Heralds of Valdemar/Characters/Mage Winds and Mage Storms

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This subsection of the Heralds of Valdemar Character Sheet covers the Mage Winds and Mage Storms trilogies.

Princess Elspeth and Grove-born Companion Gwena

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Abdicate the Throne
  • Action Girl
  • Knife Nut: Skif taught Elspeth how to throw knives. She demonstrates on Lord Orthallen in Arrow's Fall, and continues to carry hidden knives on her person in subsequent books, to the point that Kerowyn tells her (at the beginning of Winds of Fate) that she shouldn't rely on them too much because everyone knows she has them.
    • This led to a Nice Job Breaking It, Hero moment when she killed an emissary of the Eastern Empire at the end of Mage Winds — just as he was about to teleport back to the Empire. Skif pointed out that her knives are marked with Valdemar's coat of arms, so this could count as a rather insulting declaration of war.

"Falling dead, with a knife bearing the crest of Valdemar on the pommel-nut," he said dryly. "Very subtle, Elspeth. Couldn't you have sent a more direct message to the Emperor? Like, perhaps, 'Your father won the Horse Faire. Your mother tracks rabbits by scent. Love and kisses, Elspeth of Valdemar."

Darkwind k'Sheyna

A Tayledras Scout for k'Sheyna vale, which he calls his home. He is bitter and cynical, mostly because of his father.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Firesong k'Treva

A proud and arrogant young Tayledras Healing-Adept, initially called in from k'Treva Vale to k'Sheyna to assist with the Heartstone there. He becomes involved in Elspeth's training as a mage, and with the fate of Valdemar.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • The Ace: He's just that awesome.
  • The Archmage: He's pretty much the best mage in the world at the moment. Mess with him at your own risk.
  • Bishounen: Extremely.
  • Bond Creatures: Aya, his Firebird.
  • Camp Gay: He is shaych and proud of it.
  • Cool Mask: starts wearing masks, each one cooler than the last, when he gets his scars at the end of Storm Breaking.
  • Crazy Jealous Guy: For An'desha when the Mage Storms were messing with his head. To put it into perspective, he once considered killing Karal, An'desha's Heterosexual Life Partner, because he thought they were having an affair behind his back, even when there was ample evidence that Karal liked Natoli and neither he nor An'desha liked each other that way.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: And he's happy with that.
  • The Fashionista: He loves fashion, and always has to make a statement.
  • Fisher Kingdom: As a Healing-Adept, the state of the environment can affect his emotions. When the mage storms happened, it made him psycho....
  • Happily Married: Practically married to Silverfox, and very contented with his life.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: When he was young he could be a bit of an arrogant prick, but he always had good intentions and as he got older, he got better.
  • Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: Came very close to turning into another Ma'ar, but stopped before he took the final plunge. Again, the slope was extra-greasy because of the Mage Storms.
  • Older and Wiser: In Darian's Tale and even in Storm Breaking. Silverfox had a lot to do with the change.
  • Power Levels: He's an Adept. A Healing-Adept to be specific.
  • Scars Are Forever: The burns on his face and arms from saving the world in the last Mage-Storm wave.
  • Yaoi Guys: With An'desha for a time, and later with Silverfox. Darkwind and him sometimes joke about something being between them.
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy: All Tayledras have white hair, but Firesong is especially pretty.

Treyvan And Hydona

Two gryphons who live outside of k'Sheyna vale. They are surrogate parents to Darkwind k'Sheyna.

Tropes exhibited by these characters include:
  • Mama Bear and Papa Wolf: Although Hydona is a bit more protective of her offspring than Treyvan, they are still willing to do anything for the sake of their gryphlets.
  • Snake Talk: Because of the gryphon vocal anatomy.
  • Trrrilling Rrrs: Because of the gryphon vocal anatomy.

Starblade k'Sheyna

Darkwind k'Sheyna's father, an extremely distant man who alienates his sons in order to protect them from Mornelithe Falconsbane's influence over him.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Herald Skif and Companion Cymry

See entry on the Arrows Trilogy and Related Books page.


A sword that has been around since before the Mage Wars she is a bitter, sarcastic old sword. She helps women in need as her name implies.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Mornelithe Falconsbane, aka Ma'ar

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

King Ancar

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


A description of the character goes here.


The half Shin'a'in, half outblood descendant of Ma'ar. The body that Ma'ar possessed in order to become Mornelithe Falconsbane belongs to him, and thanks to the events of the Mage Winds trilogy he eventually reclaims it and his life.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Animal Eyes
  • Bad Powers, Good People: He still has access to all of Ma'ar's magic. He uses this knowledge to fight the Final Storm and prevent a second Cataclysm.
  • Character Development: Probably undergoes the most character development of anyone in all the books save maybe Elspeth. He goes from being a complete coward, whiny and pathetic who is co-dependent upon Firesong and becomes confident in himself and a powerful mage who will backtalk Firesong to his face, and that takes balls.
  • Demonic Possession: His body is taken over by Ma'ar, which Karal equates with Demonic Possession.
  • Fighting From the Inside: An'desha in Winds of Fury as he helps destroy Ma'ar while trapped in his own mind.
  • Green Thumb: Shows a particular affinity and liking for growing plants.
  • Halfbreed: Half Shin'a'in, half outblood.
  • Hellish Pupils: Even after the Star-Eyed returns his body to how it was (mostly) before Falconsbane transformed it, he still has slitted eyes like a cats.
  • Heroic BSOD: After returning to his previous form and being freed from Falconsbane, he is constantly afraid he will turn back into him somehow, basically wallowing in his own patheticness and depression.
  • Heterosexual Life Partners: With Karal, they are best friends with no sexual attraction between them.
  • Pals with Jesus: He is basically best friends with his Goddess's Avatars.
  • Power Levels: He's an Adept. A Sorcerer-Adept, which presumedly means he can create life or something.
  • Shrinking Violet: Before meeting Karal and his character development sets in.
  • Two Guys and a Girl: With Karal and Natoli.

Avatars Dawnfire And Tre'valen

Two victims of Falconsbane who the Star-Eyed allowed to live on as her Avatars, able to appear on the Moonpaths and to take the shape of fiery vorcel-hawks. Dawnfire used to be a Tayledras scout and Tre'valen was a shaman of the Shin'a'in who fell in love with Dawnfire after she was trapped within the body of her bondbird.

Tropes exhibited by these characters include:

Son Of The Sun Solaris

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Meaningful Name: "Solaris" is Latin for "Of the sun"
  • Modest Royalty: Is this in private, would be this in public if not for the episcopal pomp required by her position.
  • She Is the King: Is the High Priest and Son of the Sun, not High Priestess or Daughter of the Sun


The hero of the Mage Storm series, Karal is a young Karsite priest who was assigned to be the assistant and secretary of to the Karsite Ambassador, his mentor Sun-Priest Ulrich. He is a Channel, meaning he can act as a siphon for magical power but can't use magic himself.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Badass Bookworm: Very much so.
    • Badass Preacher: He's a priest, he saved the world. Tell me that doesn't make him a Badass Priest.
  • Bond Creature: With Altra, his Firecat. They aren't bonded like companions are, but were more or less assigned ot each other by Vkandis none the less.
  • Brown Eyes
    • Puppy Dog Eyes: Referred to in story as "Karal's Lost Puppy Eyes", and used on Florian at least once.
  • The Confidant: To An'desha
  • Good Shepherd: He is a very good, kind priest who walks-the-walk, talks-the-talk and actually helps people, unlike most Valdemarans' views of Sunpriests.
  • Heterosexual Life Partners: With An'desha who is his best friend, and you could say Altra as well.
  • Mediator: tries to be this, and it's not for lack of trying his part when he fails.
  • Nice Guy: He is ridiculously nice, partly because he's a priest, partly because it's just how he is.
  • Non-Action Guy: He's in the thick of everything, but he's not exactly about to whip out a sword and start slashing people, quite the opposite actually.
  • Two Guys and a Girl: With Natoli and An'desha.


A Firecat and hence the Karsite equivalent of a Companion, Altra was a Son of the Sun during his life and, at the order of Vkandis, was assigned to protect and guide Karal.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Bond Creature: With Karal. After Karal becomes blind, he uses his mindlink with Altra to see.
  • Cats Are Magic: Is a Master level mage, so is one step beneath Adept in power.
  • Cats Are Superior: Though in this case, since Altra was previously a Son of the Sun, he does technically outrank Karal by quite a margin.
  • Intellectual Animal
  • Noodle Incident: Upon learning Altra's name, Karal thinks "Wasn't that the name of the Son of the Sun who--?" It is never revealed what Son of the Sun Altra did that was so signficant.

Companion Florian

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


The first Karsite ambassador and a (formerly) black-robed Sun-Priest, and The Obi-Wan to Karal.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Grand Duke Tremaine

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Silverfox k'Leshya

A description of the character goes here.