Minimonsters, among all the Comedic Sociopathy, Toilet Humor and Crosses the Line Twice, is a story about the adventures of a group of True Companions, and as such, there's large moments that warm the reader's heart:

El Veneno de Porcelana (The Porcelain Poison)

  • When Victor moves to Villa Susto at the beginning of the first album, Piruja greets him (and falls for him right off the bat), enthusiastically telling him they'll be inseparable friends. Victor is unhappy about it, of course, but it's adorable seeing her like this.
    • Even more heartwarming is when you take into account Piruja is the only character to be constantly kind and friendly to him when everybody else understandably didn't care or hated his guts (Even Frank had ulterior motives in befriending him and told him point blank he's The Friend Nobody Likes)
  • Even taking into account his ulterior motives and gadfly demeanor, Frank trying to be friendly to Victor and getting him into his gang despite them (in particular Lupo) going against the idea is this. He even went to the town's sewers to help him, and affectionately pets his head when he cries, mistakenly believing he was moved. Even the Break the Haughty challenges were a form of Tough Love, a fact he spells out to him when he gets fed up with Victor's ungratefulness:

Frank: Look, Von Pijo, if I helped you is because, upon seeing you, I realized that, just as you were, you wouldn't be friends with anybody in school. Everything, from the bet to the challenges, I made it so my gang would meet you and you'd fit in, you idiot. Don't you see that if you stay alone, you'll be the bullies' favourite victim?!

  • When he hears of Rattus Sapiens' Evil Plan, Victor doesn't care if Villa Susto in its entirety gets poisoned, but gets extremely concerned when he realizes his family will drink the poisoned water, so he tries to get out of the sewers to alert them. Given his otherwise strained relationship with them, it's quite the Pet the Dog moment.
  • Frank's friends, Lupo in particular, express disapproval over Victor joining the gang, yet they go along with it regardless, since Frank is their friend and leader. It helps he gives Victor challenges to enter the gang and take him down a peg, which they happily join.
  • In Victor and Frank's conversation in the sewers, Frank tells him to come back and search for Piruja, so he finally could be part of the Gang. This leads to an hilarious (and adorable) Tsundere slip moment from Victor, as described here:

Victor: *to Frank* So annoying! Don't you see I don't wanna find her?
*Piruja's croacs sound in the sewers*
Victor: *overjoyed* YAY, I FOUND HER!!!
Victor: Ahem! I mean... Ugh, I found her...

  • The album ends with the gang celebrating Victor's official admission, cheering for him and for not seeing toilet bowls again. Considering all his perils throughout the album, this surely counts as heartwarming. Too bad they unknowingly drink the poison, and end up in the bathroom with a bad case of the runs. Yank the Dog's Chain, indeed.

El Perfeccionator (The Perfeccionator)

  • Seeing Frank in love with Henrietta is downright adorable. In fact, this love is part of the reason he makes the Perfeccionator: He wants to improve his physical appearance to attract her attention and feel good about himself. Consequently, it's heartbreaking seeing him suffer for love, and even more so when he turns into Miss Hit's Unwitting Pawn.
  • Frank and Gus' brotherly relationship is one of the most heartwarming in the entire comic, and it shows there at full force. Gus adores and idolizes Frank greatly, enthusiastically telling Miss Hit how much of an honor is sitting with him in class while complimenting him. When Victor tries to take over as leader, Gus is the most outraged at this, and immediately joins Frank in investigating the disappearances. It goes around the other way, too: Is pretty much stated Gus is Frank's best friend and, rather than putting him in danger, tells Gus to call the police and stay away from the conflict to protect him while the rest of the Gang goes to stop Miss Hit personally. Seriously, these two really care for one another.
  • Frank, despite being annoyed at Lupo's constant sleepiness, shows he cares a lot for him when he made him a security belt for his narcolepsy as a school project. This gets even more heartwarming when at the end Lupo was the only one who managed to pass the school assignment, and gave him Victor's truth mirror as thanks. Lupo's Batman Gambit against Victor was partially motivated by him considering Frank the gang's true leader, and happily calls him such when he comes back after (accidentally) defeating Quasim in Victor's place.
  • Victor has spent the entirety of the album being a jackass starscream-wannabe. After the reveal of the whole Henrietta/Miss Hit trainwreck, you would think he would just go back home and get out of this, especially after being utterly humiliated. Instead, he joins Frank, Lupo and Piruja in stopping Miss Hit and rescue everyone. Granted, he's still abrasive as always, but the fact he willingly joined to help his disliked friends to save people he doesn't give a crap for no reason whatsoever, it's an incredibly powerful Pet the Dog moment. Maybe he's not so bad after all...
    • This is even more heartwarming considering that in the previous album he had no compunctions over leading the citizens of Villa Susto to their deaths (Which would easily be his Moral Event Horizon), and in this album he reluctantly but willingly tries to save them from Miss Hit's machinations. Guess his time in Villa Susto is giving him some slivers of decency, however brief they may be.
  • At the end of the album, after Frank saves her, Henrietta sends him a photo of her as thanks. Frank himself tried to give her a gift: A Perfeccionator-ized butterfly. It's rejected by her dad due to her Ill Girl status, but his sister Francesca compensates by giving him a photo of her brother. Aaaww...
    • And what does Frank with the butterfly? He gives it to Piruja to compensate for using her potion to save Henrietta. Again: Aaaww...
  • The ending. Just... the ending. After going through a particularly exhausting Break the Cutie process, Frank ultimately saves Henrietta and the others from Miss Hit, getting compensation for it. Most importantly, he manages to accept himself thanks to the truth mirror Lupo gave him. The Tears of Joy he sheds upon seeing the mirror not breaking by his reflection is something to behold. It definitely counts as this trope, especially considering the previous album's hilarious Cruel Twist Ending.
    • It's not just him, really. Henrietta has spent her entire life as an Ill Girl secluded in her house, dealing with Miss Hit getting out of control. This left her a Broken Bird who drove people away in fear of her evil self hurting them. Thanks to Frank's intervention, she not only has better control of her other self, but has gained friends (and a possible boyfriend) along the way. She still has to deal with her problems, but her life is way happier than it used to be.

Historias para no Dormir (Sleepless Stories)

  • In "El Cómic" (The Comic), Gus puts all his friends as the main characters in his Sherlock Holmes-esque story. And it's adorable to see.
    • Also, he was kind enough to put Victor in the story (as the victim, but that's another story), considering he almost always treats him like shit.
  • In the "¡Vaya Perro!" (What a Dog!) story, Chopped enthusiastically trying to get Victor to play with him.
  • In "Surfeando" (Surfing), Momses teaching Frank how to surf.
  • In "Los Sustitutos the Chopped" (Chopped's Replacements), the Frank's Gang playing with Chopped at the beginning.
  • In "Lupo y sus Hermanos" (Lupo's Siblings), Momses goes to Lupo's house to play outside, only to find out he can't due to him taking care of his younger siblings. What does he do? He helps him in taking care of them, of course!
    • Also, his younger siblings wanting to play with Momses. The fact they're Ridiculously Cute Critters only makes this more adorable.
    • Also, seeing Lupo acting like a responsible older brother with them. Of course, he falls asleep soon afterwards, and his little siblings have to take care of him instead. It's heartwarming regardless.
  • In "Los Inventos de Frank" (Frank's Inventions), we get a brief one when Lupo kindly tells Victor to relax and take things more calmly like him. It's heartwarming because most of his interactions with him are between making cutting remarks at his expense, or just being plain hostile towards him.
  • In "Maldita Claus ha venido, y a todos regalos nos ha traído" (Santa Curse has come, with presents for everyone), it's both funny and adorable to see the kids' happily with their Christmas presents. Even moreso seeing both Frank and Morty's gangs getting along with each other for once.
  • In "De Visita" (Visiting), Frank going to Henrietta's house and trying to give her a gift for Valentine's Day, in his full Adorkable glory.
  • Almost the entire "¿Cuál es tu lugar favorito de Villa Susto?" (Where is your favourite place in Villa Susto?) story, in which Frank, Piruja, Gus, Lupo, Quasim, Billy and Momses happily discuss where's their favorite place in there. Oh, and there's Victor, who instead says he hates the town.
  • In "Cambio Radical" (Wild Makeover), Guillotine helping Piruja in conquering Victor by giving her a makeover. It fails, though.
  • In the longest story of the album, "Una Velada con los Von Piro" (Dinner with the Von Piros), despite being largely about the weird meeting of the Von Piros and the Einsteins, it shows there's barely any resentment between the families. In particular, the Von Piros are shown, despite their eccentricities, to be very friendly and courteous with the Einsteins, while other rich families would have criticized them for their lower status. Also, it shows them having something in common: They're embarrassing as hell.
    • Also, there's Frank's older sister Francesca playing with Victor's dog Chopped. It's about one of the rare occassions she smiles and has a fun time, considering her usual behavior.
  • In "La Prima de Victor" (Victor's Cousin), at the end, we see Quasim being friendly with Victor's cousin Dayana after seeing her Stylistic Suck drawings. You can pick your jaw over the floor now.

El Gran Partido de Calabacesto (The Great Pumpkinball Match)

  • When Frank and Morty discuss the conditions of their match's bet, they decide what they want of the other if their respective teams win the match. What does Morty want? Frank's brains. Frank? Getting Victor back to his gang. That's right: Despite Victor's betrayal, he still cares for him, at least enough not to let him in Morty's company.
  • Frank reacting with utter joy when Piruja comes back to serve as the team's fifth member.
  • Piruja's mom is an Extreme Omnisexual, which causes problems to her and especially Piruja. But when her spider boyfriend Arrmando el Arraña goes nuts and tries to eat Piruja, she wastes no time in kicking his ass to save her daughter. That's Mama Bear at its finest.
  • While Mrs. Einstein constantly kissing Frank is hilarious, it shows how much she loves her son. She even tells him she's proud of him when he sees him trying to intervene between Víctor, Lupo and Momses while the latter two confront the former about his betrayal.
  • After winning the match, Frank offers Gus to carry the trophy by calling him "the best Torch Captain ever".
  • The whole match shows how much Frank's Gang (Fresita Team) and Morty's Gang (Muerte Chunga Team) contrast with each other. The latter may seem cool on the surface, but in reality they're a mess due to inward tensions and overall stupidity, only managing to score by cheating. The former, while seemingly embarrassing in appearance, manage to work incredibly well together via teamwork. Hell, which team do you think ultimately won the match?

Cazador de Monstruos (The Monster Hunter)

  • Piruja shows herself to be an avid shipper, squeeing at Frank/Henrietta and Lupo/Nieve as the adventure goes on.
  • After falling into the cave, Víctor has to calm Gus down. When he hears Víctor screaming, Gus returns the favor with help from Chopped and Buena Suerte. True, he wasn't actually freaking out, but it's the thought that counts.
  • Piruja, Lupo, and Nieve teaming up to stop Flan Helsing. Piruja and Nieve even do a high-five!
  • Chopped and Buena Suerte completely slam the dog-cat rivalry stereotype by having the former save the latter without second thoughts.
  • Lupo and Nieve's relationship development is this in itself. Thanks to their adventure, they go from hating each other's guts to having a crush on the other. Especially at the end, when Nieve promises to visit them and Lupo compliments her for her smell, with her being weirded out yet flattered over it.
  • When told about the Snow Mandrake, Henrietta wants to use it to stop transforming into Miss Hit. Why? Because she wants to stop accidentally hurting the guy she likes (ie. Frank). If there was any doubt she reciprocated Frank's feelings, this pretty much should dispel all of them.
    • At the end, Henrietta is sad because she couldn't use the mandrake. Frank tells her not to worry, since he has started to like Miss Hit a bit too.
  • Miss Hit has come a long way since her debut. She goes Leeroy Jenkins on Flan Helsing's ass while calling the Frank's Gang her friends (while she previously tried to brainwash them), and has gone from hating Frank to sharing Henrietta's crush on him, to the point of getting offended when he said he only liked her one bit. Not bad from the series' first Knight of Cerebus.
  • After seeing that Lupe has lost her doll, Piruja gives her the Snow Mandrake as a replacement.

"Todo Minimonsters" Extras

  • In "Chica Nueva en Clase" ("New Girl in Class"), Billy tries to be nice to Henrietta after the two are paired up. Given he's The Pig Pen, though, his methods are hilariously inappropriate, a fact not helped by Henrietta being an extremely Ill Girl.
    • Even though she's clearly discomforted by it, she patiently and politely deals with it, knowing he is just being friendly to her, at least until she has enough. Even so, she didn't snap into Miss Hit at him, which means a lot.
    • Hell, the fact that Henrietta goes to school is heartwarming in itself. She's no longer the Broken Bird we saw at the beginning of "El Perfeccionator": She's now a cheerful young girl ecstatic about being in class with her newfound friends and Love Interest, who are clearly happy to see her.
  • The "Todo Minimonsters"'s extra drawings frequently portray Frank's Gang in usually weird situations. While always hilarious, it's adorable seeing all the six characters (Victor, Frank, Piruja, Lupo, Gus and Momses) together as a group. This image in particular shows the whole group as close-knit friends who will face anything together, whether they want to or not.
    • If there was any doubt the Frank's Gang are True Companions, David Ramírez's twitter describes them as "inseparable friends".

Meta examples

  • When "Minimonsters" ran on the ¡Dibus! magazine, the creator, David Ramirez, has always been shown to be very close to his fanbase. Some of the things introduced at the comics where their fans' ideas, both characters and stories.
    • Even better, there's a lot of his fans who post his signatures with drawings of the characters in it. Heartwarming indeed.
  • Why did the "Todo Minimonsters" compilatory album came to life? The author wanted to both appeal to the nostalgic fans and attract a new generation of kids.

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