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  • Fan Nickname: In her episode recaps, Strega of Television Without Pity refers to the good guys as the MoG, which is an abbreviation of "Ministers of Grace" ("Angels and ministers of grace, defend us" - Hamlet).
    • Strega also (rather unkindly) took to calling Spike "Spicule", apparently a dig at his Badass Decay.
    • Lorne is nicknamed "Cary" (Cary Okie. Geddit?) for no particular reason other than it sounded better than The Host.
  • Genius Bonus: Izzy, a Devil in business attire. Throwaway gag right? D&D players delineate between Demons, who are Chaotic Evil in alignment, and Devils who are Lawful Evil. Hence, a devil working at a law firm.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: And Starring....that guy from Roseanne as Doyle.
    • Connor is that kid from Masterminds
    • Bodie was a serial-killing worm all along!
    • Although many would recognise him more for his voice (as mentioned below) Simon Templeman as Matthias Pavayne would also be recognisable to viewers of Charmed, in which he played the Angel of Death in three episodes. He also appeared as Lord Nor in two episodes of Lois and Clark.
    • Tracy Middendorf (Tina in the pilot) was the original actress to play Gul Dukat's daughter, Ziyal, on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine as well as the babysitter in Wes Craven's New Nightmare.
    • The gym manager in "Judgement" is played by actor/stuntman Keith Campbell, best known for playing the alien perp who leaps off the building in Men in Black.
    • John Kapelos, the hotel manager in "Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been", formerly played Donald Schanke, Nicholas Knight's partner for two seasons on Forever Knight. Possibly as part of an in-joke, there is polka music playing in the hotel in one scene: Schanke was a big fan of polka music in FK.
    • Magnus Hainsley's butler was Rolf on Days of Our Lives.
    • Hey, it's Roger Wyndam-Pryce-- I mean Roy Dotrice! You might also remember him as the weasely diplomat from Babylon 5.
    • The Deeper Well is patrolled by Paul Atriedes!
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: Simon Templeman makes an appearance as the sadistic Matthias Pavayne. It's exactly as terrifying as you imagine.
    • Metal Gear fans will recognize Jim Piddock, the creepy butler guy from "The Trial", as Major Zero.
  • Real Life Relative: In the scene with Angelus and Faith in a donut shop, the cash register is robbed by Eliza Dushku's big brother, Nate. ("Orpheus")
  • Retroactive Recognition: Jennifer Garner can be spotted (sort of) amongst the ladies pregnant with demonspawn in "Expecting". You wouldn't know it's her if not for IMDb.
    • Bobby Bacala plays one of Little Tony's mooks with a gift for the obvious. "It's Herb Saunders."
    • Software king David Nabit is played by Michael Bolton. (hee)
    • River Tam played a cursed ballerina in season 3 episode "Waiting in the Wings".
    • A "blink and you'll miss it" role: The Progressive lady, Flo, shows up as a clerk in Wolfram & Hart's records division.
    • Another blink and you'll miss it is Renee Walker appearing among the first group of people mesmerized by Jasmine.
    • Holtz is the Harvey Bullockish detective in The Dark Knight, as well as Harbinger.
    • Crashdown has longer hair this time but goes crazy again, and tries to kill Jasmine.
    • Sawyer gets the honor of being the first vampire to get dusted in the pilot.
      • Lost fans will also recognize Jin and Bernard as employees of Wolfram and Hart.
    • Hey Hodgins, since when did you work for Wolfram & Hart, and why do you like human sacrifices so much?
      • On that note: Colin Fisher appears as a fanboy of Angelus'. You might also remember him as Dr. Spellman from Avatar.
    • Hey, is Mr. Chase is trying to acquire the same arch that Angel is in season 4.
    • Eliot from Leverage is Lindsey, Attorney at law.
    • You may recognize Kate Lockley from Law and Order or Heroes.
    • Darla is played by the same actress as Rita.
    • Here I thought John Winchester was a good hunter.
    • Spencer Shay was evidently some sort of physics nerd at one point.
    • Zoe appears in a couple of season four episodes as some lady called Jasmine. It's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it kind of thing.
    • More recent viewers will recognize Connor as a younger Pete Campbell.
    • And for more Mad Men, say hello to Joan Holloway, A.K.A YoSaffBridge, as an Irish barmaid in "The Prodigal"!
    • Hawkeye has some serious vampire dad issues with Angel.
  • Trope Namer for:
  • ...and the former Trope Namer for:
  • What Could Have Been: There were two different plans spoken of by the writers for how to handle the Fred/Illyria situation in Season 6, which were:
    • 1. Willow would visit the show and separate Illyria and Fred.
    • 2. Illyria would begin to absorb Fred's personality.
    • Production hoped to get Sarah Michelle Gellar to reprise Buffy in a Season 5 guest spot, but she was busy filming The Grudge during the only part of the season it would've fit best.