Dynasty Warriors/Characters/The Jin Famed Generals: Difference between revisions

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m (Rename "Rated Mfor Manly" to Rated M for Manly)
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* [[Ho Yay]] - With Guo Huai and Zhong Hui.
* [[Mighty Glacier]] - Deng Ai's Lance weapon set is pretty slow, but powerful and is near guaranteed to cause Guard Break.
* [[Rated MforM for Manly]] - Like Wang Yuanji, amongst Jin's [[Cast Full of Pretty Boys]], Deng Ai is another oddity: he's the only muscular non-[[Bishonen]] there.
* [[Self Made Man|Self Made General]]
* [[The Stoic]]

Revision as of 08:47, 26 November 2013

A list of the famed generals of the Jin Kingdom in the Dynasty Warriors series.

Zhuge Dan

"The Obstinate Dog"

 "I must look to take pride in the battles I fight!"

 Voiced by: Takuya Kirimoto (Japanese), Keith Silverstein (English)

Born: (Unknown)
Died: 258 Japanese spelling: Shoukatsutai

Height: 5'6" (168cm)

Zhuge Dan is a member of Zhuge Liang's family. A serious and upright individual, he has trouble accepting opinions that clash with his own. He is known for opposing Sima Zhao.

 Zhuge Dan: Master Zhuge Liang, I am a talentless dog...I have dirtied the name of our clan...

Zhuge Liang: Dragons and tigers obey no one, yet dogs are forever loyal.

Zhuge Liang: If you are a dog, Zhuge Dan, then you are the pride of our clan. There's nothing to be ashamed of.

Zhong Hui

"The Precocious Strategist"

 "Let's go! Soon, everything will be ours!"

 Voiced by: Ichitarou Ai (Japanese), Quinton Flynn (English)

Born: 225
Died: 264
Japanese spelling: Shoukai

Height: 5'9" (175cm)

A young, studious man who has the respectable ability to instantly read the battlefield. However, due to his personal arrogance, there aren't many fellow officers whom trust him. Opposite of Deng Ai in every respect, he has seething resentments for the veteran.

  "I will not lose against dullards".

Guo Huai

"The Sickly Minister"

 "It's about time I got going."

 Voiced by: Satoru Kamata (Japanese), Dan Woren (English)

Born: 187
Died: 255
Japanese spelling: Kakuwai

Height: 5'9" (176cm)

Guo Huai rose to prominence under Cao Pi and defended Wei many times from Jiang Wei's advances. He is an individual plagued by illness during the campaigns against Shu. Even with his weakened state, however, he is truly a reliable warrior to have on the battlefront. Loyal to Wei above all else, Guo Huai feels indebted to Xiahou Yuan and Sima Yi.

Deng Ai

"The Self Made General"

 "At last! I've been waiting for the fight to get started!"

 Voiced by: Masato Obara (Japanese) Christopher Sabat (English)

Born: (Unknown)
Died: 264 Japanese spelling: Tougai

Height: 6'7" (200cm)

Deng Ai is a Wei general who once acted as a minster in office. After witnessing Sima Yi's intellect, however, he decided to return to the battlefront and watch over the troops during the campaigns against Shu. He has a hobby of looking at maps and, to preserve their accuracy, he is cautious of the war changing the geography.

Xiahou Ba

"The Baby-Faced Warrior"

 "Alright, it's time for me to get a move on, I guess."

 Voiced by: Kenji Akabane (Japanese), Vic Mignogna (English)

Born: (Unknown)
Died: (Unknown)
Japanese spelling: Kakouha

Height: 5'3" (160cm)

Xiahou Ba is Xiahou Yuan's second son and a military general for both Wei and Jin who ultimately rebelled against Sima Zhao and defected to Shu.

He is a bright young man who inherits his father's integrity and will. To hide his age, he clads himself in full armor. Xiahou Ba is striving hard to live up to the expectations of his reputed family.

  • Arch Enemy - Becomes one to all of Jin after he defects for Shu. He usually protects Jiang Wei.
  • BFS - It's bigger than he is!
  • Big Damn Heroes - When jumping in out of nowhere to save Jiang Wei.
  • Bishounen
  • Bolivian Army Ending - Nearly got into one in his Legend Mode chapter... until the end where Jiang Wei bailed him out.
  • Catch Phrase - "Well well well..."
  • Conflicting Loyalty - Torn between his loyalty to his family and Wei. It eventually leads him to flee, fearing for his life after Sima Yi has his relative Cao Shuang killed.
  • Deadpan Snarker - Following Wei's collapse he becomes much more sarcastic towards his former allies, responding dryly to all their accusations against him.
  • Fan Nickname - "Xiahou Bieber", due to his perceived facial resemblance to Justin Bieber.
  • Get It Over With - Says this to Guo Huai before the latter is killed by archers.
  • Hey Its That Voice - It's Kouji Kabuto!...well, the one from the new series, anyways. And also he's the PRODUCER! Also in the English version, he was half-Greek and he's formerly a member of a host club.
  • Ho Yay - With Jiang Wei.
  • I Did What I Had to Do - And he's never looking back or regretting his actions.
  • Killed Off for Real: By Zhong Hui, no less.
  • Like Father Like Son - He was given Yuan's eyes and laid back, playful personality, although Ba is certainly less hot blooded than his dad (which fits his heavier weapon).
  • Lovable Traitor
  • Older Than They Look - Though he's by no means old.
  • Shock and Awe - His Musou attack creates a devastating lightning bolt.
  • Twenty Four Hour Armour - Can sometimes be heard complaining about how heavy it is too.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye - He defects very early in Jin's Kingdom Mode and then appears a lot as an opponent fighting for Shu.
  • Ugly Guys Hot Son - Yuan may not be hideous, but he's no looker either. And damn this kid is gorgeous!
    • Lampshaded by Zhang Fei (who ironically has his own attractive child) complaining that Ba bears no resemblance to his father at all.
      • Said attractive child is possibly related to Yuan and Ba, no less.
  • You Can't Go Home Again - After his betrayal. This seems to bother him a little, since he feels he's let his father down by siding with the kingdom responsible for his death -- something that Guo Huai in particular strongly holds against him.