Big No/Video Games

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  • Bob Page lets one off in the New Dark Age ending of Deus Ex.
  • In Baldurs Gate, if you have Khalid and Jaheira in your party, Khalid will yell one of these if Jaheira is killed.

 Khalid: Ja-Jaheira! No! Noooooooo!

  • Breakers Revenge: Condor's KO scream. "NUUUUUUUU!!!"
  • Cammy's KO scream in Street Fighter Zero 3 and Street Fighter IV -- "NOOOOOOOOO!!"
  • Gilgamesh lets out one of these when he's banished into the void by his Bad Boss in Final Fantasy V. More seriously, Krile delivers one when her grandfather Galuf dies.
  • Cecil lets out a big WHY? in the DS version of Final Fantasy IV after he destroys the Village of Mist. It's followed a few lines later by a nicely dramatic "No".
  • Celes does one of these in Final Fantasy VI if Cid dies.
  • Montblanc in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance had this moment after fulfilling the request involving a townsgirl wanting to confess her true feelings, who actually doesn't exist, and in turn were a whole Moogle clan out to defeat him waiting in Materiwood. Only in the English version, though. The Japanese equivalent to this Big "NO!" is "?????Dai-Guard (talk)!!" (reads "Hidoikupo!!") which means TERRIBLE, KUPOOOOOO! with an addition of a This Cannot Be! before that.
  • Auron in Final Fantasy X let howl one when he finds that the sacrifice of his friends, Braska and Jecht, was for absolutely nothing and tries to unleash his fury on Yunalesca. Just to get beat, literally, to death. A "remembrance" echo as soon he saw Tidus having the same reaction over it he remembered what happened that time.
  • Eliwood does this twice in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword, first when his father dies and later when he realizes the dragon he just killed was Ninian.
  • Frequent in Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney. Villains are particularly prone to breaking into a Big "NO!" when Phoenix destroys their alibis.
    • Damon Gant does it twice -- and that's before he actually slips into a Motive Rant.
    • Actually parodied at one point when The Judge does the Big "NO!" -- and then stops and wonders why, since he's not the one in trouble.
    • Another particularly amusing one is when Matt Engarde shouts something to the like of "No!!!GuiltygUilTYGUILTYguiLTYgUiLty!!!" complete with alternating caps while ripping his face off.
    • In the same case, Phoenix lets out a Big "NO!" if you present to the judge at one point a piece of cloth with Ema Skye's fingerprints on it too soon. This makes everyone believe Ema really did accidentally kill the victim in the incident two years ago, making the trial impossible to win and you're notified that you eventually lost.
      • Ema herself let's off one when it is implied that She inadvertantly killed the very person she was trying to help.
      • So does Edgeworth, when he finds out he has unintentionally used forged evidence.
    • In Trials and Tribulations, when Edgeworth, who immediately caught on to how terrible being a defense attorney really is, just got through breaking three of Larry Butz's phsyche-lockes, being miserable the entire time through. It seemed he was about to get to the bottom of what Butz was hiding when suddenly he's encountered by five more! Cue the Big No. At that point, he decided to just take Butz as a witness.
    • Godot does such a moment in Case 2 of Trials and Tribulations WHILE DRINKING COFFEE. (This was notably not a Spit Take; he did this while chugging the coffee as fast as he could.)
    • Also, he also does the same thing in Case 3.
  • Stages in Elite Beat Agents and Osu Tatakae Ouendan are touched off with the rescuee screaming in anguish (with the Big "HEEAALLLLLP!"/"OOOUUU-EENNN-DAAAAAN!", respectively), prompting an arrival and a dramatic entrance from the titular Big Damn Heroes.
  • Marcus Fenix in Gears of War 3 when he realises that Dom Santiago is about to sacrifice himself in order to assist his team's escape from the pipeline. Cue the sounds of the battle fading away to reveal an instrumental of Gary Jules' "Mad World".

 Marcus: "Dom! What the fuck are you doing?!"

Dom: "Pullin' the plug on 'em, Marcus! Jump, will you?! Do it!"

Marcus: *realises what Dom is about to do* "DOM!! NO!!"

  • Max Payne breaks into the Big No right at the end of the opening level when he finds out that he was too late to save his wife.
    • This was parodied, along with everything else concerning the first Max Payne, in the Show Within A Show "Dick Justice" in Max Payne 2.
  • Seiken Densetsu 3: Angela finds out her mother wants to sacrifice her to unseal some magical stones. She shouts this at the top of her lungs, and manages to finally release her power, teleporting outside the castle.
  • Star Fox:
    • When Fox gets killed in Star Fox 64. Peppy and Falco don't use the Big No to a huge effect like everyone else does, but Slippy lets out a normal Big No.
    • One of the bosses does it too.
    • Subverted in Star Fox Assault by Wolf in Mission 7, where Fox rides Wolf's Wolfen. When Fox fails to protect the Wolfen, Wolf utters a soft, short "Curses." as his ship explodes, while Fox falls down screaming.
  • Snake shouts a Big "NO!" in Super Smash Bros Brawl if he's knocked out of the stage as a twinkle in the sky.
    • Peach goes "Noooo!" when she turns into a star too.
    • As does Sonic. In both the Japanese and English versions.
  • In Dynasty Warriors, Sun Ce can die in Da Qiao's DW4XL stage. Right after he dies in her arms, she throws her head back and gives a really big NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!, complete with 360 camera action above her. Cue Roaring Rampage of Revenge. [1]
  • Several variants of this trope in Dynasty Warriors 6, most in response to the same character's death. Your choice of player character determines exactly who is around to witness said death and shout their particular version of the Big No.
  • No slow motion but a really big NOOOOOO! can be seen from Garrett in Thief 2 (of Thief series) when Viktoria sacrifices herself in Soul Forge.
  • Sam and Max Freelance Police:
    • In the final episode of Season One, Sam lets out a normal Big No when Hugh Bliss separates Max's bliss and renders him kind and passive (the horror!), not to mention totally useless in helping to thwart Hugh's brainwashing plot.
    • Sam has two more in Season Three. The first is when Max's brain is stolen, and the second is just before Max transforms into an Eldritch Abomination.
  • In Heavenly Sword, Nariko yells this as Flying Fox throws Kai down with a noose around her neck, apparently killing her instantly. Although as it turns out Kai wasn't dead and eventually recovered.
  • Near the end of Myst III: Exile, Woobie Saavedro does a less drawn-out version of this trope when you trap him behind the ice shields on Narayan. Repeatedly. In a dramatic, tormented, heart-wrenching manner. He does it again when you go to retrieve the MacGuffin from him, only this time, it's even more of a Tear Jerker.
  • Half-Life 2: Alyx has a big one at the end of Episode Two when she sees her father horribly killed in front of her.
  • Super Mario RPG: A disproportionate amount of Smithy's dialogue is either a Big No or a Written Roar. I believe at one point he exclaimed something that was a mix of both.
  • Francis has one in Super Paper Mario after Peach nukes his laptop. "NOOOOOO! MY GRAPHICS CAAAAARD!"
  • Some of the characters in the Mario Kart series let out a Big No if they fall off the track.
  • Averted in Tomb Raider Underworld, when Lara's Doppleganger shoots Alister, Lara goes over to him, when he actually dies, Lara just utters a sharp 'Dammit!', then carries his body out of Croft Manor, now on fire.
  • Star Ocean Till the End of Time: rather often. Fayt pulls at least two, when Ameena dies and when his father dies. There are undoubtedly more, as well as Albel's particularly memorable example of the Written Roar.
  • Folklore. Within the first two minutes of the opening clip. By the boat driver.
  • Kingdom Hearts:
    • Sora's going to do his Heroic Sacrifice. And everyone around him goes "NOOOOOOOOOOO! SOOOOOOOOOORA!!!"
    • In Chain of Memories: Reverse Rebirth, the Riku Replica gives one it's decided to have Naminé give him a false set of memories and make him forget that he's not the real Riku.
    • Demyx gives one of these when you beat him. "Nooooo waaaaayyyy!"
  • The good ending of Disgaea 3: After the final battle, Mao puts up with Aurum's speech before pulling out his sword and preparing to behead the Super Hero... before deciding that he'd be better served as a research specimen. Aurum is naturally distraught at this last-minute rejection of the death he always wanted.

 Mao: (evil laugh) Have you forgotten? I am a demon! Your logic won't work on me! TO MY LAB! (guess what Aurum says next)

  • Video games in general often use either this trope or Say My Name in place of the player-character's death scream. This is especially apparent in Sonic the Hedgehog games.
    • For example, in Sonic the Hedgehog 2006, Sonic and Shadow both yell "No!" (the latter much more dramatically) upon dying, while Silver cries "No... not now..."
    • In Sonic and the Black Knight, Sonic lets out a Big No when his sword Caliburn is destroyed by the Dark Queen.
    • In the same game, he also lets off a half-big No in the opening when Merlina warps them away before Sonic gets the chance to recover his second Chili Dog, however the subtitle is more shaped to that of a Big No.
    • Not to mention Elise's literally explosive Big No when Sonic is killed.
    • In Sonic Adventure 2, in the Dark Side story, Sonic busted the Restraining Bolt on the Egg Golem boss. After throwing a small fit, the Golem turned to Eggman and attacked him in dramatic slow-mo, accompanied by Eggman shouting in a deep voice, "NOOOO...!!!"
    • In Sonic Rush Adventure, when your craft takes on damage, Tails says "NO!"
  • Used during several points in Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers, when Gabriel first meets Tetelo in the Bayou, when Wolfgang rips out his own heart so Gabriel can get the talisman, and after Malia sacrifices herself to finish Tetelo.
  • Team Fortress 2:
    • One of the achievements is titled "Dr. Nooooo". To accomplish it, you have to backstab a Medic who's about to deploy an Ubercharge; as that takes time to build up and would have rendered the medic invulnerable if he'd pulled it off, they probably would let out a Big No at their monitor.
    • Ironically, the Spy sometimes screams ""Jarate? NOOOOOOOOOO!", when he's hit by the stuff.
    • "OH NOOOOOOOOOOO!" - Courtesy of the Heavy.
  • King's Quest:
    • Interesting variation in King's Quest VI Heir Today Gone Tomorrow: "That's odd. Where did she..." (The floor drops out from under Alexander's feet.) "...GOOOOOOOOOO?!?!" Played straight later on by Cassima, who gives an anguished "Alexander, noooooooooooo!" if Alexander is killed by Shamir Shamazel in the endgame confrontation.
    • In King's Quest VII the Princeless Bride Rosella screams "Noooo!" after being trapped in a coffin underground. (And apparently yells loudly enough to be heard above ground.)
    • In the second episode of the Fan Sequel The Silver Lining, Alexander lets out a Big "NO!" just before being energy zapped by Manannan in a vision Graham experiences.
  • The Commodore 64 port of 1984's Impossible Mission rewards the player who completed the game by revealing the villain, accompanied by a digitized, plaintive "No. No. NO! The ZX Spectrum version (when it allowed the player to reach the ending, without tripping over the Game Breaking Bug) has the picture of the villain screaming "NOOOOOOOOO!" (in the image), accompanied by a shaking screen, white noise and stripy border. You can go to Speccy Spoilers and grab a copy of this ending to see it for yourself (for an emulator on which to run that file, just visit the base of that URL)...
  • The original Neverwinter Nights has Fenthick utter a beautiful exemplar at the end of the first chapter: "Desther! NOOOOOOOOOOO!"
  • The girls of Persona 4 are known for their terrible cooking skills; the boys called anything they cook Mystery Food X ever since their first taste. The boys were terrified to learn that the girls baked a Christmas cake to celebrate little Nanako recovering after getting sick from being kidnapped into the Midnight Channel. Kanji lets out a NOOOOOOO! when she tries the cake before they could. The cake was delicious.
    • You also encounter one in text form upon reaching a certain floor of the Void Quest dungeon.
  • Tatsuya does it at the end of Innocent Sin/in the flashback of Eternal Punishment (although it's never seen in Innocent Sin, it's shown in the flashback) in Persona 2. It sort of turns a really emotional scene into a big Narm moment due to the bad English voice acting.
  • Plants vs. Zombies uses this in the Game Over screen, which says "The Zombies Ate Your Brains".
  • In World of Warcraft:
    • Kil'jaeden says Noooooooooo! when defeated.
    • There is also a black dragon named Nihil the Banished that may spawn randomly during a quest involving warping nether dragon eggs. When he spawns right before the player, he will say something about world domination, but if the player uses the device again on him, he will be banished again while yelling NOOOOOooooo....
    • Archimonde's Last Words as wisps envelopes him as shown in Cavern of Time.


 "NOOOO!!! A curse upon you, interlopers! The armies of the Lich King will hunt you down. You will not escape your fate..."

    • Interestingly enough, the second-to-last boss in the Nexus yells "Nooo!" when he's engaged, rather than when he's killed.
  • Because it's basically a requisite for Star Wars, The Force Unleashed has Starkiller let one out during his Heroic Sacrifice in the good ending. He also does it twice in the bad ending (one when he sees all his friends are dead and one when he gets crushed by a space ship).
    • Before that, Kota lets one out when he realizes that Palpatine is trying to turn Starkiller to the Dark Side.
    • In The Force Unleashed II, Starkiller lets one out when he fails to stop Boba Fett's ship, which has Juno Eclipse captive, from taking off and escaping.
  • In Zork Grand Inquisitor, when the player puts a Zorkmid in a vending machine, the snacks inside inch forward but don't come out, prompting a Big No from Dalboz (though he's a lantern now, so even if they did come out he couldn't actually eat them).
  • In Dark Forces Saga, General Rom Mohc gives a really good one upon his defeat.
  • If you manage to get a mod that changes all zombies in Left 4 Dead 2 to Jimmy Gibbs Jr, or manage to find a way to spawn him, Ellis shouts NNNNOOOOOOOO! when he sees his hero zombified. Its funnier that the other survivors don't care, like Coach saying sorry about the car and Rochelle saying Dibs on Gibbs or HOLY SHIT whats that.
    • Also, any time a Smoker grabs you in the first Left 4 Dead.
  • Homeworld: Cataclysm contains a particularly entertaining variation at the very end of the last mission, when the Naggarok, big bad and 'parent' of the game's nightmare fuel main enemy (aptly named the Beast), is destroyed. The "Nooooooooooo!" goes on for a good long while, even after the boss itself has been reduced to cosmic dust.
  • In Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares, you hear this when a ship bearing a leader is killed in battle, and the dead ship's owner hasn't researched Survival Pods tech, which allows you to retrieve a leader as long as at least one ship survives the battle.
  • Oddly enough subverted in Sega Rally Championship: When you lose, it's "GAME OVER YEEAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!"
  • Kilrathi pilots in Wing Commander II sometimes do this when they get shot down. So do some of the hostile human pilots in Wing Commander IV.
  • In the Quake series whenever you fall into an instant death pit.
  • Armed Police Batrider's announcer shouts "NOOO!" if you get a Game Over or miss a 10,000-point medal.
  • In The Godfather game, Monk Malone yells one after a string of smaller "no"s when Frankie Malone dies after being abducted by Tattaglia goons, even hurling a church pew by himself in his rage and sorrow.
  • In The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, Zelda gets a pretty BIG one, after Anjean reveals to her what exactly the Big Bad is planning to do to her. Complete with a loud "IIIIIIIIIIIIIYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!", the only spoken word in the whole game's bank of voice-clips. (And, yes, "Iya" means "No" in Japanese)
  • Happens fairly often in Supreme Commander when you kill an enemy commander. The most memorable is certainly Marxon's at the end of the Aeon campaign.
  • Spyro the Dragon has one of these in A New Beginning, when Sparx is about to be stepped on ("NOOOOOO--AAAAHHHHHHHH!", he was breathing fire for the first time), and in Dawn of the Dragon when Ignitus dies.
  • Master of Magic intro movie ends with this.
  • Dark Messiah of Might and Magic includes a pretty corny one in the most illogical of the game's possible endings. If you cleanse yourself of Xana's demonic possession, then go ahead and decide to free Daddy Archdemon at the end of the game, Leanna responds to this with a big no.
  • In Chrono Cross, Radius screams an all-caps Big "NO!" after the evil power of the Masamune causes him to kill his best friend Garai.
  • Ace Dixon gets a few of these in Crimson Skies. The second and fourth times you shoot him down, you'll be thanked over the radio with this:
  • This scene, at 2:40 from Bio Shock.
  • In Luminous Arc 2, Rina gave a big one after Steiner died in her arms.
  • In SNK Gals' Fighters, this is one of Yuki's moves. Very useful for offense and defense.
  • Sieg from Suikoden Tierkreis gives this on a few occasions, but a really big one comes out right after Dirk's death.
  • In the endgame of Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge, Guybrush and LeChuck do a nearly word-for-word recital of the classic scene from The Empire Strikes Back, which, naturally, includes the Big "NO!" It's every better in the Special Edition version, where Dominic Armato (as Guybrush) performs his lines exactly the same way as Mark Hamill did in Empire, up to and including the Big "NO!"
  • Resident Evil 2: "ADAAAAAAAA!" (Leon after Ada's Disney Death).
  • In Rosenkreuzstilette, if Spiritia loses a life while using Lilli, Lilli will scream "TIAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" in horror as Tia suffers an explosion-styled Critical Existence Failure. Since Lilli is friends with Tia, it's kind of in a "We Cannot Go On Without You" fashion, if you ask us.
  • Blaz Blue: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I won't lose!" (Bang Shishigami at the end of the second-to-last episode of Teach Me, Miss Litchi! in Calamity Trigger)
    • Noel Vermillion is quite fond of doing these as well, especially in her win quote against Arakune in Calamity Trigger.

 Noel: B-B-Bugs! Noooo! P-Please, don't come any closer!

      • She even lets one out in Rachel's Continuum Shift gag ending when she sees that Nirvana destroyed her marriage registration.

 Noel: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! My marriage registration!

        • Don't forget a rather chilling one at the end of Tsubaki's bad ending when Tsubaki dies
      • And one more for the road, courtesy of Makoto Nanaya after prolonged torture by Relius Clover.
  • A lot of Artix Entertainment villains tend to use these often when they're defeated, like Ledgermayne when it's being converted back into the raw mana from which it was made by the Supreme Arcane Staff and Kitsune when he ends up being sucked into and sealed away in a rift leading him back to the Yokai world, that while saying a variation of "This Cannot Be!" in the process.

 Kitsune: (as he is about to run into the rift) No! Not like this! It can't end like this! I won't go back to the Yokai world! NOOO Ooooooooooooo! (gets sucked into the rift)

    • Even Dr. Voltabolt in the Adventure Quest Worlds Mogloween events has one as well after his Dental Driller is destroyed.

 Dr. Voltabolt: Nooo! My beautiful machines! You haf ruined my planz!

Hero: Serves you right! You were trying to ruin Mogloween for everyone!

    • Blizzy lets out one after Lionfang performs his Kick the Dog moment of burning the gifts, and another one after he shatters the snow globe containing the Spirit of Frostval and lays bare his intent to make the world suffer for "surrendering to evil" by destroying Frostval (which, fortunately, can't happen so easily, as the Spirit returns to Lionfang's shock and disbelief to set things right again).
    • In the finale of the Doomwood saga, Vordred uses his dreaded Voiduminance Necrot-Morph spell, the same spell that he used to turn the Paladins of Doomwood undead, on Artix. Cue the Big "NO!" from the Hero. Fortunately, the spell has no effect on Artix -- but that's because Artix is the Champion of Darkness.
  • Portal 2: During the core transfer, GLaDOS yells probably the most epic autotuned NOOOOO ever.
  • Dragon Age 2: In Act 3, when Anders blows up the chantry, Sebastian lets out a narmy "MAKER NOOOO!"
  • Putt Putt Travels Through Time: After Pep gets sucked into the time machine and gets lost: "Pep! NOOOOOOO!"
  • In the first Pajama Sam game, Otto lets one out as he goes down a waterfall.
  • Double Switch: Eddie yells this a few times when you trap him at the end of the game.
  • Klogg from The Neverhood utters a Big No TWICE during the good ending. First, he yells it when Klaymen is about to put the crown back on Hoborg's head:


 Klogg: "Son of a-! (gets knocked out of the castle by the cannonball and falls off The Neverhood) NOOOOO!!!

  Fiona: No-! No-! NOOOOOOO!

  • In one of Wario-Man's comics in Wario Ware DIY Showcase, the pudding says, "Who says pudding can't be cool?" And then, after realizing that pudding cannot be cool, the pudding lets out a Big "NO!"
  • Achaea has quite a verbose one when you get afflicted with Whispering Madness. "No! It cannot be true! I cannot accept it! I beg of you to make it stop!"
  • Final Fantasy XIII-2: Noel lets one off when he realises Serah is about to die from her seeress powers:

  Noel: No... Serah - not now, please! Serah, snap out of it! NO!

  1. This is only in the Japanese version, though. The English version messed it up; even though the 360 camera action exists, the voice actress only gives a short "No...!"