America's Next Top Model/Characters/Cycle Seven
CariDee English

CariDee English is an American fashion model and TV personality who won Cycle 7 of ANTM. She is the second ANTM winner from North Dakota, the first being Nicole Linkletter of Cycle 5.
Throughout the competition, the judges found much controversy in Caridees personality, which was considered notably more outgoing than that of the other contestants. She was noted for her striking comparability to Rebecca Romijn and Karolína Kurková. In the early stages of the cycle, her personality was considered fun and outgoing, most notably during her hiding dizzily at a panel challenge.
She was criticized for making an impulsive yet crude joke to fashion photographer and ANTM judge Nigel Barker during the bullfighting photo shoot in Barcelona, asking him Did you just remove that from your ass from the last panel? in regards to a large stick Barker was holding. However, English has stated that he actually joked back, and was never really mad. In panel, she took out a note and apologized to Barker.
There was a small bit of controversy regarding her on the show as well. She was shown speaking to her boyfriend on the phone in one episode. In the next episode, when the girls were overseas in Barcelona, she was shown passionately kissing one of the male models the girls worked with. English was interviewed saying that during that point, she and her boyfriend were seeing other people, and had since gotten back together.
Later on, the judges began to express concern that her personality may be a little too much. Because of this, the judges were unsure as to whether she was the person they wanted to represent Top Model, noting in the cycles finale that she was sometimes too unpredictable and unstable. However, she was crowned the winner over runner-up Melrose Bickerstaff because the judges said that she has the much sought after X-Factor.
In early 2008, English was voted as one of the most memorable contestants by AOL Entertainment Canada. With a flawless body and classic beauty, they said she was the first contestant everybody knew would win since the first episode.
- Crazy Enough to Work
- For the Lulz
- Fun Personified
- Genki Girl
- Green Eyes
- Hair of Gold
- Large Ham
- Ms. Fanservice: Auditioned with a garter on her leg, walked the runway photoshoot exposing one boob and often wore the most minimal clothing (usually mini-skirts).
Eugena: "CariDee just can't keep her clothes on." |
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Melrose in the final two.
- Refuge in Audacity
- The Rival: To Melrose, especially during the last episodes.
- Shameless Fanservice Girl: She seems to enjoy being the cycle's Ms. Fanservice a lot.
- Statuesque Stunner
- The Unfettered
- Wham! Line: She delivered two. First during the acting challenge. She and the other girls were just throwing out their frustrations through their lines. And then she said this:
CariDee: "I should try killing myself!" |
- Then of course the most infamous one. Nigel was about to shoot the top five involving a bull. He was holding a prop the girls will use for the photoshoot. Then she noticed it, jokingly saying...
Melrose Bickerstaff

Melissa Rose Bickerstaff, who now goes by the model name Melrose, is an American fashion model and fashion designer based in San Francisco, California, and signed to Storm Model Management. She first became well-known in 2006, when she placed as the runner-up in Cycle 7 of Americas Next Top Model.
On the series, Bickerstaff went by Melrose, claiming she removed the issa from her first name because she didnt need it. While making it to the final two on Top Model, Melrose was depicted as not well-liked by the other contestants, which was later revealed to E! as Manipulative Editing. Although her walk was deemed better than that of competitor CariDee English, she lost.
- Ambition Is Evil: She was the most driven, most serious, and most competent. And she was considered on the main mean girls of the season, but that was largely due to her brittle and driven nature.
- Blondes Are Evil: Post-makeover.
- Broken Ace: She's really good and knowledgeable, but she breaks down everytime she wasn't able to live up to her self-expectations.
- Genre Savvy
- Gray Eyes
- Ice Queen
- Indy Ploy: "Box Joyfully!"
- Insufferable Genius
- Meaningful Rename
- Ms Exposition
- The Perfectionist
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to CariDee in the final two.
- The Rival: To CariDee, especially in the last episodes.
- Serious Business
- Younger Than They Look
Eugena Washington

Eugena Washington was a contestant during Cycle 7 of ANTM.
- Brown Eyes
- Rapunzel Hair: For her makeover.
- The Resenter: Of Cycle 6.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- World of Cardboard Speech: Stated that she's better compared to the Cycle 6 girls. Boy was she proven wrong.
Tyra: "You're nowhere near the girls from Cycle 6, Eugena. Nowhere near them." |
Amanda Babin

Amanda Babin was a contestant on Cycle 7 of ANTM.
Before she joined Americas Next Top Model, Cycle 7 with Michelle, she was working as a sales associate at a local bookstore. She stands at 6 feet, and has always been eager to enter the fashion industry as a model.
Amanda initially tried out for Americas Next Top Model, Cycle 6, but was only accepted into the competition for the shows seventh season. As a finalist, Amanda was often criticized by the judges for looking awkward on the runway and in her photographs, but Amanda did her best to overcome her weaknesses, and she was able to make it a bit further than her twin sister, Michelle. She gained a spot on the top four with Eugena Washington, Melrose Bickerstaff and Caridee English. Amanda was in the bottom two for two straight weeks before she was finally eliminated for posing stiffly and too awkwardly. She was the tenth contestant to be sent home.
- Chaste Heroine
- Gray Eyes
- Noodle People
- Rapunzel Hair
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: She's the blue to Michelle's red.
- Ryu and Ken
- Sibling Team
- Sibling Yin-Yang
- Statuesque Stunner
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly Girl to Michelle's Tomboy.
Michelle Babin

Michelle Babin was a contestant on Cycle 7 of ANTM.
She and her twin sister, Amanda, both became finalists on Americas Next Top Model, Cycle 7. Michelle is an openly gay individual, and admits to having been a tomboy when she was in high school. Although modeling is something that Michelle is greatly interested in, her real passion lies in playing basketball.
As a finalist, Michelle was able to make it all the way to the top 5 along with her twin sister, Amanda, Eugena Washington, Melrose Bickerstaff and Caridee English. She got to spend her last week on the show in Barcelona, Spain, where the pre-photo shoot challenge was to attend as many go-see auditions as possible. The photo shoot required the remaining girls to pose at a bull-fighting arena for renowned photographer Nigel Barker. Although Michelles photographs were among the better ones, the judges were dismayed when she said she had the least potential out of the five remaining girls. The judges were also concerned with how Michelle seemed to be covering up for her sisters mistakes and weaknesses. Michelle and Amanda were placed at the bottom two, but it was Michelles lack of interest and commitment that drove the judges to eliminate her from the show.
After appearing on the show, Michelle faced a lot of scrutiny regarding her sexuality, as she unintentionally came out on the show. Currently, she is a student at Cypress College, where she is a member of the womens basketball team. Although her twin sister did not know about her sexuality until they appeared on the show, Michelle says that everything is well with Amanda, and that coming out did not change her relationship with their family. One of her favorite photo shoots was when she got to portray both Ellen DeGeneres and Portia DeRossi, who is Ellens real-life partner.
- Coming Out Story
- Gray Eyes
- Heroic Sacrifice: It is wildly believed that she deliberately threw the last panel challenge so Amanda will be kept instead of her because her sister wanted to win the competition more.
- Lipstick Lesbian
- Noodle People
- Rapunzel Hair
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: She's the Red to Amanda's blue.
- Ryu and Ken
- Sibling Team
- Sibling Yin-Yang
- Statuesque Stunner
- Together In Elimination: Subverted. She and Amanda were the bottom two, but she was the only one eliminated. Amanda was sent home the following week.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Tomboy to Amanda's Girly Girl.
Jaeda Young

Jaeda Young-Englund was a contestant on Cycle 7 of ANTM.
Before she became a finalist on Americas Next Top Model, Cycle 7, she spent most of her time studying. Jaeda had a difficult time growing up, as her classmates often teased her about her hair and would even yell racial slurs at her. However, her parents always made sure to compliment Jaeda, and when she went to college, other people also started to take notice of her beauty.
As a finalist on Americas Next Top Model, Cycle 7, Jaeda had a hard time believing Tyra Banks when the supermodel complimented her great bone structure and remarked that Jaeda had the perfect face to sport a short hairdo. Nevertheless, Jaeda made it all the way to the top 6, which meant that she, along with the other remaining girls, got to go to Barcelona, Spain. Upon arriving in Spain, the girls were told that their next challenge would include Spanish male models, and Jaeda was paired with model, Nacho. Things between Jaeda and Nacho started to sour when Nacho casually mentioned that he did not like African-American women. During the shoot, which was for a Secret Deodorant commercial, Jaeda could not concentrate and had trouble with her lines, as Nacho stepped out of the studio and did not offer to help her. In the end, Jaeda became the eighth contestant eliminated when the judges felt they could no longer tolerate Jaedas lack of improvement and constant appearance on the bottom two.
- Amazonian Beauty: Slightly, but this was exaggerated during the circus photoshoot.
- Bifauxnen: After her makeover.
- Brown Eyes
- Butt Monkey
- Huge Schoolgirl
- Statuesque Stunner
- Traumatic Haircut
Anchal Joseph

Born in New Delhi, India, Anchal and her family migrated to Homestead, Florida when she was 6 years old. She majored in Nuclear Medicine at Miami-Dade College-Homestead. She was only nineteen years old when she tried out for Americas Next Top Model, Cycle 7, but prior to her appearance on the show, she was working as a sales clerk in her hometown and had modeled for French Vogue and Zoom Magazine. Growing up, Anchal felt she was quite homely and unattractive, but when she got into modeling, she became a bit more confident.
Although Anchal suffered from the Ugly Duckling syndrome, supermodel Tyra Banks was one of the first people on Americas Next Top Model, Cycle 7 to compliment Anchal on her unique and tremendous beauty. However, as the weeks progressed, it became apparent that Anchal was very self-conscious about her figure, which was quite fuller than the other girls. The other girls and the judges noticed this about Anchal, most especially during her last photo shoot (where the girls were made to do different verb-adverb pair phrases such as dance aggressively), when she ran out in complete embarrassment after failing to carry out her modeling assignment. The judges took it as a sign of lack of commitment, and consequently, Anchal became the seventh to be sent home from the show.
Brooke Miller

Brooke left her high school during her last year in order to audition for Americas Next Top Model, Cycle 7. In the process, she wasnt able to attend her senior prom and her graduation, but aside from experiencing a bit of frustration, Brooke has no regrets about her appearance on the show.
When Brooke started out as a finalist on Americas Next Top Model, Cycle 7, she had a bit of difficulty adjusting, especially when she and the other thirteen finalists were made to pose naked for their group photo. However, Brooke eventually became more comfortable with the challenges and with the other girls. On Brookes last week on the show, she, along with the Babin twins, got to accompany Melrose Bickerstaff to a Seventeen Magazine photo shoot, after Melrose won a runway walk challenge facilitated by Elite Models director, Cathy Gould. The photo shoot following the challenge required the girls to pose with model Fabio, and although few of the other girls had a difficult time, Brooke was placed on the bottom two with Eugena Washington. Ultimately, the judges eliminated Brooke because they felt she didnt possess enough potential to be a great model.
- Blue Eyes
- Coming of Age Story
- Cry Cute
- The Cutie
- Genki Girl
- Hair of Gold: Pre-makeover.
- The Heart
- Morality Pet
- Shiny Midnight Black: Post-makeover.
- Tagalong Kid
AJ Stewart

Alexandra Jayne AJ Stewart was a contestant on Cycle 7 of ANTM.
Before she became a finalist on Americas Next Top Model, Cycle 7, she was in the process of completing her studies as an art major.
When A.J. started out as a finalist on Americas Next Top Model, Cycle 7, she was considered one of the strongest contestants on the show. She won a runway challenge where the girls were made to walk across big broken pieces of concrete while wearing high heels and masks that blurred their visions, but fumbled terribly when it came to doing a mock interview on the Red Carpet. Surprisingly, AJ was eliminated on the same week where she was considered CoverGirl of the week. Although she did a fairly good job of posing as both Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez on the photo shoot, the judges felt that AJ was no longer as committed to modeling as before. She was the fifth contestant to be sent home from the show.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Goth
- Only Known by Their Nickname
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin
- Shocking Elimination
- Tomboyish Name
Megg Morales

Megg is an aspiring model from Los Angeles, California. She was a retail stock clerk and had done a bit of modeling before she became a finalist on Americas Next Top Model, Cycle 7. Aside possessing a talent for modeling, Megg also knows how to sing and play the guitar.
Megg was the fourth girl eliminated from Americas Next Top Model, Cycle 7. On Meggs final week on the show, the photo shoot was about capturing the enigmatic world of a traveling circus and freak show. All the girls were given different assignments, and Megg was tasked to portray a bearded woman. She was unable to look more natural in her photographs, and her failure disappointed Top Model, Jay Manuel. Jay had expected a lot from Megg because she did very well during her audition. Upon seeing her picture from the Circus Freak Show photo shoot, Megg was dismayed and tried desperately to justify her failure. Sadly, the judges still felt that Megg, although beautiful, did not possess enough potential to become a model, and so they sent her home.
- Alliterative Name
- Cry Cute
- Genki Girl
- The Heart
- Morality Pet: Except for Melrose.
- Tagalong Kid
Monique Calhoun

Born Monique Babblesworth, Monique Calhoun is an aspiring model from Chicago, Illinois. Before she became a finalist on Americas Next Top Model, Cycle 7, Monique was working as a marketing representative.
As a finalist on Americas Next Top Model, Cycle 7, Monique was not very well-liked, as she not only cried and complained about the makeover she received from the show, but also reacted like a terrible sore loser when, upon being disqualified from one of the challenges, she decided to retaliate by not letting the other girls use the telephone in the house. Even when her fellow Top Model Finalists Melrose Bickerstaff and Anchal Joseph confronted her about her behavior, Monique continued to use the telephone, and only gave it up two and a half hours later. The following week, Monique was seen wiping her used underwear on Melroses bed after they had again argued over the use of the telephone. To the delight of some of the other finalists, Monique became the third contestant to be eliminated from the show, after she refused to do a photo shoot because she was feeling under the weather.
Megan Morris

Megan is an openly gay model from San Francisco, California. When she was 9, Megan broke her leg when she was involved in a plane crash. The accident left her left with scars on her leg as well, which she felt insecure about when she was growing up. However, as she got older, her perception about the scars changed, and she has now become more comfortable with them. She is a graduate of the University of San Francisco, where she majored in Media Studies and minored in African Studies. Aside from modeling, Megan is also interested in filmmaking. Before Megan became a finalist on Americas Next Top Model, Cycle 7, she was a 23 year-old bartender in her hometown.
Despite Megans good attitude towards her makeover on Americas Next Top Model, Cycle 7, she was the second one to be eliminated from show because she failed to use her great body and bone structure to her advantage during the photo shoots. Her best picture was still the weakest compared to the other girls photographs. Supermodel and Top Model judge Tyra Banks also commented that Megan seemed lost in her pictures. Consequently, Megan was the second girl to be eliminated from the show.
- Alliterative Name
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Expy: She's a more softer and feminine Kim from Cycle 5. Tyra and Twiggy think so, too.
- Lipstick Lesbian
- Nice Girl
Christian Evans

Christian Evans was a contestant during Cycle 7 of ANTM.
Before she joined Americas Next Top Model, Cycle 7, she was working as a bank teller in South Carolina. Her appearance on Americas Next Top Model, Cycle 7 was short-lived as she was the first girl to be eliminated from the show. Although she was extremely confident about her runway walk, Christian struggled greatly during the first photo shoot. The 13 finalists were asked to portray different model stereotypes, and Christian was the given the role of the model-turned-actress. She failed to come up with several poses for the photo shoot, and admitted that she could not fully understand the concept of the stereotype she was given. Her poor performance and seeming lack of potential drove the judges to send her home after only spending one week in the finals.
- Brown Eyes
- Hero Worshipper: To Tyra.
- Promoted Fangirl
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Tomboyish Name
- We Hardly Knew Ye