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Characters found in the comic book series Asterix. Characters with a Dub Name Change has their original French name in the parentheses next to their English version name.

The Indomitable Gauls


The main character of the series, Asterix got into various adventures with his much larger friend Obelix.

Tropes exhibited by Asterix include:


Asterix's best friend and constant companion.

Tropes exhibited by Obelix include:

Dogmatix (Idefix)

Obelix's dog.

Tropes exhibited by Dogmatix include:

Getafix (Panoramix)

The elder and druid of the village. He is responsible for the creation of the magical potion that made the village invincible.

Tropes exhibited by Getafix include:

Vitalstatistix (Abraracourcix)

The chief of the village.

Tropes exhibited by Vitalstatistix include:

Cacofonix (Assurancetourix)

The village bard who is infamous for his infamously bad singing voice.

Tropes exhibited by Cacofonix include:

Fulliautomatix (Cetautomatix)

The blacksmith of the village.

Tropes exhibited by Fulliautomatix include:
  • Characterization Marches On: Fulliautomatix in Asterix the Gaul and Asterix and the Banquet looks and acts nothing like the character does in later books.
  • Drop the Hammer: Given that he's a blacksmith. But he seems to be all too willing to use it on Cacofonix and against the Roman soldiers in battle.
  • Jerkass: He's always starting fights with Unhygenix, hammering Cacofonix into the ground and mocking the advanced age of Geriatrix; he's basically the village bully.
  • Patronymic: His father is Semiautomatix.
  • Those Two Guys: With Unhygienix.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Unhygienix. He has also let on on a couple of occations that he doesn't really hate Cacophonix either.

Unhygienix (Ordralfabetix)

The fisherman of the village, also sells his fish in the market.

Tropes exhibited by Unhygienix include:

Geriatrix (Agecanonix)

The oldest villager.

Tropes exhibited by Geriatrix include:

Panacea (Falbala)

A beautiful villager. First introduced in Asterix the Legionary.

Tropes exhibited by Panacea include:


Julius Caesar

The leader of Rome based on the Real Life person. A recurring villain of the series.

Tropes exhibited by Caesar include:

The Pirates

A description of these characters goes here.

Tropes exhibited by the pirates include:


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by Cleopatra include:

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