Most Wonderful Sound (Sugar Wiki)/Anime and Manga

Examples of the Most Wonderful Sound in Anime and Manga include:

  • The steady, humming cadence of the Super Saiyan battle aura in Dragonball Z.
  • Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha has the chambering of cartridges into the Intelligent Devices, especially those of the two leads. Carried to its logical conclusion here. Yeah.
  • Gunbuster's Buster Machine March. The sequel even had a scene especially made to subvert this.
  • The Newtype flash.
  • A certain sound effect occasionally used for energy weapon by Artmic. It can be found near the climax of Bubblegum Crisis episode 3 (when Priss destroys that last Boomer), or all over the anime-style training videos for Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future (Occurs a few seconds in here)
  • Mobile Suit Gundam 00 has several unique themes as part of its soundtrack, but the most notable of late has been Season 2 deploying a specific and highly recognizable music track whenever the protagonists are about to really pull something impressive off. Audible around the 3 minute mark here, as the Ptolemaios II enters the atmosphere.
    • Not sure if it's the same song, but this is the song that usually gets played right when the protagonists are about to kick some serious ass.
    • There's nothing quite like the sound of the Gundams's eyes flashing in the middle of a heavy action sequence, or right after one.
    • The Braves piloted by Graham Aker's squad in A Wakening of the Trailblazer have a particle rifle that fires with a highly pleasing sound effect.
  • The sound of the original Mobile Suit Gundam's beam rifle is so awesome that the Unicorn's beam magnum fires with the same sound.
  • The plink-plink-plink sound of the Freedom Gundam's targeting scope picking up ZAFT/Earth Alliance mobile suits, preparatory to unleashing a load of Beam Spam.
  • VrrrEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Ah, the sound of Mind Rape...
    • "Lelouch vi Britannia commands you!"
  • Drills. Spiral Gauges from that series as well.
  • The Mach 5 from Speed Racer had three specially distinctive and loved sounds: the starting, the engine and the "chuck-chuck-chuck" from the Auto Jack.
  • Bankai.
  • "Omae wa mou shinde iru." / "You're already dead."
    • Kokuoh galloping.
    • Lightning strikes that sometimes occur in the background.
  • Audible Sharpness. Specifically, the kind that was prevalent in 70s and 80s anime, whenever a sword was drawn and light curves up the blade. Shows up occasionally in Samurai Jack. Anyone have an example?
    • Urusei Yatsura, though I cannot even remember which OVA or OAV it was.
  • Speaking of Urusei Yatsura, This Troper loves the "twinkling" sound effect that you hear whenever Lum flies.
  • "Mii~" "Nipaa!"
  • Sata Andagi!
    • Nekokoneko: Nyaa~!
    • Heeeee~
      • In other words, Osaka's reaction to splitting chopsticks cleanly, a couple of years before Chiyo reveals the trick to it.
    • Sakaki giggling on the English track as she rolls around with Mayaa.
  • Hellsing's English dub: anything said by Alucard. Anything.
  • This may be subjective, but Light's laugh, especially the English version, is incredibly addictive.
    • Seconded so hard. This Troper keeps laughing along with him...or just at random moments. It's so infectious!
    • Sakujo sakujo sakujo sakujo sakujo!
  • Overlapping with Leitmotif (yet belonging here because it's not one single track), is the choral segment of Shiki Ryougi's asskicking music. Someone or something is going to get cut.
  • Admit it, when you hear the sound of the G-Stone sliding into place, follwed by the loud whine of Genesic GaoGaiGar's eyes lighting up, and concluded with a chorus letting off one loud note as the hair pops out, you know things are going to be Badass
  • The Big O's foot steps.
    • From the same clip, "Sure Promise" means it's time for an ass-whuppin', and Big O is the one doing the giving.
  • Haaaaaaaaaaoooooooooo... ohhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaa! When Dann of Thursday starts playing, shit gets real.
    • When Van turns his hat sideways, you hear the ring attached to it make a very distinctive jingle. Awesomeness ensues.
  • 3...2...1...let's jam! DUN-DUN DUN-DUN DUN-DUN DUN-DUN DAH-DAH!
  • Heat Guy J's steam release sound, often accompanied by bagpipes.
  • A lot of the sound effects on Sailor Moon. The best ones are the sounds being played before and during transformations and attacks.
    • That little bell noise made when Sailor Moon first appears in an episode is great.
    • Se! Ra! V!
  • Poyo!
  • The KCHA-doooOOOOO...sound that Poké Balls make in the Pokémon anime. Makes this troper's arms all tingly.
    • Not to mention the sound they make when the Pokémon is recalled: PSHHHEEEEWWW-dooooOOoo.
    • Or the sound they make when a Pokémon is successfully caught. Toh.
  • Naruto has many: the sounds made by many attacks (the bird-cry finish of a striking Chidori, the whirling of a Rasengan, and when one first sees the Rasenshuriken and hears that ringing sound, you just know it's gonna cause a shitload of damage if/when it hits), the sound of a Sharingan or Mangekyo Sharingan activating, and Killer-B's "WHEEEEEE!!!!!!."
    • Lariattoo!
    • WHEEEEEE!!!!!! may be found here.
    • Naruto's new form gives off a sound similar to a calm, soothing flame.
    • Also, the sound of a compressed bijuudama before being swallowed.
  • That little motif that plays at the beginning of the Ideon Gun music. Buuuumbaaaabababaaaaa.
  • The sounds the Transformers make while walking around in Transformers Victory, as well as Star Saber shouting "SABER BLAAAAADE!"
  • In the English dub of Digimon Adventure, there is that high pitched screech noise whenever a digimon digivolves. Like this.
    • In the Japanese original and most other foreign dubs, evolution sequences start with a loud guitar riff, the opening of the Theme Song Power Up Brave Heart. The riff is played regardless of whether Brave Heart follows, but it (and the evolution sequences) in an interesting twist comes across as downright eerie without Brave Heart following it; sometimes (notably in Our War Game) to the point of coming across as Hell Is That Noise instead. It may be a matter of recognition; if an evolution is happening and Brave Heart isn't playing, it's probably not going to end well...
    • Hell, any time an insert song comes on in any Digimon series.
  • English-dub Sana Kurata or Tohru Honda making that exasperated squeal. It makes their characters in my opinion.
  • Belldandy's singing voice is absolutely beautiful, especially in some of her drama albums and the movie. To put things in perspective, this troper was on the floor crying his eyes out after hearing this song.
  • One very specific line in the English dub of FLCL is this troper's Favorite Thing Ever: In episode 4, at some point after Naota and Kamon's epic airsoft battle, Mamimi says to Kitsurabami, "Actually, confusing cyborgs and robots is a common mistake." The way she slightly pauses after "actually" and "robots", and in general the fact that she's Stephanie Sheh is just... asssaldjfhjgaljshdflovelovelove ;~;.
  • When Kimbley in episode 61 of Brotherhood appeared from Pride's soul and started talking to him, therefore distracting Pride and making Ed win. The voice actor must have had something to do with it, though.

Kimbley: Oh, this won't do. This just won't do, homunculus Pride.
Pride: Kimbley? There's no way! How could you maintain your own self-awareness in this tempest of souls...?!
Kimbley: Tempest? You make me laugh. Howls of anguish are like are like lullabies to my ears!

    • Also the sound that any alchemical reaction (that isn't about to backfire horrifically) makes. Combine that with the blue light = epic.
  • One Piece has loads of wonderful sounds. Aside from the general awesome sounds most devil fruit transformations create, and the Audible Sharpness every sword has, there's some very good ones associated with individual characters' attacks. Let's see...
    • Whenever Bartholomew Kuma uses his power.
    • A lot of the Evil Laughs can qualify. Wost notably, Crocodile's "Kua ha ha ha" and to a lesser extent, Fukurou's "Chapapa"
    • Luffy: "Gear: Second." *Sssshhh.* "Gomu gomu no... *stretch* Jet Pistol!" *zuu thwack*
    • Zoro: "Santōryū Ougi: Sanzen Sekai! *Slash, slash, slash*
    • Sanji: *Zuu zuu zuu zuu zuu* Diable Jambe. *Whoosh*
    • Whitebeard's power's sound definitely qualifies.
  • T.K.'s Gratuitous English lines. "GET CHANCE AND LUCK!"
  • The sound that swords make when the wielder shifts grips. Sth-CHICK!
  • The first words the Pharoh says after arriving on the scene. Same goes for Yami Bakura. Bonus points for usually being a pun, or something like "I don't think you know who you're talking to." Both of them have voices about three octaves lower than their hosts, and when you hear them speak it only means one thing; shit's going down.
    • The Japanese Yami Bakura's evil cackle is addicting.
  • *flapflapflapflapflapflapflapflap*
    • *splooosh* *splash* *drain*
  • The guitar riff signalling the end of an episode of Ouran High School Host Club.
  • The sound that Touma's Imagine Breaker hand makes when it destroys any kind of supernatural spell. It's impossible to describe, but for some reason it's a perfect fit and gives this troper chills.
  • Sayuri's Verbal Tic "Ahaha." So cutesy and somewhat soothing.
  • Every time in a super robot show someone screams the name of the attack they're using, you know this is gonna be awesome. Prime example: ROCKET PUNCH!!!
  • The roar Shogoki/EVA-01 makes in bousou/berserk state is one of the most beautiful sounds this troper has ever heard. Hear it for yourself