El Cafe Du Watchog

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El Cafe du Watchog [dead link] (originally known as RP General during its time on 4Chan) is a Pokémon-based roleplay. It originally started as a series of joke threads, before evolving into a casual roleplay.

The roleplay's setting is primarily told in and around the cafe, owned by a Watchog named Caleb. The stories involve murder, demons, espionage, romance, and comedy. Later in the roleplay, several arcs are established, with the most recent being the rivalry between Magma International and Team Aqua. Pokemon and humans live as equals, but there are still Pokemon who choose to be trained by humans.

The story is set 9 years after Hoenn and before the Unova saga.

Tropes used in El Cafe Du Watchog include:
  • The Alcoholic: Arceus. Also The Stoner, as of late.
  • Almost Kiss: Between Turner and Tabanna.
  • Ambiguously Evil: Giratina. And possibly Arceus.
  • Ambiguous Gender: Krokorok. And Niederactus, before she was revealed to be female.
    • Ritsu Gothitelle is so ambiguous that not even its creator can tell you the gender.
  • Amnesiac Dissonance: Both Celia and Gordy.
  • Animal Wrongs Group: Team Plasma.
  • Apathetic Citizens: Krok, Zan, and Lei make no effort to help Azelf when he turns Asshole to stone right in front of them.
  • Back from the Dead: Steven Stone several times, along with Lucario of the thieves, Cynthia several times, Miri's Father/uncle twice, and several other characters, who are no longer active.
  • Badass Crew: Magma International's original admin team.
  • Baleful Polymorph: Giratina and Arceus occasionally torture people this way.
  • Bar Brawl: This happens when the Dread Plate-affected Cyrus and Kaleb go out to a bar handcuffed to each other and Cyrus starts jokingly hitting on Kaleb.
  • Beneath the Mask: Giratina seems to have a lot of insecurities she doesn't bring up.
  • Berserk Button: Caleb's is whenever someone orders limeade instead of coffee.
    • Also Zan, whenever someone calls him chubby.
    • Larvesta gets incredibly butthurt when anyone steals her necklace.
      • Or insults her parents.
    • Proton does not like being called a whore.
    • Nexus Dischordia doesn't like to be touched.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Cynthia lures people to her mansion before raping them.
    • Lovrina. You can go on all day about Lovrina.
  • Bi the Way: Turner would fall under this trope, yet having no relations with male characters, himself, likely classing him as a heteroromantic bisexual
    • Everett would fall under this Trope, too.
    • Just about every girl in RP Gen.
  • Butt Monkey: Tabanna, being an Audino. And Jeremy. Also Alt!Cyrus
  • Camp Gay: Ramen during his time in the story, along with the infamous Thimithear, well known among the Rper's as the one who started the thread that spanned into the craziness now taking place on a daily basis.
    • Alex in the Reverse Universe.
  • Coming Out Story: For both Lenny, Steven (sort of), and Zan.
  • The Chew Toy: Tabanna.
  • The Comically Serious: Cyrus, along with being The Stoic.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: Some (or all) of Magma International.
    • Nascour claims to control a corporation entitled Heartland Pharmaceuticals.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Kaleb and Gordy are actually good in battle.
  • The Corruption: The Dread Plate starts to take effect on Tabanna the Audino. Later, when Cyrus absorbs it, the plate taunts Cyrus by being an annoying voice in his head, and sometimes even takes control of him, leading to some interesting shenanigans.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Larvesta.
  • Deus Ex Machina: Arceus and Giratina, if they ever wanted to. Arceus even likes to taunt people in need with this.
    • Rayquaza during the Aqua ordeal
  • Dies Wide Open: Silver.
  • Dude in Distress: Gordy is brainwashed by Dr. Ilinad, and Kaleb, Jason, Squirtle, Treecko, and Cupcake come to his rescue.
  • Dogged Nice Guy: Turner, Trapunny, Lenny, Minccino, Kaleb, Everett, N, Zekiel (but only for Cynthia), and possibly Jeremy (for Stardust.)
  • Dropped a Bridget On Him: Genesect is female.
    • Trapunny the transexual Lopunny gave Jeremy a run for his money by posing as a female until some rather sexual actions revealed the truth.
    • Peta the Machoke is a girl, much to Zan's horror.
    • Yggdrasil and Gazriel, both male Gardevoir, were mistaken for a women.
    • Brodie loves to do this as well.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: Trapunny. He's a Male Lopunny. Do I seriously need to say more?
    • The player of Silver often referred to him as an androgen.
    • Cheren.
  • Eldritch Abomination: Gaavlaew was repeatedly referred to as this before his big reveal.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: Gordy nicknames Larvesta "Cupcake."
    • Many of the players call Gaavlaew, an Eldritch Abomination with the capability to destroy the world, "Gaavshit"
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Asshole is an asshole.
  • First Girl Wins: Larvesta ends up with Gordy.
  • God and Satan Are Both Jerks: Arceus is a drunkard who curses others for no apparent reason, while Giratina, who is portrayed as the Devil in this Roleplay, has rather questionable intentions and is quite mean as well.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: Half-Pokemon, Half-human hybrids exist.
  • Heel Face Turn: Cynthia, Giratina, the thieves, and Gordy. And Team Magma, who is not an evil team anymore.
  • Hollywood Pudgy: Tabanna and Zan.
  • Honest John's Dealership: Emolga often sells defunct or fake items to others for ridiculous prices.
  • Hitman With A Heart Of Gold: Jeremy.
    • Informed Attribute: He never killed anyone on-screen. He does attempt to bring in Ghetsis and Cynthia, though.
  • Jerkass Gods: Arceus and Giratina freely torture others for their own amusement. Arceus himself abuses his powers for the sake of abusing his powers. This comes back to bite him in the butt when his plates go missing.
    • Not forgetting Magikarp.
  • Jerkass: Several characters.
  • Keet: Gordy, as a Tepig.
  • Lovable Rogue: The Thieves and Brodie.
  • Magikarp Power: Magikarp. Started as a mere Magikarp in a fishbowl, got upgraded to being in a small mecha-suit, then to a tank and finally to full-blown God status.
  • The Medic: Dr. Zan Goose.
  • Mega Corp: Magma International.
  • Memetic Molester and Memetic Sex God: Cynthia, who, during her time in the story raped or attempted to rape most of the cast.
    • One of N's personalities, Desire.
  • Mineral MacGuffin: Stardust's shard.
  • Mister Seahorse: Arceus gets pregnant with llamas.
  • Moe: Tabanna and one of N's personalities, Sensitivity.
  • Mundane Fantastic: No one questions why Pokemon talk, or the fact that demons exist in the Pokemon world. Caleb himself is rather blase about his surroundings, and very few seem to care that Miri's father/uncle impregnated her.
    • When characters from other universes started appearing, no one seemed to bat an eye.
  • Mundane Utility: Arceus uses his powers to summon alcohol, throw parties, and crush cruise ships with Giratina.
  • My Master, Right or Wrong: Cynthia's Garchomp.
    • Proton. He was willing to follow Archer, even if his only real friend was endangered by it.
  • Naive Newcomer: Whoever joins the roleplay later. Most noticeably Ace Trainer Kaleb and Gold the Underage. Most recently has been Tom Jackal, who still hasn't gotten used to all the whims of RP Gen.
  • Nice Character, Mean Actor: Oshawott is a friendly character, the person who controls Oshawott is regularly a douchebag towards Jeremy.
  • No Endor Holocaust: Averted: Regigigas's battle with Lenny and Lucario has many casualties.
  • Won't Work On Me: Magikarp, Omachao, and Dickeater can "cockblock."
  • Official Couple: Celia and Jason, Arceus and Giratina, Turner and Miri, Gordy and Cupcake, Lenny and Isadora, Oshawott and Snivy, Zeke and Trixie, Wallace and Steven, Trapunny and Jeremy.
  • Only Sane Man: Caleb and Larvesta.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: Emolga's Manaphy disguise.
  • Parental Incest: Miri's dad/uncle, during the first story arc.
  • Parents Walk in At the Worst Time: Ghetsis commonly walks in on N's various sexual hijinks. The most amusing of these was when he walked in on N and Gazriel and promptly, Ghetsis tore out his other eye.
  • The Power of Hate: Silver's limeade is made with pure hatred as an ingredient, which makes the drink so delicious.
  • Platonic Life Partners: Lei and Genesect are married, but are not in love.
  • Police Are Useless: Averted with Jessica the Luxray and Looker.
  • Precocious Crush: Gordy, for Lei.
  • The Pollyanna: Lei and Gordy,
  • Pregnant Hostage: Gordy is found with an egg during his rescue.
  • Real Life Writes the Plot
  • Rescue Arc: A few times.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: Miri thinks this of Gordy when he gives her a flower.
    • Frankie the Furret, when he does anything.
    • Dittobro.
  • Retcon and Brother Chuck: A few times, notably when people disappear over a long time or quit.
  • Ship Tease: Archer and Proton, for a while. Lexine and Collum has been a long-running one. There are others as well.
  • Shrinking Violet: Tabanna, Kris, and one of N's personalities, Sensitivity.
  • Space Flu: Pseudeoxys and Destructoxys
  • Invisible to Gaydar: Lenny, Isadora, and Zan.
  • Sugar and Ice Personality: Giratina
  • Teens Are Monsters: Gordy, after he evolves.
  • Tournament Arc: Two of them.
  • Tragic Hero: Steven Stone
  • Transparent Closet: The first Simisage. The original threads revolved around Turner and Niederactus trying to help him come out.
  • Troubled but Cute: Silver, N.
  • Tsundere: Silver and Zan are both Type A Tsunderes.
  • Weasel Mascot: Caleb.
  • Widget Series
  • Will They or Won't They?: Caleb and Espeon.
  • Yandere: Cynthia's Garchomp, a Lopunny Gazriel banged, Janine.
  • Your Cheating Heart: Giratina has no problems flirting with an Arceus from another world in front of her husband.