Crazy Awesome/Western Animation

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"You're drawn to my eccentric charm."
The Question, Justice League Unlimited

  • The Justice League Unlimited version of The Question is a conspiracy nut who is an excellent detective perhaps because of his paranoia. He's also depicted as being highly eccentric; in one instance, he interrogated a man using a girly pop song, and then was later shown humming that same song while casually smashing through a glass door. By his own admission, he rummages through everyone's trash and believes the Girl Scouts of America are responsible for crop circles. Upon being tortured:

 Interrogator: Tell me what you know!

The Question: The plastic caps on the ends of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister!

    • The DCAU's other Ditko creation is fairly awesome too. The Creeper has your basic superhuman strength, stamina, reflexes, etc.. But while he's a good guy, what makes him a problem for other characters is that he is even crazier than the Joker. He is in fact the only person that the Joker refuses to fight.
      • His origin story in the comics shows that he isn't (or wasn't, anyway) really crazy. He puts his costume together as a spur of the moment disguise, and when the first opponents he encounters afterward freak out because anyone that would wear that is clearly nuts, he decides to play it up for effect. Cultivating a reputation for being so crazy the Joker steers clear of you is actually pretty brilliant.
    • The Justice League Unlimited version of Toyman is about the only guy in that world that can beat the crap out of other supervillains with a yo-yo.
  • Coop (and sometimes Jamie) on Megas XLR. I can think of no other description for a man that destroyed an alien mothership by teleporting a slushie into it. Actually, the whole show is Crazy Awesome. The fact that it's a show about a giant robot car should tip you off.
    • I shall now quote the opening theme. "You dig giant robots, I dig giant robots, We dig giant robots, CHICKS dig giant robots."
  • Only Ms. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus could get away with putting children in mortal danger on the inside of a magical school bus. And this is why she is better than you.
  • Freakazoid is pretty much the Anthropomorphic Personification of Crazy Awesome. He's got a Freakmobile, the ability to travel through Cyberspace, and can turn into lightning, but prefers to get around by throwing up his arms and making whooshing noises. He's got super strength, but will more often than not defeat his opponents by confusing them into submission or whining at them until they run away. As the theme song puts it:

  He drives the villains crazy, 'cause he's a lunatic!

    • In the one-shot Jonny Quest spoof, Toby Danger, the Race Bannon Expy Dash O'Pepper certainly qualifies, down to his perfect impression of Mike Road. "JUST LET ME THROW A BARREL AT IT!"
  • Most of the appeal of Eric Cartman is his sociopathic tendencies that lead to a whole host of schemes. They range from the more innocuous get rich quick scheme to hate crimes, to leading a band of drunks in rebellion, to profiting off crack babies, to attempts at genocide. His insanity is the main source of his awesomeness.
  • The Mask. If it's not funny, he won't pull it off to beat the Villain of the Week.
  • Clopin from The Hunchback of Notre Dame. He has an oddly adversarial relationship with his hand puppet, and presides over a bizarro Kangaroo Court where he captures, tries, and nearly executes the movie's heroes—all in the span of three minutes. And this guy is also the heroic leader of the rebellion against Frollo.
  • Stork of Storm Hawks. In an episode when the Condor is laid low and being invaded, Stork holes up in the cockpit—which the villains manage to break into anyway. Cue Stork activating innumerable traps, as he mutters about the rest of the Storm Hawks laughing at him for putting defenses in an area of the ship boarding parties won't reach. All of them, incidentally, work without a hitch. Crazy Awesome.
  • Although it doesn't always result in success, eponymous Invader Zim invokes this trope on numerous occasions, such as flattening a city with a water balloon, altering the past with rubber piggies, and setting a giant hamster loose in the city to create havoc.
    • GIR also fits this trope—heck, pretty much the entire cast does. Not so much Dib. Definitely Gaz though.
  • Wreck-Gar dares to be stupid.
    • Animated has quite a bit of Crazy Awesome. Mostly in the shape of Blitzwing.
      • Soundwave. Reasons? 1) He uses a guitar (and later, a keytar) as a weapon. 2) His minions Laserbeak and Ratbat transform into said guitar and keytar, respectively. 3)He's a "freedom fighter" for machinekind on earth. 4) It's friggin' SOUNDWAVE we're talking about!
    • The original series had some moments as well. For example: A mental hospital planet, in an all-else-has-failed attempt to cure Galvatron's insanity, has him interfaced with their planet for lobotomization. He immediately drives the planet insane.
  • The Joker, because he can't be mentioned enough times. "I should've picked the fat guy."
    • Escaping a madhouse by riding a Christmas tree that was also a rocket right out through the roof, all while singing "Jingle bells, Batman smells"? Yup. And keep in mind this was his first scene in his first episode.
    • What? Don't trust me? Then watch this.
      • The most impressive part is the Alternate Universe version of him that manages to remain Crazy Awesome while being completely calm after getting lobotomized!
    • And the Batman the Animated Series version of The Creeper.
  • King Bumi — there is no end to his crazy awesome shenanigans.

  Aang: Bumi, you're a mad genius!

  • Red Hood. Considering he's an alternate (good) version of the Joker, it stands to reason that he'd also be crazy awesome, and he definitely is. He laughs maniacally while being tortured, saying, "Oooh, tickles!"
    • He wears the completely-lacking-any-kind-of-hood-but-quite-red-indeed Red Hood costume originally worn by Joker before he was Joker. And is still much too awesome to have been confined to one episode.
  • Jade from Jackie Chan Adventures is the epitome of the trope. I mean, she replicated herself several thousand times to beat Po Kong the Mountain Demon. She uses Stealth Hi Bye in every episode, along with Offscreen Teleportation. She manages to stall the Demon Sorcerers from eating/destroying her until a portal enables her to escape the Netherworld (and still has time to blow a mock kiss at Hsi Wu). She tears a page out of the Book of Ages, for crying out loud!!!
  • Izzy from Total Drama Island is definitely crazy, and definitely awesome.
  • Many of the Looney Tunes.
  • Screwy Squirrel
  • Ben Tennyson from Ben 10 and its sequels, on his better days. He's a kid/teenager with a watch that makes him a Henshin Hero, and uses it exactly how you would expect.
    • His Crazy Awesome alien form Rath takes the cake. Basically, he's a tiger standing on two legs who looks like he took trash talk lessons from Randy Savage or Hulk Hogan, and fights like them. He cemented his Crazy Awesome status by jumping down into the stomach of an intergalactic overlord to save the prince of a planet he had to tend for and threatened that he'd knit a sweater out of his organs if it happened again because "EATING BABIES IS NOT! COOL!" Not to mention that he is super strong, very angry and all around BADASS.
  • Saffi from Jimmy Two-Shoes is pretty much Izzy in monster form.
  • In the "Jail Bird" episode of Darkwing Duck, Darkwing's Badass Normal Evil Twin Negaduck uses a mystical gem to steal the superpowers of his fellow Fearsome Five members. Since Quackerjack's power is being nuts, Negaduck ends up stealing his insanity and finds himself giggling uncontrollably.
  • "You built a roller coaster through downtown! You made giant tree house robots - you traveled through time, for crying out loud! Twice!"
    • "My mentor... PROFESSOR DESTRUCTICON! Kevin to his friends. Sadly, he was just captured in his latest scheme... TO SET FIRE TO THE SUN!"
  • Ren of The Ren and Stimpy Show. Some fans state the best and most hilarious moments of the show are when he goes into Ax Crazy mode.
  • In The Amazing Chan and The Chan Clan, Stanley Chan is this trope to a T with his endless antics, costumes and corny lines.
  • Practically everybody in Adventure Time. Especially Finn.
  • Hunter Gathers from The Venture Brothers. The man faked a sex change to avoid capture, for one. He's also Brock's mentor, and a truly badass one at that. "...Are you still ready for anything?" "Ye-" "Wrong! *slices Brock* Lesson number one, trust nobody. The second God crapped out the third caveman, a conspiracy was hatched against one of them. Get up, damn you!"
    • For the record the sex change wasn't fake. He actually had a sex change operation. Twice.
    • Then there's his boss... General Treister.

  I want notes, lists and answers by the time I finish this here Juicy-a-Box! WARNING: I am Thirst-ay! And it is Fruit Punch! And it is Delicious!

 Twilight: Pinkie Pie! Stop giving him cake!

Pinkie Pie: I'm not giving him cake! I'm assaulting him with cake!

      • Well, in "Over A Barrel", apple pies are treated as dangerous weapons on the level of firearms by the settler ponies - and the buffalo natives they use them against treats them just as seriously.
    • And now there's Discord from the Season 2 premiere. He's pretty much Q from Star Trek: The Next Generation in everything but name and appearance (They even share the same voice actor in John De Lancie!) He creates cotton candy clouds that rain chocolate milk and at one point filled a glass with said chocolate milk (from the top down), drank the glass itself, and then casually tossed it over his shoulder, which caused it to explode. He's pure, awesome chaos who wants to do nothing more than Troll ponies all day.
      • To clarify, he drinks the glass, leaving the chocolate milk intact and still glass-shaped, which he then tosses nonchalantly over his shoulder where it explodes like a grenade. Not to mention the other chaos he causes during his two-episode appearance.
  • Codename: Kids Next Door: About 99.9% of everybody and everything. It's that kind of show.
  • Hey Arnold: Arnold's Grandma and Grandpa.
    • Also Arnold himself at the end of the episode "24 Hours To Live".
    • Curly.
  • Mayor West from Family Guy. The guy has a freakin' cat-launcher for crying out loud!
    • He also went up into space and punched the constellation of Orion.
  • Principal Lewis from American Dad. he gets into fist-fights with dogs!
  • Dr. Weird from Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Deadly flying corn, having a child with a lawnmower (apparently "she was drunk, she didn't know what she was doing!"), the phone spiders, eyeball spiders, stealing someone's muscles to be strong, there's nothing this guy won't do in the name of science, much to his assistant's chagrin, and always making a big show out of his work.
    • "It works! I am one can short of a six-pack!"