Advance Wars: Eternal War/Characters
Characters in Advance Wars: Eternal War.
This is currently a work in progress. Most character sheets are incomplete.
Cobalt Ice
"Humans are weak. Machines are eternal." |
Cobalt Ice's commander, he's a nerd with a terrible dislike of humanity and the appearance-based society. He turned out to love machines for their power, efficiency, and absence of bias. Determined to change the world for the better, he joined the military to make worth dependant on one's intellect rather than one's looks.
- Blue Blood: Emphasis with the color of his units for good measure.
- The Chessmaster: Pulling off a Xanatos Gambit means he's one.
- Cold Sniper: But no, his specialty isn't indirect units.
- Cultured Warrior: When he is calm.
- Does Not Like People
- Evil Brit: Though not technically from London. He has the accent, and he's stuck-up enough to be candidate.
- God Mode: How did he have those explosives in Pink Cosmos territory anyway?
- Lack of Empathy: It seems pretty obvious, given how he hates humans.
- Mean Brit: While all Cobalt Ice is "British", Jonathan is by far the meanest.
- Nerd in Evil's Helmet: His attire includes his military helmet.
- No Social Skills: Why he has weaker infantry.
- No Sympathy: Idem.
- Salt the Earth: What he does when using unethical weaponry.
- Sharp-Dressed Man
- Society Is to Blame
- Xanatos Gambit: His very first warring action was one. Cue Crowning Moment of Awesome.
Second-in-command of the Cobalt Ice Army, and the youngest-looking person around. He is a crazy kid with his own inventions, namely an EMP Cannon, a cyborg bear and a ship made ENTIRELY OUT OF GUNS! His childish behaviour and his crazy-awesomeness made him rather arrogant despite his cheerful personality.
- Affably Evil: If you're from Cobalt Ice, Flash is a crazy Cheerful Child, if a bit strange.
- Bratty Half-Pint: Already said.
- Cheerful Child: Maintains the looks despite being absolutely crazy.
- Creepy Child: How weird is he? he has a plane made ENTIRELY OUT OF GUNS!
- The Dragon: Also is The Evil Genius.
- Enfant Terrible: To quote him, bloodstains make pretty patterns.
- Everything's worse with cyborg bears.
- Improbable Age: 14 years old. Second-in-command of the Cobalt Ice Army.
- Stealth Pun: Notice how his name seems to be a portmanteau of Flak and Lash. And it was unintended.
- Teens Are Monsters: If he's not downright evil, he's at least a bit alienated.
Knight Owl
"Strike the humans down, faster than lightning itself!" |
A creepy human-owl hybrid created from an experiment gone horribly wrong or right depending on how you look at it. He's terribly tall (7.2 feet tall), which accentuates his "misshaped" appearance.
- Ace Pilot: Well, air is his specialty.
- Half-Human Hybrid: As his name says.
- Kill All Humans: See the quote above.
- Shock and Awe: The name of his Super CO Power.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky: Subtly played with: Knight Owl has all traits to be that kind of person, but lacks the admiration of people because he's "too hideous". He hates them even more than a standard Tall, Dark and Snarky character would do.
- Put on a Bus: Due to Roleplayer Existence Failure. Though he may be used by another member.
Pink Cosmos
Pink Queen
"War is fun!" |
Pink Cosmos's mysterious leader, put in command of the country's military by her father. All is known about her is that she's fond of destruction and explosions; and sees war mostly as a game. One she always wins. Also, she made a law forcing people to wear one visible item of pink clothing at least.
- Blue Blood
- Bratty Teenage Daughter: She's 16.
- Crazy Prepared: No matter what, she's prepared. Well... at least Word of God says so.
- Creepy Child
- Enfant Terrible
- Expy: Suspected to be one of London Tipton, with guns. A Rich Bitch with a powerful unseen father and wearing fancy dresses...
- The Fashionista
- God, save us from the Pink Queen!
- Improbable Age: Yeah, in charge of Pink Cosmos's military at 16.
- Long List: The list of what she needs.
- Military Brat
- Military Maverick
"We're under attack? Who cares? Do you like my new eye-liner?" |
- Noblewoman's Laugh
- Overly Long Name: Her true name, according to Word of God.
- Screw the Rules, I Have Connections
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money
- Straight Edge Evil: And a rare Chaotic Evil one.
- Spoiled Brat
"The engine of any existence is its own interest. No matter what." |
A pink-skinned cyborg, only successful subject of an experiment. He formerly was an orphan before being captured at age six and experimented on by Pink Cosmos military scientists. Major believer in humanity's bad nature, his part-robotic nature completely twisted his reasoning. His completely weird body goes with pink skin, and hair.
- A Real Man Is a Killer: He thinks that.
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Not exactly since he's not a robot.
- All Take and No Give: His philosophy.
- Amazing Technicolor Population: He has pink skin!
- Blood Knight
- The Cynic: "Believes that people are exclusively motivated by self-interest." Look at his quote again.
- Expy: Of Seth, Street Fighter IV 's infamous SNK Boss. Obviously, he himself is not that broken.
- Extreme Doormat: Has been this to the Pink Queen during his Character Establishing Moment, as a bit of Irony.
- For the Evulz: A hint: his CO Power is named Black Hole.
- Glass Cannon: His fighting style when not using CO Powers.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: During CO Powers. Not that it has any importance.
- Gotta Kill Them All
- Humans Are Flawed and Humans Are the Real Monsters: His main lines.
- Icy Blue Eyes
- Immortality Begins At Twenty: His brain has been transplanted into a cyborg at the age of 20. Chances are he isn't dying soon.
- Improbable Hairstyle: Messy, spiky pink hair.
- Jerkass: Leans towards this.
- Killer Robot
- Mad Scientist: Illegally uses the Pink Cosmos military's Science Department via threats and use of his rank.
- Meaningful Name: Brutally inverted. Wax is Made of Iron, not of wax.
- More Than Mind Control: Over 40 mini-robots. For uses completely unknown.
"Yay! They're so funny! Make them dance!"
—The Pink Queen
- No Social Skills: Being a Jerkass helps. Really.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: 5 feet tall, which means he's probably the smallest Pink Cosmos CO. yet he's a cyborg, with fitting strength.
- Power of the Void: Subverted: it's ONLY in the name of his CO Powers that it is mentioned.
- Psycho for Hire: He's a CO for the sole reason he can crush people.
- Psycho Prototype: Though the experiment that created him didn't produce any other cyborgs of his kind.
- Smug Super
- Space Master: Though the names of his CO Powers are wind and void-themed, they actually rely on space distortions, the only constant common to both his CO Powers.
- The Evil Genius / The Brute: His intelligence is close to the former, his behaviour to the latter.
- Unusual Eyebrows: What is unusual is that he doesn't have eyebrows, actually.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: When he's walking.
- Xanatos Gambit: Riposts to Cobalt Ice via using a paint bomb. Either way, Cobalt Ice would either lose credibility, or give him a Pretext for War.
Jade Sun
Shadow Soul
"Those that are worthy are few, but the shadows themselves will aid us!" |
A Ninja, leader of Jade Sun. Mostly belonging to the traditional kind of Ninjas, in that he is always in a black outfit. It seems he joined for the only purpose of teaching the other countries which one is the best (which he surely believes is Jade Sun). Mostly referred to as Shadow.
"Always be ready for the unexpected and you'll win." |
- Dark Is Evil: Or at the very least dark is a dangerously fanatical.
- Knife Nut: He has dozens of knifes hidden all other his body. The Joker would be proud.
- Knight Templar: His only goal seems to be proving the superiority of Jade Sun to the world.
- Ninja: Thank you, Captain Obvious.
- Yellow Peril: If one assumes that he's of oriental ascendance because he's a ninja.
"Isn't the sky lovely? Better than boring land or sea..." |
A 15-year-old white-haired ditzy airhead. She loves the sky, and flying. She's mostly calm, though she can really become mad, angry, or overall excited when the moment comes. And she hates water because she can not swim.
- Ace Pilot: She even has the goggles as a family heirloom. Remember Eagle?
- Military Maverick: She'd choose staring at the sky a hundred times over doing war.
- Must Have Caffeine: And, by that, I mean she drowns her sorrows in A 6-LITRE OIL TANK FULL OF COFFEE!
- Phobia: May have one for water.
- Strange Girl: She loves staring at the sky and... drinking coffee taken Up to Eleven.
"Even the lowliest of species has a value." |
Short for Computerized Yieldless Battle-Efficient Robot Utilizing System. He's devised for commanding units and interacting with machines thanks to different wires. Created by Cobalt Ice as an experiment for a "super-soldier" that turned wrong during the test. He was recovered and restored by Jade Sun.
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot: You would think so but no. Cold and logical he may be but uncaring he is not.
- According to Word of God this only applies to Jade Sun's troops. He does not care about what happens to the rest of the countries.
- Artificial Intelligence
- Computer Voice
- Fun with Acronyms: His name.
- Killer Robot
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: CYBERUS does not remember his time in Cobalt Ice.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: He apparently has them, but slightly subverted as far as Jade Sun is concerned, seeing that he's on their side.
- Smart People Build Robots: He was built by Cobalt Ice whom seem to have the largest number of intelligent people.
Brown Desert
"It is the duty of a soldier to protect others." |
Appointed leader of Brown Desert since their former Field Commander was assassinated, he is a mostly pacifist man, and a protective tactician. Personnifies emphasis on his own country's name.
- Dishing Out Dirt: As befits the leader of a desert nation.
- Field Promotion: Wasn't exactly commander-in-chief of Brown Desert at the very beginning. He got promoted because of his superior's death.
"Money can't buy happiness, but it makes for a successful campaign." |
A charming musician who would rather rest than go to war, though his main talents is outside of his interests. Also a skilled negotiator. A representant of India in this RP.
- Because I'm Good At It: The only reason he even agrees to do war.
- Man of Wealth and Taste: He likes sipping tea.
- Roleplayer Existence Failure: For the time being.
Keitaro Hirochi
"Let me show you what kind of walls keep blocking your progress." |
The youngest CO in the RP (13 years old). A small child with glasses, raised to become a CO and recognized as one since he was six. Coming from the colder desert, he has great physical and mental endurance, ready to serve his country to death.
- Badass Longcoat
- BFS: His personal item is a double sword taller than he is.
- Child Soldiers: Trained at fighting and commanding for all he can remember. His abilities got recognized at age 6.
- Genius Bruiser: Being both The Big Guy and The Smart Guy in Brown Desert helps.
- Klingon Promotion: Was sent to the Brown Desert HQ after beating his master in an equal battle.
- Lack of Empathy: Has some kind of Freudian Excuse to justify this: his perception of reality is warped because he was raised to be a warrior.
- No Social Skills: He knew only one person (his master) before entering the fray as a CO.
- Parental Abandonment: Keitaro's parents are never mentioned. He doesn't even know them. They're probably both in the military, and not the most tender part of it.
- Stoic Spectacles / Specs of Awesome
- The Unchosen One): What he believes he is. He wants to bring perpetual peace by giving the power to Brown Desert because they're the Only Sane Nation according to his master.
- The Smart Guy: He's the only one to point out that there was no tank in the first set of troops Brown Desert ordered.
- The Stoic: More exactly a Consummate Professional. Goes with his Stoic Spectacles.
- Younger Than He Looks: Even if he's small for an adult, he's quite tall for a 13-year-old boy. His serious looks don't help. He's also quite Wise Beyond His Years.
A 500-years-old elemental of sand, that is in personal terms with the Rajah of Brown Desert. Sees himself as Brown Desert's protector.
- Dangerous Terrain: Jinn’s CO Power causes the entire battlefield to become unstable and actually harass the enemy! His Super CO Power does the same thing, but with spikes.
- Dishing Out Dirt: He's an earth elemental.
- Elemental Embodiment: Of a whole frigging country!
- Immortality: Type IV
- Oral Fixation Fixation: His constant smoking.
- Our Genies Are Different: The character concept was based on the original Arab incarnation.
- Really 500 Years Old
An aged CO in the Brown Desert Army. His terrible burn marks and scars are proof of his wide experience in the army. Fond of planning before acting, though he can let anger get the better of him at times.
- Berserk Button: Yet unknown, it his his major weakness according to Word of God.
- Genius Bruiser: Unknown yet, but he could like Keitaro be both The Smart Guy and The Big Guy, alternatively in his case.
- Older Is Better: Besides Jinn, he is the oldest Brown Desert CO.