Preacher (Comic Book)/Characters
Allfather D'Aronique
- Adipose Rex
- Evil Uncle: Jesse's grandmother Marie L'Angelle was Allfather D'Aronique's aunt. It turns out that one of the reasons the Grail leadership supported Starr's pursuit of Jesse was because D'Aronique wanted to punish Jesse for killing his "Aunt Marie".
- Fat Bastard
- Jabba Table Manners
- Villainous Glutton
- Appropriated Appellation
- Ensemble Darkhorse
- Happily-Failed Suicide: Arseface tried to kill himself because he was sad and lonely, and his idol Kurt Cobain and his only friend had both just killed themselves and the friend had told him to do the same. After the failed suicide attempt, he does all he can to turn his life around, but can never get away from his face being horribly mutilated by the shotgun blast that so fortunately missed his brain.
- Nausea Fuel: Was this In-Universe to most people he met, causing them to involuntarily vomit upon seeing him.
- The Unintelligible
- The Woobie
Proinsias Cassidy
- Car Fu: Attempted to drive a pickup into the Saint Of Killers, to no effect.
- Cool Shades
- Cursed with Awesome: His view of being a vampire.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Face Heel Turn
- Good Thing You Can Heal: He takes decapitation in stride. This is used against him when Herr Starr, furious at the depth of his error in kidnapping Cassidy instead of Jesse, calls in his old friend Frankie to continuously shoot him to near-death, then wait for him to heal, then repeat.
- Karma Houdini: After basically all of the skeletons in his closet are revealed at how much a monster he is, he pulls it off by making a deal with God to capture Genesis. The last pages show him alive, with his curse removed.
- To be fair, he also demanded that Jesse would survive no matter what happened as one of the conditions. He also lets himself burn to "death" in the sunlight. Before that, he let Jesse beat the shit out of him. It doesn't really make up for everything he did in the past, but at least he doesn't get away without some pain.
- Moral Event Horizon: After Jesse's supposed death, he gets a broken Tulip hooked on pills and booze so that she'll be totally dependent on him, and has sex with her multiple times while she's pretty much completely out of it. He does feel ashamed about it after, but still....
- Our Vampires Are Different: Loves garlic, is unaffected by holy water and crosses and survives decapitation. He can also enter a church, can't turn into anything, and doesn't need invitations to enter anyplace. He doesn't even have any fangs, just regular teeth. The sun's a killer, though.
- "I tried (turning into a bat) once. Broke both my legs."
- Redemption Equals Death
- Selective Obliviousness: Does this repeatedly, causing much grievous harm to other people. When Jesse calls him out repeatedly, he gets self-righteous.
- Took a Level in Jerkass: Especially after the events of War In The Sun
- Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?: "So I got kind of a question. 'Proinsias'?"
The Duke
- Imaginary Friend
- Expy: Who do you think?
- Lawyer-Friendly Cameo
- The Obi-Wan: Sort of became this after Jesse was possessed by Genesis.
- Ain't Too Proud to Beg: When The Saint finally cornered him, he begged for his life
- Dirty Coward: If it would mean any possible harm to him, he won't take a chance facing it
- God Is Evil
- God Is Flawed: It is eventually revealed that all of the world's problems are caused by being created by a guy who grew up in total solitude (because there wasn't any universe yet!) and thus developed what could be considered a narcissistic personality disorder as well as any number of related mental problems.
- Jerkass God
- Pet the Dog: He really didn't have to keep up his end of the bargain and Resurrect Cassidy and Jesse but he did anyway.
Herr Starr
- Butt Monkey: Undergoes a Humiliation Conga like no other. At the time of his death, this is the sum total of his injuries (deep breath:) One of his eyes is blind, one of his ears was shot off, a scar was carved over his head making it look like a gigantic penis, cannibals ate his leg and a rottweiler bit off his genitals. Oh, and he's bald and has a harsh voice, too. Since childhood. He literally becomes this when he is anally raped by Bill Glover.
- Compensating for Something: After losing his genitalia Herr Starr feels the need to get a bigger gun. And then stand in front of a mirror with it, muttering "Doomcock. Doomcock."
- Determinator: Hops his way out of the desert on one leg, falling every few steps.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Got his scar, voice, and baldness from a childhood incident where a gang of schoolboys cut his eye out with a piece of glass. They all ended up dead before his tenth birthday. This incident got him the job as the Chief Executioner of the Grail.
- The Starscream: To D'Aronique, who thinks being Genre Savvy about this will make using him anyway less risky.
Jacob "Jake" O'Hare
- Cluster F-Bomb: Somewhat averted, as he never really drops the f-bomb:
"Damn wife died. Damn baby's a girl." |
- Cuteness Proximity: After meeting his daughter for the first time:
"Aw, so you're a girl. That needn't be so bad." |
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Papa Wolf: Even though he wanted a son at first, he never failed to stand up for his daughter when necessary.
- Rated "M" for Manly
- Too Cool to Live: Was killed in a hunting accident when Tulip was 13.
Jesse Custer
- Badass Creed: Jesse Custer learned his from his father, cribbed from John Wayne;
John Custer: Don't take no shit off fools. Judge a person by what's in 'em, not how they look. An' you do the right thing. Be one of the good guys. 'Cause there's way too many of the bad. |
- Badass Normal: Before being posessed by Genesis.
- Badass Preacher
- Calling the Old Man Out: Only in this case, the old man is God
- Combat Pragmatist
- Compelling Voice: due to being possessed by Genesis
- Good Old Fisticuffs: Jesse's preferred fighting style, but can also be a Combat Pragmatist when the situation calls for it.
- Semi-Divine: As the result of having the "Word of God."
- Significant Anagram: Jesse Custer = Secret Jesus. Also, of course, his initials.
Jesus De Sade
- Anything That Moves: Quite literally. In his first appearance he was about to have intercourse with an armadillo.
- Depraved Bisexual: Well, Depraved Omnisexual may be a better way to put it.
- Badass Normal--Once killed a gorilla with a baseball bat.
Marie L'Angelle
- Evil Matriarch: Bordering on Complete Monster.
- "Bordering"?
Saint Of Killers
- Badass Boast: "There ain't worse than me in all of Hell. Go an' look." (Gunshot)
- Badass Grandpa
- Badass Longcoat
- Bottomless Magazines--His guns never need reloading, never miss, never jam, and with the exception of Cassidy, every shot is fatal.
- Determinator
- Did You Just Shoot The Devil In The Face?: Damn straight he did, and God as well.
- Implacable Man
- Instant Death Bullet
- Iron Woobie: In a series chock full of woobies, surely the sheer amount of crap this poor soul has been through has to take the cake. A former civil war soldier turned bounty hunter finally finds peace and happiness with a wife and child, only to have it cruelly ripped away from him by the whims of a Jerkass God.
- Like a Badass Out of Hell
- Nigh Invulnerable: Minus the "Nigh." Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, harms him, not even having a nuke dropped on him.
- Person of Mass Destruction
- Quick Draw: The Saint of Killers can draw his guns faster than a man can see. He uses this to shut down Jesse's Word the second time they meet.
Saint of Killers: "I'm bettin' I can clear holster 'fore your words hit the breeze, preacher. First twitch I see...that's what I'm gonna do." |
- Also;
Root (about the Saint): Then there's this blur an' the fucker's shootin'. |
- Rage Against the Heavens: After Jesse reveals to him his backstory.
Anything That Moves: And in some cases, anything that doesn't.
Tulip O'Hare
- Action Girl
- Badass Normal
- Raised by Dudes
- Straw Feminist: At her worst.
- Violently Protective Girlfriend: Mess with her man and you'll find out.