brotherhood.

Atasá:ta (aka Silent Shadow)

Atasá:ta, who has Kanien'kehá:ka ancestry, was raised by his father to be an assassin. Though he grew up away from his tribe.

Nukilik (aka The Strong Man)

Nukilik is an Inuit tribe chief, but when he heard about what happened to the Inuits in the south's troubles. He traveled all the way to assist them and the revolutionaries.

Assassin's Creed: Revelations Multiplayer

Vali cel Tradat (aka The Sentinel)

Vali was a devoted assassin, until he was betrayed by due to an Ottoman truce. So, now he's a Templar.

  • Fan Boy: Vali has Vlad Tempes as a secret idol.
    • The dude didn't take Vlad's death well.
  • Hunting the Most Dangerous Game: Cel Tradat used to be an Assassin, until he deflected and became a Templar. It was then he began to hunt down and kill his former Assassin siblings.

Bravely Default

Laconic: Final Fantasy 4: Heroes of Light without the Final Fantasy in it.

Or Final Fantasy V, but with bells and whistles.

(See AC3 self note)

  • Magic Versus Science: Anticrystalism is mainly this and is used to turn people against the Orthodoxy.

Category: Video Games of the 2010s , Nintendo, Nintendo 3DS, Square Enix,

Character Pages

Tiz Arrior



Edea Lee

  • Lethal Chef: The Sage doesn't like Edea's cooking at all.
    • He sees her as a lethal chef.

Agnes Oblige

  • : Anges tells Tiz that she doesn't need any aid from him.
    • It's primarily due to her believing that facing adversity on her one is akin to responsibility.

Epic Games Store

The publishers make the call. - Tim Sweeney

Launching sometime in December 6, 2018, Epic Games decided to upgrade their Fortnite launcher (even though they have many games under their belt before Fortnite came out), into a client/launcher that can now sell third-party games, unlike the other digital stores that Epic Games owns that sells tools, like the Unreal Engine. The Epic Game Store was designed in a way gamers can also buy video games for the PC, despite the bare bones and rather primitive features, like their cloud saving. However, this new launcher bought something a bit new, third-party game exclusives; which had little to no presence in the PC gaming environment (But this practice is huge and frequent in the console gaming scene). Also, breaking the industry standard of the thirty percent cut, instead Epic Games Store will only take twelve percent of the revenue (and is only criticizing Valve for doing the standard cut). - Which some developers and publishers see as too much of a cut. The store was made for the developers and publishers first mindset, customers/gamers second or third. The reviews will only be opt in (as a way to prevent review bombing), gamers reporting bugs and technical problems are ticket-based, same with reviews, there's no plans to for forums whatsoever (so users are encourage to use social sites, like reddit and discord, as their forums). Epic Games even stated that most of their games sold in their little store would not have DRMs. Despite the discouragement of the Epic Games Store's barebone nature, they promised that more features down the road, like achievements. Before the Epic Games Store got its rework, Sergey Galyonkin, who also ran Steam Spy as a hobby, also learned what developers want to get out of Epic Games' launcher/digital store.

Allegedly free game|allegedly free games: Epic Games offers free games, though some of them follow a rotation time that's similar to how Playstation Network.

Digital Distribution

DRM: It's a client launcher.

Expy: Of GOG mostly.

    • Subverted a bit, since some games that EGS sell, like Boarderlands 3, have an extra DRM or two.

Game Breaking Bug|Game Breaking Bugs: Too many to count, like:

    • Most of the launcher.
    • During their first sale, one guy can't go gungho and go on a bonanza shopping spree, except for five games. His account got banned.

Going Mobile: The digital client store will be eventually making its big debut in the mobile scene.

    • Though with the same challenging the status quo.

Idiot Programming: See Game Breaking Bugs:

Indie Game|Indie Games

Swiss Cheeses Security: There were reports by some gamers that their accounts have been hacked by some guy in Ukraine or Mongolia, now this was a problem that was persistent back when the launcher sold only first party titles.

No Export for You: Up to the Eleven, on this one.

Obliviously Evil: Some gamers see Tim Sweeney's boasts that his launcher will save PC gaming. When it made things more difficult for pc gaming, actual competition, and other launchers as a whole, like:

    • Dismissing the Mac OS and Linux gaming scene (Tim compared installing a Mac and Linux as moving to Canada when US elections don't go a voter's way).

Vanilla Edition: After comparing to other launchers/digital distribution stores (i.e. Uplay, Steam, GOG, and the great grandma, Blizzard Battle.Net), the Epic Games Store is essentially basically bare bones.

    • Though they say that they have a roadmap where they'll add the much needed features, like achievements.

category: microsoft windows, mac OS, other sites, website, video game culture

Epic Games Store YMMV

  • Accesended Meme: The lack of a shopping cart.
      • Which is irony, since the rest of Epic Games' other stores, like the Unreal Engine, have shopping carts that allows multiple purchases.
    • Fortnite|V-Bucks, third-party companies love getting these.
  • Broken Base: The new launcher became like this to the pc gaming community, when Epic Games began doing shady methods to obtain exclusives.
  • Critical Dissonance: Sites, like Polygon, Kotaku, and the mainstream gaming news sites rejoiced that Epic Games will be "competing" against Steam and sticking it to gamers. Whereas gamers hate these sites for their dishonesty.
    • Also, these gaming news sites hate actual gamers and rejoice in any form of censorship, including of games that they hate.
  • Sinister Surveillance: Some of the gamers are suspicious of Tencent, who is one of Epic Games' shareholder that owns 40% of the game company alone and are concern about their influence as well as potential spying. Because Tencent is connected with China's government for to be too close for comfort.
    • Also, that Epic Games Store is spying on a customer's Steam friends without their consent.
  • Fandumb: They accused Steam of taking thirty percent cut from publishers and developers, despite this being the industry standards that tech companies use all the time, like Apple, Microsoft, and etc.
    • Even forgetting or outright ignoring that other launchers, like GOG,, and others existed and were chipping away at Steam long before Epic decided to make turn their launcher/client into a storefront. And were even chipping away at Steam.
    • Rejoicing of the lack of forums...Until they need to go do a "Help me, obi wan kenobi" in the Steam forums.
  • Hatedumb: Mainly from some console gamers, who are raised by similar practices, like third-party timed exclusives, and doesn't see why PC gamers' are worried about the creeping anti-consumer practices.
    • Subverted, that some console gamers hated pc gaming in general and are happy that a huge rival is getting shot, despite that these same anti-consumer practices will bite them in the butt in the future.
  • Idiot Programming: Epic has a laundry list of examples, like:
    • Having a security vulnerability that allows hackers to steal the accounts of others.
    • No shopping feature, especially for those who like to buy a ton of games, buying five games or more will cause the client to go bonkers.
  • Internet Backdraft
  • It Got Worse: It made the Publishers and Gamers have an "Us vs. Them" mentality, since publishers and some devs think that gamers don't understand the hard work it is to make games, the blood, toil, and management. While gamers see some of those that jump to Epic Games Store as those who would break their promises and are regarded as dishonest scumbags.
    • It made gamers not trust indie companies' crowdfunding projects, due to the last minute switching.
  • Doesn't Trust Those Guys: Some gamers don't even trust Epic Games at all, since the company already displays tone deafness and worst, clueless. Since they made an idiot comment about pc gaming, were the game company blames most or all of them for piracy when one of their games had low sells.
  • No OSHA Compliance: Mainly the game devs that works on Fortnite are submitted to this, by the higher ups.
    • It gets worst during crunch times.
  • To some gamers, Epic Games just:
    • In May 18, 2010, Blame piracy on low sales in the past and hypocritically stated that they will never support PC gaming or gamers that play on PC.
    • Ruining their games, like Unreal Tournament and Fortnite, made worst by an interview that Epic Games doesn't know what to do with them or adding updates that the community didn't ask for, rending their games unplayable/unfun, or worst outright anti-consumer.
    • Crippling the Mac and Linux gaming scene, mainly because Tim Sweeney hates the niche group.
    • Killing off games with high potential, like Paragons (an Overwatch clone), because of greed and "You outlive your usefulness."
  • Snake Oil Salesman: Tim Sweeney comes across as this to those being critical of the new Epic Games Store.
    • Some developers and publishers are view as this, like Deep Silver and the , who handled the Shemnue 3 Kickstarter, they promised their customers a release at digital stores, like GOG. But at last minute, jumped to Epic Games Store.
      • The Ooblets developers and publishers, who are hostile against customers that they called them "GamersTM"
  • Some indie developers and publishers jumped into Epic Games Store, because:
    • Steam is so clogged up with tons of video games, including asset flips, that their own games will get buried underneath.
    • It's an underdog of a store client.
    • They made a deal already and released their game(s) first in Epic Games Store.
    • It's a change of circumstances, like that wonderful game that's in the works will die without the V-Bucks and deal, the indie company also explained to customers why they're going to switch and can't keep their promises.
  • Playful Hacker|Playful Pirates: Some gamers who would otherwise not pirate or quit pirating, since there's good storefronts to buy games, began to pirate or return to the practice due to Epic Games doing taking "No Export for You" too seriously, their trust with certain video game companies was broken/ a form of boycotting, Epic Games' regional pricing is too much for them to afford (Even though EG is working to fix that somehow), or the game or worse, the Epic Games Store launcher won't work as intended.
    • Somewhat subverted, Some gamers are just pirating and waiting for the timed exclusivity to end, so they can buy it from the storefront of their choice.
  • Protagonist Journey to Villain: Some gamers see Epic Games and the EGS controversy as this. The company used to be awesome and producing memorable titles, but now it's a shadow of its former self.


How Fortnite's Success Led to Months of Intense Crunch:

ES EULA Excerpt Data Exploitation:

EGS could be Sending Your Data to China:

PCs Are Good for Anything, Just Not Games:

Fuck Epic for Dummies:

It's not that Tim doesn't understand. He simply doesn't care:

Tencent's $330 Million ES Investment (archive):

Tencent's directors are super valuable (tim sweeney/archive):

To People Who Believe that EG is Not Influenced by Tencent:,news-29283.html

In-Game Currency

(Note: If trope name doesn't fit, use a name generator. Also, probably better as a useful note)

Money makes the world go round, the same also applies to video games mainly, in the various games and its genre fictional currency is needed to buy or redeem for the necessary things, like horse armor, skins, weapons, and even real world items, like merch from the actual online stores. Virtual money has been in games during its early days and can be required through various means, like finding them (i.e. destroying vases and bench chairs), being dropped, doing side quests for the npcs, opening chest, defeating foes, selling items, opening loot boxes, buying them through microtransactions, using real money to buy the merch from the company's official online stores, or using prepaid cards to buy them.

Kubo and the Two Strings

Find replacement tropes.

  • Nice Day, Deadly Night: The Sun Village is nice and friendly during the day, especially during the Bon Festival. But during the night, when the Moon King and his daughters are out to get Kubo, makes the night risky and even downright deadly.
  • Magic Compass: In a blink and you'll miss it, Little Hanzo not just points the way to the sword, but also to the other weapons.
  • Scary Shadow Fakeout: A scary shadow appears at the wall cave as Beetle bows over Kubo. It turns out that he's looking at Paper Hanzo.



Voiced By: Laura Miro

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



Voiced By: Alpha Takahashi

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Bon Festival (Useful Notes)

The Bon Festival, also known as Obon, Festival of Lanterns, or the Festival for the Spirits of the Dead, is a Japanese holiday that's similar to Mexico's Day of the Dead. The holiday lasts a week commemorating and honoring the dead, especially the ancestors, due to the Buddhist beliefs that the spirits and ghosts of love will come to visit the world of the living, mainly to revist the household altars. These week long holidays were celebrated for approximately 500 years, though the holiday itself is now different. - For example, those the celebrators began using floating lanterns. Various Japanese regions that observe this holiday vary, and now the Bon Festival is celebrated internationally.

The Bon Festival takes place around the fifteenth day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, this is called the "Month of Books" (also known as Fumizuki). Most regions in Japan celebrate this in August (alongside various major holidays, like Golden Week), though deep in certain Tokyo cities, the celebration is more traditional.

Before the start of the first day of the Bon Festival, houses gets cleaned up and food offerings (which are called ozen) for the ancestral spirits, the offerings are placed in front of a butsudan (a Buddhist altar). Paper lanterns are lit inside the houses and eventually taken to their family's grave sites, just to call the spirits back. This ritual is called mukae-bon. Certain regions uses small fires, that are called mukae-bi, as signals and guides to assist the ancestral spirits to find the houses of the living family and relatives.

In the second day, Bon Odori, a folk dance are preformed in parks, gardens, temples, or shrines, the dancers preform at a stage wearing a summer kimono. The kicker is that anyone can join in the dance.

On the last day, families, other relatives, and friends preform the okuri-bon ritual, were they lead their ancestor's spirits back to their graves, by hanging more lanterns, with the family crest, for the return trip. Depending on the regions, fires are used as guide lights.


Filipino Myths/Urban Legends Wiki

Self note: Use this for Filipino myth stuff:

Anaconda: Hunt for the Blood Orchid


  • Goofs:


Bill's stick together quote: "



  • : Whilst not shown, some of the expedition crew's back stories, like Gail, was that they came from the fancy Wexell-Tall. (Note: Find trope to describe volunteers, since some of the Wexel Hall guys are volunteers that came fresh out of college).

cat: Animal title index , films of the 2000s, Sony Pictures , Scren Gems , Columbia Pictures


Bill Johnson and Kong

Jack Byron

Sam Rogers

Ben Dougless

Cole Burris

Gorden Mitchell

Gail Stern

Dunkirk (film)

quote|400,000 couldn't get home, so home came for them. - Tagline

Dunkirk was a 2017 World War 2 film directed and written by Christopher Nolan, starring Fionn Whitehead, Kenneth Branagh, and , the musical score done by Hans Zimmer. The film first premiered on Jul7 13, 2017 at Odeon Leicester Square, London, and was eventually released to North American and the United Kingdom in pure IMAX form in July 21, 2017. In the 23rd Critics' Choice Awards, Dunkirk received eight nominations.

The film follows the World War 2 evacuation of the combined Allied forces of the British and French armies from Dunkirk beach from three prespectives.


  • Abandon Ship: Captain (the dutch guy) gave this command, everyone began to leave through the hatch spoiler|except Gibson, who didn't make it.
  • Ace Pilot|Ace Pilots: The Spitfire crew.
  • Anyone Can Die
  • Arc Words: Home
  • Big Damned Heroes: The crew of the Moonstone and spoiler|the other civilians who also sailed through the English channel to saved those that are stranded in the French beach.
  • Big Liar|Big Liars: Some of the guys spoiler|that were rescued the Moonshone also helped Peter lied by hiding George's corpse. They were informed that the pilot is "never the same."
  • Driven to Suicide: Many soldiers have done this later on in the film, one guy just runs into the sea.
    • When the torpedo struck the , many abandon ship into the sea, some committed suicide by doing this.
  • Drowning Pit: This happened to Tommy, Alex, Gibson when they and the Highlanders when they got stuck inside a Dutch trawler when the tide came in and the Nazi fire put too many holes in the small boat.
    • spoiler| Farrier was forced to land in the sea, but found out that he can't exit his cockpit. The sea began to fill in.
  • Episode on a Plane: The Blue Sky story arc.
  • Eucatastrophe: The whole movie is this, the Axis were an inch close to capturing the European Allied forces, only for the latter to slip away from their grasp.
  • Historical Domain Character|Historical Domain Characters: Most of the characters in the movie are based on actual historical people.
  • Hero With Bad Publicity|Heroes With Bad Publicity: Averted, spoiler| When the British and French army arrived in English shores, they thought they'll be boo-ed and run out of the country, because they retreated.
  • Land, Sea, Sky: The whole movie's theme.
  • Mistaken for Spies|Mistaken for a German Spy: Some of the Highlanders accused Gibson for being a German spy, since he hasn't said anything at all.
  • Man on Fire|Men on Fire: Some of soldiers were set on fire, because they were already covered with oil while trying to board the civilian boats.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Several, like being inside a ship when a German U-Boat's torpedo hits it, and .
  • Old School Dogfighting: Whenever the Spitfires vs. the German dive-bombers shows up.
  • Operation Blank: Operation Dynamo
  • Shown Their Work: Christopher Nolan and his crew even got advise from WW2 vets that were there during the Dunkirk evacuation, the port guys at Dunkirk, and etc.
  • Stuff Blowing Up
  • Shell Shocked: The first downed pilot that the Moonstone crew fished out. Dawson explained that "He may never be the same again."
  • Race Against the Clock: There's little time for the Allied forces that are trapped on Dunkirk beach, plus the French line can only keep the Nazis at bay for so long.
  • Rousing Speech: Churchill's badass speech:
  • You Shall Not Pass: What's left of the French army and their resistance movement are the only ones standing between the Nazi Germans and the weaponless Allied forces that are trapped at Dunkirk.
  • World War II
  • trope: The German dive bomber crashed into the ocean, which already had oil spilling out of the , this made that particular area lit up with fire.
  • trope: Farrier was the last Spitfire pilot and he managed to bring down the last German dive-bomber, so the survival of Dunkirk army and their rescuers can succeed.
  • trope:

Color coded for convience: Despite that the Luftwaffe did not paint fighter aircraft noses yellow until the late part of 1940. Nolan did this on purpose so that the audience can easily identify German aircraft.

cat: Films of the 2010s/Top Tens, world war 2 movies


The movie is split into three colors: sky blue, dark blue, and white, referencing the triptych plot of air, sea, and land.

    • Even the movie's DVD/Blu Ray's special features are divided in this way.
  • One of the stunt co-ordinators thought that a certain boat won't survive the filming, didn't know that using the undestructable Moonshine was a good deal.
  • The oil and soot that's use was environmentally friendly veggies.
  • Since the Dunkirk accounts stated how young and complete noobs the soldiers were, Christopher Nolan cast young yet unknown actors.
  • Christopher Nolan and his wife, Emma Thomas, used a boat and sailed from England to Dunkirk. It took them nineteen hours because of the sea conditions.
  • The little original ships that were part of the Dunkirk evacuation re-enacted their roles.
  • Fifty boats were on sea and ten boats are used in the film.
  • Since the audience only know Harry Styles as a One Direction band member, Nolan compared his casting of him to Heath Leger's Joker from the Dark Knight. Due to the viewers under estimating Harry.
  • Hoyte Van Hoytema was chosen as the cinematographer, he worked with Chrisopher Nolan in Interstellar.
  • Nolan made a deal with Warner Bros. where he would get $20 million salary including 20% of the box office gross.
  • The filming was shot in the same locations where the historical events took place.
  • Dunkirk deals about civilians saving the military's butt, rather than the usual military saving civilains.
  • Dunkirk won eight Oscar nominations, tying with Christopher Nolan's earlier movies the Dark Knight and Inception in being the most nominated movie.
  • The only opening credit was the film's title.
  • The film's codename was "Bodega Bay."
  • The film crew was planning to cast Andrew Simpson as one of the main characters and were in talks.
  • The Dunkirk evacuation (aka Operation Dynamo) occurred between May 26 and June 1940.
  • Tom Glynn-Carney, who portrayed Peter, remarked that since filming Dunkirk was a very thrilling experience.

quote|"It will make every job I do after this boring."

  • This was Christopher Nolan's first war movie and also his first that was based on historical events.


  • In the ending scene, spoiler|the 1950s railway carriages' seat patterns are from the 1980s.
  • The "Sealife Tower", which was built approximately 2012, can be seen in some Weymouth scenes.
  • Some modern road signs and marking can be seen in Weymouth.


Character Page

Here's the characters from the Dunkirk movie.

Sky Blue


Portrayed by: Tom Hardy


Portrayed by: Jack Lowden


Portrayed by: Fionn Whitehead

Last of his kind|Last of his friends: Tommy was the only one that survived out of his group of his army friends after the Nazi ambushed them.

Deep Sea


Portrayed by: Tom Glynn-Carney

  • Big Liar: When Peter found out spoiler|that his best friend died, he lied to the pstd pilot.

Pilot: Is the boy alright? Peter: Yes he is.

  • Trope: Peter ended up juggling with helping his Dad and nursing George.


Portrayed by: Barry Keoghan

  • Little Stowaway: Only seventeen and decided to join his friend and said friend's Dad to go to France.
  • Tap on the Head: He bumped his head while he, Peter, and pilot fought.
    • spoiler|George died because of his injuries.
  • Blind: When George woke up and talked with Peter, he exclaims, "I'm blind!"

Mr. Dawson

Portrayed by: Mark Rylance

Pilot Shelby "Shell" Shocked

Portrayed by: Cillian Murphy

Trope: Shelby tells the Moonstone crew that they'll die when they reach Dunkirk.

Trope: I'm never going back there.

Character Developement: When the Moonstone finally arrived at Dunkirk, he set aside his issues long enough to help the Moonstone crew to bring in soldiers on board.

The Nameless: The shell shocked pilot's real name was never reveal in the film.


Commander Bolton

Portrayed by: Kenneth Branagh

Colonel Winnant

Portrayed by: James D'Arcy


Portrayed by: Aeurin Barnard

Identity Theft: Gibson stole some IDs and dogtags off of a dead guy, whom he help buried in a markless grave.

Dutch Guy

Portrayed By: Jochum ten Haaf

Notes for Main Overwatch Mode

Some of the gameplay types are: Control Point, Payload, and

  • Anything about Sigma.

African Mythology

(Add more stuff)

Since Africa is a vast continent with different cultures and languages. It's no surprise that some of the ancient mythology, its gods, and supernatural creatures are found in various modern works, like video games, books, and tv shows.


Like with any mythologies, African mythology, has multiple gods that are in one huge heavenly family. Though many tribes and groups refer to the top god as Amma or Olorun, while in Eastern Africans prefer Mulungu.

  • Ala - Mother Goddess, ruler of the underworld, and fertility.
  • Amma - Head honcho god.
  • Cagn - The Creator God
  • Eshu - The Hermas expy/trickster and messenger.
  • Katonda - Also a creator god/father of the gods/king and supreme judge of the universe.
  • Kibuka - The war god.
  • Leza - Creator and sky god.
  • Mujaji - The rain goddess
  • Nyame - A creator god, who is associated with both the sun and moon.
  • Ogun - God of war and iron
  • Olorun - Sky god and supreme deity


The demi-gods are more diverse and they have many functions. There's thousands of them, but they varied from culture to culture.

  • Shango - storm god, who controls thunder and lightning.

Trope Poster Museum

We here in All The Tropes love to categorize things, like tropes, wikis, cartoons, tv shows, movies, and such, one day we were thinking: Suppose there's a museum of tropes, that has displays of those greats that represent tropes. Don't worry, they displays won't become alive, as far as we know...It's just for fun.

Please do not confuse with Religion Tropes.

-- Old Version --

We in All The Tropes love to categorize things. Tropes, tv shows, books, and everything that we can get our hands on. So, one day we got to thinking: What would things be like if the world were run entirely on tropes and what they could be? Who would be the Gods and Goddesses? So, we pooled our resources and come up with as much ideas as possible. No condolences, human sacrifices, and payment is required yet...It's just for fun.

Trope Poster Template

Before Submitting a God/Goddess, Read The Rules: These rules are made so we don’t fall like Tv Tropes, their Trope Pantheon is more convoluted and messed up than Call of Duty. - How you ask? You need a spreadsheet to keep track of everything, we want to keep this mainly as a trope museum, having a character that embodies the trope.

1) Use proper grammar at all times. If your English is poor or not your first language, use the sandbox to get it proofread before posting or do not post.

2) If you have any bias for or against a character, keep it out of your writing.

3) Crossovers should make sense, as in having some modicum of logic.

4) Do not do lazy things, like voice actor connections between characters, to write crossovers. If you want to make crossover jokes, there are better ways of doing so.

5) Similar to rule four, please refrain from doing recycled memes. (Example: If making Mario god of mustaches, a meme reference to SM 64 DS where a battle for the best one was a PLOT POINT would be fine, just don't wear out a ton of memes in the process, try to write SOMETHING clever and original of your own).

5) Do not put characters in positions, just because they are in fashion now. Do it because the character(s) best embody a trope.

6) Keep everything consistent.

7) Refrain from trying to write epic fanfiction sagas in All The Tropes, this is a wiki. It’s encouraged that one takes that spark of creativity to, deviantart, Archive of Our Own, and other writing sites like it to make fanfiction about the ATT's Trope Pantheon, not here.

8) If you’re writing just because a character turns you on, don't.

9) If you’re writing about real people for the Trope Pantheon, use only Historical Domain Characters, especially if they’re larger than life. Don’t use currently living people, especially politicians, we don't want problems.

10) Reminder: Careful if you're bringing over a god/goddess from Tv Tropes, please do not copy word for word, otherwise it's copyright infringement. Say it in your own words. - Unless you also post on Tv Tropes and you're bringing over your own edits. In the latter case, follow the obvious regardless.

-- New Deity Template --

God X, God/dess of (Insert Trope Here) (Alternate names/Nicknames/Fan Nicknames)

  • An image, if possible. Please use official art or a screenshot for a picture.
  • Rank: This can range from god, demigod, lesser god, and whatever status the Greek Fates has.
  • Symbol: An image, icon, or item that's used to represent the deity.
  • Alignment: Good, evil, anti-heroic, and so forth. If one cannot do that, one can use the Dungeons & Dragons character alignment, the ATT Pantheon is kinda base on D&D after all.
  • Portfolio: The Trope/tropes associated with the character
  • Domains: Things this character has influence over.
  • Allies: Gods that are the said god's Pantheon friends/allies
  • Rivals: Gods that are the said god's Pantheon rivals (Or worst, foes).
  • Additional Character Relationships: Members of the Pantheon have relationships with each other (examples including Enemy Mine, Friendly Enemy, etc.)
  • Now add random trivia/facts about events/alignments/moments/fights, etc.

Cheagal Fonts

Whether a character is a precocious child, team pet, or an alien ends up writing on behalf of the adult, legal guardian or human adult. Doing this gives results that is heavily implied that the youngster is either a genius and wise beyond his years, has better handwriting, or the adult in question’s writing is similar to how a child writes, has average/ horrible handwriting, has the mindset of a child, alien, or a pet, or worst, the immaturity of a child. This can be played for humor or can be a very nice save on the child’s part, in a more serious story, especially in thrillers, horror stories, and action-adventures.

Compare and contrast ‘Signature Style,’ ‘Creator Thumbprint’, and Most Writers Are Adults.


  • The trope namer came from Tales of the Abyss, the cheagal in question, Mieu, tries to fill in for Luke with writing in his daily journal, the other characters inquire about Luke’s penmanship, implying that Fabrve’s writing is questionable or Mieu knows how to write human.


  • In a Naruto filler, it turns out that the titular character completed the latest Make Out Paradise novel, which made the shojun think that the rival leader send him a peace gift. This implied that Jirarya has the writing skills of a pre-teen or that Naruto knows how to write (Since the titular hero also is the editor of Make Out Paradise series).

Video Games

  • In Tales of the Abyss, when Mieu notices that Luke was skipping days of writing in his journal. The young cheagal took matters in his own paws, resulting in some hilarious reactions from Luke’s friends.