Amateur Surgeon/Characters
WARNING! There are unmarked Spoilers ahead. Beware.
Characters from Amateur Surgeon include:
Main Characters
Dr. Alan Probe
The protagonist of the story. Initially an ordinary pizza boy, his life changes after meeting (or better said, running over) Dr. Bleed. At this point, he has to work hard and struggle with some conflicts in order to become a world famous surgeon, in which he eventually succeeds.
- Anti-Hero: He lacks some traits of the Ideal Hero, but is a good person nonetheless.
- Back-Alley Doctor
- Bad Job, Worse Uniform: As a pizza boy.
- Berserk Button: He's a rather cheerful and easygoing guy, but mess with his loved ones and you're over. Got it, Dwayne?
- A more humorous example would be clowns.
- Big Fun
- Bunny Ears Surgeon
- Cool Old Guy: In the second game.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
- Demoted to Extra: Mildly in the third game. He's still one of the main characters, but now he's the mentor of the Player Character Ophelia Payne.
- Dynamic Character
- Eccentric Mentor: To Ophelia.
- Genius Ditz: He's one of the best surgeons ever seen, but otherwise is a moron.
- Grumpy Old Man: A bit in the second game. He's more cynical, but retains his inherent goofiness.
- Happily Married: To Aureola. Even when they're separated, he's still faithful to her.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Bleed, his mentor and father figure.
- Idiot Hero
- Inferiority Superiority Complex: In the second game, despite claiming himself the best surgeon ever, he mentions he had to deal with self-loathing for being a fallen grace and alienating his family. He gets better, though.
- Intergenerational Friendship: With both his mentor Dr. Bleed and his apprentice Ophelia.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Downplayed. He's cocky and says inconsiderate comments about his patients, but is otherwise a very Nice Guy who will do his best to save everyone.
- Keet: More pronounced as a kid, but he still shows shades as an adult.
- Knight in Sour Armor: As for the second game.
- Mad Doctor: A rare benevolent version.
- Man Child: As an adult.
- Manic Pixie Dream Guy: Non-romantic example. He lightens up Dr. Bleed's life, after all.
- Official Couple: With Aureola.
- Sad Clown/Stepford Smiler: Implied. His fun-loving personality is his way to cope with the crap he goes through his life. This becomes ironic once known he fears clowns.
- Spanner in the Works: He foils Dwayne's plans twice.
- Why Did It Have to Be Clowns?
Dr. Ignacious Bleed
A former surgeon, now vagrant, he starts teaching Alan surgery after the latter runs him over. He fell from grace after a horrible incident that made most of his patients die, and is still being haunted for that. Thanks to Alan, he discovers the truth and gets better.
- The Alcoholic: Cough syrup-holic, but same thing.
- Back-Alley Doctor
- Back for the Dead: Briefly in the second game.
- Berserk Button: In the first game, any mention of his past, the Old Hospital Incident in particular. Gets over it when the truth gets found out.
- Bonus Boss: In the second game.
- Broken Bird: At first.
- Character Development: Goes from cynical and depressed to a way more cheerful and optimistic man. Seriously, just compare his self from the first game to his resurrected version in the second game.
- Cynical Mentor: Before Character Development.
- Dark and Troubled Past: His Trigger. See My Greatest Failure.
- Demoted to Extra: A justified case, since he died as for the second game.
- Despair Event Horizon: The Old Hospital incident was this for him. Luckily, he recovers.
- Driven to Suicide: Him being running over by Alan's pizza van wasn't entirely accidental, as it turns out.
- The Eeyore: At first.
- Intergenerational Friendship: With Alan.
- Killed Off for Real
- Like a Son to Me: Alan is pretty much a son to him. It's implied he considered Dwayne a son too, which tragically didn't work out.
- Living Emotional Crutch: Alan is the main reason why he still keeps living.
- Mentor Occupational Hazard
- My Greatest Failure: The Old Hospital fiasco. Subverted, as it wasn't his fault at all.
- Nice Guy: Initial pessimism aside, he's very kind and compassionate towards everyone.
- The Obi-Wan
- Only Sane Man
- Parental Substitute: To Alan.
- Posthumous Character: From the second game onwards.
- The Scapegoat: An unknown one to Dwayne.
- So Proud of You: After being resurrected, he says this to Alan.
Aureola Probe (née Svelte)
A young woman who has been attacking criminals, in order to hunt down the guy who killed her parents (who died in the Old Hospital fiasco). Dr. Bleed is suspected as the murderer, until she reveals she isn't hunting him at all. She's Alan's Love Interest.
- Action Girl
- Anti-Villain: She only attacks criminals, and wants to hunt down her parents' murderer.
- Broken Bird
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Initially rude to Alan, she ends up marrying him later.
- Demoted to Extra: She barely appears in the next games.
- Freudian Excuse: Her parent's tragic deaths by a Serial Killer.
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- Happily Married: To Alan.
- Heel Face Turn
- Karma Houdini: Invoked. Alan makes Dwayne the responsible of all her crimes, since he was the one who initiated everything and deserved it more.
- Knight of Cerebus: Her poisoning criminals leds the plot to a darker path, though she's nothing compared to Dwayne Pipe.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Holy shit.
- Tragic Villain: She gets better.
- Tsunshun: Lampshaded by Bleed, stating she had become "mad with grief".
- Vigilante Woman
- Woobie Destroyer Of Worlds
- You Killed My Parents: To Dwayne.
Officer Brutality
The officer of the city, he's one of Alan's friends and allies. He's investigating the attacks of the criminals that have been happening recently. He ends up arresting Dwayne Pipe twice, thanks to Alan's help.
- Anti-Hero
- Ascended Extra: In the third game, he beats injuries with his police baton.
- Dirty Cop: Downplayed. Despite his harsh treatment and the fact he lets both Alan and Bleed heal criminals outside the law, he's actually a Reasonable Authority Figure.
- Good Is Neither Nice Nor Soft
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He's harsh, hot-tempered and quite cruel with criminals; but he takes his job seriously, wants justice to be done, and is clearly Alan's ally.
- Knight Templar: He borders on this.
- Large Ham
- Morality Pet: Alan is one of the (very) few people he treats with politeness and respect.
- Pet the Dog: While he's pretty brutal with the criminals, he's concerned about what happens to them, investigating the mysterious attacks. Possibly a case of Hypocritical Heartwarming.
- Police Brutality: It's right in his name.
- Unscrupulous Hero
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: His treatment towards criminals puts him directly into this trope. He's trying to "fix" them, although Alan mentions he also takes sadistic pleasure in it. Since this is Alan, though, no one knows for sure.
Dwayne Pipe aka Horrace d'Obscene aka the President
A strange frenchman who has bugs in his body. He's revealed to be the main antagonist in the game, being responsible for Bleed's fall and is Aureola's parents' true murderer. He ends up arrested for all his crimes, swearing revenge on Alan.
- Arch Enemy: He's Alan Probe's personal nightmare.
- Ax Crazy
- Big Bad: In the first and second games, being responsible of all the shit that surround Alan and his companions. In the third game he's more of a Greater Scope Villain.
- Evil Laugh
- Faux Affably Evil: He's polite and charming, as well as a mass murderer and Manipulative Bastard extraordinaire.
- For the Evulz: His main motivation at first. It changes to Revenge on escalating levels.
- French Jerk: His Horrace d'Obscene persona. He drops it when his true identity is revealed.
- Gratuitous French: As Horrace.
- Hate Sink
- The Heavy: He's the main villain of the story, with his actions having important consequences.
- Knight of Cerebus: While Laughably Evil, his mere presence darkens the plot and his actions are taken 100% seriously. Averted in Amateur Surgeon Christmas.
- Laser-Guided Karma: Everything bad that happens to him is very well-deserved.
- Laughably Evil: Has his moments in the main games, and is straightforwardly comedic in the Christmas Special.
- Master Poisoner: Hell yeah.
- Obviously Evil
- President Evil: In the second game.
- Red and Black and Evil All Over
- Smug Snake: A high-functioning one. He would be a Magnificent Bastard if not for his tendency to blurt out his plans and appear at the worst possible moment. Really, Dwayne?
- The Sociopath: He killed and ruined numerous lives, and shows no remorse for any of that.
- Vile Villain, Not-So-Saccharine Game
- Villain with Good Publicity: As the president, until he's arrested again.
- Walking Spoiler: The fact he's a shady criminal is not a spoiler (in fact, it's quite clear). The extent of his evil, however...
- The fact that he's The President is a huge one in the second game.
- Worthy Opponent: He views himself as Alan's greatest archenemy. Alan doesn't think the same.
Bradley The Aide (real name Buttley Probe Jr.)
Alan's companion in the second game, he's working for the president and makes Alan's comeback to surgery. He's later revealed to be Alan's grandson, having searching for him to rebuild his family, succeeding at the end.
- Adorkable
- Anti-Villain: He isn't evil in the least, but he's working for the President Evil. Once the President's secret identity comes out, he immediately sides with Alan.
- Bishonen
- Conflicting Loyalty: He's torned between his job as the President's lackey and his affection towards his grandfather Alan. He ultimately chooses the latter.
- The Cutie: So much. Which leads to...
- Break the Cutie: He's forced to kill Alan by The President, and gets badly beaten once known his connection to him. Poor guy...
- Heel Face Turn: Not that he was evil to begin with.
- Long-Lost Relative: To Alan.
- Alan, I Am Your Grandson
- Morality Pet: To Alan.
- Nervous Wreck: He's usually seen sweating with a scared expression in his face. He has very good reasons for it.
- Nice Guy
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: On the receiving end by the president, to the point he had to be operated. This act really pissed Alan.
- Shrinking Violet
- Back to Amateur Surgeon