The Savage Dragon/Characters
(The) Dragon AKA Emperor Kurr
- Back From the Dead
- Beard of Sorrow: grows one after Debbie's death.
- Biggus Dickus
- Body Horror: after being beaten to a pulp and stuffed into a narrow smokestack, his Healing Factor turns him into a twisted monstrosity. Later, he has to have Mighty Man break every bone in his body so they can be set properly.
- Brainwashed and Crazy-- as a result of Horde
- Complete Monster-- in his former life.
- Full-Frontal Assault: He's naked in his climactic battle with Overlord, as a result of Overlord vaporizing his clothes along with the team of Red Shirts that came along.
- Good Thing You Can Heal: Dragon has been Impaled with Extreme Prejudice on a church spire, been repeatedly dismembered, had a bowling-ball sized hole blasted through his chest on at least three separate occasions, his skin burned off, etc.
- Fusion Dance: the circumstances of his death result in his essence getting entangled with William Jonson's body, allowing Dragon to periodically take control, bulking Jonson up in the process.
- Healing Factor: it's so powerful, he even develops immunity to mind-control
- Immune to Bullets
- Improbable Aiming Skills: his aim is perfect from the first time he steps onto a shooting range.
- In fact, it has been stated to be one of his powers. When he was struck by negate and had his abilities stripped, he noted that this power was removed and this was the first time he ever missed.
- Lightning Bruiser: He's a big strong guy but unlike most strongmen, he is extremely fast and is as agile as characters like Spider-Man.
- Mysterious Past
- Naked on Arrival: Dragon first shows up naked in a burning field.
- Not Wearing Tights: The only time Dragon wears spandex is during his stint in SOS. Before that, he wore a police uniform.
- Omniglot: he lost count of the number of languages he knows, so all he's sure of is that it's around a hundred.
- Typically, he doesn't even realize he knows the language until he hears it due ot Laser-Guided Amnesia.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Dragon started out as a nickname given to him by Nurse Ann due to his appearance. Since he didn't remember his original name, he adopted "Dragon" as his legal name.
- Our Hero Is Dead
- Planet Looters: In his former life as the psychotic emperor of a race of aliens searching for a new home, he wanted to develop a virus to wipe out humanity so his race could displace them.
- Pre-Mortem One-Liner e.g. when about to blow up a monster's head using one of Dung's high-pressure diarrhea-spraying cannons: "Eat shit and die!"
- Rubber Forehead Alien
- Super Strength
- The Chosen One of his home species, which is the source of his superpowers
- Top-Heavy Guy: He looks like this [dead link], and according to Erik Larsen that look isn't stylistic - he's really shaped like that because it's normal for his species.
- Upgrade Artifact: How he knows so much about Earth
- Wall Crawl: since he's strong enough to dig his fingers into solid stone.
Malcolm Dragon
- Book Dumb
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Super Strength
- Twofer Token Minority: Kind of; he's alien on the father's side and african-American on the mother's side.
Jennifer Dragon (nee Murphy} AKA Smasher
She-Dragon AKA Amy Belcher (formerly Sensation)
Alex Wilde
Freak Force
Barbaric & Ricochet:
- Altar the Speed: Barbaric proposes to Ricochet at the insistence of SOS's merchandising guy, since Ricochet is pregnant and he can't market a couple having a baby out of wedlock.
- Dumb Muscle: Barbaric
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: luckily, Ricochet has stretching powers
- Playing with Syringes-- how they got powers
- Rubber Woman: Ricochet has a very limited form of this-- she bounces and can be stretched by external forces, but can't actually shapeshift.
- She Fu
- The Runaway-- both of them are teen runaways.
- Ugly Guy, Hot Wife
- Wedding Smashers: Predictably, a bunch of villains show up and start a fight, but Ricochet yells at them and they stop. This trope was lampshaded beforehand-- when Barbaric invites lots of superheroes to the wedding because he wants a big superhero wedding "like Reed and Sue", Ricochet points out how much of a disaster that was.
Dart AKA Jill August
- Badass Normal
- Improbable Weapon User: darts
- Leotard of Power
- Reality Ensues: Her whole schtick is impaling people with throwing darts. This leads to a perp she helps arrest suing the city for millions for police brutality.
- Scars Are Forever: Dread Knight disintegrates her legs from the knee down.
- She Fu
- Legacy Character: after the Savage World Dart's accidental murder, her niece takes up the mantle.
Horridus AKA Sara Hill
- Combat Tentacles-- her tail is used this way
- Crossover Ship-- with Michelangelo of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Cute Monster Girl
- Driven to Suicide-- how she became an orphan.
- Half-Human Hybrid: her mother was abducted by aliens
- Innocent Fanservice Girl
- Madwoman in the Attic
Nurse Ann Stevens AKA Mighty Man
- Attractive Bent Gender: Ann as Mighty Man. Her friend Phyllis wants to sleep with Mighty Man even though she knows he's really Ann.
- Flying Brick
- Gender Bender: as Mighty Man
- Hospital Hottie
- Killed Off for Real-- her Earth version is killed by Chelsea Nirvana
- Missed the Call: She just happened to be the one at the deathbed of the previous Mighty Man, Robert Berman. His son Billy didn't get to the hospital in time, so he transferred his powers to her instead.
- Secret Identity
Superpatriot AKA John Quincy Armstrong
- Badass Grandpa
- Bottomless Magazines
- Deal with the Devil:
- Nanomachines
- Old Soldier
- Phlebotinum Rebel: got his orignal powers as a result of being captured and experimented on by Those Wacky Nazis . He destroyed their base so they couldn't replicate the process.
- Shapeshifter Weapon: he can turn his limbs into various sorts of guns
- Telescoping Robot
- We Can Rebuild Him: after having his limbs destroyed by the Vicious Circle's Mako and being Left for Dead, he was made into a Hollywood Cyborg with Artificial Limbs.
Rapture AKA Sharona Jackson
- Anything That Moves: The Savage World version of Rapture. Unfortunately, she's also disgustingly obese, unhygienic, and insane.
- Clingy Jealous Girl to Dragon
- Hooker
With A Heart Of Gold: - Killed Off for Real: On Earth, Darkworld, and Savage World
- Most Common Superpower: she admits that she relies on static cling to keep her costume in place.
- Psycho Electro: Rapture in The Savage World is a homeless schizophrenic who believes she's an angel/alien with invisible wings.
- Shock and Awe
- Sexy Backless Outfit
- Skunk Stripe
- Stripperific: even in her civilian attire she's liable to wear Vapor Wear or show Underboobs.
Liberty & Justice
Liberty Farrell
Justice Farrell
Roxanne Wells
The Deadly Duo
- Crimefighting with Cash
- Super Senses
- Pointy Ears: probably as a side-effect of his cat powers.
- Ted Baxter
The Kid Avenger
- Ambiguously Brown
- Mike Nelson, Destroyer of Worlds: during Mars Attacks! Image, he accidentally blows up Detroit.
- Powered Armor
- Sidekick