Michiko to Hatchin

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Hana Morenos is nine, miserable, and abused by her foster parents and step-siblings. She does all the chores, puts up with bullying and beatings, and daydreams about getting away.

Michiko & Hatchin

...And then Michiko Malandro escapes from her high-security prison and crashes into Hana's life on a scooter. With nothing in common but a man named Hiroshi, who's Michiko's former lover and possibly Hana's father, the two embark on a wild trip through the countryside. Traveling through a South America/Brazil pastiche where everyone has Japanese given names, they encounter gangs, are pursued by the police, and learn to appreciate each other--just a little bit.

The show, released in 2008, is produced by studio Manglobe; it's Sayo Yamamoto's directing debut.

Tropes used in Michiko to Hatchin include:
  1. Truth in Television - some deadbeat dads act exactly like Hiroshi.