
The first NPC the Simon and Lewis encounter other than Israphel. He started out as a kindly innkeeper, but eventually gets his own character arc.


"The signal tower doesn't need to be that bright..."

  • Dude in Distress: Knight_Peculier in Shadow of Israphel episode 15
    • Again in episode 31.
  • Driven to Suicide: He was about to poison himself right before he first met Honeydew and Xephos
  • Guest Star Party Member: Knight_Peculier lends a hand in Lewis and Simon's adventures some times, then goes off to do his own thing.
    • He also helped the Yogscast explain the 1.2 Beta update.
  • It's Personal: After Israphel kidnaps Daisy_Duke, and he hears of his father's legacy, he becomes determined to stop him.
  • Jack of All Stats: Knight_Peculier. He isn't as good with communication or a sword as Lewis, as skilled of a miner or bowman as Simon, or as smart as Skylord_Lysander, but is competent at all of these.
  • The Load: Old_Peculier when he suffers from the taint.
  • Meaningful Name: Old_Peculier is old, and a bit quirky. When he becomes Knight_Peculier, this becomes slightly averted - he's a knight, but no longer peculiar.
  • Take Up My Sword: Old_Peculier's father to Old_Peculier, to vanquish the evil spirit and destroy the Hellgates.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Old_Peculier, becoming Knight_Peculier.


The undead head of the Cult of Israphel, apparently hailing from the Nether.


Simon's first love interest; a blacksmith's daughter from Terrorvale who sends Lewis and Simon on their first Fetch Quest. Later kidnapped by Israphel.

  • The Blacksmith: Her role before she gets kidnapped. Now she is the...
  • Damsel in Distress: So much so that she is still in distress after three seasons, and there is no sign that she'll be rescued any time soon.
  • Shallow Love Interest: Her personality revolves around being attracted to Honeydew or Old_Peculiar.
  • Temporary Love Interest: The first of three love interests that Honeydew has over the series. He gets over her pretty quickly, even if he's still assisting in the search for her in the quest for the map fragments. Plus, Old_Peculier was intending to propose to her.


One of Israphel's henchmen. His only role seems be dying easily and providing pork for the heroes.

  • Co-Dragons: Shares this with Creeper_Boss.
  • Mighty Glacier: Due to the fact that he always crouches while walking in order to make him seem more "zombie-like".
  • Ring Out Boss: In their first encounter with Zombie_Boss, Xephos kills him by knocking him into a ring of lava around Israphel's castle, which is just as dangerous for them.
  • The Unintelligible: He only speaks in groans.


One of Israphel's henchmen. He is considerably more dangerous than Zombie_Boss thanks to his use of dynamite.

  • Co-Dragons: Shares this with Zombie_Boss.
  • Ring Out Boss: In the first encounter with him he blew himself up without seriously damaging the heroes.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: He is the Creeper_Boss after all.


A Skylord of Mistral City, Lysander usually provides quick transportation for the heroes. He usually manages to keep a level head even when Xephos and Honeydew are panicking or goofing off. The only character voiced by Lewis (other than Xephos, obviously), though on Survival Island and in Shadow of Israphel Part 8, he was voiced by Simon.

  • Ambiguously Gay: Episode 26 hints that he might be in a relationship with Skylord_Jasper.
  • Cool Airship: The Celaeno before it crashed.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Shows signs of this, usually when Xephos and Honeydew are being particularly inept or insane.

"Yes, it's broken. Well done."

  • Ho Yay: In Episode 26 with Skylord_Jasper.
  • The Mole: Subverted. Simon and Lewis catch him seemingly worshipping Israphel after burning down Mistral City, but in reality he was framed.
  • Only Sane Man: When alone with the two main heroes he is this.
  • The Smart Guy: He is quite smart, and is a clever tactician.


One of the Skylords from Mistral City, who Lewis and Simon first meet after trying to loot his stuff. Lewis and Simon are somewhat confused as to whether he's "the good one" or "the bad one".

  • Camp Gay: More so in Episode 26 than in his initial appearance.
  • Characterization Marches On: Skylord_Jasper started out as extremely loud and extremely angry all the time. He even threatens to murder Lysander for stealing his towels. The only hint that he might have homosexual tendencies is his preference for pink in his home. When he reappears in Episode 26 he is no longer aggressive toward the heroes, he is flamboyantly gay, and he's calling Lysander "lover".
  • Cool Airship: He seemed to have had at least two of these. One was apparently destroyed with the burning of Mistral City. The other is at his summer retreat.
  • Ho Yay: Episode 26 again.
  • No Indoor Voice: He yells almost every line he has when he first appears in Mistral City.
  • The Rival: He first appears to be a rival to Lysander. Again, Episode 26 suggests otherwise.

Grandma Bacon a.k.a. Granny_Bacon

Simon's second love interest.


An incompetent wizard from Mistral City. Often blows things up, including his own home.

  • The Ace: The reason he is taken along on adventure maps. He can use magic to fly and explode obstacles, very useful in the Canopy Carnage map. It was practically made for him.
  • Emo Teen: What he looked like when he was younger.
  • Guest Star Party Member: He appears in the first livestream event and helped with the Canopy Carnage map.
  • Inept Mage: Almost codifies this trope.
  • Lethal Joke Character: His younger self in the Legend of Verigan Charity livestream. His combat skills are subpar, he constantly destroys his fellow adventurers by mistake with his spells, and can't gather resources without making a mess. However, he is incredibly good at blowing up spawners, and can deal with dense clusters of enemies with a blast of TNT.
  • Magic Misfire: Happens nearly every time he casts a spell.
  • Older Than They Look: Was part of Verigan's Five-Man Band over 100 years ago.
  • Sibling Rivalry: Has this with Swampy during the Canopy Carnage map.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: His usual method of dealing with anything. He doesn't always do this intentionally though.
  • Violet Eyes


The uncle of Knight_Peculier and Isabel_Peculier and only known Templar of the Crimson Cross.

  • The Mentor: Karpath was this to him.
  • Mr. Exposition: He was the one who wrote the Tale of the Sands which gave the back story for the current conflict.
  • Older and Wiser: Was once an adventurer himself along with Verigan and Karpath. He raised Knight_Peculier and Isabel, so he could count as a mentor to both of them.
  • Older Than They Look: He was a young man during the Sand Wars, which was a hundred years ago in story.

Karpath a.k.a. Karpath Antioch

One of the heroes that destroyed a great evil 100 years ago. Son of Verigan and creator of a series of map fragments that apparently leads to Israphel.

  • Disappeared Dad: The heroes have a vision of the future in which they meet Verigan. Verigan reveals that Knight_Peculier is his grandson. This heavily implies that K. Peculier, Knight_ and Isabel_Peculier's missing father, is actually Karpath.
  • The Lancer: To Verigan.

Verigan a.k.a. Verigan Antioch

One of the heroes that destroyed a great evil 100 years ago.


A voodoo fortune teller working for the Carnivale de Banjo. Voiced by Simon in an extremely low and croaky voice. Painfully.


Fumblemore's nature-loving brother, who detests humanity "defiling the land". Voiced by Simon as a stereotypical hippy.


Initially an offscreen figure that apparently wrote a lot of notes in the adventure maps (spelled as Professor Grizwald), he has since appeared in the Israphel canon as one of the heroes that destroyed a great evil 100 years ago.

  • Ascended Extra: He only appeared in writing in an adventure map, but the memorable voice acting done by Simon made him into a One-Episode Wonder that made him become a part of the Shadow of Israphel backstory (spelled "Grizwold") in the Legend of Verigan special.
  • Large Ham: And it is glorious.
  • Mr. Exposition: Provided all the exposition in the adventure maps he appeared in and the Legend of Verigan.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: While he did help destroy a great evil 100 years ago, he was also the one who set it loose in the first place by activating a portal he found.
  • No Indoor Voice: Almost everything he says is a loud proclamation.


One of the heroes that destroyed a great evil 100 years ago, before becoming a zombie. This makes him a zombie-pirate-dwarf-in-a-boat.

  • Drunken Master: Sort of. He is able to heal himself with beer after he is injured by the zombies in Stoneholm.
  • Friendly Neighborhood Vampire: He's a zombie, but he acts more or less the same as he did in life.
  • Noodle Incident: He got hit in the gut by a cannonball. We don't know anything else about why he's a zombie.


A pirate at Barbecue Bay who enlists the heroes to repair the bay and defeat Grimjaw_Slugface.

  • Evil Laugh
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: He is killed in the same fire he started when Simon and Lewis push him in and manage to block him from jumping off the bay.
  • Kill It with Fire: He burns down Barbecue Bay, as well as Mistral City.
  • The Mole
  • Sidequest: Makes Simon and Lewis help him in defeating Grimmjaw before they can gain his trust.
  • Verbal Tic: "Down there just be hard tack, aaarrrr, ha haarrrrr, and bilging gear, harrrr harrr."


Old_Peculier's sister, a feared pirate who works under the alias "Dread Pirate Norris".


Isabel's accomplice; a lone robot pirate that Lewis and Simon quickly ditch.


One of the last remaining Skylords at Skyhold.