The Tarot Café/Characters
Characters from The Tarot Café include:
The main character of the series, Pamela is a fortune-teller with penchant for attracting interesting clientele, mostly after midnight.
- Attempted Rape - suffers this a few times.
- Badass - This is mostly due to being immortal and thus able to brush off injuries, but she's got the attitude to match.
- Berserk Button - Does not like being called an old lady.
- Brown Eyes
- Death Seeker
- Determinator
- Fetch Quest - has to gather the beads of Belial's necklace for Belus.
- Good Thing You Can Heal - A few times. She has a distinctly nonchalant attitude about it.
- Iron Woobie
- Mama Bear - do not mess with people she cares about.
- Princess Curls - in a flashback.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- Relationship Sue - is likable in spite of this, but yeah.
- So Beautiful It's a Curse - a few times.
- Shiny Midnight Black
- Sympathy for the Devil - In quite a few cases.
- Tarot Motifs - owns the eponymous Tarot Cafe.
- The First Cut Is the Deepest
- Tsundere - of Type Tsun.
- Unwitting Pawn
- Waif Prophet - Mostly in her early years, though she maintains her mysterious demeanor at times.
- Who Wants to Live Forever? - though she eventually learns to live with it.
A business partner of Pamela's (or rather, the business partner). He's asked Pamela to gather the beads of a certain necklace for him.
- Affably Evil
- Big Bad
- Depraved Bisexual - had a previous relationship with Ash as well as being in love with Pamela.
- Evil Plan
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant
- Green Eyes
- Heel Face Turn
- Let's Get Dangerous
- Obfuscating Stupidity - He's fond of fooling around, but he's not afraid of getting serious when he has to.
- Satan
- Trickster Mentor
- What Is This Thing You Call Love?
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
- Yandere
A sweet and innocent young boy who is taken in by Pamela. He also happens to be a werewolf.
- Abusive Parents - his father was physically abusive, and ended up selling him to a strange man for beer.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass - occasionally has traces of this.
- Bi the Way
- Blue Eyes
- Cursed with Awesome
- Earn Your Happy Ending - does he ever.
- Hair of Gold
- Mayfly-December Romance
- Moe
- Reincarnation Romance - with Nebiros.
- The Woobie - you will want to hug him. A lot.
A mysterious boy who shows up at the shop one day. He strongly resembles someone from Pamela's past, and seems to carry many secrets.
- Attempted Rape - suffers this a few times.
- Bishonen
- Blue Eyes
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder - at one point it's literal.
- Depraved Bisexual
- Evil Redhead
- Go Mad from the Revelation
- Despair Event Horizon - Belus is able to capture him because of this.
- Heel Face Turn
- Heroes Want Redheads
- James Bondage
- Jerkass Woobie - sure, he goes through hell, but in many ways, he's earned it.
- Love At First Sight - Implied to be a frequent target of this. It never ends well.
- Love Makes You Crazy
- Mind Screw - is pretty much this personified. Of course, he has some very good reasons for it...
- More Than Mind Control
- Reincarnation Romance - brutally subverted. He's in love with Belus instead.
- Unwitting Pawn
- Yandere
A friend of Axis who seeks revenge for his death.
- Badass Longcoat
- Berserk Button - After Axis' death, the sight of Pamela (or even hearing her name) sends him into a rage.
- Bi the Way
- Black Best Friend - to Axis.
- Body Horror: Belial put curse worms. In. His. BODY.
- Ensemble Darkhorse
- Fate Worse Than Death
- Jerkass Woobie
- Kuudere - To Axis.
- Love Redeems - Heavily subverted. He actually gets worse after being told that when he falls in love, he'll die.
- Obfuscating Stupidity - and The Reveal of it is awesome.
- Our Dragons Are Different
- Scary Black Man - or rather, scary black dragon.
- The First Cut Is the Deepest - Although it's somewhat ambiguous as to whether this is regarding Axis or Pamela.
- Tear Jerker - He's the only one of the main characters who doesn't have a happy ending
- To Hell and Back
- Token Minority
- Too Cool to Live
- Tsundere - Type A to begin with, but he really goes into tsuntsun mode whenever he's around Axis.
- Unwitting Pawn
A fortune teller, like Pamela. Also called "The Queen of the Dead".
- Deal with the Devil
- Domestic Abuse - Ash, you bastard.
- Earn Your Happy Ending - she's finally able to reach Heaven after several centuries.
- Good All Along
- Gorgeous Period Dress - her hanbok.
- I Am Who? - she's the reincarnation of Pamela's mother.
- Love Makes You Evil subverted!
- Waif Prophet - much more so than Pamela.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
- The Woobie - poor, poor Cora.
Pamela's first love. Despite (or perhaps because of) his brutal murder long ago, he holds sway over Pamela and Alecto.
- And I Must Scream
- Berserk Button - never hurt Pamela. Ever.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Bishonen
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass - despite being a dragon, he manages to pull this off.
- Deal with the Devil
- Face Heel Turn - mostly with his reincarnation, Ash, but he shows more than a few signs of this right before his death.
- Heroes Want Redheads
- I Just Want to Be Normal
- Meaningful Name
- My God, What Have I Done? - at the time of his death.
- Our Dragons Are Different
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
- Who Wants to Live Forever?
- Back to The Tarot Café