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* The end of ''RE: Umbrella Chronicles'' pretty much states that Umbrella is now more of a terrorist organization under the control of Wesker.
** Confirmed in RE5. While not using the Umbrella name so much (this troper is unsure if Tricell is Wesker's company or an unrelated, but interested, party), they use its resources and former research to sell [[BO Ws]] on the black market.
*** Excella took over Tricell as the CEO thanks to Wesker, and her end of the deal was to help Wesker achieve [[Memetic Mutation|complete global saturation]] by supplying him with the missiles. Then again, Excella had her eyes on [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|something much bigger...]]
== The merchant in RE4 is a Ganado of the Chaotic Good type ==
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* This troper has been saying that the Plagas are aliens for a while now.
* This troper goes even further and says that the Progenitor Virus and all its derivatives are ''mircoscopic'' [[Eldritch Abominations]]. Hell, Marcus turns into a [[The Worm That Walks]] after his death to show up in Resident Evil 0. This troper would also go to suggest that Albert Wesker is now an avatar for Nyarlthotep, but cannot decide if this detracts from his favorite villain or adds to him.
* Yeah, well, they look like pretty [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|shitty]] [[Lovecraft Lite|abominations if you ask me]].
== The plants that grow around Raccoon City are wild, addictive hallucinogens ==
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** Oddly enough, when this troper saw HUNK's face, his first thought "HOLY FUCKING SHIT IT'S WESKER'S BROTHER!".
== The 'Complete Global Saturation' meme is going to get [[Rule Thirty Four34]]'d. ==
Let me ''not'' elaborate on just how it will happen.
** You might be interested in [ this video].
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Seeing as no matter which ending you get in ''3'', the other games hint that he's still out there somewhere without covering up his possible deaths, I've decided that he's probably either:
* '''A:''' A [[Badass Abnormal]]. Probably a part-Tyrant like Wesker, which always opens up the possibility of him being a recurring villain after the whole Raccoon City scenario, or at least appearing in one future game. [[Brother Chuck|Preferably one that includes Carlos.]] Though the fact that all serious villains seem to mutate/reveal themselves to be mutants would render that a little of a Wall Banger.
* '''B:''' A descendant of [[Why Won't You Die?|Rasputin]]... Somehow.
** Well, he was Russia's greatest love machine.
*** In that case, Sergei could be as well - and so might H.U.N.K., it's not like we know his name or where he's from, and being [[Made of Iron]] is his defining trait. Umbrella could have deliberately sought to recruit as many descendants of the [[Trope Namer]] for [[Rasputinian Death]] and could, at least so it looked, magically relieve hemophilia for U.B.C.S.
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== Wesker is suicidal in Resident Evil 5. ==
After years of trying to track down Ozwell Spencer, Wesker couldn't handle the revelation that he was being manipulated all along. So he cracked and, after [[Shut UP, Hannibal|killing Spencer]], could no longer muster the will to live. Unwilling to simply stop taking doses of the virus that keeps him alive and superpowered, he decides to commit [[Death Seeker|suicide by proxy]], using the only man in the world he [[Foe Yay|respects]]: [[The Hero|Chris Redfield]]. He starts by faking the death of Chris's old STARS associate and current partner, Jill Valentine. Then he devises a way to control Jill and use her as a puppet against Chris. Finally, he draws Chris into his trap, with Jill as the bait. The one factor he failed to consider was Sheva, Chris's [[Replacement Goldfish|new partner]], who he then tries to kill in order to inspire Chris to finish him. He fails, but still manages to get his grand final showdown with Chris. All that crap about [[Motive Decay|a new world order ushered in by Uroboros]] was just a cover story to disguise his true intentions.
* This would mean that Wesker also counted on Irving pulling a [[Leeroy Jenkins]] and alerting the BSAA to the dealings in Kijuju in order to lure Chris into this aforementioned trap.
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== Umbrella knew about Las Plagas from the beginning. ==
* Las Plagas hosts and T Virus infectees are both notably stronger, considerably tougher, more vicious, less hygiene-oriented, and can be controlled by a master organism (in the case of the Code Veronica version). The reason that Las Plagas victims are more cunning and less brain-chomping is that Las Plagas is a purer version of the T-Virus. In fact, the T-virus was Umbrella's attempt to recreate that superhuman effect, using the T-Virus to make Alice-quality super soldiers. (It results in many a [[One -Winged Angel]] in the game continuity because Las Plagas doesn't ''exactly'' work like Umbrella thinks it does.)
** If Las Plagas really is a primitive T-Virus, that explains how its fossilized spores can still be alive after hibernating for millions of years.
* Saddler probably worked for Umbrella, researching the Plagas fossils, but thought that using them practically was a pipe dream... until it wasn't and he figured it out. Saddler went rogue and used his research findings to make his own mind control cult, not being content with simply using bio-organic weaponry to conquer the world. Meanwhile, Wesker was not amused and sent Krauser and Ada to steal his research, seeing as that's the kind of information gold-mine that could put Umbrella (or a similar company) back on top.