Brainwashing for the Greater Good: Difference between revisions

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** Interestingly, Nova (one of the most powerful, if not THE most powerful, Terran psychics ever) actually ''chose'' to have her memory wiped, unable to cope with the memory of {{spoiler|her parents being murdered in front of her and living a year as a slave to a psychopath}}.
* In ''[[Mega Man Battle Network]] 5'', {{spoiler|the antagonist Dr. Regal gets his memory erased and becomes a nice guy. No repercussions. Less of a [[What the Hell, Hero?]] since it was done by Wily not the heroes}}.
* In ''[[Space Quest|Space Quest V]]'', Roger is pursued by the [[Killer Robot|terminoid]] assassin W-D40, a female android sent by the [[Mega Corp| Gippazoid Novelty Company]] who claims Roger [[Disproportionate Retribution| didn't pay for a Labion Terror Beast Mating Whistle]] he ordered via mail, which had been advertised as free. After Roger manages to outsmart and defeat W-D40 via his usual methods (mostly dumb luck) his engineer Cliffy manages to rebuild and reprogram her, and she becomes Roger's loyal science officer.
* In {{spoiler|Legion}}'s loyalty mission in ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'', the heroes find out a way to turn the {{spoiler|Heretic}} [[Cyber Cyclops|Geth]] against the Reapers by introducing a computer virus into their network, essentially overwriting their thoughts. Given that the 'verse features several villains (including the Reapers) and [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|Well Intentioned Extremists]] trying or succeeding in [[Not So Different|doing the same]] for their less-than-noble purposes, the parallels are made quite clear.
** Interestingly, this [[Grey and Gray Morality|isn't treated like the obvious good option]], with several characters pointing out that if you alter the geths' thoughts, you're still "killing" who they used to be. The alternative is to kill all those geth outright,'s still a strange moral issue.