Adventure Time/Headscratchers
NOTE: Spoilers ahead.
- Am I the only one who thinks Fionna looks older than Finn? Even though they're supposed to be counter-parts (and thus presumably the same age).
- I sorta have to agree. It may be the fact that girls mature earlier, but it still looks like it may be more then that.
- Based on the Ice King's reaction when Princess Bubblegum is resurrected as a 13-year-old (to leave and stop pursuing her), and the fact that he's the author of fan fiction starring Fionna and Fionna is portrayed as the Ice King's perfect mate, it's little wonder she'd be older than Finn.
- For shouting mathematical exclamations a lot of the time, Finn is NOT good at math!
- He probably thinks they sound cool.
- And they ARE!
- Not being good at math probably makes it all the more epic in his mind. After all, that would make mathematics the study of arcane mysteries.
- It's actually just a joke from all those late 80s, early 90s phrases like RADICAL, since Radical is a math term. They're just taking it to its logic conclusion.
- Or to its limit.
- Princess Bubblegum exclaims "Math" and such as well, so he probably picked it up from her.
- Many other characters use "Math" as an interjection. Often as a cuss word. Fin may simply have misunderstood someone's previous use of "That was mathing awesome!".
- He probably thinks they sound cool.
- The show looks like they should learn lessons in the end, but they completely miss the point. Jake lost his powers to a witch because he had too much pride, and even though the witch tried to teach him a lesson, he still took her crane and made her fall down! In another, Finn could've just talked things out with the Ice King, but he would rather punch him out, thinking it would solve all the problems in the world! So many Broken Aesops...
- Finn is a child and Jake is voiced by a sleazy, chain smoking, gambling robot... at what point would you ever think that they would take any sort of responsibility for their actions or learn anything from past experiences?
- And all Played for Laughs, which is quite likely the point.
- The point is that the show is not about Aesops, it's about a kid and his dog having adventures, and every single Aesop that the show dishes out are eitherly intentionally broken, spoofed, or just not done, the fact the Aesops are more or less brought up, but being spoofed or broken, is the point. Although, if you want what was possibly a deliberate Aesop, try Ocean Of Fear.
- The show does have aesops sometimes, just not ones that we'd normally expect to see. For example, one episode (I can't remember the name) had Jake thinking he would hurt everyone because he remembered accidentally beating up his brother and his father saying "You'll hurt everyone...". It turns out that Jake wasn't listening fully and his father had actually said "You'll hurt everyone who is evil." (The lesson being that sometimes, yes, violence is the answer.).
- Actually that one is "Pay attention to what people are saying".
- Also, don't eat the crystal apple.
- Does this mean that Jake's brother is evil?
- "Memories of Boom-Boom Mountain" has memories of boom-boom, and a mountain, but no memories of boom-boom at a mountain. So why is it called Memories of Boom-Boom Mountain?
- Mmmm... word salad.
- Well, did it ever say that the boom-boom didn't happen at a mountain?
- It was clearly a forest near a field.
- It could have been a forest near a field on a mountain.
- It was clearly a forest near a field.
- Maybe the title means "The mountain that sparked memories of boom-boom?"
- Because Finn tries to help a bunch of people at the same time including a giant mountain which brings about his memories of when he crapped himself as a baby is way too long of a title.
- It isn't that the title's too short, it's that the title's misleading.
- Not necessarily, Finn helped a Mountain in the name of Boom-Boom, and it was by this Mountain we are reminded of Finn's oath and see the fulfillment of that oath, henceforth, to us, we shall remember it as Boom-Boom Mountain as the episode lives on in our Memories.
- Whether or not Finn and Jake lost their powers at the end of "Wizard". Was it their robes that powered their magic, or did they actually gain the powers themselves and can still use them?
- It seemed as though they had the powers themselves, and the robes simply showed how powerful they were based on how many stars it had. But at the end of the episode, the main wizard got rid of all the magic from Finn and Jake, so it's basically gone.
- When did that happen? All I recall is the main wizard saying that he would never give out powers again; he never actually said anything along the lines of taking them away.
- Snap Back.
- Maybe when he said "I renounce all magic" he got rid of all their magic; or they forgot
- Word of God says that the robes are what powered their magic, and they were destroyed.
- Finn has the robe again in "This Mortal Folly" when he goes to challenge the Lich King, according to an animatic, he still has his powers too. Though he may have just gone back and got new powers in preperation to battle the Ultimate Evil Lich King.
- Jossed; it was a sweater PB made for him, because she, as Finn himself puts it, likes him a lot.
- It seemed as though they had the powers themselves, and the robes simply showed how powerful they were based on how many stars it had. But at the end of the episode, the main wizard got rid of all the magic from Finn and Jake, so it's basically gone.
- Who is this 'Lich King' guy, and how do people know so much about him when he's never appeared in the show?
- He is from an old network pitch. The pitch introduces him as the ultimate evil, apparently to round out the happy-go-lucky cast. He hasn't made an appearance in the show yet, save for a cameo in 'His Hero'. Look for it in Billy's little song.
- He should be appearing in the two part season finale, His Mortal Folly.
- He did, indeed, show up in that episode.
- He is from an old network pitch. The pitch introduces him as the ultimate evil, apparently to round out the happy-go-lucky cast. He hasn't made an appearance in the show yet, save for a cameo in 'His Hero'. Look for it in Billy's little song.
- The ending of "Dungeon" bugged me because it made it look like Princess Bubblegum was mad at the guys for no reason. It doesn't make a lick of sense in a bad way and the episode was really good up until that point.
- At the beginning of the episode, she asked Finn and Jake to help put "Do Not Enter" signs around the entrance to the dungeon. She was mad because they went in anyway.
- Also, they removed the Crystal Eye, which seems to keep eye demons trapped. That's another legitimate reason to be upset.
- Failure to follow directions. Invoking an ancient evil. Causing her to have to come in there an save them. If all of that doesn't make for a good reason to be upset with someone, you need your head examined.
- Whatever happened to Neptr?
- one of the concept artists on the AT staff stated that he still lives in Finn's tree fort.
- Probably getting pooted on by Finn and Jake, like the Ice King predicted.
- He and BMO hang out when BMO isn't being used in the episode.
- Neptr makes a reappearance in "Hot to the Touch" in Season 4. The explanation? He was playing hide and seek and hid in the garage for 15 months, 4 days, and 9 hours.
- one of the concept artists on the AT staff stated that he still lives in Finn's tree fort.
- When has Lady Rainicorn spoken French? I can't vouch for the others but I do not remember hearing any French from her
- Some people probably just assumed that something they heard her say was Frenchy.
- This troper has been told that she speaks Korean.
- Character page also says there's Japanese in there. This troper has only heard one consistent language from her, which is definitely not French.
- As far as I know it's only Korean, so whoever put that there probably was incorrect.
- In the pilot, she spoke a mumbling Simlish, but was upgraded to Korean in the actual show.
- To someone who only speaks English, all other languages sound like Simlish. So, it's easy for one language to get confused for another.
- Some people probably just assumed that something they heard her say was Frenchy.
- What does the title card for "Enchiridion" have to do with the episode?
- That goes for Slumber Party Panic, too.
- Actually, no it doesn't. The Princess explicitly announces to the Candy kingdom that they're having a Slumber Party, in hopes to keep them from the Panic of the oncoming zombies. How is that difficult to understand?
- The title cards generally have nothing to do with the episode. It's not like there's a law that says it has to be or anything.
- Except most of them do, very much so.
- The title card for "Enchiridion" has Finn cutting Jake open with a knife.
- But it has spaghetti with meatballs and red sauce! The Keeper made spaghetti with meatballs and red sauce! Can you not see the forest for the World Tree?
- ...Wait, I thought he was just holding a bagette over him?
- "Enchiridion" is the name of the book.
- The title card was originally based on an old pulp sci-fi book, where on the cover features a scene of a woman about to get stabbed by a robot. The creators apparently like to make references to pulp books with the title cards. They also seem to enjoy making the title cards darker and edgier, hence the version with Finn stabbing Jake.
- That goes for Slumber Party Panic, too.
- What was the deal with Bubblegum's weird speaking at the end of "What have you done?". She talks then falls asleep. I hate when the show does that stuff.
- "Weird speaking"? Is that how the kids refer to German now?
- Considering the above discussion on Rainicorn's Korean, is it really that surprising? Then again I'd be the first to swear she was speaking PIGEON in the pilot.
- To anyone who doesn't speak a foreign language, they all sound weird. She might as well have been speakign Simlish.
- She was speaking German because at the beginning she was dressed as a plague doctor from Germany many centuries ago. Also it was just a random funny nonsensical thing. The show is the embodiment of random funny nonsensical things, so if you hate when the show does that stuff then... iunno what to tell ya.
- She also makes utterances in German in other episodes.
- She says "I'm so happy, I could...I could..." which explains why she faints onto the bed. At the start of the episode she also says "I'm here, Finn" in response to Finn and Jake wondering if there was anybody in the Candy Kingdom. The show's just choc full of Bilingual Bonuses!
- "Weird speaking"? Is that how the kids refer to German now?
- Why did Jake turn into a monster in "Gut Grinder"?
- Roughly the same reason Spiderman turned into the Man-Spider in the '90s Spiderman animated series: the changes wrought to his body that gave him superpowers were going intermittently out of control.
- There are so many other, more confusing questions about this episode, so I'll do my best here: Petting makes him go all bonkers, and he was convinced he was the gut-grinder, and because he was both of those things he assumed that he wanted gold, so he went after it when he saw it (it also might have involved some sort of identity-displacement when he saw the ACTUAL gut-grinder)
- Hes not the gut grinder
- Alternatively, because he didn't have a headache.
- The Ice King's Crown has been slowly driving him crazy.
- It's a psychosomatic thing. Jake is a shapeshifter, and believed he was a monster. So, he shape-shifted into a monster.
- Also, if Finn is a good guy, why does he laugh when Jake makes the soft people go wee-wee?
- Finn's thirteen. Of course he would laugh at that.
- In the reverse gender art shouldn't reversed Lady Rainicorn be Lord Storm-acorn or something? A Storm/Unicorn hybrid would be TV Tropes Made of Win Archive Blow You Away, Making a Splash, Shock and Awe all in one.
- Judging from his name of Lord Monocrhomacorn compared to her Lady Rainicorn, the focus seems to be more on the actual colors, rather than the phenomenon.
- Before Natasha made Lord Monochromacorn, someone on /co/ drew a LORD THUNDERHORSE, whose hooves struck lightning wherever they landed... and he spoke German.
- Judging from his name of Lord Monocrhomacorn compared to her Lady Rainicorn, the focus seems to be more on the actual colors, rather than the phenomenon.
- It make sense if you look at it in terms of light. A rainbow is just a band of refracted light. The opposite of light is darkness. Black represents darkness. It's similar to the reason why Cake is a cat. Cats are the anti-dog. Black is the Anti-rainbow.
- A rainbow is made up of at least one shade of all the colors in the world except black, white and grey. Now what does monochrome mean, hmm?
- In the season 2 opener, "Nightosphere". The plot was too hard to follow by the show's standards imho. Finn was kinda a Karma Houdini and Marceline was kinda.. off in that ep. I mean, she didn't really show much care for the people getting their souls sucked out and was kinda ready to quit the quest.
- Why would Marceline care? She's not exactly a bad person, but she's not really a good person either. She kicked Jake and Finn out of their home and tried to kill Jake in her first episode. Her second episode established that she liked to trick people and wasn't THAT evil, but never established her as altruistic enough to fight against her own father.
- Marceline's questionable character was highlighted the first episode she was in, in the song that plays when Finn and Jake search for a new home:
- Why would Marceline care? She's not exactly a bad person, but she's not really a good person either. She kicked Jake and Finn out of their home and tried to kill Jake in her first episode. Her second episode established that she liked to trick people and wasn't THAT evil, but never established her as altruistic enough to fight against her own father.
Song:Oh Marceline! Why are you so mean? |
- What the guy above me said. Also, how is Finn a Karma Houdini here? He got his ass handed to him every time he tried to attack LOE and he was the one who sealed him back into the nightoshere, making up for his mistake (how was he supposed to know Marcelines dad was, essentially, SATAN!)
- And the episode wasn't hard to follow. Marceline hates her dad, so Finn summons the dad to try to reunite them, but dad is evil, sucks souls, and steals Marceline's guitar, so Marceline and Finn chase him down, Finn gets them to reconcile, and Finn banishes him with a spell. Its a LINEAR CHAIN OF EVENTS and presented as such. If that's too complicated for you, go watch Nick Jr. or some crap.
- I withdraw my complaint as I saw it again recently. Also I resent the Nick Jr. comment.
- In "The Eyes", the Ice King didn't think anything of Finn being alive, when Finn was apparently dead the last time he saw him.
- That's the joke! Plus who says they hadn't met again before that episode?
- Uh... that is not the joke; they don't even lampshade it. But anyway, there is a flashback inthe episode which shows that the Ice King had seen them since then.
- Do you believe in Snap Back?
- Ice King is a combination of absent minded, ill informed, ignorant, and all around missing the point in general. I see no reason why he'd find the apparent resurrection of Finn strange, especially if he doesn't fully comprehend death to begin with.
- Yeah, Ice King isn't the brightest bulb in the knife drawer... He probly just forgot about the previous incident.
- That's the joke! Plus who says they hadn't met again before that episode?
- Look at this picture of city of thieves, what is that up there? The city is inside the shell!
- Maybe some rich dude or chick just wanted a giant mansion up there (I know I would). Makes me wonder if the city's rules apply up there...
- It's only a model.
- Perhaps the rest is on the other side of the shell.
- So I'm supposed to believe that Princess Bubblegum has evaded capture from the Ice King all this time compared to her Princess friends? I agree she's smart and she does have technical advantage on her side being a huge nerd, but the Ice King is quite crafty and can use magic rather readily and instantaneously. In sizing them up, the Ice King does come out ahead mainly because of mobility on his own accord and ice powers anyway. I can't imagine she wasn't kidnapped at least once before this, or will be in the future.
- She was the original captured princess in the pilot episode. So to be fair, she's already been captured. Failing that, maybe the Ice King's just not into... well, psychopaths.
- But she has also been captured by him in "Ricardio The Heart Guy". Rescued by Finn and Jake straight away, but still.
- Issue withdrawn, then. Never saw either of those episodes.
- Okay, different issue. Billy's thought process for him to have Finn and Jake to do things non-violently. Sure, the Ice King comes back because he's a glutton for punishment, but most enemies they defeat stay defeated...and hell, the Lich King certainly hasn't come back. What would make him think that non-violence, especially in the chaotic and monster-filled land of Ooo, would do anything? I'm mainly asking for motivation.
- Lich King hasn't come back because he never died. didn't you see the end of the episode? A Genre Savvy villain bides their time...
- As he tells Finn and Jake, he doesn’t see the point. Sure, he's killed a lot of monsters, but there are always more monsters. Who wouldn't get disillusioned after fighting monsters constantly only to have more show up to take their places?
- Indeed, it's not so much that any individual monster can't be defeated, but rather that there is a never ending stream of evil foes
- The most likely moment where it hit him hardest is when he realized that he cast the Lich King down... and the general monster-ridden state of Ooo hadn't changed in the slightest.
- Maybe he lost heart after his dog died? That can put even the strongest of souls into a soul-crushing depression. Combined with the revelation that in the long run, his actions weren't going to ever stop all of the monsters, he just gave up.
- Alternatively, it was a Batman Gambit to get them to avoid making his own mistake of giving up being a hero.
- I'm usually cool with whatever wackiness this show throws out, but there's one thing I just can't stop puzzling over. At the end of Chamber of Frozen Blades, just what the HELL did Gunter give birth to? It's... I... HOW DOES A PENGUIN MAKE A SPARKLE KITTEN.
- Gunter is the most evil monster in all of history. He's bound to have special properties. Or at least... It's funnier that way.
- With all the crazy **censored** in this show, you're complaining about that?!
- It was originally going to be a Gunter/Ice King thing, but the censors said no.
- Because they need an anti-Gunter for the series finale, when not even Marceline's dad, Billy, an the Litch can save them.
- If Lady Rainicorn's parents have translators that don't make them sound like old men, nerdy aliens, or nightmares, then why doesn't Lady have one herself?
- Why would someone want to sound like their parents?
- NOT having a similar setting is why Jake got rid of it in the first place.
- So there are only three translators in the world? And it's impossible to modify Lady Rainicorn's? And they couldn't borrow her parent's once in a while?
- The translator seemed to be more for Finn's benefit in My Two Favorite people rather than anyone else since everyone else or at least all her friends seem to understand fine, the translators in Her Parents are more for the audience's sake....I've seemed to have lost my point. What I'm trying to say is Rainicorn doesn't NEED one because everyone sans Finn can understand her fine and the two don't seem to even hang out that much in the first place so there's no real reason to need a translator.
- Actually, only those who can speak Korean can understand her. She could at least use subtitles for the rest of us...
- How can Princess Bubblegum hear when she doesn't have ears?
- The same reason birds can.
- Birds have ears. They're just very small and hidden under feathers.
- ^ Exactly. I assume the same applies to her. Only with gum. Or whatever her skin is made of.
- There are many species without external ears that hear sounds. Some of them hear sounds that are outside of our range of perception.
- The same reason birds can.
- When Finn's sword turns 4-D by going through the multi-dimensional-bubble wand, why doesn't it turn into a black hole like the bubble did, if any 4-D object automatically makes a singularity for some reason? Does it not do that unless a character points it out?
- The bubble did not turn into a black hole until around 10 seconds after he made it. So his sword turned into one as soon as he entered the bubble, which was about 10 second after it turned 4-D.
- In common perception, the 4th dimension is Time. A 4-D bubble is a bubble in space/time, hence the tesseract. It turned into a black hole when it popped. Fin's sword is a solid object, and turned into a solid 4-D object. The sword wouldn't implode unless something destroyed it. It would just hurt things across time, presumably causing even more damage to the target.
- When Finn blows a four dimensional bubble, it comes out as the projection of a tesseract (a four dimensional cube) into three dimensional space. Since bubbles are round, it should be a hypersphere (four dimensional sphere).
- Yeah, that bugged me a little too but, we can't be too sure about 4th dimensional mathematics (in a world involving both magic and science fiction).
- Easier to animate, I guess.
- The shadow of a hypersphere is just a sphere. It would look kind of dull. A tesseract, on the other hand, is easy visual shorthand for a 4D object and it looks cool.
- What would a hypersphere even look like? I try to keep up with the theoretical physics shows and have never even heard one mentioned before... Let alone visualized...
- I could have sworn that I saw a "human" with brunette hair in "Susan Strong". How can a fish person have hair? If they can, does that also mean that Susan could be a fish person?
- Maybe that person got their hair from some kind of Hair-Goblin, or hair themed wizard. You never know with this show.
- As for what it means for Susan... its ambiguous. They deliberately made it so that every bit of evidence for Susan's humanity can be questioned.
- The brunette is apparently named Celina and was not shown removing her hat. She's also the only one besides Susan who has a name. It's possible they're both actually humans
- Actually we do see Celina remove her hat. She's one of the three hyoomans seen taking off their hats just before Finn says "They're... They're not humans?" Her hair mysteriously vanishes between frames.
- Actually actually, when she first starts to take off her hat (Just after the hyoomans are set on fire), the hair moves too. It's part of the hat.
- Actually actually actually, it's a different character with the same type of hat.
- Actually actually actually actually, the character designs only list one character with her design, and specifically name said character as a "hyooman", so her losing her hair between frames is likely just an oversight.
- Why did Finn shave his whole head for the witch? Why didn't he just cut off some split ends? It would be a lot more practical.
- Finn's a hero, he would sacrifice it all for the witch.
- That witch's head was HUUUUUGE.
- I figured the witch just magically transplanted all of his hair onto her head.
- In "Susan Strong", how did Susan get all of the "humans" up?
- Maybe she piled up all the old refrigerators and junk to make some sort of tower they could climb up.
- There was a ladder in the hatch.
- In "The Limit", how did Jake blink so many times even though he said he couldn't close his eyes?
- He said it was hard too close his eyes, not impossible.
- Every part of his elastic body was stretched to its limit, even his eyelids.
- If time was of the essence in The Mortal Folly, why didn't Jake and Finn just TELL Ice King they didn't have time to deal with him when they were chasing the Lich King? Ice King is evil sure, but even he would understand if Jake and Finn were trying to save all of existence, the Princess' included.
- Finn and Jake aren't the most talkitive or intelligent heroes. That and they didn't know how far ahead the Lich was at the time, so stopping to tell the Ice King probably didn't come into their minds.
- Do you honestly think that would have stopped him? He kept asking when the flat out said no, why would telling him "we don't have time for this" have any different effect?
- Where exactly did the jelly filled doughnut come from after Finn stuffed Jake and Lady Rainicorn in a closet for seven minutes?
- Well, he was in a room full of sentient sweets before the seven minutes...
- I'm 90% sure it was the doorknob he grabbed on the way out.
- Jack has shown the ability to make a pouch for himself before. Maybe he does this often and keeps food in there?
- Well, he was in a room full of sentient sweets before the seven minutes...
- A thought just occured: Marceline's Dad is basically the Devil, right? If that's the case, why does Marceline even need to be a vampire if she's at least half-demon?
- I always assumed it was a Raven-Trigon thing, where she served as his gate into the world and he had a vampire make her immortal so he would always have a way back to Earth.
- I just assume that she and her dad were both normal humans before the apocalypse. And that during or after the Great Mushroom War her dad became the Lord of Evil and she got turned into a vampire.
- Because it looked awesome.
- Is anyone else kind of bothered by the fact that the Lich King seems like he won't ever do anything? I mean... they managed to trap him in amber, like a gosh-dang mosquito, when Billy "cast him down" it looked incredibly easy, and in his special that he was supposed to have a big part in, he hardly did anything (most of that was Princess Bubblegum... although, don't get me wrong, I loved that special). Also, they implied that although Finn may have "destroyed" him, he still lives within the snail. Is it just his influence, or really him? And I get the strangest feeling that most if not all of next season's episodes will not feature him. I get that he's supposed to be reserved for epic moments only to protect him from Villain Decay, but I think it'll be a little harder to take him seriously if he just... waits. Although, I suppose Nothing Is Scarier.
- It was probably just a bad time for him. Look at it from his view: he was defeated by a hero of renown (who fought a bear, for corn sake!), cut off from his source of power for hundreds of years, "defeated" in the middle of recharging, and now has to Body Surf all the way back to his old bones and recharge before he can do damage again. He's had a really bad day.
- Well it was probably mostly because each episode is only 10-11 minutes long.. However he had pretty much just escaped from years of imprisonment, so he was out of practice and stiff from not moving. But the producers care about the show too much to let him go to waste!
- Also, here's the thing. Remember, that wasn't Princess Bubblegum, the Lich possessed her. So that big fight with her was actually with the Lich. Also, Billy's Song wasn't the real fight. For all we know, the real fight was much longer and more epic. Unless they have an episode specifically to show the Lich's battle with Billy (which would be admittingly epic) we'll never know.
- (original poster) Yes, I am aware that the Lich possessed Princess Bubblegum. I trust Ice King's wizard-eyes. But how many plots can they use a character like this for in a show like this? This just means the "Lich King possesses a major character and almost kills them" plot has been used up. It seems like the main threat from him is the fact that he can't be killed, but that also means we won't be fooled next time he gets "killed." In fact, it's not likely many were fooled this time. And of course he can't actually "end all life." But I suppose they'll probably have him go for smaller goals once in a while. Even so, though, episode endings like the "Mortal Recoil" episode where he's still around, but just... gives up, until the next time, will feel very illogical to me.
- It seems to me like you're being bugged by something that hasn't even happened. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but it seems that your major complaint is, "Lich King will probably not appear till the last few episodes of the next season, so what is he doing all the rest of the time?" For all we know he will appear in every other episode (not likely, but still possible). If he does only appear at the end, it's probably because he spent the whole season preparing for his revenge (he's in a snail body, so it would take a long time). As for running out of plot ideas, they'll think of something.
- It was probably just a bad time for him. Look at it from his view: he was defeated by a hero of renown (who fought a bear, for corn sake!), cut off from his source of power for hundreds of years, "defeated" in the middle of recharging, and now has to Body Surf all the way back to his old bones and recharge before he can do damage again. He's had a really bad day.
- Just one thing bugs me about the ending of "Mortal Recoil", but it bugs me to no end...Will we still be seeing the Snail Once an Episode ?
- It's possible the Lich is just using him as a host to get away and will jump to a new host. Let's face it, why would the Ultimate Evil confine himself to a snail if he didn't have to?
- Of course. But, being in a snail, it'll probably take him longer to find a cooler body (or just his own body).
- It's possible the Lich is just using him as a host to get away and will jump to a new host. Let's face it, why would the Ultimate Evil confine himself to a snail if he didn't have to?
- There's two things that bugged me about the season finale;
- A) Why was Ice King a douche here? seemed like he was a needless addition (And why'd no one say to IK that they were on a super important mission to stop a great evil?)
- As mentioned above, it doesn't matter if they told IK, he would have just kept doing what he wanted. And why was he such a douche? Simple: HE'S ALWAYS A DOUCHE!!! Look, I know we're supposed to feel kinda bad for him, but enough is enough. He isn't some poor innocent who everybody picks on, he's a petulant bratty manchild who's only goal in life is to force women who he finds beautiful and imprison them. See the episode Loyalty To The King, people were finally being nice to him, and he still treated them like **censored**.
- It's something a lot of people seem to get mixed up with. The only person anyone should feel sympathy for regarding Ice King's history is Simon Petrikov. His mind was twisted thanks to the crown and he inevitably lost everything, including his own sanity. Whatever Simon was before is gone now and is replaced by the crazed bastard manchild that is Ice King.
- B) Bubblegum's deaging. Has it some sort of thing to bypass? WTF!? I liked it better the old way.
- The only thing about that that bugs me is, how is she younger, rather than the same age except smaller? I still like the ending as it is and I get the point, though.
- Maybe candy age is simply determined by how big the person is.
- Not only that, how could they not have enough gum? It's the Candy Kingdom.
- They meant there was not enough that was from her body. There might've been no donors, or it could even be that you need gum "types" like how blood is in Real Life.
- ...but wasn't she a Gumball Guardian-sized giant just a scene before? There should have been plenty of gum!
- It's possible all the stuff the Lich had her drink to go One-Winged Angel contaiminated some of it or she reverted to normal size when he left her body. The ice might have damaged it before they could rescue her or couldn't use what was created by the Lich's evil.
- A) Why was Ice King a douche here? seemed like he was a needless addition (And why'd no one say to IK that they were on a super important mission to stop a great evil?)
- In the beginning of the episode Susan Strong there's the scene with Princess Bubblegum being a big ball of awkward over the subject of Finn being the last human, and Finn mentions that he's "never seen another human before." But if that's the case, then what were the Business Men from last season? Did Finn just forget about them?
- Well they didn't exactly look human, more like zombies.
- They weren't human. They were businessman.
- The Business Men resemble Marcelline's Dad more than they do any other character ever shown. Maybe they're business-demons.
- What is the problem with Princess Bubblegum being thirteen? I'm not looking for an argument, but I would like someone who found that as a Base Breaker to explain what the problem was. Where I stood, it was an incredible Deconstruction of what happens to the Love Interest twice over which isn't done often enough and was actually extremely interesting. Not to mention that Finn did actually Earn Your Happy Ending in that episode. If the Princess stays thirteen, I find it to be more than fine.
- A recent promo for the new season had a glimpse of Bubblegum as we're used to seeing her; i.e., around 18-ish. Granted, it was only a few frames amidst a lot of other quick image flashes, but still ...
- That was from a Season 2 episode. I think it was "The Other Tarts"
- Ah dammit. Come on, really? Pendelton Ward has been so good thus far keeping permanent change throughout his series. There's no reason to buckle to FanHaters when this changes the dynamic of Finn and Bubblegum's relationship, and her relationship with every other character. I hope that isn't true..
- As shown in the episode where she becomes 18 again, she can't actually rule the Candy Kingdom if she's too young. Also, people generally don't like it when alter a main character. It would be like if the Ice King actually found a princess willing to marry him and settled down and stopped being a villain. Or if Marcaline turned into Cute Fairy Princess. It would throw off the nature of the show and possibly spell its doom.
- The end credits song. Yes, it's very relaxing and pleasant, but it kind of feels out of place in a show called Adventure Time.
- People have to rest after an adventure.
- "We can wander through the forest / And do so as we please..."
- People have to rest after an adventure.
- Just what was the Scorcher trying to get the Ice King to sign the second time? And what was with the message he left? It was something like 'Echos of past events nudge the tiller on my present course. I await it's reflection in the future.' What does that even mean?
- I assume we'll find out in a future episode, but if I had to hazard a guess, I'd say it might relate to the Lich King.
- The message could mean something along the lines of "I look forward to any future business you wish to conduct with me".
- Here you go. It reads "Echo of past events/nudge the tiller on/my present course/I await it's reflection/in the future." It reminds me of the Tart-Toter's Speech a little...
- He could have had a previous contract with the ice king before and may have, the ice king that is, forgot about because he's crazy or something and imagined it or thought he did
- Ok, but if Lemongrab was created by PB herself, why the hell is he second in line for the throne?!? Why wouldn't the Duke of Nuts or any other noble take precedent over her Frankenstein Monster?
- She created him, so he's technically her son. That would make him second in line.
- She created him in case something happened to her.
- It implies that she created all of subjects of the Candy Kingdom. And he was the first. So, he legally has authority over all the others, and is the next in line for the throne. A better question is "Why didn't she just kill him?"
- Because you don't just kill someone because their annoying? PB is shown as fairly reasonable and probbaly didin't just want to murder her first creation, even if he's an annoying, egomanical, douche, and probably didn't think ahead about the possible Tyrant Takes the Helm problem he created.
- In the original storyboards, PB states that she "wanted to create an uncle for herself". If we assume that PB's parents are dead or just out of the picture, that would make him the closest family member.
- Why was the Big Bad's name changed from the Lich King to simply the Lich? The Lich King is a much more distinguishable and threatening name.
- Writing Around Trademarks.
- Besides this, there's also the fact that thanks to World of Warcraft, a whole lot of people think of the "Lich King" not as a terrifying monster but as a sort of douchey guy who makes incredibly bad decisions. Changing the name to Lich removes the association with Arthas and makes the character more frightening to a sizeable chunk of the viewership.
- Lich King implies that he can command an army of Liches. Maybe they wanted to avoid that?
- Writing Around Trademarks.
- If Jake was bitten by Marceline, a vampire, in "Evicted", then why isn't he also a vampire?
- You need to bite a vein. He smooshed all of his internals into his finger.
- Not everyone bitten by a vampire tuns into one. Most of them just die. Typically, the vampire has to want to turn you into one of them in order for you to become one.
- The prize in the "Wizard Battle" was a kiss from Princess Bubblegum and there are apparently both male AND Female Wizards entering....sooooo, what if a female won?
- Perhaps the female wizards didn't know the prize would be a kiss from a girl, or a kiss at all. That wimpy wizard thought the prize would be money, so the female wizards could've been thinking among the same lines. Or alternatively, some of the wizards there were newcomers who don't have any experience with the Wizard Battle.
- The prize wasn't know until that point. Most of them probly thought they were going to be winning money or some arcane object.
- Or maybe it wouldn't have mattered if it was a female? Except for Cartoon Network, probably.
- The wizards didn't know that the prize was, as soon as it's announced you can see a few female wizards looking annoyed at The Reveal and forfeiting. Considering how they got turned into cats for it, I'd say the other females were only playing to save their lives.
- Or maybe... -gasp- they don't mind kissing another girl!
- Perhaps the female wizards didn't know the prize would be a kiss from a girl, or a kiss at all. That wimpy wizard thought the prize would be money, so the female wizards could've been thinking among the same lines. Or alternatively, some of the wizards there were newcomers who don't have any experience with the Wizard Battle.
- Why wasn't Finn brainwashed by the Fight King when he touched his sword?
- Because Finn can only be brainwashed by a giant worm.
- Too Dumb to Fool
- Why does Marceline need cooking pots if she can just drink the red out of stuff?
- While the color red provides her with sustenance, maybe the taste doesn't stand up to a home cooked meal and thus she eats normal food for the enjoyment of it. Also explains the fries.
- So she can cook for her friends that do eat food.
- I'm sure that she has some recipes for really red food that requires cooking pots. Probably involves boiling something after dosing it with red dye.
- So she can boil lobsters.
- PB's connection with Marceline doesn't make much sense by a narrative standpoint; while good and evil aren't exactly mutually-exculsive and individuality is more focused on than their alignment, Marceline, her friends and family are threats to the land of Ooo and the largest part of that is the Candy Kingdom. Am I just supposed to ignore that Marceline is a threat to its survival?
- Is Marceline really a threat to the Candy Kingdom? There are serious questions over whether she's even evil. Her father is trapped in the Nightosphere and Ash is more of a jerk then he is a threat.
- It makes plenty of sense. They're both mentally teenage girls with no parental figures, plenty of time for hobbies, and a mutual friend in Finn. Finn kind of brings out a zest for adventure in both of them, as well as a kind of natural protectiveness.
- We've also seen that, as royalty, they both attend social functions. So, they're the same age and gender, have a lot in common besides, and plenty of chances to interact. They'll either be friends or bitter, bitter enemies. Marceline longs for friendship, and PB isn't uncool enough to turn her down..
- Not to mention with more than enough compassion to do so because she wants to be friendly and nice. I don't deny that Marceline wants friends, though. PB may be naive at times and a bit too gentle in others, but she's no dummy. Her father and boyfriend are significant threats, and we've at least seen inklings or herself coming near the slippery slope. I would hope that PB is keeping tabs.
- If Princess Bubblegum was de-aged due to not being able to find all of her hair, why did Finn hoard his piece? There was probably a good year in that. (This is assuming he picked up that piece in "To Cut a Woman's Hair".)
- Because he doesn't really think too hard about his actions or, judging by it still being pretty soft, he got it more recently, unless her hair is magical which given Ooo, wouldn't surprise me.
- Because he didn't want her to get older. He wanted them to be the same age so they could be boyfriend and girlfriend. It's the same reason the princess didn't just make some more candy flesh for herself. She wanted to be young again.
- Because it's HIS piece of the princess. It's a trophy of sorts to him, and he goes to great lengths to preserve and protect it.
- I'd say it's because the princess just got frozen and shattered to pieces, after turning into a giant monster. She obviously needed to go to the hospital immediately. It would be ridiculous for Finn to think, "Oh, I better go home and get my piece of her hair so the doctors can reattach it!"
- If the gem in Princess Bubblegum's crown repels the Lich and his spells, why was he able to possess her after his first body dies? Bubblegum was still wearing the crown the whole time, even in the flashback which shows the Lich's soul entering Bubblegum's body.
- I would wager that because she was unconscious at the time she was possessed, all of her mind's defenses were lowered to a point wear the gem no longer functioned. Her mind was gone-->Nothing for gem to protect?
- She specifically said that the gem was to protect them from his mind control spells. Not the Lich himself.
- Look at the scene before they ascend to the Lich's prison. PB rubs her crown to activate the protection spell. It's possible that falling into the Lich's well overwhelmed the spell and removed the protection, allowing the Lich to invade her body.
- A little error occured in Adventure Time With Fionna and Cake. Since the web was abuzz with genderbending, it would be logical to include all the genderbent Adventure Time characters. That is actually false. If the Adventure Time timeline starts at the first episode, you will see that not once did Marceline and Ice King ever meet. How could the Ice King include Marshal Lee in the fanfiction if he doesn't even know Marceline?
- Actually, the Ice King and Marceline are the only characters known to be hundreds of years old (around six hundred and one thousand, respectively) so they could have met hundreds of years ago. It's likely that Marceline is too hard to kidnap or befriend, so the Ice King doesn't really give a flop about her, and Marceline presumably doesn't like the Ice King. Alternatively, we're not sure that Marshal Lee was really there since he was completely unimportant to the story. Maybe the story actually said something like, "All of Fionna's friends were at the Gumball Ball" and Finn just imagined that Fionna would be friends with a male vampire because he himself is friends with a female one.
- Another explanation as to why he wouldn't kidnap her is that Marceline is a queen and the Ice King only wants to marry princesses. (according to Word of God, she killed the vampire king.)
- Actually, the Ice King and Marceline are the only characters known to be hundreds of years old (around six hundred and one thousand, respectively) so they could have met hundreds of years ago. It's likely that Marceline is too hard to kidnap or befriend, so the Ice King doesn't really give a flop about her, and Marceline presumably doesn't like the Ice King. Alternatively, we're not sure that Marshal Lee was really there since he was completely unimportant to the story. Maybe the story actually said something like, "All of Fionna's friends were at the Gumball Ball" and Finn just imagined that Fionna would be friends with a male vampire because he himself is friends with a female one.
- Meta, but is this show going to be in seasons? A lot of Cartoon Network shows suffer the fate of being released poorly on DVD, if ever, but this is their popular show for now; those typically get releases..
- Another Meta: Am I the only one that sees Fionna and Cake as a Stealth Insult / Take That, generally mocking how much the idea of the episode just seemed so fanfiction-y? Awaiting Backlash, but still. I feel like if the episode is a deconstructive Stealth Parody it adds a massive level of Fridge Brilliance, like the whole focus being Prince Gumball and Fionna's romance, Fionna suddenly seeming much older and not looking much like Finn, Ice Queen's Villain Sue-ishness, it all just reeks of fanfiction. It also makes perfect sense in the context of what inspired the episode, which boil down to Rule63 and fourchan, which would point to Pen Ward just being a very clever troll. But it seems like it is acquiring a pretty bad Misaimed Fandom, and everyone is taking it straight and loving it. Maybe I'm just too far on the cynical scale, but perhaps it's become a case of Springtime for Hitler? Or am I underestimating the fanbase's ability to detect irony?
- I thought it was a pretty clearly meant to be a parody of fanfiction.
- It was a Fanfic written by Ice King, of course it comes off as poorly made, that's the point.
- Which wasn't the headscratcher. The headscratcher is when people are saying the episode was "cute" and loving it without realizing they were being insulted and that the majority of the episode was Stylistic Suck.
- I partially agree with you, but I think it's an affectionate parody rather than a malicious insult. There's no reason that demographic shouldn't be able to enjoy the episode (both on a played-straight fanservice and meta level) unless they can't take a bit of gentle ribbing. Also, note that Pen Ward had relatively little to do with this episode, and many of the people that did work a lot on it, like Natasha Allegri, seemed to be straight-up enjoying creating the gender-swapped characters on an almost fannish level.
- The above is pretty much correct. Rebecca Sugar stated: "I wanted this episode to be a jab at, but also a huge celebration of, the feeling of being a fan, of allowing something completely ridiculous to make your heart tighten, or even, in some small way, change how you feel about yourself. I'm so fascinated by that feeling, it's beautiful and messed up and embarrassing, it's the reason I wanted to make cartoons!" It is a small jab, but it's also the creators just having all out fun with their work.
- Alright, this has been bugging me for a while: Why are Finn and Jake so cool with Marceline after she stole their house and nearly killed Jake? It wasn't even acknowledged after "Evicted". Finn's distrust and Jake's fear seemed to only stem from her just being a vampire, not because of the stuff she's done to them.
- This is actually clearly resolved in the second episode featuring Marceline "Henchman". Finn becomes cool with Marceline after he realizes that not only is harmless but quite helpful to the citizens of Ooo. It should be duely noted that Jake has kind of accepted Marceline. In her recent appearences, he hasn't freaked out over her prescence and has gone out of his way to help her ("Memory Within a Memory"). It could also be Jake's just helping a brother out and has decided that if Finn's cool with her, he's cool. If you still have doubt, "What Was Missing" seems to solidify their friendship along with Princess Bubblegum and Marceline's friendship.
- I think they have more than enough to worry about what with The Ice King, The Lich, Monster of the Week, etc. etc. Marceline is the least of the troubles.
- In realtion to that, they don't mention how her reluctance to fight her father, who would be equal or greater threat than the Lich. That one is inda a sore spot for me.
- Two problems in Too Young: 1) If the law forbidden Princess Bubblegum to rule the kingdom because she was only 13, why wasn't the same reason used for Lemongrab who, age wise, is most likely not even three yet? B) Even then while PB was physically 13 at the time, she still had the intelligence, memories, and sense of duty as her 18 counterpart, so even then she's still 18 thus still able to rule.
- A) Lemongrab was designed as an adult, kind of like how Jenny from My Life as a Teenage Robot is, well, a teenage robot even though she's actually only six years old. B) The rule (or perhaps just Lemongrab) apparently places more importance on the ruler's physical/biological age rather than their mental and intellectual capacity.
- Ok, I've been watching the recent Zombie Apocalypse episode alot and a few things bug me.... : 1. Why are there more zombies? Candy People explode when frightened. Wouldn't they have exploded when they saw the zombies? 2. Why did Jake push Zombie Candy Cane Guy away with his hand over said zombies mouth? That is the way zombies infect you. 3. Why didn't Finn get infected when he got bit after he coated himself in the antidote? The infection could have got through into his blood, couldn't it? Is he immune or something?
- Step one: Coat self in antitode. Step two: Allow self to be bitten, curing the zombies. Step three: If infected, the now-cured Princess can easily fix it. Easy peasy, livin' greasy.
- Ok, The Princess fixing him after she is cured and he is infected, now I get. Does not help anything else though.
- 1. The zombie bites took effect pretty quickly; the infection probably spread before anyone had a chance to realize what was going on and to get scared. 2. People do dumb/uncoordinated things in the heat of the moment.
- Why are people asking questions about a show involving a talking dog that stretches his arms?
- Because we're MATHMATICAL!
- Because the series does follow logic, and a magic dog that can stretch is not an inherent violation of logic. Duh.
- How can Ice King be 600 and live before the Mushroom War while Marceline is over 1000 and lived after the Mushroom War?
- Maybe 600 is just what the ice king thinks.
- HOLD IT! The Adventure Time series presentation specifically says that Ice King is 1000. Pen must've forgot.
- Said presentation must be taken with a grain of salt, as many elements therein have evolved over the course of the series.
- It is called a retcon.
- Nobody said there was only one apocalypse. It's possible the humans survived the first and even rebuilt a little after the Great Mushroom War. Then, 400 years later, Simon Petrikov found his crown and triggered the creeping blizzard that doomed the last remnants of humanity. This actually makes sense, because otherwise we have to explain why a magic crown existed prior to the Great Mushroom War.
- "Ghost Princess" establishes that ghosts in Adventure Time stick around until they remember their mortal lives and the cause of their deaths, at which time they Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence. So, what about the gladiator ghosts from "Morituri Te Salutamus?" They seemed to remember being forced by the Fight King to kill each other. Unless, of course, it's simply the Fight King's magic keeping them in his arena even though they should've ascended.
- When spirits roaming about the earth is invoked, it often means they have unresolved business on the plane of the living. The warriors were being kept prisoner, Ghost Princess and Clarence needed to figure out why they died. It may vary from ghost to ghost and does not necessarily mean they require the same thing to ascend.
- What was Joshua's issue in "Dad's Dungeon"? He was being an asshole towards Finn. Why?
- To toughen him up! He explained this himself.
- Yet he witnessed his growth as an adventurer before he died, unless he knows it isn't good enough.
- He made the dungeon and recorded all the messages when Finn was a baby who cried a lot (which you see in the first message). He hadn't witnessed anything at that point, and presumably in the years since either forgot how harsh he'd been in those messages, or thought that Finn had grown up into an awesome enough adventurer to handle them with no problem so he didn't bother changing them, or just didn't want to go through the hassle of trudging through the dungeon to rerecord them.
- Plus dogs only live 13 years, he may only have lived to see Finn be (understandably) unskilled at monster hunting. Which is kinda sad if you think about it.
- But Joshua and the others are MAGIC dogs. Plus, they were already adults when they found baby Finn so they probably do live much longer.
- He made the dungeon and recorded all the messages when Finn was a baby who cried a lot (which you see in the first message). He hadn't witnessed anything at that point, and presumably in the years since either forgot how harsh he'd been in those messages, or thought that Finn had grown up into an awesome enough adventurer to handle them with no problem so he didn't bother changing them, or just didn't want to go through the hassle of trudging through the dungeon to rerecord them.
- As far as I could tell, the implication was that Joshua didn't understand that humans grow more slowly than dogs. Let's say Finn was around a year old at the time of the message. Maybe Joshua expected him to be out of the diapers-and-baby-food stage at 6 months. And when he wasn't, Joshua decided to go ahead and make preparations, just in case, and he never disposed of them.
- Flame Princess says Finn was her "prince". Wouldn't that be... her brother?
- Jake said he was the prince of the Grasslands and was interested in her.
- If Lemongrab is an Earl, why is he next in line for the throne when the Duke of Nuts is available and has a higher position?
- I don't think the Duke is a member of the Candy Kingdom.
- Lemongrab is next in line because he's one of Peebles' creations. Quoth she, "It's complicated."
- Because Lemongrab was created for the sole purpose of taking the throne if something ever happened to Princess Bubblegum. Plus, Jesse Moyninan, (one of the two writers of the episode,) said that Princess Bubblegum is his mom; ergo, he is her son. It's a mix of the laws of the kingdom and peerage, presumably. Again, as PB said, it's complicated. She doesn't like it, Lemongrab doesn't like it, the Candy Kingdom doesn't like it, Finn doesn't like it, but that's just the way it is. That son of a toot is stuck as the heir to the throne.
- In 'Dad's Dungeon', Finn and Jake are both shown as babies at the same time on one of Joshua's holograms. Wait, what? Finn is 13(14?) by the the time of that episode. Also by the time of that episode, Jake would have only have been about 5 human years old at that time. Let me repeat, Wait, what?
- What is your complaint again? Jake ages about 2,5 times faster than Finn. And the messages were recorded about 13 years ago from current events.
- Hmm... Maybe I didn't do that good a job of explaining it, in hindesight. But let's say that was recorded in 1998-ish, so about 13 years ago, when Finn was an infant, and SO Dad's dungeon would take place in 2012. Jake would have only been born 5 years ago, or in a hypothetical 2007. They shouldn't both appear to be babies at the same time. By the time Jake was born, Finn would have been 9 by then.
- Flame Princess. I see Pendleton Ward goes with most other writers and thinks the incredibly strong and Tsundere love interests are superior than gentle and caring ones, too. I didn't see what was wrong with someone kind, smart and compassionate like PB. Even Marceline came off as loyal towards very close friends into something more. And now Finn falls for a amoral Princess of living fire who changes her feelings at the drop of a hat? Yeah, great choice guys. Is there something wrong with the original love interest, exactly? We've already established that PB cares about him-the Lich-killing sweater, the entirety of "Too Young."...Its not like it came out of nowhere.
- PB stopped caring about Finn after de-aging in "Too Young" and stayed like this through the whole Season 3. The creators were building into it to create a new love interests for Finn. And there is nothing wrong in introducing characters with varying personalities. PB is a sophisticated scientist, Marceline's a wild punk girl and Flame Princess is a fierce, sheltered teenager. I would say they're doing a great job with doing the personalities.
- PB didn't stop caring for Finn, she just has no romantic interest in him. Finn's pretty sensitive, and having him endlessly pine after a girl who just wants to be friends, who is also an adult, would just be too painful. Maybe they'll get together in the future, but as for now, Finn really does need someone his own age.And I really love how sheltered FP is compared to how many adventures Finn's been on. They have a lot of chemistry together despite being near opposites.
- Something wrong? The age gap for one. This simply wouldn't fly in a Western cartoon. Originally it was just presented as younger kid has crush on older girl, who likes him back but-not-in-that-way. Then "Mortal Folly/Recoil" aged her down to a point where she could have liked him back the-same-way, and she's certainly just as affectionate, but "Too Young" put an end to that. Finn describes it as being dumped, but that's from his point of view.
- PB stopped caring about Finn after de-aging in "Too Young" and stayed like this through the whole Season 3. The creators were building into it to create a new love interests for Finn. And there is nothing wrong in introducing characters with varying personalities. PB is a sophisticated scientist, Marceline's a wild punk girl and Flame Princess is a fierce, sheltered teenager. I would say they're doing a great job with doing the personalities.
- When NEPTR is found in "Hot to the Touch", he says it's been 15 months since they found him (back in Season 1, when Finn was 12). But in Season 4, Pen said in an interview that Finn is 14. Adding 15 months in, Finn should still be 13. What's up with that error?
- It was never implied that they immediately left NEPTR after the "What is Life?" episode. He could've been started counting from much later period. Alternatively, Finn is still 13, but turns 14 soon.
- Okay... If Princess Bubblegum is SUUUCH a benevolent, kind ruler, then why the hell doesn't she seem to care about the Royal Tart Toter or Lemongrab?! The Tart Toter is INSANE, and Lemongrab is mentally/emotionally unstable, and socially awkward up to the point of being isolated from everyone else. In addition to this, she SMILED when she said the Tart Toter is insane, and Lemongrab is her son, and she doesn't seem to care about him at all as a person. WHAT THE HELL IS PRINCESS BUBBLEGUM'S PROBLEM?!
- Don't forget that PB may not see Lemongrab as her son. She's a scientist as much as she is a gentle, caring ruler. Therefore, she might be looking at him as a creation instead of family.
- Still doesn't justify the fact that she treats him so horribly, despite the fact that she KNOWS damn well that he has emotional problems... *crosses arms and purses lips* Hmph! I call child abuse on that one.
- Why has everyone forgotten that Lemongrab is a person who gives life sentences to people for freaking breathing?
- Because Princess Bubblegum actually made it CLEAR that there's something VERY wrong with his brain. He's either brain-damaged, mentally disabled, emotionally unstable, retarded, or something else just as horrible. The creators did say that he's "completely unadjusted to living." He probably doesn't know the effect he has on people- the creators of the show DID say that he has no idea how to read social cues. He just doesn't know any better! The reason fans are upset by Too Young is because it genuinely isn't his fault he's so mean and insensitive- it's Princess Bubblegum's, and yet she punishes him for problems that are probably beyond his control.
- It wouldn't be the first time the show suggested that she has a nasty side.
- Why has everyone forgotten that Lemongrab is a person who gives life sentences to people for freaking breathing?
- Still doesn't justify the fact that she treats him so horribly, despite the fact that she KNOWS damn well that he has emotional problems... *crosses arms and purses lips* Hmph! I call child abuse on that one.
- We don't know what Bubblegum may have tried to "cure" Lemongrab before that. He seems like a very stubborn person, he probably didn't listen to her when she tried to tell him he was doing wrong. It's very likely at least SOME of his problems aren't her fault. And she did make him an Earl, which isn't exactly throwing him out on his butt.
- Gilded cage. Just because PB gave him a royal title, doesn't mean she actually cares about him or HIS feelings. From what we know, she, fed up with his behavior, stuck him in a castle outside the kingdom walls to be raised/taken care of by servants, and didn't even speak to him (or OF him) again until the events of Too Young. Swept him under the silver rug. Another clue is the fact that she didn't tell ANYBODY about him, before he came back to claim the throne.
- Don't forget that PB may not see Lemongrab as her son. She's a scientist as much as she is a gentle, caring ruler. Therefore, she might be looking at him as a creation instead of family.
- This has been bugging me for a while. The Ice King. He has super amazing ice powers, ninja powers, pretty decent musical ability, and the occasional burst of situational brilliance (freezing Finn and Jake to make them appear dead to fool Scorcher, certain strategies he uses against Finn and Jake such as forming an ice house to trap them, etc.) So he's pretty damn powerful when he WANTS to be, and pretty damn smart when he NEEDS to be. That leads me to wonder, why is he such a DOPE most of the time?! If he was simply more focused and motivated, he might be more successful. We've already seen the Ice King's strengths, and they're impressive. Also... we've already seen the Ice King display a pretty sharp wit on occasion. Do you think he might consider trying to woo Princess Bubblegum by NOT being a jerk- and simply being a nice guy, like how he's a nice guy to his friends? He's a decent person, and can be nice company because he's just a nice guy- albeit awkward. Why doesn't he just try to be friends with PB first?
- Because he is dumb (and quite crazy), despite having a few "aha" moments.
- If the Ice King- the biggest douchebag in the land of Ooo- could make friends with the most righteous hero in Ooo just by being a nice dude... then why doesn't he use this same approach with Princess Bubblegum?!
- Finn seems to be the more forgiving type than PB is.
- If the Ice King- the biggest douchebag in the land of Ooo- could make friends with the most righteous hero in Ooo just by being a nice dude... then why doesn't he use this same approach with Princess Bubblegum?!
- Simon was a really smart guy. Most of the time the crown makes him crazy but occasionally his original personality shows through. The crown keeps him from being focused.
- Because he is dumb (and quite crazy), despite having a few "aha" moments.
- Here's an interesting one. Lemongrab always has a sword with him (except when he's in his pajammies, or in certain sketches when he appears a bit more casual.) Is it possible that he's a good sword-fighter? Do you think there's more badass to Lemongrab than meet the eye? If not, then why would he bother bringing a sword around with him at all times?
- Nah, probably not that good of a sword fighter. Wearing a sword is a sign of status/nobility. It stems from old England, when swords were the common weapon but were not legally owned by anyone who was not with a high social status.
- I dunno about that. He doesn't seem like a particularly showy, regal kind of guy... He's arrogant, but he doesn't seem like the type of guy who would carry around a sword for show. Look at how he came into the kingdom. He arrived with his camel, the clothes on his back, his glasses, his pajammies, and a rice cake. That's all- no jewels, crown, or royal trappings. Doesn't seem like a really lavish guy. And the way he dresses doesn't signify that he's royal or anything- just a grey jumpsuit. It's weird that for such a big arrogant talker, he doesn't look the part of the typical Royal Brat. Maybe if you pissed him off enough, he'd actually use that sword... Or maybe he carries it around for self-defense, because he's afraid of everyone. That wouldn't be unreasonable.
- Nah, probably not that good of a sword fighter. Wearing a sword is a sign of status/nobility. It stems from old England, when swords were the common weapon but were not legally owned by anyone who was not with a high social status.
- According to Peppermint Butler, food comes from Mars. But in the very next scene, we see Lemongrab running to an apple orchard. On other occasions, we've seen food growing on Earth, such as the orange trees in the Breakfast Kingdom and the gardens in The Monster. And the Candy Kingdom is MADE of food. According to Finn, there's a grocery kingdom. So... how does Pepbut's remark really connect?
- Natasha Allegri said that Princess Bubblegum has a big butt. Lemongrab happens to have quite a bit of junk in his trunk, as well. Do you think Princess Bubblegum made him like that so there would be a family resemblance? And speaking of which, what do you think the REST of PB's family looks like? Are they bubblegum people, or are they humanoids consisting of other types of candy?
- About the Lemongrab part: you're over-thinking it. The show has done that to Finn's (and sometimes Jake's) butt for a long time.
- Sorry. Adventure Time, through its years of showing off big, round butts, gave me a serious butt fetish. I'm going to crawl into a fetal position and scream unintelligently now.
- About the Lemongrab part: you're over-thinking it. The show has done that to Finn's (and sometimes Jake's) butt for a long time.
- Okay... Princess Bubblegum looked like she was about 18 when she created Lemongrab. That means he's only about one or two years old, maybe three at the most. Think about it. He may be immature as hell, but he knows how to walk, how to talk very well, and other things... He MAY be an idiot, but he's actually exceedingly young- chronologically, he's just a baby or a toddler. If he's THIS accomplished mentally at the age of 1 or 2, wouldn't that make him sort of a genius? Or did PB intentionally create him to have exceedingly high intelligence so he could learn quickly, thus he could become a mentally capable heir in a shorter amount of time? Or am I just thinking about this WAAAY too hard?
- It seems like he was created with the mind of an adult. As for her family, my guess is that she was born a mutant and created the denizens of the Candy Kingdom herself.
- Here's an interesting but very useless question. What the HELL did Lemongrab plan to do, by himself, in a totally empty kingdom, when all of its residents were imprisoned for several years? Just sort of dick about, being a dick? Or does he have some really interesting hobbies that would entertain him for five whole years? Or, according to the non-canon comic, would he just sit in a chair in an empty room and scream for most of that time? He's such a peculiar character... Does he do REALLY weird stuff when no one's looking, sort of lime B-MO in "Five Short Graybles?"
- I think it's obvious he's not putting much thought into the future. Remember when he let Peppermint Butler out of the dungeon because he realized he needed someone to feed him?
- In "Trouble in lumpy space," Jake gets bitten by LSP and has to get the antidote before sun down, or else he'll be lumpy forever. later in the episode, they get the antidote, which is a ball that cures you if you sit on it. Finn infects himself with the lumps to take a leap of fate and get to jake in time. He desperately tries to get jake to sit on it before he becomes lumpy, but here's the odd thing. Why didn't finn just sit on the antidote first, then force jake on the orb? And another thing, why didn't jake just stretch himself to make out point earlier? He can still stretch, as shown in the car scene
- In another way, how did Finn cross the acidic quick running river carrying a giant cyclops head?