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'''[https://www.youtube.com/user/h3h3Productions/featured h3h3 Productions]''' is a comedy channel on [[YouTube]] that first appeared in 2011. Run mainly by Jewish couple Ethan and Hila Klein, it typically features reactions and commentary on various videos as well as personal hijinks. These usually involve pranks, viral videos, anything by DJ Khaled and whatever catches the couple's attention or is submitted to them by fans.
It's notable for its rather impromptu, irreverent if not surreal comedy and [[Fountain of Memes|the loads and loads of memes]] that result from them. These are in addition to Ethan's unscripted eccentricities and the couple's antics on (and off)-camera.
A secondary channel originally set up by Hila can be found [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7pp40MU_6rLK5pvJYG3d0Q here], which also contains snippets of her and Ethan's everyday life.
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* [[A Date with Rosie Palms]]: In the review for [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BW5XRBmP4AY How Many Times], Ethan, in reaction to DJ Khaled's "beautiful" fupa, asks Hila for some privacy... and some tissues... and some moisturizer. Cut to Ethan's door, as he loudly masturbates to the fupa.
* [[Arch Enemy]]: As of late, the channel's become one for SoFloAntonio.
* [[Ascended Meme]]: Vape Nation.
* [[Audience Participation]]: Increasingly, Ethan and Hila have taken to being more personal with their own fanbase and often ask for suggestions on what stuff to cover.
* [[Badass Israeli]]: Hailing from Israel, Hila served in the IDF through conscription. Though she states that she was mainly doing desk jobs, her military training still surfaces occasionally.
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* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Hila, who's usually the cameraman, comes across as demure and shy at times. But every now and then, [[Badass Israeli|her past in the IDF]] becomes evident, which can come across as jarring.
** Even the otherwise amiable and friendly Ethan can be ''scathing'' if there's any need to.
* [[Berserk Button]]:
** Videos by pranksters like SoFloAntonio come across as this for Ethan.
** This extends as well to scam-artists, clickbait and generally sleazy, unethical schlock.
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* [[Bestiality is Depraved]]: In ''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17rZTpoXVzw Maregasm]'', Ethan is shocked at the fact that the couple in the video is "sexually active with animals":
{{quote|'''Ethan''': "He's like a [[Mormonism|Mormon]]. Except instead of two wives, he has a wife and a FUCKING HORSE, dude!"}}
* [[Big Applesauce]]: New York featured a bit more on the channel (in addition to a few cameos from their friend [[Jon TronJonTron]]) following the couple's move there.
** One of the Dangers of Social Media videos also features a disgruntled father speaking in a ''very'' blatant New Yorker accent.
''{{quote|Are ya crazy?! Are ya outta your moind?!}}''
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** In [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgjhpCj_yRI The Water Project], Ethan presents Diamond Water, seen in [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDkIl3WF3sc a previous h3h3 episode], and mentions the name Persian Pop Priestess.
** In [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYljaRS7g64 The Return of Sean], Ethan sees bracelets for sale and, very impressed with the variety, tries to haggle with the clerk.
* [[The Cameo]]: [[Jon TronJonTron]] has made a few cameo appearances in h3h3's more recent videos. It's also mutual, given how Ethan has appeared in Jon's work recently. {{spoiler|Even appearing [[Makes Just as Much Sense in Context|dressed-up as the Kool-Aid Man, demanding that Jon punch him in the liver]].}}
** [[Barack Obama|Former First Lady]] [[Celebrity Cameo|Michelle Obama]] makes an appearance in the channel's intro sequence, which is actually taken from [https://www.facebook.com/H3h3productions/videos/vb.457637544317014/728386557242110/?type=2&theater a Vine recording] addressed to a kid ''also'' named Ethan.
** Over time, others have also popped up in Ethan and Hila's videos, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjYxXg4wZDg including] [[PewDiePie]] of all people.
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** "We've got goofs, gaffs and we've got laughs."
** "It was a romp, a riot and a laugh." (with variations)
* [[ChekovChekhov's Gun]]: Discussed in [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUsQXymovS0 his review] of Jack and Jill, when [[Adam Sandler]]'s character meets the Mexican sleeping janitor, and Ethan expects him to be a character, not a one-off "joke." After all, "if you hang a gun, you gotta use it."
* [[Conspiracy Theories]]: Parodied in ''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onXbATmL--8 Jews Did 9/11 PROVEN]'', a revisit of [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCMdvOeGA-8 an earlier video], where Ethan looked at a YouTube channel blaming Jews for various tragedies.
* [[Cringe Comedy]]: "My Epic Collab With [[PewDiePie|Pewdiepie]]!!" is basically designed to make viewers feel uncomfortable... at least until Ethan's last suggestion, [[The Dog Bites Back|which is implied to be his revenge against]] [[JerkAssJerkass|PewDiePie]].
* [[Culture Clash]]: Occasionally pops up, especially if a video involves Ethan explaining some American custom or tradition to the Israeli-born Hila.
* [[Determinator]]: The channel itself has faced more than its share of threats and lawsuits over time. Ethan and Hila however, keep pushing through.
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:* More downplayed, but Ethan's "fupa" may be headed this way given his efforts to start losing weight.
* [[Dramatic Reading]]: Ethan read other contestants' profiles in ''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4JCF01NR6s WE WON A TRIP TO MEET DJ KHALED (apparently)]''.
* [[Early Installment Weirdness]]: The first videos on the channel look decidedly basic and featured more conventional attempts at comedy from Ethan.
* [[Epic Fail]]: Some of the stuff h3h3 covers tend to stop short of whatever they're aiming for and land into this instead.
* [[Fan Disservice]]: Any time Ethan goes around in his underwear or showing parts of his body. And naturally, [[Played for Laughs]].
* [[Forced Meme]]: Occasionally, though it tends to not necessarily be on Ethan or Hila's part but rather from the stuff they cover. [[Tropes Are Not Bad|Which more often than not, work]].
* [[Fountain of Memes]]: Many of the videos reacted and commented on in the channel, which have a tendency to speak for themselves - for good or ill. This is sometimes lampshaded by Ethan, with an occasional [["Not Making This Up" Disclaimer]].
* [[Gay Bravado]]: Parodied in ''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlVwcv0rl28 How to pick up girls]'', when Ethan pretends to act like a pick up artist who has no emotions with women, but really likes "his bros" ("Why aren't we fucking dudes by the way?", "I wanna fuck dudes!")
** Discussed in ''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vl_eILs66ZQ&feature=youtu.be&t=5m26s Reading the Good Looking Loser's Comments]'', when a commenter on Chris' forum [[Dramatically Missing the Point|completely misses the point]] of the joke.
* [[Granola Girl]]/[[New Age Retro Hippie]]:
** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDkIl3WF3sc The Power of Diamond Water] video in a nutshell.
** How Ethan and Hila interpret the videos of [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhBUgo4N3oo Rain] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyxNrC_7syE Florence], who does come across as a throwback to 1960s-70s counterculture.
* [[Growing the Beard]]: The videos have generally improved in both quality and content over time.
* [[Happily Married]]: Ethan and Hila, who show this even in their personal videos.
* [[Hair Flip]]: Ethan and Hila [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bCzbUiB87M were bewildered] when '''ETHAN BRADBERRY''' flipped his hair when using the smoke machine inside a house.
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* [[No Sense of Humor]]: Some of Ethan's observations on prank videos involve either how the ones making said pranks have ''no idea'' on how to make one, or how they're blurring the line between what's real and what's just a joke.
* [[Noodle Incident]]: Sometimes, off-camera events are brought up in passing that may or may not be true.
* [["Not Making This Up" Disclaimer]]: Some of the videos covered by Ethan and Hila sometimes require them to insist that yes, those exist. One example being the Become a Living <strikes>Meme</strikes> God video, which has Ethan pointing out incredulously how there are still (self-professed) druids in the 21st Century.
** When Ethan brings up [[Fan Disservice|an infamous]] [[Narm|porn video]] VitalyzdTv was involved in that went viral, he points out that yes, it exists on the internet.
** As it turns out, the beanie skit at the end of the [[True Art Is Incomprehensible]] video is [http://www.ebay.com/itm/-/111913567870 very real].
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** Both Hila and Ethan are visibly uncomfortable for a good portion of their ''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsssEFO7e8M The Thrust of an Indian God]'' video, partly due to the sleazy dry humping in the rural Indian dance number footage they're watching [[Unfortunate Implications|coming across as borderline rape]]. In the same video, they're also dumbfounded by the seizure-inducing K-Pop live concert footage.
** The now infamous #MemeGate, aka "Youtube Civil War" drama is also this for everyone involved. [[Rule of Cautious Editing Judgment|And that's about all one could say neutrally about it.]]
** Ethan's rather [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8fU2QG-lV0 deep look into] the gambling scene in ''[[Counter-Strike]]: Global Offensive'', just for how seriously he's taking the matter as well as how sleazy and far-reaching said sleaziness the whole affair is.
* [[Poe's Law]]: [[Discussed]] [[Played For Laughs|for laughs]] by Ethan in [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjtiX4Gv6m4 his reaction to ''KILLING BEST FRIEND PRANK'']
{{quote|"And that's why Sam Pepper is a genius: he blurs the distinction between parody and real prank."
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"Who is actually being pranked? Is it me? Is it you?"}}
* [[Political Correctness Gone Mad]]: Mercilessly mocked and criticized whenever it comes up.
* [[Reality Subtext]]: The cameos with [[JonTron]] in part stem from Hila Klein being a producer and propmaster for his videos.
* [[The Reason You Suck Speech]]: Even with the sort of stuff covered in the channel, it takes quite a bit to really get Ethan and Hila riled up. So far, the most notable ones who've reached that "threshold" include:
** Tai Lopez, for being so utterly fake, condescending to his supposed audience and exploiting others' gullibility under the guise of being some sort of self-help guru.
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*** "It's just a social experiment" (while sirens play and a logo pops up) and "It's just a felony experiment."
*** The "MoeAndET" logo appearing with chimes in the background to contrast with the horrible actions that are shown.
* [[Sanity Slippage]]: Subverted at the end of "Ethan Joins a 90s Boy Band": Ethan seemingly goes insane ''while'' finally realizing how ungodly stupid his dream of creating a [[So Bad It's Good|B4-4]]-style boy band is.
* [[Scare'Em Straight]]: Parodied and mocked mercilessly. The [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPYvLlNiN1 Dangers of Social Media] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmN8wH8LyBs videos] in particular not only show how ludicrously stupid such programmes are in practice, but also show Ethan speechless at the sheer insanity of it all.
* [[Self-Deprecation]]: Ethan and Hila tend to poke fun at themselves and their heritage. Eventually, this has extended to making jokes about their old videos.
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{{quote|'''Ethan''': They'd better start paying me, dude. I've been slinging this shit for years, man.}}
:* Subverted in [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDFyOla--zc?t=2m50s BFF Test]. It's now Diet Cherry Cola, although Pepsi Max does appear in more recent videos.
* [[True Art Is Incomprehensible]]: Parodied and lampooned in [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7ez-gIt08I this video on modern art] and how it tends to [[Viewers are Morons|treat audiences like idiots]].
* [[Verbal Tic]]:
** On-camera, Ethan tended to make a peculiar sound that not quite a cough, yet not quite a laugh either.
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** In [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8fU2QG-lV0 Deception, Lies, and CSGO], Ethan calls out ProSyndicate and TmarTn for effectively treating their audiences as this with their gambling shenanigans.
* [[What Happened To The Mouse]]: Sean, a friend of the couple who's also helped run h3h3, hasn't really been seen as of late. It's explained that he stayed behind in Israel while Ethan and Hila returned to America. [[The Bus Came Back|And then]], he came back in a [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYljaRS7g64 recent video] from Ethan and Hila's trip to Israel.
* [[What the Hell Hero]]: In [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8fU2QG-lV0 Deception, Lies, and CSGO], Ethan outright calls out [[Valve SoftwareCorporation]] for allowing sleazy gambling practices to go virtually unchecked. In the same video he also calls out Youtubers ProSyndicate and TmarTn for not only actively promoting said sleazy practices but even ''running'' a gambling site without disclosure.
* [[The Wiki Rule]]: The [https://web.archive.org/web/20161012070243/http://h3h3.wikia.com/wiki/H3h3_Wiki H3h3 Wiki] on [[Wikia]].
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: Ethan and Hila tend to also ''recommend'' some of the people they react to. Not necessarily because they agree with them but rather out of good faith.
** This can sometimes have hilarious consequences, like the host of How to Clean Your Gamer Gear playfully owning up to the lunacy of it years after it was made thanks to the h3h3 video.
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{{quote|[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v{{=}}lCdHP1BBR_c Remember guys, you are HEALTHY and BEAUTIFUL, no matter how FAT and UGLY you are!]}}
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Latest revision as of 16:44, 10 April 2024

/wiki/H3h3 Productionscreator

h3h3 Productions is a comedy channel on YouTube that first appeared in 2011. Run mainly by Jewish couple Ethan and Hila Klein, it typically features reactions and commentary on various videos as well as personal hijinks. These usually involve pranks, viral videos, anything by DJ Khaled and whatever catches the couple's attention or is submitted to them by fans.

Wow, Ethan, great moves! Keep it up. Proud of you.

It's notable for its rather impromptu, irreverent if not surreal comedy and the loads and loads of memes that result from them. These are in addition to Ethan's unscripted eccentricities and the couple's antics on (and off)-camera.

A secondary channel originally set up by Hila can be found here, which also contains snippets of her and Ethan's everyday life.

h3h3 Productions provides examples of the following tropes:
  • A Date with Rosie Palms: In the review for How Many Times, Ethan, in reaction to DJ Khaled's "beautiful" fupa, asks Hila for some privacy... and some tissues... and some moisturizer. Cut to Ethan's door, as he loudly masturbates to the fupa.
  • Arch Enemy: As of late, the channel's become one for SoFloAntonio.
  • Ascended Meme: Vape Nation.
  • Audience Participation: Increasingly, Ethan and Hila have taken to being more personal with their own fanbase and often ask for suggestions on what stuff to cover.
  • Badass Israeli: Hailing from Israel, Hila served in the IDF through conscription. Though she states that she was mainly doing desk jobs, her military training still surfaces occasionally.
  • Bait and Switch Comment/Getting Crap Past the Radar: Lampshaded and Parodied in Ethan Joins a 90s Boy Band. The song "Get Down" by B4-4, reviewed in the video, has the line "I'm gonna make you come tonight.. over to my house." Ethan parodies it by extending the pause between the lines to make it extremely awkward to Hila.
    • Discussed when Ethan is talking with music producer (and guest) Schmoyoho for boy band song ideas:

Ethan: So this is important, too: a lot of sexual innuendo. "I wanna make you come... over to my house." Right? So it's like... It's like "Yes, I wanna fuck you, but since dad's also listening to this song, I just wanna have you over dinner."

  • Parodied again in Ethan and Schmoyoho's finished song: "I'm gonna make you jizz... cuzzi with me tonight."
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Hila, who's usually the cameraman, comes across as demure and shy at times. But every now and then, her past in the IDF becomes evident, which can come across as jarring.
    • Even the otherwise amiable and friendly Ethan can be scathing if there's any need to.
  • Berserk Button:
    • Videos by pranksters like SoFloAntonio come across as this for Ethan.
    • This extends as well to scam-artists, clickbait and generally sleazy, unethical schlock.
    • Tai Lopez. It's enough to infuriate Ethan into ranting about how sleazy Lopez's shtick really is.
    • Ethan's also shown a hatred for Adam Sandler movies and more recently, the Fine Brothers. In part because they give Jewish people a bad name, among other reasons.
  • Bestiality is Depraved: In Maregasm, Ethan is shocked at the fact that the couple in the video is "sexually active with animals":

Ethan: "He's like a Mormon. Except instead of two wives, he has a wife and a FUCKING HORSE, dude!"

  • Big Applesauce: New York featured a bit more on the channel (in addition to a few cameos from their friend JonTron) following the couple's move there.
    • One of the Dangers of Social Media videos also features a disgruntled father speaking in a very blatant New Yorker accent.

Are ya crazy?! Are ya outta your moind?!

Ethan: I have to ask, dude: Are you aware of what year it is? People don't walk around in swords anymore, dude! People don't use swords in fights anymore, it's not- (beat) (to Hila) Do you think he knows that? I'm not sure if he knows that.

Ellen Sirot: For me, an injury really would mean—a paper cut or a broken nail or a little bruise, something mundane to you—would be a disaster for me.
Ethan: A disaster. 'A paper cut?' What a fuckin' disaster! "OOOHHH! A paper cut again?! Call my manager, Chris, I can't use the fucking phone, dude! I can't do anything! Chris, call my manager, tell him to- to cancel all my appointments for the next year." (loud cough)

Ethan: I've never seen someone stroking themselves in admiration. 'I am literally the perfect human being.'

  • No Sense of Humor: Some of Ethan's observations on prank videos involve either how the ones making said pranks have no idea on how to make one, or how they're blurring the line between what's real and what's just a joke.
  • Noodle Incident: Sometimes, off-camera events are brought up in passing that may or may not be true.
  • "Not Making This Up" Disclaimer: Some of the videos covered by Ethan and Hila sometimes require them to insist that yes, those exist. One example being the Become a Living Meme God video, which has Ethan pointing out incredulously how there are still (self-professed) druids in the 21st Century.
  • Oh Crap: A general reaction, given what sorts of videos are covered.
  • Oh, Wait!: In the review for How Many Times:

Ethan: "This is real hip-hop, guys. This is about the streets, this is about the struggle, this is about bringing the African-American community up, guys. ...Wait, no, it's not about any of that, it's about- it's about trying to have sex with prostitutes who wouldn't even have sex with you!

"And that's why Sam Pepper is a genius: he blurs the distinction between parody and real prank."
"Who is actually being pranked? Is it me? Is it you?"

  • Political Correctness Gone Mad: Mercilessly mocked and criticized whenever it comes up.
  • Reality Subtext: The cameos with JonTron in part stem from Hila Klein being a producer and propmaster for his videos.
  • The Reason You Suck Speech: Even with the sort of stuff covered in the channel, it takes quite a bit to really get Ethan and Hila riled up. So far, the most notable ones who've reached that "threshold" include:
    • Tai Lopez, for being so utterly fake, condescending to his supposed audience and exploiting others' gullibility under the guise of being some sort of self-help guru.
    • SoFloAntonio, for not just spamming YouTube with clickbait videos, many of which being stolen content from others. But more recently, for also exploiting Facebook to benefit himself while closing down and even threatening channels that criticize him.
    • The Fine Brothers, for the fiasco involving their Kids React To lineup and the very notion of reaction videos. And for their hypocrisy, lack of creativity and corporate opportunism, despite all their pretensions.
    • ProSyndicate and TmarTn, for tarnishing gaming and YouTube with their gambling antics and unethical practices, all while deceiving their audiences.
  • Refuge in Audacity: The channel tends to rely on this. Though at least some if also has to do with the couple's natural mannerisms.
  • Retraux: The intro sequence to the channel's videos wouldn't look out of place in a 1980s VHS special.
  • Running Gag: They do exist, but Ethan prefers to keep the jokes fresh, rather than repeat a gag all the time.
    • Mentioning Jeff Dunham.
    • Quoting DJ Khaled's memetic words ("Another One", "Say My Name", "Egg whites", "WOOO!", etc.).
    • Ethan rocking out to overly epic music in some videos.
    • The "rape dungeon."
    • Homosexual insults (sucking dicks).
    • Using sexual and medical infections as insults (HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis).
    • "YEEAAHH!"
    • Ethan treating Hila like garbage (it's just pretend).
    • In How to Traumatize Your Child PRANK:
      • Commenting about Ethan Bradberry's soulless eyes.
      • Ethan coining a new word for 'idiot'. "They're a bunch of Bradberries."
      • "It's just a social experiment" (while sirens play and a logo pops up) and "It's just a felony experiment."
      • The "MoeAndET" logo appearing with chimes in the background to contrast with the horrible actions that are shown.
  • Sanity Slippage: Subverted at the end of "Ethan Joins a 90s Boy Band": Ethan seemingly goes insane while finally realizing how ungodly stupid his dream of creating a B4-4-style boy band is.
  • Scare'Em Straight: Parodied and mocked mercilessly. The Dangers of Social Media videos in particular not only show how ludicrously stupid such programmes are in practice, but also show Ethan speechless at the sheer insanity of it all.
  • Self-Deprecation: Ethan and Hila tend to poke fun at themselves and their heritage. Eventually, this has extended to making jokes about their old videos.
  • Serious Business: Parodied in the GTA V news report reaction, when Ethan gets trash-talked online:

Hila: You can mute them, you know.
Ethan: Maybe I can just find a quiet place on the beach and meditate and let it go. (wincing) Really, Hila? Really? Is that your suggestion?
Ethan: I was made fun of on the Internet and you want me to let it go?!

  • Hila seems to treat video games as this.

gibe de pusi pls b0ss. meme gonzales is proud.

  • In The Water Project, Ethan and Hila read from the Diamond Water packaging and recognise the reference to Rihanna's "Diamond" ("Live healthy. Shine bright.")
  • The logo used for the channel is also a nod to Adult Swim.
  • The Show Must Go On: In The Thrust of an Indian God, both Ethan and Hila are stunned by how far K-Pop's willing to go to keep a concert going, even if it meant having a dancer having a seizure on stage for much longer than there's any need to be.
  • Sincerity Mode: Both Ethan and Hila were legitimately surprised by the support given to them by other Youtubers in the wake of a recent attempt to shut down their channel.
    • Ethan in the Deception, Lies, and CSGO video seems legitimately stunned by the sleaziness of the affair as well as concerned regarding the unfair implications against gamers and the industry alike.
  • Slice of Life: Sort of the case with the alternate Ethan and Hila channel, which includes snippets of their personal lives. Though even at their more candid moments, they're shown to be rather quirky.
  • Speaking, Like, Totally Teen: The host in the How to Clean Your Gamer Gear video tries so hard to be Totally Radical in what amounts to a glorified infomercial aimed at gamers, peddling canned air that it's cringeworthy to watch in action.
  • Streisand Effect: Attempts to shut down or slander the channel have done little more than bring more attention to Ethan and Hila.
  • Take That: To Jeff Dunham in the video which introduced the grotesque Jeff Dunnie Fuck Doll.

Ethan: (listening to his doll) What was that? (slams puppet into the sofa, slapping and punching it in the face) SHUT UP, JEFF DUNHAM!

Ethan: So the solution to everyone's problems, guys: get it together, this is America! Do you know what you need to do? Be rich! At any cost! This is a country for sociopaths by sociopaths, and if you have a moral compas, get out! Go to fucking Canada, you bitch! [...]

Ethan: They'd better start paying me, dude. I've been slinging this shit for years, man.

  • Subverted in BFF Test. It's now Diet Cherry Cola, although Pepsi Max does appear in more recent videos.