Lenore the Cute Little Dead Girl/Characters
Characters from Lenore the Cute Little Dead Girl include:
Lenore Lynchfast

I am going to hurt you. |
Lenore is a 10 years old, undead girl, who died of pneumonia and lives in her mansion along with a stuffed toy, who is actually a cursed vampire. Lenore doesn't know the difference between good and evil, which often results in her accidentally or purposely killing people and animals. She usually says and does disturbing and confusing things, partly due to her innocence, although, in the later comics, she starts being aware of her immoral behavior and actually enjoys it.
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny
- Ax Crazy: Everytime she wants to kill Mr. Gosh.
- Berserk Button: It's Mr. Gosh.
- Blue Eyes: In Fanon.
- Can't Get in Trouble For Nuthin'
- Chaotic Stupid
- Character Development: She develops from being a well-meaning, but dimwitted character to a somewhat malicious character who hurts those around her with full intentions on what she's doing.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Creepy Child
- Cute Bruiser
- Cute Little Fangs
- Death Glare: She uses this on Ragamuffin, mostly, and on other characters, as well.
- The Ditz
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs: She has two skull shaped clips in her hair.
- Girl with Psycho Weapon: She does carry a knife with her quite often.
- Grotesque Cute
- Hair of Gold
- Idiot Houdini: There are quite many instances when this can be applied, especially when she plants Ragamuffin in the backyard.
- Immortal Immaturity: She's been around for one hundred years, but she still has the brains of a ten year old.
- Intergenerational Friendship: With Ragamuffin, one of the most extreme cases.
- Jerkass: She definitely loves to insult various characters.
- Karma Houdini
- Kids Are Cruel
- Love Interest: Mr. Gosh's.
- The Not Love Interest: Ragamuffin's.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: She has moments when her lines are witty and quite smart, which makes you wonder.
- Obliviously Evil
- Older Than They Look: She's actually 100 years old, not ten.
- Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: With Ragamuffin, as he's often exasperated with her nonsensical antics.
- Strange Girl
- Troll: She definitely likes to mess around with others, especially Ragamuffin. The best example is when she repeatedly plants him in the backyard because she wants to grow others like him. In the same issue, he also discovers that she has often watched him sleeping and that she has even made an album of the things he'd done while sleeping.
- Undead Child
- Undeathly Pallor
- Villain Protagonist
- Weirdness Magnet: She lives in a mansion with a toy that talks, which is actually a vampire, her neighbour is an extremely tall guy with a deer head, she is stalked by a dead guy with a sack over his head who looks like a human-sized puppet, she is visited by a monster who likes muffins, Death takes her to Hell, but then she returns with a pair of black wings and many, many more.
- Yangire: She's cute and innocent, of course.

What should I do?! Me! One of the most savage killers the world has ever known! |
Ragamuffin appears as a rag doll in most volumes, but he's actually a 400 years old vampire who was cursed by a witch, because he murdered and ate her sister. Despite his diabolic nature, Ragamuffin is actually the voice of reason in the series and he also takes the responsibility of looking after Lenore, even though he's often annoyed by her strange, dimwitted behavior. He also cares about her and protects her everytime she gets into reckless, dangerous situations, which implies he views himself as her guardian.
- Anti-Hero: Type III and IV, when he's a stuffed toy. Type V, when's a vampire, and he gets sometimes into the Villain Protagonist territory.
- Badass
- Badass Adorable: As a toy.
- Badass Decay: In-universe, he often complains about his situation and remembers how powerful he was as a vampire.
- Big No: When Lenore dies in Lenore's Last Will Part 2.
- Blood Knight: He's extremely happy when he slaughters the zombies.
- Body Horror: The process through which he gets transformed into a doll. Needles burst out from his body to sew his skin into the fabric the toy is made of.
- Chew Toy: Mostly for Lenore.
- Complete Monster: Before he met Lenore.
- Cute Little Fangs
- Dark Is Evil: Played straight at first, before he becomes a doll. After he is turned into a doll and meets Lenore, he becomes
- Darker and Edgier: He's a special kind of vampire.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Even Evil Has Standards: Lenore.
- Face Palm
- Flight: He has the power to fly, as a vampire
- Friendly Neighborhood Vampires: Averted hard at first, as Ragamuffin is a savage monster who needs consuming people to survive. In the first episode, he even tries to kill Lenore, but he's stopped by the fact that he's trapped in a little toy's body. Later, he becomes this but only due to his condition and especially due to Lenore.
- Genre Savvy: He is the only one aware of the ridiculous and absurd things that sometimes happen.
- Healing Factor: He has the power to heal himself.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: He is voiced by Roman Dirge, the creator himself.
- Horror Hunger
- I'm a Humanitarian
- Intergenerational Friendship: With Lenore.
- Jerkass: Not as much as Lenore or Pooty, but he still is.
- Knight Templar Guardian: He can be quite overprotective with Lenore at times.
- Large Ham: When he's not giving sarcastic replies, he's probably this.
- Looks Like Cesare
- Older Than They Look
- One-Man Army
- Only Sane Man
- Our Vampires Are Different: He doesn't drink people's blood. He eats them.
- Parental Substitute: He tries to be this to Lenore, even though he only succeeds in being more like a combination between an older brother and best friend.
- Perverse Sexual Lust: A big part of the fanart involves him drawn as a Tall, Dark and Handsome guy. Not to mention that an extreme amount of the youtube comments is posted by fangirls who constantly mention he is 'cute', 'hot' or the fact that they want to marry him.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: In Fanon. Well, he's a vampire, so there is a high possibility this is true.
- Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: With Lenore.
- Sealed Evil in a Can
- Shiny Midnight Black
- Smoking Is Cool
- Super Strength: As a vampire.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome: Particularly in fanart.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- Undeathly Pallor
- Villain Protagonist
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: When he kills the zombies.
Mr. Gosh

Marry me! |
Mr. Gosh is actually a dead person, with a bag over his head. He constantly returns from the grave to follow Lenore and declare his eternal, undying love for her, in spite of the fact that she kills him everytime he does that. When his hood is removed, his face is rotten and every character who sees him gets sick, except for Lenore, who falls for him briefly. Although she gets away from him, when she finds out who he actually is.
- Butt Monkey: For Lenore.
- Chew Toy
- Cruel and Unusual Death: He has many of these.
- Facial Horror: When his mask is removed.
- Lolicon: He's obsessed with Lenore.
- Love Martyr
- Mad Love
- Nice Guy: Probably one of the nicest, if not the nicest character in the series.
- Single-Target Sexuality: He is Lenoresexual.
- Stalker with a Crush
- The Woobie

It's a...medical condition. |
Taxidermy is Lenore's weird looking neighbour, who has a stitched-up deer head and wears a suit. He is extremely polite and well-mannered in spite of his horrifying appearance. He is also educated and intellectual. In the first episode, he trusts Lenore and gives his pet, Malakai, into her care, not knowing her capacity of destroying and killing things. Later, he helps Lenore and Ragamuffin, when they're attacked by the zombies, along with his friends, who have various animals' heads instead of human ones and wear black suits, similar to him.
- Badass: When he defeats the zombies.
- Beware the Nice Ones: As mentioned before, he's really polite and kind, but he was definitely able to destroy the zombies along with his friends.
- Body Horror
- Facial Horror
- Nice Guy
- Odd Friendship: With Lenore.
- Reluctant Monster
Pooty Applewater

You're good, but you can't dance with the Pooty. |
Pooty Applewater is a hunter sent from Hell to bring back Lenore, but he ends up in becoming her friend and helps her get out of trouble in the later comics. He is often sarcastic and quite mocking of those around him, especially Ragamuffin, who has an aversion to him. Despite this, he transforms Ragamuffin into his old vampire form at the end of volume 11, for a brief time. He also gets protective of Lenore, although not to the same extent as Ragamuffin.
- Animate Inanimate Object: He is formed of two buckets and carries a trident.
- Anti-Hero: Type IV and V.
- Badass
- Casanova: He is seen to be quite a player, as the Spam Witch complains to him that he hasn't come to see her since they spent their night together.
- Covert Pervert
- Crack Pairing: He makes love to a goat.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Jerkass
- Troll: And how.
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