Characters from the Read or Die anime/manga metaseries.

Major Characters

Yomiko Readman

Adorable Bookworm... and Badass Adorable Badass Bookworm.

A half-Japanese, half-British bookworm and Paper Master, able to telekinetically manipulate paper objects into many useful products.



Appears in: OVA, Read or Die manga, TV series
Voiced by: Rieko Miura (JP), Kimberly Yates (EN) in Read or Die, Helena Taylor (EN) in R.O.D the TV


Tropes associated with Yomiko:

Nancy Makuhari


An agent for the British Library who works alongside Yomiko. She possesses the ability to phase through solid objects at will. She is also an I-Jin, a clone of historical superspy Mata Hari.



Appears in: OVA, TV series.
Voiced by: Michiko Neya (JP), Amanda Winn-Lee (EN) in Read or Die, Carrie Savage (EN) in R.O.D the TV


Tropes associated with Nancy:

  • Action Mom: Mother to Junior in the TV series. However, the British Library took him away from her.
  • Cloning Blues
  • Intangible Woman: Her superpower.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: The second clone of her develops this and ironically forms an attachment to Yomiko.
  • Mirror Match: Fights the "evil" clone of her in the OVA.
  • The Mole
  • Sobriquet: Miss Deep (which she doesn't care for).
  • Woolseyism: In the original Japanese, she complains she doesn't like her codename because it isn't cute. In the dub, she complains she doesn't like her codename because it makes her sound like a porn star.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Ikkyu clones another Nancy and tries to kill the original when he realizes she developed an attachment to Yomiko.

Drake Anderson


An American soldier assigned to work with Yomiko and Nancy.



Appears in: OVA, TV series

  • Badass Normal: He's fought Paper Masters and lived to tell the tale.
  • Born Unlucky: According to himself.
  • Combat Pragmatist: A big part of his Badass Normal-itude.
  • Consummate Professional
  • Eagle Land: Flavour 1 - He's gruff and unapproachable, but he's loyal to a fault, and a thoroughly decent human being underneath it all.
  • Good Is Not Nice: He's a very scary man if you don't know him. If you do you know he's really just a big grouchy teddy-bear.
  • Papa Wolf: A family man, loves his daughter She his reason for helping Yomiko against Joker in the TV series
  • Phenotype Stereotype: Blonde, blue-eyed, built like a slab of pure muscle.
  • Unfazed Everyman: The only operative who doesn't have any powers and bemoans the fact he has to work with and against those that do.

Joseph Carpenter (Joker)


Acting head of the British Library.



Appears in: OVA, TV series


Wendy Earhart


Joe Carpenter's right-hand woman.
Appears in: OVA, TV series


The Paper Sisters (Michelle Cheung/Chan, Maggie Mui, and Anita King)


A trio of siblings from Hong Kong who, like Yomiko, are Paper Masters. Anita, the youngest one, does not possess the same love of books that Michelle and Maggie do. In fact, she hates them.



Appear in: Read or Dream manga, TV series


Nenene Sumiregawa


A young, world-renowned author under the protection of the Paper Masters (Yomiko in the manga series, and then Michelle, Maggie and Anita in the TV series).



Appears in: Read or Die manga, TV series

  • Badass Normal: Her older version in the TV series is hardly afraid of anything and she won't let anyone talk down to her.
  • Les Yay: With Yomiko and Maggie.
  • Meganekko
  • Most Writers Are Writers
  • Older and Wiser: TV series.
  • Sacred First Kiss: Averted. In the manga she gives her first kiss (rather forcefully) to a surprised Yomiko (who she didn't even know at that point) because she needed some inspiration for a love scene she was writing. Compared to finishing the book, her first kiss wasn't that important to her.
  • Teen Genius: Manga



A kid agent of the British Library And child of Nancy and Ikkyu from the OVA.



Appears in: TV series


Supporting Cast

Lee Linho


First appeared as Nenene's fan and public promoter, he turns out to be a Dokushensha agent who want to make use of Nenene's writings. Though he didn't lied when he said he liked her work.
Appears in: TV series


Hisami Hisaishi


One of Anita's classmates and closest friends.
Appears in: Read or Dream manga, TV series


Natsume Nishizono


Another Anita's classmate. She has an elder sister, Haruhi who she likes to brags about and likes to offer her sister's books for free in her class.
Appears in: TV series

  • Alpha Bitch: though everyone seems to like her
  • Deadpan Snarker: Sometimes
  • Genre Savvy
  • Large Ham: She really goes OTT when talking about her big sister's novels
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Sure sounds like an annoying class bully at first, but she just want to become friends with Anita, and she really didn't mind when Anita accidentally knocked her out over the head with a ball during a volleyball game.

Tohru Okahara


A boy from Anita's class, he often argues with her and appears to have some feelings for Hisami.
Appears in: Read or Dream manga, TV series


Mr. Kim


A Dokushensha agent who often seen followed by Sonny. He gives the paper sisters missions from the Dokushensha.
Appears in: TV series


Sonny Wong


A Dokushensha agent usually escorting Mr Kim and handing the payment to the paper sisters. Quoted to be the most powerful paper master seen by Nenene.
Appears in: TV series


The Gentleman


Founder of the British Library, a reality warper of enormous power.
Appears in: all incarnations


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