

Blu the Blue Macaw (Full name: Tyler Blu Gunderson) (Voiced by: Jesse Eisenberg)

Jewel the Blue Macaw (Voiced by: Anne Hathaway)

Rafael the Toco Toucan (Voiced by: George Lopez)

Pedro the Red-Crested Cardinal (Voiced by:

Nico the Canary (Voiced by: Jamie Foxx)


Nigel the Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo (Voiced by: Jermaine Clement)

  • Giggling Villain
  • Green-Eyed Monster: He became this after his former life as a TV star, when he got replaced by a prettier bird. Now he wants to take out his bitterness on all the pretty birds in the world.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: In one scene, he is seen eating a chicken drumstick. While this is actually common in Real Life Cockatoos, he uses it to terrorize other birds for sadistic pleasure.
  • "I Am" Song: "Pretty Bird". Also serves as his Villain Song.
  • I Was Quite a Looker: Says this before he begins his Villain Song. Judging from the poster, he wasn't lying.
  • Large Ham: Justified, as he used to be a superstar with his own television show and appeared in movies.
  • Made of Iron: Survives flying face first into a power transformer (which causes nearly all of Rio to lose electricity) with only some burnt feathers. At the end of the movie, he survives being hit by a plane propeller, but lost most of his feathers.
  • Bird in White Feathers: Considering he's a cockatoo, it's not like he has a choice...
  • Not Quite Dead: At the end of the film, he flies into an air plane propeller and lives, though with most of his feathers gone.
  • Oh Crap: He gets a good one before getting hit by the plane's propeller in the climax. Also gets one earlier when he flies into an electrical transformer.
  • Smug Snake
  • Surrounded by Idiots: His attitude after learning that the marmosets failed to capture Blu and Jewel.
  • Villain Song: See the "I Am" Song example above.

The Marmosets (Led by Mauro, who is voiced by Brian Baumgartner)


Luís the Bulldog (Voiced by: Tracy Morgan)



Linda Gunderson (Voiced by: Leslie Mann)


"Squawk squawkity squawk squawk! [beat] I'm sorry, I didn't mean to curse!"


Túlio Monteiro (Voiced by: Rodrigo Santoro)


Fernando (Voiced by: Jake T. Austin)

Marcel (Voiced by: Carlos Ponce)

Marcel's Assistants, Tipa and Armando (Tipa voiced by Jeff Garcia, Armando voiced by Davi Vieira)