Bug Martini

Revision as of 14:53, 17 October 2015 by WonderBot (talk | contribs) (quote cleanup)

(For other uses of the term "Bug", click here)

Made you laugh? Well that's just the first panel.

Bug is a gag-per-day humorous webcomic written by Adam Huber, started on October 19, 2009. Bug features caricatures of cockroaches as its characters and uses those character to poke fun at a wide array of subjects. The comic touches on a wide variety of comedic material, with little pattern as to what Huber will lampoon. The comics themselves rarely have a set punchline, often instead having a joke in each panel, thus providing multiple laughs per strip. (See "Pizza Delivery" for a good example).

Update: Every weekday at midnight sharp.

Tropes used by this webcomic:


You look just like my ex-girlfriend, except you're fatter and not as pretty.
What's up with your outfit? It's like you were dressed by deranged gypsies.
I like comic books.


No, I do NOT want to subscribe to "Murderer Monthly", "Killin' Quarterly", or "Maxim".


"Stupid kitten!"


"Ack! What amazing peripheral vision!"


Man in a wheelchair: "Move it, cripple."


My middle name is "danger"!
My middle name is "cautionary discretion".


"What are you drawing, my son?"
"Our church being destroyed by three Godzillas."


"Funky don't lay low... nor does Funky speak in first person."