Kimi ni Todoke/Characters

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The characters of the anime and manga series Kimi Ni Todoke:

Main Characters

Sawako "Sadako" Kuronuma

An exercise in contrast.

 Motto: "Do one good deed each day."

Voiced by Mamiko Noto


A scary-looking, but incredibly kindhearted girl. Her resemblance to Sadako from The Ring has made her fellow classmates shun her for many years.

Shota Kazehaya

As nice as he looks... mostly.

 Motto: "Be guided by the truth."

Voiced by Daisuke Namikawa


Sawako's classmate and the most popular guy in school. On the first day of school, he got lost and was given directions by Sawako. He has since admired her and developed a crush on her, and is apparently the first person to ever stick around Sawako long enough for her to clear up a misunderstanding, and give her a confidence boost necessary to make more new friends.

Ayane Yano

The girl behind the curtain.

 Motto: "Handsomeness."

Voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro


Arguably Sawako's closest friend along with Yoshida. At face value, Yano seems like a perfect Alpha Bitch, but is actually deeply concerned for her friends' wellbeing.

  • Alpha Bitch: Subverted. She's fastidious about her appearances and socially adept, but turns out to be very kind.
  • Cool Big Sis: The most mature of the group, especially in relationships. Subverted, because she's no older than the rest of the pack.
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Evil Laugh: Even Yoshida is scared of her when she does that.
  • I Am Not Pretty: Says this in chapter 61
  • Manipulative Bitch: In a (usually) positive sense. She would make a great scheming shoujo manga villian, but fortunately she's on Sawako's side.
  • Not What It Looks Like: In the manga, when Pin sees Ayane with a swollen cheek (after having been slapped by her college ex-boyfriend for suggesting to break up), he automatically assumes a guy in the class did it.
  • Self Deprecation: Not as bad as Sawako but it's there.
  • Ship Tease: With Pin of all of people. Borders on Belligerent Sexual Tension.
    • She's also got some hints with Kent in Chapters 51 and 59.
    • Seemed to have a Third Option Love Interest in Mogi in Chapter 54, but this is mostly sunk as of Chapter 59.
  • The Smart Chick
  • Straight Man
  • Sugar and Ice Girl: Considered as 'cold' and 'arrogant' by her classmates at first, but is really kind and caring person... unless you make an enemy out of her, that is.
  • The Strategist
  • Team Mom
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly Girl (sort of) to Chizu's Tomboy.
  • Urban Legend Love Life: While rumored to have got around in middle school, Ayane has a college boyfriend. However, when she suggested breaking up, her boyfriend slapped her. Despite his apologies, she broke up with him anyway because of how clingy he had been acting.
  • Younger Than They Look: As the author herself pointed, that Yano looks about ten years older than she is.
    • Also, at the first day in the high school, Chizuru referred to her as 'sempai'.

Chizuru "Chizu/Chi" Yoshida

Smile. You'll live longer.

 Motto: "Eat in moderation."

Voiced by Yuko Sanpei


Yano's other half, and the more physical of the duo. Yoshida shares most of Yano's concerns regarding Sawako. She shows great athletic prowess and occasionally suffers lapses in "ladylike"-ness. Yoshida also displays romantic interest in Ryu's brother at first, and, seemingly and unbeknowst to herself in Ryu too.

Ryuu Sanada


 Motto: "A man of action, not words."

Voiced by Yuuichi Nakamura


Mostly silent, athletic, and non-judgmental classmate of the others. The few things he does say range from hilarious non-sequiturs to insightful meditations on human nature. Has a crush on Chizuru.

Kazuichi "Pin" Arai

Ruler of his own little world.

 Motto: "I'm always right."

Voiced by Yuuki Ono


Spiky-haired, slightly Delinquent-looking young substitute teacher of Sawako's class. Usually acts loud, cheerful and full of himself and likes to order around Ryuu and Kazehaya, whom he's known since the latter's childhood. Also has a strong fear of paranormal things and is extremely suspicious of Sawako.

Ume "Kurumi" Kurumizawa

Not as nice as she looks... mostly.

  Voiced by Aya Hirano


Manipulative girl with a crush on Kazehaya. She prefers the nickname "Kurumi," and uses this level of familiarity to gain Sawako's trust and sympathy. Her plan backfires, and instead leads Sawako to acknowledge her own feelings for Kazehaya. She also starts rumors about Yano and Yoshida, and pins them on Sawako to break up their friendship.

Kento "Kent" Miura

The wrench in the works.

  Voiced by Mamoru Miyano


A new classmate of Sawako in her second year, Kent becomes interested in Sawako and tries to help her connect to the class. Sawako's friendship with Kent causes Kazehaya to become jealous.

  • Betty and Veronica: Veronica to Kazehaya's Betty.
  • Chivalrous Pervert: Not really a pervert, but a flirt for sure.
  • Expy: He looks like Tamaki and even shares the same voice.
  • Hair of Gold
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Kent seems to have reconciled with the fact that Kazehaya and Sawako are a couple, but he is depressed when he sees them having fun together at the beach in Chapter 51.
  • Not What It Looks Like: When Kazehaya stumbles upon Sawako crying and Kent holding her by the arms, he assumes the worst out of a very confused Kent, who was just trying to comfort Sawako.
  • Only Known By Their Nickname: For the record, his actual name is Kento. Names of Japanese origin like Kento are written with kanji, and should be fully spelled out when romanized. The name Kent, on the other hand, is vaguely implied to be a nickname. Kent is the name seen most often (whether it be due to amateur translation or something else), so it has stuck with most of the fanbase.
  • The Rival: To Kazehaya. Though, it's really one-sided on Kazehaya's part.
  • Romantic False Lead: He sincerely wants to help Sawako connect more with her classmates, but his implied interest in her and the damage he does to Sawako and Kazehaya's relationship (though unintentional, because when Kazehaya told Kent that he liked someone, Kent told Sawako that she should give up on Kazehaya, unaware that Kazehaya likes Sawako) makes him one.
  • Ship Tease: Seems to be heading there with either Kurumi or Ayane.
    • Chapter 59 shows that it's likely to be Ayane.
    • Chapter 66 confirms that it's Ayane
  • Shout Out: To Kentaro Miura, maybe?
  • Spell My Name With an S: See above. Most fans are confused as to whether his real name is Kent or Kento.

Minor Characters

Soichi "Jo" Jonouchi

One of Kazehaya's close friends. Joe idolizes Kazehaya and is often in his company. He is oblivious towards the budding romance between Kazehaya and Sawako.

Eriko "Ekko" Hirano and Tomoko "Tomo" Endo

Two classmates who Sawako befriends.

Chigusa Takahashi

An eccentric girl in Sawako's class who Sawako sits in front of during the third seating change in their first year class.