Tome of Fire/Characters

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Characters belong to the Salamanders, both in the background and in the novel series.



One of the twenty Primarchs created by the Emperor of Mankind for the Great Crusade, Vulkan and his brothers were scattered to the stars by the Chaos Gods. Landing on the planet Nocturne, Vulkan was taken in by blacksmith N'Bel. Quickly growing to manhood, Vulkan soon mastered every forging technique his father taught him, and quickly developed new ones. However, Nocturne was frequently raided by the Dark Eldar, and the primitive people of the planet had no means of defense except for hiding. Vulkan, however, refused to run, and when they came, Vulkan slew them and inspired the people to the defense of their homes. In celebration, the people of his city held a competition of skill. By the end of the eight day, only Vulkan and one other remained, a stranger known as the Outlander who had been asked to join. For their final challenge, Vulkan and the Outlander were challenged to kill a Salamander, the largest of the Fire-drakes inhabiting Nocturne. Vulkan killed a great Salamander, but was left hanging from a precipice when the mountain he was on erupted. He was saved by the Outlander, who forfeited his own dead, larger Salamander to do so. While Vulkan was declared the winner, he declared that the Outlander had won. The Outlander then revealed himself to be the Emperor of Mankind, and placed Vulkan in command of Legion XVIII of the Adeptus Astartes. In remembrance of the Emperor saving his life, Vulkan renamed them the Salamanders.

During the Great Crusade, Vulkan served loyally, and the Salamanders gained a reputation as defenders of humanity, not merely executioners of the Emperor's enemies. When Warmaster Horus fell to Chaos and rebelled against the Emperor, Vulkan lead the Salamanders with six other legions to stop them, but four of the Legions turned traitor on the Salamanders, Raven Guard, and Iron Hands. In what became known as the Drop Site Massacre, Vulkan disappeared in the heat of battle. The Salamanders seek out the clues of his fate, hoping that one day he will return.


The Chapter Master of the Salamanders, Tu'Shan is the Master of the Fire-Drakes (First Captain of the Salamanders) and Regent of Nocturne. Becoming Regent of Nocturne at a relatively young age, Tu'Shan has proven himself to be a true hero time and again.

Vulkan He'Stan

The former Captain of the 4th Company, He'Stan is the Forgefather, the one who searches the galaxy for the Nine Artefacts of Vulkan. His duties take him to the furthest edges of the galaxy, away from his Chapter.

Hazon Da'kir

A Brother-Sergeant in the 3rd Company, Hazon Da'kir hails from Ignea, the subterranean continent beneath Nocturne, and not from one of Nocturne's Sanctuary Cities. He is at the center of a prophecy in the Tome of Fire called the "Fire Sword".

Zek Tsu'gan

A Brother-Sergeant in the 3rd Company, Zek Tsu'gan is the rival of Hazon Da'kir, loathing him as an outsider. He was very close to Captain Kadai, and took his death hard.

Sol Ba'ken

The heavy weapons specialist in Da'kir's squad, and Da'kir's closest friend. Ba'ken is later promoted to Sergeant upon Da'kir's induction to the Librarium.


An Epistolary (or Codicier) from the Librarius, he becomes Da'kir's teacher in the Librarius. Also the former Mentor of Nihilan.


The Chief Librarian of the Salamanders.

Herculon Praetor

The Veteran Sergeant of the First Company, and acting leader when Tu'Shan is absent.


Chaplain of the 3rd Company, noted for his fiery rhetoric and rarely removing his mask except in private.


The Master of the Forge, and once a member of Elysius's scout squad. He suffered horrible burns on his face due to two encounters with genestealers.


The Apothecary of the 3rd Company.

  • Combat Medic
  • Despair Event Horizon: A combination of Kadai's death and failing to secure a fallen Marine's progenoid causes him to give into despair.
  • He's Back: Manages to come back from the Burning Walk, which everyone assumed he died on. He starts getting a little annoyed everyone doubted his skills.
  • Walking the Earth: Goes on the "Burning Walk" to regain his faith.


A member of Da'kir's squad who later joins the Apothecarion.

Cerbius Iagon

A sociopathic Salamander, who is using Tsu'gan to gain power and influence.


A young boy from Scoria who became a Salamander Aspirant.

Imperium of Man


A Sergeant in the Marines Malevolent. He joins Nihilan's warband with tacit approval from his chapter over the Archimedes Rex.


A Captain of the Marines Malevolent, and Lorkar's superior.

  • Deal With the Devil: He agrees to help the Salamanders on Scoria in return for giving them the armor and arms of the Archimedes Rex.
  • Lack of Empathy: During the Third War for Armaggedon, he ordered his Whirlwind artillery launchers to fire on a group of hostages held by the Orks.

Sonnar Illiad

The overseer of the Scorian colony.


A member of the Black Dragons Chapter, who was hunted by the Dark Eldar for sport for over six years.



Archon of a Dark Eldar Kabal allied with the Dragon Warriors.


A Wych queen who is allied with An'scur.


A dracon serving An'scur.


A Haemonculus serving An'scur, and the supposed key to his constant survival.

Forces of Chaos


The Chaos Lord of the Dragon Warriors, Nihilan is a fallen Librarian who was once part of the Salamanders. He was converted to the cause of Ushorrok, a fallen Chaplain from the Black Dragons.


A Daemon of the Warp who was banished by Vulkan long ago, but has returned to take revenge of on the Salamanders.